Introduction to Warpspawn Games

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2 player card game.

Simulation of the Boer War 1899-1902.

One player is the British Empire.

The other player is the Transvaal & Free Orange State Boers.


The first player to win two hands in a row wins the war.


Each player has their own unique deck.

Each deck contains 2 copies of each card in their respective card list.

Each deck has 40 cards.

There are 2 card types:

T = Troops & Equipment

S = Strategies & Tactics

Each card has a Force value of 1 to 10.


Each turn is divided into 3 phases:

Logistics Phase

Replenish Phase

Battle Phase


Each player draws 8 cards

If the deck ever runs out, shuffle the discard and draw from it.


Each player may discard up to 4 cards and draw replacements.


Each player determines the total force value of their hand.

This is equal to the value of all playable cards in the hand.

Up to 4 Troop cards may be played, and 4 Strategy cards.

If there are duplicate cards, only count one of them.

The player with the highest total wins the hand.

Discard all cards at the end of the phase.


The war had 3 stages:

The first stage saw major Boer successes vs Inept British Leadership.

The Boer player gets to draw an extra card for the first 2 hands of the game.

The second stage saw the British occupy the capitals of the Boers.

No one has an advantage in the second stage.

The third stage saw Boer Guerilla Warfare outdone by British Total Warfare.

The might of the British Empire allows them to draw an extra card every

Turn starting with the fifth turn.


Card Name: Force Type

Hit & Run Tactics 9 S

Guerilla Warfare 10 S

Cunning Traps 8 S

Ambushes 6 S

Entrenched Hills 5 S

Home Territory 3 S

Inept British Commanders 7 S

Raids 4 S

Camouflage 2 S

Skirmishes 1 S

Small Mobile Forces 8 T

Excellent Marksmen 6 T

Light Artillery 1 T

Maxims & Mausers 2 T

Bitterenders 10 T

Veteran Snipers 7 T

Live in the Saddle 4 T

Masters of Gun & Horse 5 T

Militia Riflemen 3 T

Boer Commandos 9 T


Card Name Force Type

Displays of Courage 2 S

Learn from Mistakes 1 S

Break Siege 7 S

Railroads 3 S

Imperial Reinforcements 9 S

Block Houses 8 S

Occupation 4 S

Scorched Earth Policy 6 S

Concentration Camps 5 S

Total War 10 S

Garrisons 1 T

Infantry 2 T

Brigades 3 T

British Regulars 7 T

Field Artillery 4 T

Vickers Machine Guns 6 T

Naval Gun Batteries 5 T

Cavalry 8 T

Relief Columns 9 T

Expeditionary Force 10 T



Boer War




Multiplayer card game or Solo rules.

Each player controls a small town in a fantasy setting.

Every turn players build structures and hire heroes to defend their town.

Some cards are used to send monsters and disasters to destroy your opponent’s towns.


The deck has 75 cards.

These will have to be constructed before play is possible.


Six sided dice (D6) are needed.

Roll high on 1D6 to determine turn order.

Players start with a hand of 7 cards.

Each player starts with 30 gold.

Each player starts with 1 guard token.

Each players town starts with a castle with 4 walls, and an income = 3 gold.

Gold can be used to substitute for any other commodity on a one to one basis.


Have the most defenders and structures at the end of the game.

Each defender and structure is worth 1 victory point.

The game ends when the last card is drawn from the deck.

In a multiplayer game, the game ends if all but one player’s town is destroyed.


Players take turns.

Each turn has 5 phases:

1. Draw Phase

2. Upkeep Phase

3. Production Phase

4. Build Phase

5. Attack Phase

6. Heal Phase


In all situations, Gold can be used to substitute for any other commodity on a one

to one basis.

For example:

You may have to pay an upkeep of 1 magic. You can substitute 1 gold instead.


Draw one card.

Max hand size = 7.

Discard excess cards.

Pay 7 magic to draw an extra card.

If you bought the card discard it if it is a disaster

or attack card.


All defenders have an upkeep = 1 food or weapon.

Heroes have an additional upkeep of 1 magic.

Some buildings have an upkeep in their card description.

If the upkeep is not paid the card is discarded.


Collect revenue from all structures and defenders that produce revenue.

Revenue comes in different forms: Gold, food, magic, etc.

Keep tract of each form of revenue.


Put structures and defenders into play by paying their cost.

Defenders must be paid for in food and/or weapons.

Magical defenders can also be paid for with magic.

Structures must be paid for in wood or stone.

Magical structures can also be paid for with magic.

Artifacts must be paid for in magic.


Players cannot play attack cards until turn 3.

Attack cards include Disasters & Monsters.

Play one Attack card on the opponent to your left.

If you have more than one attack card, you may play the additional

card on the next player, and so on.

Resolve disasters according to the card text.

Resolution of battles with monsters may take several segments.

The monster and all defenders attack once during the segment.

Attack order is determined by each cards initiative.

Initiative = 10 attacks before Init = 9, and so on.

All cards of the same initiative level attack simultaneously.

An attacking card rolls a number of six sided dice equal to its Attack Dice (AD).

Each roll of 1 causes the other side to lose 1 hit.

The attacker decides where hits are inflicted.

Each card has a number of hits.

If this hit total is reduced to 0 the unit is destroyed.

The monster will keep attacking until destroyed.

If the monster destroys all the defenders, the monster is discarded and the

defender must discard 1D6 structures.

If there are no structures left, then castle walls are destroyed.

If all a players castle walls are destroyed, the player is eliminated.

Some units have Spells. Roll on the spell table at the beginning of

each segment to see what spell the unit can cast.

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