7.1. Connection and login of WP600A / WP600ACG
Connect the phone to the Wildix Switch using RJ45 network cable
After the phone has booted, Phone app (Login page) opens automatically, enter your credentials:
Domain: PBX IP address or domain name
User name: extension number (user name or email address are also accepted)
Password: user WEB password
NOTE: password of “admin” user is also accepted!
NOTE: to know the user’s password, go to Users and click “Export CSV” (only “admin” user)
User guide: https://manuals.wildix.com/wp600a-wp600acg-user-guide/
WP datasheet and flyer: https://manuals.wildix.com/#phones
7.2. Assign Wildix phones (WP4X0)
Before proceeding with assigning WP4X0 phones make sure to:
Connect the phones to Wildix Switch
Provision the phones
There are several modes of assigning WP4X0 to users:
Via WMS: for system administrator
Directly from the phone by dialing Feature Code “Login” (99 by default): for user or for system administrator
7.2.1 Assign WP4X0 to users via WMS
Go to WMS > Devices
Select a provisioned WP4X0
Click “Assign to user”
NOTE: the option “Unknown” allows you to log out the phone that had been previously assigned to a user.
Select the user from the list
After a few seconds, “loginX” changes to the extension number of user both on the phone screen and in WMS (“Phone” column):
This means, the phone is assigned and user can make and receive calls.
To make a test, call 76 (Feature code for the echo sound test).
Feature codes: https://manuals.wildix.com/wp600a-wp600acg-user-guide/
You can consult and edit all the Feature codes used by the system in WMS Dialplan > Feature codes:
Enable / disable / adjust phone features (such as DND, Call forwarding, Mobility etc) from analog phones
Perform Call transfer and Call recording from analog phones
Use CONTINUITY feature allowing you to pass an active call from one device to another one
Manage Voicemail; Record an audio file
Use such services as: intrusion, intercom, call pickup, paging, speed dial (a phonebook contact)
Change Switches and Timetable statuses from analog phone, call a call group or transfer a call to a call group
Call a conference; Make an echo test
NOTE: To change the language of the phone from the WMS interface
Go to Users and select the user of the phone
Double-click on the user
Edit the “Language” column and click “Save”
After several seconds the phone receives a new configuration.
Otherwise go to Devices, select the phone and click “Configure / Sync device” button.
7.2.2 Assign WP4X0 to users via Feature Code
Take a provisioned WP4X0 phone, “loginX” is indicated on the display.
Dial 99 from the phone (“Login” feature code) and follow the audio instructions:
Enter the extension number of user
Enter the password of user
NOTE: password of “admin” user is also accepted!
NOTE: to know the user’s password, go to Users and click “Export CSV” (only “admin” user)
Enter digits instead of lower and upper case letters and “*” instead of all the special characters:
Instead of letters, press corresponding digits on the phone’s keypad (e.g. if you need to enter A or B, press “2”)
No difference between uppercase and lowercase letters (press “2” to enter A or a)
Press * instead of all the special characters (to enter such symbols as $, %, &)
Press the button just once to enter any option corresponding to this button (e.g. to enter 2, A, B or C, press the button “2” just once, not twice, not three times)
Password: 4Ag7$Z
4 - press “4”
A - press “2”
g - press “4”
7 - press “7”
$ - press “*”
Z - press “9”
In Users menu the status of the user to whom the phone has been assigned, has changed to green, the newly assigned device is displayed next to the status:
Blog article about 99 Login procedure: https://blog.wildix.com/en/assign-wildix-phones-to-users/
Wildix Phones WP datasheet and User Guide: https://manuals.wildix.com/#phones
Supported Headsets: https://manuals.wildix.com/headsets/
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