Introduction to Warpspawn Games

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Get ready to throw lots of dice around.

The game simulates two opposing fantasy warriors locked in deadly combat.


Lots of Dice of different colors.

Some way to keep track of Hit Points.


Combat Phase

Initiative Phase

Maneuver Phase

Attack Phase

Damage Phase


Both players roll their combat dice into separate boxes.

This is known as the combat roll.

Add up scores as described in the example.


The player with the highest Initiative score attacks first.

If initiative scores are tied, the attacks are simultaneous.


If the winner of the initiative phase also has a higher maneuver score,

than that player may rethrow his dice.

The new scores will only affect the attack & damage phases.


Conduct this phase in order of initiative.

Compare your Attack score to your opponents Dodge score.

If your Attack score is higher you have 'hit' your opponent.

If your Attack score is equal or lower, your attack misses.


Conduct this phase in order of initiative.

You can only do damage if you hit your opponent in Attack phase.

Compare your Damage score to your opponents Armor score.

If your Damage score is equal or lower, your attack does no damage.

If your Damage score is higher you have 'damaged' your opponent.

Your attack does damage equal to the difference.

Damage is subtracted from your opponents Hit point total.

A combatant reduced to 0 Hit points is unconscious.

A combatant reduced to -2 Hit points is dead.


The basic combatant uses 6 Basic Combat Dice and has 10 Hit points.

A combatant starts the combat with 3 items from the equipment list below.

Weapon, Shield, Armor, Bow & Arrows, Spell Charm

The basic combatant is a warrior with sword, medium shield, and light armor.

A spell charm contains one spell.


The basic combat die is the common six sider.

Roll Score

1 Attack

2 Dodge

3 Damage

4 Armor

5 Initiative

6 Maneuver


A warrior rolls 6 basic combat dice.

He rolls: 2, 3, 1, 3, 5, 3

His scores: Attack = 1; Dodge = 1; Damage = 3; Armor = 0; Initiative = 1; Maneuver = 0

His opponent, the myrmidon, also rolls 6 basic combat dice.

He rolls: 6, 4, 1, 4, 5, 3

His scores: Attack = 1; Dodge = 0; Damage = 1; Armor = 2; Initiative = 1; Maneuver = 1

They tie in initiative, so attacks are simultaneous.

The myrmidon attacks but the warrior dodges.

The warrior hits. The myrmidon fails to dodge.

The warrior does 3 damage, but the myrmidons armor blocks 2 damage.

The myrmidon loses 1 hit point.



Along with the basic dice roll two more six-sided dice of a different color.

If the fighter inflicts no damage than ignore the damage dice.

Add the two dice to see what additional affects are incurred by the damage.

2D6 Result

2 Bleeding

3 Hurt Arm

4 Double Critical

5 Disarm

6 Stunned

7 No effect

8 Stunned

9 Knockdown

10 Break Armor

11 Hurt Leg

12 Blinded

Stunned- Opponent uses 1 less basic combat die next turn.

Disarm- Opponents attack and damage scores are at -2 until the player rolls a maneuver

score = 2+ to retrieve the weapon.

Knockdown- Opponents attack and damage scores are -1 until player rolls a maneuver

score = 2+ to get back up.

Hurt Arm- Opponents attack and damage scores are -1 permanently.

Hurt Leg- Opponents dodge and maneuver scores are -2 permanently.

Double Critical- Roll twice more on this table.

Break Armor- Opponents armor score is -1 permanently.

Bleeding- Opponent suffers 1 additional hit in Damage phase for 1D6 more turns.

Blinded- Opponent uses 3 less basic combat dice permanently.


More powerful fighters will have 1D6 more hit points and 1D6 specialty dice.

Specialty dice are the result of natural ability and years of training.

Specialty dice are picked according to character concept.

Specialty dice are thrown in addition to the basic dice during the combat roll.

Specialty must be colored different from the basic dice, the damage dice, and each other.

Below are examples of specialty dice.


D6 Score

1 Damage

2-6 None


D6 Score

1 Armor

2-6 None


D6 Score

1 Attack

2-6 None


D6 Score

1 Dodge

2-6 None


D6 Score

1 Maneuver

2-6 None


D6 Score

1 Initiative

2-6 None


These modifiers affect the scores of the combat roll.

Unarmed: Damage -2, Attack -2

Sword: Standard

Short Sword: Damage -1, Initiative +1

Large Sword: Damage +1, Initiative -1

Dagger only: Damage -1, Attack -1, Initiative +1 (speed)

Thrown Dagger: Damage -1, Attack -1, Initiative +2 (ranged only)

Club: Damage -1

Spear: Initiative +1 (reach), Maneuver -1

Trident: Initiative +1 (reach), Maneuver -1

Thrown Spear: Initiative +3 (range), Attack -1 (ranged only)

Bow & Arrow: Initiative +4 (ranged only)

2-H Battle Axe: Damage +3, Initiative -1, Dodge -1, Maneuver -1

Flail: Damage +2, Initiative -1, Attack -1

2-H Sword: Damage +2, Initiative -1, Maneuver -1

Net: If opponent is hit, he takes no damage, but he may not

hit or dodge this, or next turn.

No Armor: Armor -2, Maneuver +1, Initiative +1

2-H Staff: Damage -1, Armor +1 (Parry)

Light Armor: Standard

Medium Armor: Armor +1, Maneuver -1

Heavy Armor: Armor +2, Maneuver -1, Initiative -1

No Shield: Armor -2, Maneuver +1, Initiative +1

Small Shield: Armor -1, Maneuver +1

Medium Shield: Standard

Large Shield: Armor +1, Maneuver -1

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