Introduction to Warpspawn Games

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Each player has two discard piles:

The Destroyed pile and the Reuse pile.


Players take turns.

Each turn has 6 phases:

Draw Phase

Move Phase

Launch Phase

Attack Phase

Defense Phase

Damage Phase


Draw three cards from your Systems Deck.

If there are ever no cards left in your systems deck, shuffle your Reuse Pile, which

becomes your Systems deck.

You may have a maximum of 8 cards in your hand.

Excess cards go to your Reuse pile.

Rule of thumb: Cards you play immediately go to your reuse pile.

Cards lost to damage go to your destroyed pile.

If all of your cards are in the destroyed pile you lose.


You may discard one Drive card from your hand to your Reuse pile to move

your ship one step closer to or farther away from an opponents ship.

The Range Steps are:

Short Range -- Medium Range -- Long Range

Keep a record of the ranges between all ships.


You may launch a Fighter Squad card or Nanotech swarm card.

The Fighter or Swarm card is placed face up in front of you, and remains there

until an opponent destroys it.


You may play attack cards to attack enemy ships at the appropriate range.

One attack card per target devastator.

The attack card lists its range.

For example: you can only use a Force Beam Array to attack at long range.

The attack card is played from your hand , and is discarded to your Reuse pile.

Your fighters may attack at short and medium range.

Swarms only attack at short range

You may attack an enemy fighters or swarms with attack card of any range.

Fighters or swarms may also attack other fighters or swarms.

When attacking a fighter or swarm your opponent must discard the top card of his draw

pile into his reuse pile. If the drawn card is a drive or armor card the fighter/swarm evades.

A drive or armor card may also be played from the hand to save a fighter/swarm.

Any other type of card means the fighter/swarm is discarded to his owners Destroyed pile.


If you attacked, your opponent may play a drive card to evade the attack.

The attack will do no damage. This is known as an evasion.

Your opponent may also play one of the more specialized defense cards that will

negate an attack of a specific type.

Played cards are discarded to that players Reuse pile.


Attack cards not evaded or negated will do damage to your opponents ship.

Each Attack card lists a numerical damage value.

Fighter attacks do one point of Damage. Swarms do 3 points.

Your opponent discards a number of cards from his hand and/or from the top of his

Draw pile (his choice) equal to the damage inflicted.

These cards go to his destroyed pile.

An Armor card, if discarded from hand or deck, soaks up all the remaining damage, and

no further cards are discarded.

You may play the Core Penetration card to increase the amount of damage

done by the attack.


# Name Affect

25 Tachyon Drives Evade or change range one step

12 Super Dense Matter Armor Absorbs one Attack and is then Destroyed

3 Gamma Phasic Lasers Energy Attack, Short Range, Damage = 2

4 Photon Torpedo Spread Energy Attack, Medium Range, Damage = 3

4 Wave Motion Gun Energy Attack, Long Range, Damage = 4

4 Matter Disruptor Banks Gravitic Attack, Short Range, Damage = 3

3 BlackHole Singularity Generator Gravitic Attack, Medium Range, Damage = 4

4 Force Beam Array Gravitic Attack, Long Range, Damage = 2

4 Megaton Fusion Drones Nuclear Attack, Medium Range, Damage = 2

4 Antimatter Vortex Emitter Nuclear Attack, Short Range, Damage =3

3 Supernova Bomb Nuclear Attack, Long Range, Damage = 4

4 Cybernetic Fighter Squads S/M Range, Attack Damage = 1/Turn until destroyed

2 Nanotech Swarm Short Range, Attack Damage = 2/Turn until destroyed

2 Heisenberg Targeting Matrix Negates an Evasion made by an opponent

2 Core Penetration Successful Attack does an additional 3 points of damage

4 Gaussian Warp Shield Defense: Negate all Nuclear attacks this turn

4 Graviton Field Defense: Negate all Gravitic attacks this turn

4 Dissipater Grid Defense: Negate all Energy attacks this turn

4 Molecular Reintegration Put one random card from your destroyed pile into your hand

2 Quantum Battle Computer Play in your draw phase to draw an additional 3 cards

2 Tactical Superiority Launch phase. Opponent discard 3 cards to his reuse pile

4 Cloaking Device Opponents launch phase. He may not attack you this turn

# = the number of that card in the deck.



Gamers are trying to lose weight prior to their 15 year high school reunion.

Card game for 2+ players.


Be the First player to lose 10 pounds. (i.e. score of –10)


Players share a common deck.


Keep track of ‘relative’ weight using coins, tokens, dice, etc.

Remember you are trying for a negative score.

Weight is in “pounds”.


The most out-of-shape player goes first.


Players take turns.

Each turn has 8 phases:

A New Day Phase

Planning Phase

Breakfast Phase

Exercise Phase

Lunch Phase

Dinner Phase

Cheat Phase

Snack Phase


Fill your hand to 7 cards.

If the deck runs out, shuffle the discard & draw from it.


You may discard up to 3 cards & draw replacements.

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