Contention one is the status quo
Initially note that the refugee is the damned figure in international politics, contemporary discourse creates them as outsiders and allows them to be placed in a zone of indistinction
Diken sociology at Lancaster U 2k4 (Burlent, "from refugee camps to grated communities: biopolitics and the end of the city" Citizenship
studies vol 8 no 1)
Current policies dictate that health services are offered only to refugees with ID-cards; this reinforces the idea that refugees are
less than acknowledged citizens
Regt 07 (Marina de Regt, PhD Amsterdam School for Social Science Research, "Refugee, Woman, and Domestic Worker: The Multiple Tensions Faced by Somali Women in Yemen," July 2007)
The nation state must be the primary actor in our attempt to denaturalize the exclusions of sovereignty. Integrating currently
excluded refugees throws the concept of national identity into doubt- the boundary between the insides and outsides of sovereignty becomes indeterminate and porous. Such a move is necessary to human survival and the possibility of politics.
Agamben prof phil @ U Verona 1994 (Giorgio, "We Refugees,"
http://www.egs/edu/faculty /agamben/agamben-we-refugees .thml )
The figure of the refugee should be used to initiate political resistance against sovereignty. Criticizing the denial of healthcare
rights to refugees exposes the less-than-human status given to non-citizens. This subhuman positioning of life is a prelude to the
worst atrocities in human history.
Agamben prof phil @ U Verona 1994 (Giorgio, "We Refugees,"
http://www.egs/edu/faculty /agamben/agamben-we-refugees .thml)
Next, maintaining sovereignty through borders allows for violence and the perpetuation of wars, only through integration of refugees into local communities can we reject this notion of defining identity based on borders.
Tuathail 98 (Gearóid Ó, Professor of Government and International Affairs and Director of the Masters of Public and International
Affairs program, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Rethinking Geopolitics) (Questia)
Finally, reinforcing the boundaries of the African nation state is particularly dangerous, these artificial products of colonialism lack
legitimacy and culminate in extinction
Mutua 95 (Makau wa, Visiting Professor, Harvard Law School, Director of the Human Rights Center, and Chair o f the Kenya Human Rights Commission, "WHY REDRAW THE MAP OF AFRICA: A Moral and Legal Inquiry," Michigan Journal of International Law, Summer, accessed through Lexis)
The United States federal government should support the integration and strenghtening of health services between displaced persons and local communities in areas designated by the resolution. we shall clarify :)
Contention II is solvency
Local integration is a comparatively better solution for refugees, it allows for the strengthening of overall services for everyone, not
just those who are citizens of a particular country. This notion that all people should be recognized as equal regardless of citizenship is capable of creating political change.
Feldman 2k7 (Sarah, works for Migration and Refugee Services at the US Conference of Catholic Bishops, "Development Assisted Integration: A Viable Alternative to Long Term Residence in Refugee Camps?" The Fletcher Journal of Human Security, Vol XXII)
Moreover, development assisted integration is distinct from the curret camp system, refugees are no longer separated from the rest of the population; integration allows flexibility for both refugees and locals by strengthening existing services.
Feldman 2k7 (Sarah, works for Migration and Refugee Services at the US Conference of Catholic Bishops, "Development Assisted Integration: A Viable Alternative to Long Term Residence in Refugee Camps?" The Fletcher Journal of Human Security, Vol XXII)
Next, the US is key, it contributes the most money to refugee programs and refugees themselves look to the US
Ogata 2k (Sadako, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, "Ten Years of Refugee Work: Lessons from the Past, Directions for the Future, 11-15-2000,
http://www.carnegieendowment .org/events/index.cfm?fa �2�eventDetail&id�3�233&)
Moreover, endorsing an ethic of care for refugees that recognizes and accepts people and their needs as important is essential to finding a true solution, only then is global social justice is possible
Robinson 2k6 (Fiona, Department of Political Science at Carleton University, "Care, Gender and Global Social Justice: Rethinking
'Ethical Globalization,'" Journal of Global Ethics Vol. 2 No. 1 June 2006, pp. 5-25)
Finally, the ethic of care produces contextual sensitivity and reveals the interdependence of humyn beings, only through changing policies through the ethic of care can we successfully address inequality
Hankivsky 2k6 (Olena, Professor of Political Science at Simon Fraser University, "Imagining Ethical Globalization: The Contributions of a Care Ethic," Journal of Global Ethics Vol. 2 No. 1 June 2006, pp. 91-110)
Capitalism K
specific link
impact - extinction
santos 2k3 ("collective suicive"
alt - do nothing
zizek 2k3 (Iraq the borrowed kettle. pp 69-74)
south korea - politics
uniqueness - deal isnt pass, card changes every tournament
link - specific to plan
interal - increases in PC cause passage
National Journal August 11 2k7 "Uphill Climb on Trade Deals" ln
impact - that collapses the south korean economy
Chris Kerr. International News, Green Left Weekly. "SOUTH KOREA: Social movements fight free trade agreement" 2006
nuclear war
Corey Richardson, a Washington-based analyst who covered East Asian security issues as a presidential management fellow with the US Department of Defense, and is a co-founder of The Korea Liberator. "South Korea must choose sides" Asia Times 2006
Russia would be drawn in
Dr. Bruce G. Blair, CDI President. "The Folly of Nuclear War-Gaming for Korea and South Asia" 2003
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