Maintain hospitality industry knowledge

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TM Maintan hosp ind knowledge 310812
develop-and-update-tg, SITHIND001B R1
Not all properties engage in this type of activity.
Familiarisations are marketing and/or promotional activities some establishments engage into make targeted people/businesses more aware of their presence and what they have to offer.
Familiarisations involve (for example) inviting a nominated person to stay at the venue free-of-charge fora time to experience what the venue has to offer and to allow them to become familiar with the property. Sometimes the property will also pay the travel costs of the person especially where the individual is influential. Establishments commonly offer trade familiarisations seeking to make people in the trade such as travel agents and tour operators) more aware of the hotel, its location, the features, the service, and the food and drinks it has to offer. The intention is that if the venue can positively impact on these people they will refer more paying customers to the property. Venues also offer familiarisations to journalists seeking to attract them to the property and hoping they will then write a positive article about the venue which will result in influencing their readers to visit us/stay at the venue.
„Fam‟ trips are familiarisation trips where you invite members of the public or prospective customers into the business to view your facilities and/or experience the products and services. You may undertake an ongoing program of fam trips throughout the year or have a once- a- year Open House day.
Gifts and other free-of-charge services
There are two aspects to consider here. First, any gifts or bonuses provided to the venue by suppliers must be forwarded to management for them to decide what to do with it. A supplier may encourage avenue to buy their product by offering some gift examples include tickets to a sporting event a ticket in a raffle/competition; a bottle of liquor) and these inducements are technically the property of the business owner/manager.

Element 2: Source and apply information on legal and ethical issues for the hospitality industry

© ASEAN 2012 Trainee Manual Maintain hospitality industry knowledge The person placing the order or receiving the delivery is not allowed or entitled to keep them as their private property. Second, you need to be certain about your scope of authority to giveaway gifts and free- of-charge (FOC) services. You must identify The items that can be given away
– which may include a drink, a dessert, a voucher fora nominated service, product or monetary amount The conditions under which these items can be given out
– such as to apologise for poor service, to show goodwill following a bad meal, to soothe a customer in relation to a less than satisfactory stay (perhaps due to noise made by other guests, in-room facilities that did notwork properly, having to room the guest in a room other than the one booked or promised) The reporting/record keeping to accompany such gifts/FOC service
– so their use can be tracked/accounted for.

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