Introduction to Warpspawn Games

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All players fill their hands to 7 cards.

If the deck runs out, shuffle the discard, and draw from it.


Only one army per hex.

Armies may move 2 spaces over clear hexes.

Armies may move 1 space over castle, forest & river hexes.

Armies cannot move into mountain or sea hexes.

Discard a March card to move an army a second time.


The active players armies may attack adjacent enemy armies.

Fight one battle at a time.

The active player chooses which battle to resolve next.

At the beginning of all battles both players fill their hands to seven cards.

If the defending army is in a castle it is a siege battle.

If the defending army is not in a castle it is an open battle.

Both players may play some or all of their cards.

Cards have numeric values for both open & siege battles.

Some cards destroy other cards in open battle.

The destroyed cards are discarded simultaneously and immediately.

In a siege there are some cards that can only be played by the attacker or the defender.

Each side adds up the total value of all its cards to get a Battle total.

In open battle defenders in forest hexes get +2 to their battle total.

In open battle defenders in river hexes get –2 to their battle total.

An army gets +1 to its battle total for every other friendly army adjacent

to the enemy army.

Compare the battle totals. The higher total wins. The defender wins ties.

The losing army is destroyed.

If the attacking army wins it may move into the empty hex left by the loser.

All cards played are discarded.


You can have as many armies as you have castles under your control.

If you currently have less armies than castles you may raise one new army in

any one of your castles.


On all castles that one of your armies occupy remove any control markers of

your opponents and place one of your own control markers.


Name Open Siege Notes

Archers 3 4 Destroy a Pikemen card in open battle

Crossbowmen 2 4 Destroy a Pikemen card in open battle

Swordsmen 3 3

Pikemen 3 3 Destroy a Knight card in open battle

Knights 4 3 Destroy an Archer card in open battle

Boiling Oil 0 4 Defender only

Parapets 0 5 Defender only

Moat 0 6 Defender only

Ladders 0 4 Attacker only

Sappers 0 5 Attacker only

Siege Tower 0 6 Attacker only

Catapults 1 4

Trebuchets 1 5

Ballistae 2 3

March 1 0



Board Game for 2 or more players.

Lord of the Rings Theme.

Each player is their own “Fellowship”.


Players race to see who is the first to destroy the One Ring.


Lord of the Rings is a licensed, copyrighted, trademarked property.

This is merely a fan site.


The board is a trail 72 spaces long.

Space #1 (the starting space) is the Shire

Space #10 is the Haven Rivendel.

Spaces #15-25 is Moria (Evil Lands)

Space #30 is the Haven Lorien

Space #40 is the Haven Rohan

Space #50 is the Haven Minas Tirith

Spaces #60-71 is Mordor (Evil Lands)

Space #72 (the finish space) is Mount Doom


Each player has a Fellowship Pawn of a different color.

Six sided dice are needed to play.


Players share a common deck.

The Deck has 5 types of cards:

Foes, Hardships, Aids, Modifiers, and Special cards.


Defeat markers and Corruption markers are needed.


Fellowship Pawns are placed on the Shire.

Roll high on 1D6 to determine turn order.


Players take turns.

On your turn draw two cards from the deck, and put them in your hand.

If the deck runs out, shuffle the discard and draw again.

Max hand size is 9 cards. Discard excess cards.


On your turn roll one die and move your pawn that number of spaces forward on the track.

Subtract one from the movement die roll for every Defeat marker you have.

Instead of rolling, you may rest and remove one Defeat Marker.


Havens cannot be bypassed: Always stop when reaching one.

When on a Haven remove all Defeat markers and one corruption marker.

When on a Haven you may discard any number of cards and fill your hand to nine cards.


If you move into a non-occupied, non-haven space, any opponent may play a

Foe or Hardship card.


Roll 1D6. This is the Battle Roll.

Discard Aid cards to increase the Battle Roll result.

Subtract one from the Battle Roll result for every Defeat marker you have.

If the Battle Roll result is equal to or higher than

the Foe Strength, the Fellowship escapes (is victorious).

If the Battle Roll result is lower than the Foe Strength, the Fellowship is defeated.

If defeated, the Fellowship gains one Defeat marker and misses its next turn.


In a Foe encounter you may use the power of the ring to help you win.

Add 2 to your Battle Roll result and gain one corruption marker.


Roll 1D6. This is the Hardship Roll.

Discard Hardship Aid cards to increase the Hardship Roll result.

Subtract one from the Hardship Roll result for every Defeat marker you have.

If the Hardship Roll result is equal to or higher than

the Hardship Strength, the Fellowship survives.

If the Hardship Roll result is lower than the Hardship Strength, the Fellowship turns back.

If turned back, the Fellowship moves back 1D6 spaces, and misses its next turn.

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