Introduction to Warpspawn Games

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1D6 Attribute:

1 Diet

2 Terrain

3 Climate

4 Size

5 Speed

6 Pick one


Level Type

3 Carnivore

2 Omnivore

1 Herbivore


Level Type Species must live in:

1 Water Water or Island Spaces

2 Land Land or Island Spaces


Level Type Species must live in:

1 Hot Loving Tropical

2 Hot Adapted Tropical/Temperate

3 Temperate Temperate

4 Cold Adapted Arctic/Temperate

5 Cold Loving Arctic


Level Type Max Populations of this Species per Space:

1 Tiny 6

2 Small 5

3 Medium 4

4 Large 3

5 Huge 2


Level Type Notes

1 Sedentary Move 0 population per turn

2 Slow Move 1 populations per turn

3 Fast Move 2 populations per turn

4 Flyer Move 3 populations per turn


What about amphibious creatures that appeared towards the end ?

I stayed away from all mention of specific groups: Dinosaurs, reptiles, amphibians,

insects, mammals, aves, crustaceans, arthropods, cnidaria, porifera, mematodes, planaria,

etc. The problem is that each group only evolved once, and from distinct ancestors that

also only evolved once: This would leave most players out of the loop: For example: the

person who got the amphibians would be the only one who could evolve into higher


Can carnivores exist by themselves in a space i.e. with no other species present? You

state that only 3 species can exist in a space. Does that include only herbivores or

carnivores as well? Why not have also carnivores live in a space each of which

will “feed” off a species? That would mean that if 3 species are in a space, another 3

carnivore species could live there as well, or even more carnivores as they would feed

on the smaller carnivores etc.

Actually I always just assumed every space actually held hundreds of thousands of

species in all their multitudes. The limitations are just on those few species the

players control.

Also a related question to max # of species per space is, what happens if there are 3

species in but another one wants to move in from outside? Can’t it make the move? Can it

move in but someone of the inhabitants dies if it doesn’t move off etc?

This requires some playtesting to see what would be the most "fun" solution. For

now, lets say that they can move, and if a space has too many species, a random species

in that space is destroyed.

Could you clarify which species is allowed to move where, ie can a land species move from

land to island or vice versa?

Island spaces are fair game to "Land" and "Water" species.

How about species reproduction speed – life cycle etc?

That is a function of the existing Speed & Size attributes.

Why Victory only to the player with biggest no. of species? Why not include total # of

species counters on board, total # of spaces occupied by player or even VP bonus for

solely occupying spaces of climatic zones, etc?

That is all very doable. However, total number of population counters favors small


How about a few extra cards to include gaia transformation, i.e. card stating that an

island space becomes open water and some other open water space becomes island or

something of the sort?

I had thought of that, but it would require tiles for land and Island spaces. Then

there is the problem of species already in a space getting pushed out.



Vietnam War theme.

Card game for 2 players.

One player is a defending US Firebase.

The other player is the attacking VC/NVA.


There are 2 decks, one for each player.

Each deck contains 3 copies of each card in the card list.


Any player who wins 3 hands in a row automatically wins.

The player who wins the most hands out of 9 hands wins.


Each turn has 3 phases:

Draw Phase

Tactics Phase

Resolution Phase


Each player draws 7 cards.

If there are no cards left in the deck, shuffle the discard and draw from it.


Players may discard up to 4 cards and draw replacements.


Players reveal their hands.

Each player determines their Combat Force Total (CFT) for their hand.

The US player has 4 suites:

(F)ortifications, (D)efenders, (A)irpower, and (S)upply.

Add up the Force Values of all (F)ortification cards and add 1.

This is the (F)ortification Total (FT).

Add up the Force Values of all (D)efender cards and add 1.

This is the (D)efender Total (DT).

Add up the Force Values of all (A)irpower cards and add 1.

This is the (A)irpower Total (AT).

Add up the Force Values of all (S)upply cards and add 1.

This is the (S)upply Total (ST).

The US CFT = FT x DT x AT x ST.

The VC player has 4 suites:

(I)nfantry, (S)upport, (T)actics, and (M)orale.

Add up the Force Values of all (I)nfantry cards and add 1.

This is the (I)nfantry Total (IT).

Add up the Force Values of all (S)upport cards and add 1.

This is the (S)upport Total (ST).

Add up the Force Values of all (T)actics cards and add 1.

This is the (T)actics Total (TT).

Add up the Force Values of all (M)orale cards and add 1.

This is the (M)orale Total (MT).

The VC CFT = IT x ST x TT x MT.

The Player with the highest CFT wins the hand.

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