Introduction to Warpspawn Games

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Roll 1D6 and move the Indian Raid Marker counterclockwise.

If the Indian Raid lands on a Settlement, the settlement is attacked by

1D3 combatants. If the defenders lose, place 1D6 Raze markers on the settlement.

Major tribes included: The Seminoles (Creeks), Miccosukee, Tequesta,

Tocobaga, Timucuan, Apalachee, Calusa, and Choctaws.


Roll 1D6 and move the Disease Marker counterclockwise.

If the Disease lands on a Settlement place 1D6 Raze markers on it.

Diseases of the time included: Yellow Fever, Malaria, Typhus, and Cholera.

Combatants present are killed on a roll of 1-2 on 1D6


Each settlement generates income.

Income = 1 + the number of Income cards attached to the settlement.

Make an additional 1 Gold if the settlement has at least one Labor and

One non-labor income card attached.

The settlement makes an additional 1 Gold for each two Income cards of the

same type, such as two ‘Civilization’ cards or two ‘Sea’ cards.

Razed settlements do not generate income.

If an opposing pawn is on your settlement the settlement generates no income.


Players take turns moving their pawn.

Roll two six sided dice, pick one, and move that many spaces clockwise.

A Player must skip his turn if his pawn occupies the same space as a

Disease, Hurricane, Pirate, or Indian Raid Marker

If your pawn lands on a settlement not controlled by anyone, you are the “Founder”

of the Settlement. Place one of your control markers on it.

If your pawn lands on a settlement you already control then remove 1D6 Raze

Markers from it. If the settlement has no Raze markers draw one card from the

Enhancement Deck. Attach the enhancement card to the settlement.

If your pawn lands on an opposing settlement you may attack it if you control either of

the two Settlements next to it and at least one of them has a combatant card attached.

To resolve the attack, roll (1 + X)D6 where X = the number of combatant cards you

Are committing from adjacent settlements. The defender rolls (2 + X)D6 where X equals

The number of all combatants attached to the attacked settlement. Reroll ties.

The higher roll wins. The loser loses all committed combatants.

The winner loses one combatant (but not his last one) on a roll of 1-3 on 1D6.

(Fortress cards are never destroyed, they switch hands instead)

If the defender won nothing further happens.

If the attacker won he gains control of the attacked settlement. He replaces the

Control marker with one of his own and may transfer one of the

Attacking Combatants to the newly conquered Settlement.

If you control any Moveable Combatants, you may move them on your

Turn, to an adjacent settlement you control.


T = Trade

L = Labor (Florida was very underpopulated)

F = Food Crop

K = Cash Crop

V = Civilization

A = Animal Resource

W = Wood Resource

S = Sea Resource

C = Combatant

M = Movable Combatant

X = Special Enhancement

# = Number of that card in the deck


Card Name # Type Notes

Provincial Capitol 2 V (Taxation) Capitols earn 2 Gold per turn

Busy Port 4 T/S

Importers 1 T/S (South American Rubber, Caribbean Rum)

Plume Trade 1 A (Bald Eagles, Pelicans, Wading Birds)

Hunting 1 A (Deer, Beaver, Otter, Alligator, Manatee)

Slaves 1 L

Indigo Plantation 1 K

Trading Post 1 T (Indian Traders)

Frontier Women 1 L

Bustling Town 1 V (Shops, Markets, Taverns, Inns)

Entertainment 1 V (Brothels, Bath Houses, Billiard Parlors)

Citrus Groves 1 F (Oranges, Grapefruit)

Orange Groves 1 F

Naval Stores 1 W/S (Pitch, Resin, Tar, Turpentine)

Artisans 1 L

Indentured Servants 1 L

Cattle Ranches 1 A (Livestock)

Fishing 1 A/S (Fish, Sea Turtles)

Trapping & Harvesting 1 A/S (Sponges, Shellfish, Shrimp, Lobster)

Farms 1 F (Squash, Potatoes, Corn, Rice)

Missions 1 V (Ministers, Missionaries)

Tobacco 1 K

Timber 1 W

Barrel Staves 1 W

Sugarcane 1 F

Smuggling 1 T/S

Indian Labor 1 L

Land Grants 1 L

Cubans 1 L

Scots 1 L

Minorcans 1 L

Cutthroats & Thieves 2 X Settlement makes –1 Income

Fortress 6 C Cannot be used to attack

German Mercenaries 1 M

Armed Black Slaves 1 C

Indian Allies 2 C (Painted Indians)

Militia 2 C

Garrison 2 C

Soldiers 4 M (Conquistadores, Redcoats)

Cannons 4 C

Warship 4 M (Sailors, Marines)

Privateers 2 M

Provincial Units 2 C


Short Florida History

Old Florida Maps



A 2-4 player game of medieval conquest.


Be the first player to control 7 castles on the map.


Use a hex map.

Locate 12 castles on the map.

Other hex types include clear, forest, mountain, river, and sea.


Each player has a set of chits of a unique color.

Each chit set includes control markers and army markers.


The deck contains 60 cards, 4 of each of the 15 types in the card list.


Each player starts in control of 3 castles, and has 1 army in each.

Each player starts with a full hand of 7 cards

Determine turn order: Each player draws one card. High siege value goes first.


Players take turns.

Each turn has 5 phases:

1. Draw Phase

2. March Phase

3. Battle Phase

4. Recruit Phase

5. Control Phase

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