Introduction to Warpspawn Games

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Futuristic Tactical Miniatures Ruleset.

Each player controls a squad of heavily armed Drop Troopers (Space Marines).


One player creates the scenario.

The other player choses which side he wants.


When a scenario objective is completed or one side routs or is wiped out.

The loser has to buy the winner a fig.


1 Figure = 1 Man.

1 Turn = 5 Seconds

1 Inch = 5 Meters


For use with typical Space Marine pewter and plastic figs.

Individual miniatures are also referred to as units, men, troopers, and figs.


Four, six, eight, ten, etc. sided dice are needed.


A typical squad will have 2D6 or 3D6 men.


Each unit will have its own set of stats that have to be recorded.

Each basic Marine begins with:

1. One main Weapon System

2. One Pistol

3. 1D6 Grenades

4. One Mark 5 Power Armor Battle Suit

Power Suits have 5 built in Systems.

Roll on the Power Suit System Table for each Marine.

Squad Leaders and Officers will always have a Command Module.

A marine can only have a heavy weapon if he has a Carry stat of +1 or greater.


1D20 Weapon Acuracy Damage Range AOA ROF Ammo

1 2 Pistols

2 1 Pistol & 1 HTH

3 2 HTH Weapons

4 Laser Rifle +2 -- 24 - 2 1

5 Blaster Rifle -- +2 16 - 1 2

6 Bolter Assault Rifle +1 +1 20 - 2 3

7 Bolter SMG -- -- 12 - 3 3

8 Laser Sniper Rifle +3 -- 36 - 1 1

9 Plasma Rifle +3 +2 8 1 1 3

10 Bolter Squad Gun +1 +1 24 - 3 4

11 Grenade Launcher -- * 24 * 1 2

12 Star Caster +1 -- 16 - 3 4

13 Flamer +3 -- 5 3 1 4

14 Gauss Rifle +2 * 10 -- 1 3

15-20 Pick one

AOA = Area of Affect.

ROF = Rate of Fire = Attacks per Action Point.

Range is in inches.

Light Weapons with an area of affect greater than 0 that miss will deviate

in a random direction (1D12 o’clock) for a distance of 1D4 Inches.

Carrying a Squad Gun gives the unit Move -1 & Dodge -1.


1D8 Type Notes

1 Shotgun shells Range Half. Penetration Roll -1. Accuracy +1. Damage Roll +1

2 Armor-piercing Penetration Roll +1

3 Hollow Tip Damage Roll +1

4 Tracer Accuracy +1. Conceal -2.

5 Caseless ROF +1

6 Large Clip Ammo Roll +1

7 Flechette Penetration Roll -1. Range x 1.5

8 Pick One Or roll on Super Ammo Table


1D6 Type Damage AOA

1 Offensive Frag -- 3

2 Incendiary -- 4

3 Armor Piercing +3 1

4 Blast +1 2

5 Smoke None 6

6 Defensive Frag -- 5

These include thrown and Launched Grenades.

The range of a thrown grenade is 5 inches.

Thrown Grenades that miss will deviate in a random

direction (1D12 o’clock) for a distance of 1D2 Inches.


1D12 Weapon Acuracy Damage Range AOA ROF Ammo

1 Continuous Wave Lasgun +2 -- 18 -- 4 3

2 Missile Launcher +2 * 60 * 1 4

3 Grenade Mortar -- * 40 * 1 3

4 Rail Gun +1 +3 54 1 3 3

5 Plasma Generator +3 +4 12 3 1 4

6 Flame Thrower +4 -- 6 4 1 4

7 Gatling Laser +2 +1 24 1 3 3

8 Chain Gun +2 +2 20 1 3 4

9 Gauss Cannon +3 * 16 2 1 3

10 Blaster Cannon +1 +4 16 2 1 4

11 Sonic Disrupter +3 +1 8 6 1 2

12 Pick One

Gauss weapons if they hit will damage a suit on a roll of 1-4 on 1D6.

Heavy Weapons with an area of affect greater than 0 that miss will deviate

in a random direction (1D12 o’clock) for a distance of 1D8 Inches.

Carrying a Heavy Weapon gives the unit Move -1 and Dodge -1.


1D2 Weapon Damage AOF

1 Plasma +4 5

2 Armor Piercing +7 1


1D10 Weapon Acuracy Damage Range AOA ROF Ammo

1 Bolter -- -- 10 -- 2 2

2 Blaster -1 +1 8 -- 1 2

3 Laser +1 -1 12 -- 2 1

4 Flamer +3 -- 4 2 1 4

5 Plasma +3 +1 6 1 1 3

6 Gauss +2 * 6 -- 1 3

7 Needler +2 -2 8 -- 3 3

8 Star Caster +1 -1 10 -- 3 4

9 Twin Bolter -- -- 10 -- 3 4

10 Pick


1D6 Weapon Damage Acuracy Range Parry

x Unarmed -2 -- 1 --

x Power Suit Fist -- -- 1 --

x Hand Weapons -- -- 1 +1

x Pole Arms(2H) -- -- 2 --

1 Chain Sword +2 +1 1 +1

2 Power Claw +3 +2 1 --

3 Power Sword +3 +1 1 +1

4 Power Mace +4 -- 1 --

5 Shock Whip +1 -1 2 --

6 Power Glaive(2H)+3 -- 2 --

Parry = Dodge bonus vs HTH attacks.


1D20 System: Notes:

1 High Density Armor Armor +1

2 Reflex Augmentation Move +1, Dodge +1

3 Jet Pack (Move = 15/+5, Detect +1, Dodge +1) Move -1

4 Sensor Suite Detect +1 (Including Mines)

5 Stealth Package Conceal +1

6 Battle Computer Dodge +1, Initiative +1

7 Advanced Exoskeleton Carry +1, HTH Damage +1

8 Targeting Computer Accuracy +1

9 Built in Weapon 50% Light/ 50% Pistol

10 Medtech Kit Heal bioforms

11 Ammo Reserve Ammo Rolls +1

12 Engineering Module Repair machines, equipment, vehicles

13 Bionic Integration Initiative +1, Move +1

14 Force Field Armor +1, Conceal -1

15 Gyrostabalizers Accuracy +1, Carry +1, Dodge -1

16 Command Module As his action this turn give squad Initiative +2

17 Stim Injector Dodge +1, Initiative +1, Move +1 for 1D6 turns.

18 Scientific Sampler Analyze the environment, As action get Detect +2

19 Power Amplifier Main Weapon gets Damage +1

20 Pick one

The stat bonuses for Jet packs apply only while the unit is flying.

The first level of Jet pack give Move = 15. Every additional level is Move +5.

Built in weapons can be fired along with held weapons at the same target.

The Stim Injector can be used once per battle. After it wears off the unit

is Dodge -1, Initiative -1, Move –1.

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