Introduction to Warpspawn Games

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Type Armor Notes

Nothing 0 Move +1, Dodge +1

Fabrics +1

Vacc Suit +1

Riot Gear +2

Ablation Suit (+5) Only vs. energy weapons, Move –1, Dodge –1

Exoskeleton +3

Impact Armor +3 Move –1, Dodge –1

Battle Rig +4

Power Armor +5 Space Marines (Everybody else is just squishies)

Assault Armor +7 Move –1, Dodge –1

Light Vehicle +6

Medium Vehicle +8

Heavy Vehicle +10

Only Power Armor and Assault Armor have Basic and Advanced Suit systems.

Some custom and experimental suits have more than 5 systems.

Older models have fewer systems.


In addition to Basic and Advanced Suit systems each suit of Power armor has:

Onboard Computers, Communications equipment, Air-tight Life Support systems,

Power & Fuel systems, a basic exoskeleton, etc.



Communications equipment

Medical devices: Healing Bonuses

Mine Sweeper: Detect +5

Engineering tools: Repair bonuses

Land Mines (Damage +3, Conceal +3, AOA = 1’)

Scientific gear: Detection Bonuses


The turn has 3 phases:

1. Initiative Phase

2. Action Phase

3. Morale Phase


Both Players roll 1D10. This is the Initiative roll.

The smaller force gets +2 to the roll.

The side with the most initiative bonuses gets +3 to the roll.

The side with the lower score must move his units first in Action Phase.


Every unit gets one Action Point (AP).

An AP can be used to do the following things:

1. Attack at Accuracy +1

2. Move and Attack

3. Move at double speed (Move +5)

4. Move and Find Cover (Conceal +1)

5. Move and Evade (Dodge +1)

6. Forward Observer: Call in coordinates to Indirect Fire Weapon Systems

7. All other Actions: Healing, repairing, etc.

The basic Movement rate for all infantry units is 5 Inches/turn.

A unit may make its attack at any time during a round:

Beginning, end, during other units moves, etc.

All attacks are considered to be simultaneous: Every unit can get an attack in.


If there is any possibility the attacker may not be able to see or detect

his target roll 1D10. This is the detection roll.

A unit may make one detection roll per turn without losing his action point.

The Attacker adds his Detect skill bonuses.

The target subtracts his Conceal skill bonuses.

If the roll is equal to or greater than 1D10 the attacker may attack the target.

Other Modifications:

Target airborne Detect +5

Target attacked recently Detect +1-2

Target stationary Conceal +1

Target behind cover Conceal +1-2

Target prone or kneeling Conceal +1-2

Target at range of 40+ Conceal +1-2


The attacker rolls 1D10. This is the attack roll.

The attacker adds his Accuracy skill bonuses.

The target subtracts his Dodge skill bonuses.

If the roll is equal to or greater than 1D10 the target has been hit.

Other Modifications:

Target behind cover Accuracy –1-3

Target prone or kneeling Accuracy –1-2

Target at over half range Accuracy –1-4


After making an attack a unit must roll 1D6. This is the Ammo Roll.

If the number is equal to or less than the Ammo stat of the weapon,

the trooper must spend an action point to reload or recharge the weapon.

The weapon cannot be used again until then.


If an attack hits roll 1D10. This is the Penetration Roll.

The attacker adds his Damage bonuses.

The target subtracts his Armor bonuses.

Add 2 to the roll if the target has no armor.

If the roll is equal to or greater than 1D10 the target has been damaged.

If damage was inflicted Roll 1D8. This is the Damage Roll:

1-2 Suit Damaged only. (Suit is damaged on all of the following:)

3-4 Unit Wounded: May keep fighting if he receives medical care.

5-6 Unit Incapacitated: May be used in later battles if he receives medical care.

7-8 Unit Killed: May be revived to Incapacitated status if he receives

medical care in 1D6 turns.

A damaged suit is Move –2, Accuracy –1, Carry –1, Dodge –2, Armor -1


Requires a unit with a Medtech Kit or other medical equipment.

Requires an Action Point be used.

Medical attention successful on a roll of 6-10 on 1D10.

Only two field attempts may be made to revive a dead trooper.

Extra skill levels in Medical give +1 to the roll.


Repair suits, weapons, vehicles etc.

Requires a unit with Engineering Module or other tools.

Requires an Action Point be used.

Repairs successful on a roll of 6-10 on 1D10.

Only three field attempts may be made to repair a piece of equipment.

Extra skill levels in Engineering give +1 to the roll.


The entire squad tests morale under the following circumstances:

Suffered ½ casualties.

Outnumbered x2 or greater.

Lost a Commander.

No commanders left.

Roll 1D10. this is the morale test.

Subtract one from the roll for every condition listed above

On a roll of 2 or less the squad routs.


Roll 1 or more times on this Skill table

1D20 Ability: Effect:

1 Sureshot Accuracy +1

2 Natural Leader Initiative +1, Morale test +1

3 Medic Healing roll +1

4 Mr. Fix It Repair roll +1

5 Strong Man Carry +1, HTH damage +1

6 Brawler HTH damage +1, HTH to hit +1

7 Tough Guy Armor +1

8 Athletic Move +1

9 Sentry Detect +1

10 Sneaky Conceal +1

11 Reflexes Dodge +1

12 Pack Rat Extra Equipment or Custom Suit

13 Empath Psionic Ability

14 Trigger Finger ROF +1

15+ Reroll

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