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Mark Robinson, M.A. in Medical Anthropology from University of Chicago and B.A. in linguistics from Northwestern University and is presently a graduate student in the Divinity School at the University of ChicagoDivinity School, University of Chicago 2007

The abstractness of deviance, stigma and meaning becomes suddenly concrete however when considering the impact of HIV related stigma on rates of HIV testing, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa … place in narratives about HIV/AIDS.

AIDS is now becoming an unholy evil that Ugandans must wage perpetual war against – discourse surrounding it is reminiscent of a crusade.

Mark Robinson, M.A. in Medical Anthropology from University of Chicago and B.A. in linguistics from Northwestern University and is presently a graduate student in the Divinity School at the University of ChicagoDivinity School, University of Chicago 2007
In 1992, several years prior to the disappearance of condoms in Uganda, Janet … within what I will call a ‘moral economy.’

Uganda is the global model for religious-based politics – it is the keystone to the global effort.

Douglas A Feldman, applied medical anthropologist, has been active in AIDS research and policy since 1982. His latest book is The AIDS Crisis: A Documentary History (1998), PROBLEMS WITH THE UGANDA MODEL FOR HIV/AIDS PREVENTION, 2003,
With $15 billion available over the next five years from the US for HIV/AIDS prevention,…conservative elements of American Christianity.

Religion and science are zero-sum – the worldwide embrace of religion means that science is going to be pushed aside.

Sam Harris, graduate in philosophy from Stanford University and author of the New York Times bestseller The End of
Faith: Religion, Terror, and the Future of Reason and Letter to a Christian Nation, 2006
[“Science Must Destroy Religion,” The Huffington Post, January 2nd, Available Online at, Accessed 02-08-2007]
Most people believe that the Creator of the universe … deepest and most dangerous fractures in our world.

This makes extinction inevitable – embracing science over ideology is key to realizing a more perfect world order and necessary to come closer to global happiness. The alternative is Hell on Earth.

Raymond Tallis, Professor of Geriatric Medicine at the University of Manchester, 1997
[Enemies of Hope: A Critique of Contemporary Pessimism, Published by Palgrave Macmillan, ISBN 0312173261, p. 407-409 BATMAN]
If we deny or rubbish the progress that mankind has already made…will not have the last word.

Thus the plan:
United States federal government should fund condom social marketing programs in the Republic of Uganda.

Observation Three – Solvency

Past successes in Uganda prove Condom Social Marketing programs are the best way to combat HIV/AIDS

African Population Studies, April 2003,


Uganda is one of the countries most hit by…played a vital role in this together with the increased awareness about AIDS (Finger, 1998).

Furthermore, USAID Condom Social Marketing programs led to the massive reduction of HIV/AIDS infections in Uganda before the Bush Administration took over

World Health Organization, 2000

(Health a Key to Prosperity: Success Stories in Developing
Uganda's success in reducing high … sex rose from about 20% to 50% between 1989 and 1995.

And, Condoms are seven times safer than not using them.

Reproductive Health Matters, 2006, 14(28):6–16

Condoms do not equal safe sex, because sex … But they are the best there is and the best there will be for a long time coming.

The 2008 Foreign Aid Spending Bill allows the President to waive PEPFAR abstinence spending requirements

Medical News Today, June 26 2007
The House on Thursday voted … waive it (Kaiser Daily HIV/AIDS Report, 6/6).

United States Policy Key – Uganda demonstrates that internal policy in countries shifts toward the moral economy of abstinence only because of US influence

Robinson 2007

Mark Robinson, M.A. in Medical Anthropology from University of Chicago and B.A. in linguistics from Northwestern University and is presently a graduate student in the Divinity School at the University of ChicagoDivinity School, University of Chicago 2007

Uganda’s moral economy rests upon a material economy… U.S political and economic interests.

The existence of the restrictions on U.S. aid guts the effectiveness of aid from other countries

AVERT 7-5-07 (AVERT is an intl AID’s charity)
In pursuit of rapid results, PEPFAR is in some cases taking … don't address them at all.

Cathedral Prep CH – Affirmative – DHAPP


Observation One – The Cape of No Hope
South Africa currently has one of the highest HIV infection rates in the world.

Avert – 7 (Avert is an International AIDS Charity, 6-21,

South Africa is currently experiencing one of the most severe AIDS epidemics in the…than had been to a wedding.

And, despite high HIV casualty rates in the South African military, the joint response to the epidemic with the US has been far too sluggish and ineffective.

USA Today – 5 (“U.S. works with South Africa to fight military AIDS”, 9/19,
South Africa's military has been at the forefront…the defense official. South Africa has some 1,250 troops in Burundi and 1,350 in Congo alone.

DHAPP is getting cut now.

APO (African Press Organization) 10-1-07 (
GENERAL WARD: AFRICOM will continue to build … Continued Congressional support will ensure DHAPP’s continuity and program success
Thus the plan:
The United States federal government should provide necessary resources for a Department of Defense Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome Prevention Program in the Republic of South Africa.
Advantage One – AIDS

AIDS is hollowing out the South African military which is undermining its ability to maintain its peacekeeping missions – this guarantees widespread conflict.

Brower and Chalk – 3 (Jennifer and Peter, Policy Analysts – RAND, “The Global Threat of New and Reemerging Infectious Diseases”,

Beyond human, economic, and social considerations …quickly emerge, to the general detriment of stability in South Africa’s immediate neighborhood.
AIDS will crush South African economic growth

Brower and Chalk ‘03

(Jennifer and Peter, Policy Analysts – RAND, “The Global Threat of New and Reemerging Infectious Diseases”,

In addition to the huge toll in human lives, HIV/AIDS will significantly …but in so doing, also providing the conditions necessary for its continued spread and proliferation.51

South African decline triggers escalating conflict and economic collapse that goes global

Chase ‘96

(Robert S., PhD Candidate – Economics Yale U., Et Al., Foreign Affairs, Jan/Feb, Lexis)
There are indications, however, that South Africa …Indonesia, would cast a large shadow over confidence in emerging markets.
Global economic collapse causes nuclear war

Mead ‘92

(Walter Russell, Senior Fellow – Council on Foreign Relations, New Perspectives Quarterly, Summer, p. 30)
The failure to develop an international system … Germany and Japan did in the 1930's.
And, a stable South African peacekeeping force is critical to preventing terrorists from establishing strongholds in Africa – empirically proven.

Africa News – 4 (US Department of State, 3-9, Lexis)

Africa is making progress in the war on…from the standpoint of intellectual capital, training and discussion" of problems like AIDS.

African terrorism represents the greatest risk of nuclear terrorism.

Col. Dempsey, Director of African Studies in the Department of National Security and Strategy at the U.S. Army War College, 2K6 (Thomas A., “Counterterrorism In African Failed States: Challenges And Potential Solutions,” Strategic Studies Institute, April 1,
Failed states offer attractive …American national interests.
Failure to prevent nuclear terrorism risks extinction and WWIII

Patrick F. Speice, Jr., J.D. Candidate at the Marshall-Wythe School of Law at the College of William and Mary and B.A. 2003 from Wake Forest University and former Cathedral Prep debater, 2006

[“Note: Negligence And Nuclear Nonproliferation: Eliminating The Current Liability Barrier To Bilateral U.S.-Russian Nonproliferation Assistance Programs,” William & Mary Law Review (47 Wm and Mary L. Rev. 1427), February, Available Online via Lexis-Nexis]

The potential consequences of … United States and escalate to the use of nuclear weapons.

We outweigh – failure to solve now not only makes our impacts worse but also guarantees emergency intervention later making their DAs inevitable.

Metz, Research Professor of National Security Affairs in the Strategic Studies Institute, ’00 (Steven, February, “Refining American Strategy in Africa” Strategic Studies Institute)
Any short-term gains … economic resources makes sense.
Advantage Two – Russia
Russia is nearing an epidemic now.

Washington Post 2K5 (“HIV/AIDS in Russia May Be Triple Official Rate, Report Warns,” Washington Post Foreign Service, January 12, Pg. A15,
The number of Russians with …Sverdlovsk, "approximately 130 newly conscripted men tested positive for HIV and were, therefore, turned away by the draft commission."

And, the US is using DHAPP to try and prevent a Russian epidemic from escalating.

Col. Holachek, US Army War College Senior Fellow at the Atlantic Council, ’06 (Jeff, September, “Russia’s Shrinking Population and the Russian Military’s HIV/AIDS Problem” Atlantic Council of the United States,
Active US-Russian military cooperation…has been spent by the US military in support of this cooperation.
Working on African AIDS is critical for US specialists learn best practices that are necessary to be prepared to successfully prevent a Russian epidemic.

Council on Foreign Relations, ’06 (“More than Humanitarianism: A Strategic US Approach Toward Africa” Report of an Independent Task Force)

Disease. Africa is more important today …as it spreads across Asia and into Russia.
A Russian AIDS epidemic will cause economic and governmental collapse.

Schneider and Moodie, CSIS Correspondents and Senior African Officials, ’02 (Mark and Michael, “The Destabilizing Impacts of HIV/AIDS” Center for Strategic and International Studies,
Five years from now, the Federal Center for HIV/AIDS Treatment in … and with them political stability, are affected.
Global nuclear war

David, Professor of Political Science at Johns Hopkins, 99 (Steven, “Saving America From the Coming Civil Wars,” Foreign Affairs, January / February, Volume 78, Number 1)
If internal war does strike Russia, economic deterioration…that would increase this threat more than the chaos that would follow a Russian civil war
Advantage Three – Hegemony
South Africa has had a uniquely adverse reaction to AFRICOM – this is prompting them to preemptively block US diplomacy in the region.

Stratfor – 7 (Stratfor is the world’s leading private intelligence company delivering in-depth analysis, assessments and forecasts on global geopolitical, economic, security and public policy issues. A variety of subscription-based access, free intelligence reports and confidential consulting are available for individuals and corporations, IntelliBriefs, “South Africa, U.S.: Dueling for Hegemony in Africa”,
South Africa recently expressed opposition to … Mozambique and Zimbabwe were also in this sphere of influence.
Military humanitarianism can successfully build bilateral relations and trust necessary to mobilize support for US engagement.

James J. Leech, colonel in the U.S. army and M.A. candidate in strategic studies at the U.S. army war college, 2004. []

The Armed Forces of the United States…tensions, and growth in trust.
South Africa is critical to AFRICOM’s success overall.

Brett D. Schaefer is Jay Kingham Fellow in International Regulatory Affairs in the Margaret Thatcher Center for Freedom, and Mackenzie M. Eaglen is Senior Policy Analyst for National Security in the Douglas and Sarah Allison Center for Foreign Policy Studies, at The Heritage Foundation 9-27-07 (

Chairman Payne makes a fair point that the …a vacuum, now filled by critics.
A successful, continent-wide AFRICOM is essential to maintaining our economic and military hegemony.

Paul P. Cale, Lieutenant Colonel in the United States Army and Master’s Candidate in Strategic Studies at the United States Army War College 2005 []

If the United States does not … for the Continent of Africa.
A collapse of hegemony results in wars all over the globe that go nuclear – only US primacy can prevent escalation and defuse conflict.

Kagan – 7 (Robert, senior fellow at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, “End of Dreams, Return of History”, 7/19, web)
This is a good thing, and it should continue to be a primary goal of American foreign policy to … into the future, no one should imagine that a reduction of American power or a retraction of American influence and global involvement will provide an easier path.
Observation Two – Solvency
DHAPP was recently cut by bush, however reinvigorating it will successfully combat AIDS in both the military and civilian sectors.

Singer, Olin Post-Doctoral Fellow in Foreign Policy Studies at the Brookings Institution, ’02 (Peter W., “AIDS and International Security,” Survival, April 1, Vol. 44, No. 1)
Military aid programmes should … enlightened self interest.
DHAPP’s unique focus on grassroots prevention methods makes it key to achieving stability within African states.

Ryan, Bureai of Medicine and Surgery Public Affairs, ’04 (Doris, March 12, “Review Highlights Success of HIV/AIDS Prevention in African Militaries” Navy Newsstand,
WASHINGTON (NNS) -- Naval Health Research Center San Diego hosted …positioned to launch greater efforts to stop AIDS from spreading around the world," said Shaffer.

Alternate China ADV –substituted in at certain times
China is currently dominating the political war in Africa because they control major ties.

Chau – 7 (Donovan, Missouri State Department of Defense and Strategic Studies, “Political Warfare in sub-Saharan Africa”, March)
Ethiopia, Kenya, Nigeria, and South Africa are … technical and scientific fields.
Influence is zero sum – the plan would diminish Chinese influence.

Lovelace – 7 (Douglas, director of strategic studies institute, “Political Warfare in Sub-Saharan Africa”, March)
Africa today has emerged as a continent of … country that understands political warfare and uses it seriously.
That is key to prevent Chinese acquisition of global power.

Chau – 7 (Donovan, Missouri State Department of Defense and Strategic Studies, “Political Warfare in sub-Saharan Africa”, March)
PRC political warfare operations followed a similar pattern in all four …warfare was crucial to Beijing’s achievement of this position of prominence.
History proves such a transition guarantees massive wars and Taiwan invasion.

Mearsheimer – 5 (John, prof. of polisci at the U of Chicago, November 18, The Australian, “The Rise of China Will Not Be Peaceful at All”, lexis)
THE question at hand is simple and profound: will China rise peacefully? My answer is … competition between Beijing and Washington.
That war engulfs the world and ends in extinction.

Straits Times – 2k
THE high-intensity scenario postulates a …, we would see the destruction of civilisation.

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