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Disease K

link - images of an apocolyptic disease outbreak constructs africans as a diseased other to be destroyed

schell 1997 "Outburst! A Chilling True Story about Emerging-Virus Narratives and Pandemic Social Change" configurations 5.1 Muse
impact - this exclusion causes extinction
santos 2k3 ("collective suicive"
alt - reject hte affirmative and create a new metaphor to view disease
schell 1997 "Outburst! A Chilling True Story about Emerging-Virus Narratives and Pandemic Social Change" configurations 5.1 Muse


the term 'sub-saharan africa is racist'

Shahadah PhD Student, Author, and Filmmaker 2k5 ("Linguistics for a New African Reality"
Barndt, racism is bad
useing the term 'resolutionally designated areas' is just a euphemism that masks the underlying ideaology of the topic
Scott prof pol sci @ Yale 1989 (James, "Prestige as the Public Discourse of Domination" Cultural Critique, No. 12, Spring. Jstor)
The topic hails them and they respond, by advocating an aff plan and claim that they fit in the topic they respond to the idea and fit themselves under the ideaology of the topic

Louis Althusser, Prof. of Philosophy @ École Normale Supérieure, "Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses," Jan-April 1969,

It is possible to resist the topical hail, only by resistance to interpellation is a break with the topical ideology possible

Jennifer B. Gray, Univ. of Kentucky, "Althusser, Ideology, and Theoretical Foundations: Theory and Communication," The Journal of New Media and Culture, 3:1, 2k2

Rejecting the term is a critical first step toward racial and cultural emancipation

Shahahdah PhD Student, Author, and Filmmaker 2k5 (Owen 'Alik, , "Linguistics for a New African Reality", December,

Chattahoochee (All Teams) – Affirmative – Water

contention 1 - the status quo


congress just passed a bill with 300 million for water assistance abroad.

watertech 12-20

the $555 billion omnibus spending bill passed this week by the House and Senate......Simon act appropriation in the bill.


however, funding is just a small problem with the Water for the poor Act - prioritizing and coordinating for Africa South of the Sahara is key.

lochery 07

The US Response to the African Water Crisis Tackling the constraints to the expansion of water.........a sector that has been sidelined for far too long.



thus the plan - The United States federal government should increase access to improved water sources in topically designated areas.



(we read terrorism/democracy + water wars as advantages)



advantage 1 - terrorism


america's current military approach in the War on Terror is bound to fail - increased emphasis on foreign aid is crucial to transform American strategy and prevent terrorism.

bremmer 05

Like the cold war, the war on terror can't be won by military means alone........will be worthy of George Kennan's considerable legacy.


failure to change u.s. strategy makes an attack on American soil inevitable.

riedel 07 "Al Qaeda Strikes Back" brookings institution

Al Qaeda is a more dangerous enemy today than it has ever been before.........before al Qaeda strikes the U.S. homeland again.


water assistance is a crucial form of foreign assistance that can help revitalize America's image and fight terrorism.

albright and carlucci 07 "A 21st Century Vision of U.S. Global Leadership: Building a Better, Safer World"

The extraordinary global challenges and opportunities of the 21st century.........humanitarian tradition and helps strengthen America's image abroad.


independently, water assistance is key to prevent terrorism.

morris 07 Testimony for the Committee on House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Africa and Global Health, lexis

Think of a baseball diamond. First base is life..............opportunities are primed for recruitment into terrorist cells.


africa is a unique front in the war on terror - failure there ensures possession of wmds by extremist groups.

dempsey 06

Failed states offer attractive venues for terrorist threaten vital American national interests.


this will take the form of a bioterror attack - the u.s. is vulnerable and bioweapons are easy to manufacture.

stern 03 "Dreaded Risks and the Control of Biological Weapons" project muse

Experts have been warning for some time that weapons...............easily identifiable signatures for BW production.


biological weapons use will cause extinction.

ochs 02

Of all the weapons of mass destruction, the geneticall engineered...........then patriotism is the highest of all crimes.


any terror attack will cause a u.s. lashout that escalates to global nuclear conflict.

corsi 05 "Atomic Iran" p176-178

The United States retaliates: 'End of the world' scenarios The combination...........while the country was still capable of exacting revenge.



advantage 1 - democracy


democracy is spreading - africa is a vital spot for the support of democratic reforms -they are making changes already - u.s. support in the form of unconditioned unattached assistance is vital to success globally.

lyman 7-17 "Prepared Testimony Before the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations Subcommittee on African Affairs"

Mr. Chairman, members of the Committee, thank you for asking me to testify......a more vigorous preventive effort.


providing water assistance is vital to establishing democracy - water management creates sustainability of governments, transparency in resource management, and regional and national coordination - all are vital to sustaining inevitable moves towards democratic norms.

simon 06
Competition for scarce water resources....more stable, prosperous, and democratic societies....SIMON CONTINUES in Section 5 of the article......5. The USG Strategy for the Water and Sanitation Sector in Developing.....the Nile, the Okavango, and the Amu and Syr Darya.


failure to move towards democracy sacrifices billions of lives. authoritarian regimes are history's number one killer - this outweighs every impact in the round.

rummel 06

Today, billions of human beings.........absolute power kills absolutely.


sustainable democratization of the world solves every impact. allowing states to backslide results in global nuclear war. all the haters are wrong.

muravchik 01

The greatest impetus for world peace...........may be still more remote.



advantage 2 - water wars/hegemony


water wars are the most likely form of conflict today - scarcity makes them inevitable.

csis 05

Taken together, all of these factors........Senegal, Tumen and Zambezi.


working together on water creates frameworks for conflict resolution in other areas, decreasing the likelihood of wars.

dabelko 05

Most of United States' water development aid is given to a handful.........program in the Middle East.


u.s. action in africa south of the sahara is vital to a successful and sustainable u.s. foreign policy - it allows us to remain involved in a key issue and improve our image.

peterson 07 "Below the Surface: U.S. International Water Policy"

As we scan the more distant time horizons..........political will to put a far-sighted strategy into place.


u.s. action on water is crucial – it is the only nation that can effectively coordinate action and expertise. Focus on water issues is crucial to the effectiveness of U.S. foreign policy – all other efforts will fail absent water leadership.

csis 05 "Addressing our Global Water Future"

Water can be a powerful and effective foreign policy.............campaign to elevate water as a foreign policy priority.


improving the u.s. image solves all of the reasons leadership would be bad - and sustains all forms of power - failure to do so risks collapse.

nye 04 Political Science Quarterly, Summer, ebsco

Soft power is the ability to get what you want through attraction.............more effectively to explain our common interests.


sustainable u.s. foreign policy prevents multiple scenarios for nuclear conflict - prefer it to all other alternatives.

kagan 07 "End of Dreams, Return of History"

This is a good thing, and it should continue to be a primary goal.............and global involvement will provide an easier path.


creating effective foreign policy solves balancing and interventionism.

ikenberry 07 "The Case for Restraint: Comments and Respones"

Second, in conflating these alternatives, Posen misses.............This requires activism, of a certain sort.


water shortages in africa will spark a global nuclear escalation and human extinction.

nasca 06

Water is one of the prime essentials for life as we know....................which there will be no obvious answer.



contention 3 - solvency


u.s. action is vital - we are the only ones who can lead on the issue of water. the Water for the Poor act was a first step - but funding and implementing are vital to eliminating the water crisis.

keating 06,com_csis_progj/task,view/id,573/
It is only fitting that on this thirteenth World Water Day...........a clear set of policy guidelines.


a commitment to public health assistance through a water policy to africa south of the sahara is vital to ending water scarcity. only u.s. action can solve for global prioritization, transparency, equity, coordination, capacity building, and sustainability.

lochery 07 /articles/2007/05/lochery_water_testimony.pdf

Access to safe water and sanitation is as fundamental to life...............has been sidelined for far too long.


inability to access safe drinking water kills 5 million a year.

hyde 05 "The Global Water Crisis: Evaluating U.S. Strategies to Enhance Access to Safe Water and Sanitation"

Water-related illnesses claim the life of one child...........development or long-term security without it.

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