Course Descriptions (dei lecturer Position)

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Course Descriptions (DEI Lecturer Position)

BME Design Program (BME 250, 450, 451/452). Note that these classes are experiential in nature, which require multiple instructors to manage the teams.
BME 450: Interdisciplinary designed groups carry out biomedical instrumentation design projects. Projects are sponsored by Medical School and College of Engineering research labs and local industry. Students are exposed to the entire design process: design problem definition, generation of a design specification, documentation, design review process, prototype fabrication, testing and calibration.
BME 451/452: Two semester course - Interdisciplinary groups design-build-test biomedical instrumentation projects. Projects are sponsored by Medical School and Engineering research labs, and local industry. Students are exposed to the entire design process: Design problem definition, generation of a design specification, documentation, design review process, prototype fabrication, testing, and calibration.
BME 499/599:  This 1 semester (3 credit) instructional innovation incubator will co-create and design a NEW sophomore level BME250 course to be launched in 2018.  This course is part of a new initiative to revolutionize BME education @ U-M to address the dynamic landscape of biomedical engineering practice.  A BME instructional faculty team will apply the principles of engineering design, informed by evidence-based instructional practices and student learning principles, to explore relevant content and instructional approaches to engage underclassmen in cutting edge biomedical engineering practice.  Student and faculty teams will interview current students, alumni, and employers to identify critical skills and best practices that should be incorporated in a sophomore-level BME course.  Teams will use this information to identify course content and create exercises and projects to will be used in the new BME250 course.
BME 250: This course is proposed as part of our development of a next generation curriculum and will begin in academic year 2018. This course will replace BME 241 that provided an introduction to experimentation in circuits, systems, physical chemistry, thermodynamics, and mechanics. The course will provide experiential learning approaches using material developed in the BME 499 described above.
BME 221: This course covers the physio-chemical concepts and processes relevant to life. The emphasis lies on the molecular level. Topics: Biomimetics; Energy and Driving Forces; Biochemical Equilibria; Aqueous Solutions; Molecular Self-Assembly; Bio-Electrochemistry; Biopolymers; Molecular Recognition and Binding Equilibria in Biology.
BME 321: This course introduces topics in enzyme kinetics, enzyme inhibition, biochemical pathway engineering, mass and energy balance, cell growth and differentiation, cell engineering, bioreactor design, and analysis of the human body, organs, tissues, and cells as bioreactors. The application of bioreaction/bioreactor principles to tissue engineering is also discussed.
AEROSP 205. Introduction to Aerospace Engineering Systems

Prerequisites: PHYS 140, 141, MATH 116, ENGR 100, ENGR 101 or 151. (3 credits)

A Systems Engineering Experience: Introduces engineering processes by means of design, build, test and operation of flight vehicles. Exposure to technologies including: computer aided design, manufacturing, simulation, composites, mechanisms, instrumentation and basic electronics. Embedded software development for data acquisition and processing, control and communications. Individual and team projects.View course profile.
AEROSP 305. Aerospace Engineering Laboratory I

Advised prerequisite: preceded or accompanied by EECS 215 or EECS 314, preceded by AEROSP 205, AEROSP 215 and AEROSP 225. (4 credits)

First course of a two-semester sequence covering fundamentals of instrumentation and measurement and their application in engineering testing and experimentation. Includes principles of analog and digital data acquisition, analysis of discrete measurement data, statistical assessment of hypotheses, design of experiments and similarity scaling of data. Emphasized development of skills for written communication and for working effectively in a team environment.
AEROSP 405. Aerospace Laboratory II

Prerequisite: preceded by AEROSP 305. Preceded or accompanied by AEROSP 315 and AEROSP 325. (4 credits)

Second course of a two-semester sequence covering fundamentals of instrumentation and measurement and their application in engineering testing and experimentation. Focuses primarily on application of the fundamental principles learned in Aero 305 to more advanced test and measurement applications. Involves instructor-designed experiments and one major project conceived, designed, conducted, analyzed and reported by student teams. Emphasizes development of skills for written communication and for working effectively in a team environment.
ENGR 100. Introduction to Engineering   (NOTE OURS is a very special section devoted to the design building and flying of a blimp)

(4 credits)

Focused team projects dealing with technical, economic, safety, environmental and social aspects of a real-world engineering problem. Written, oral and visual communication required within the engineering profession; reporting on the team engineering projects. The role of the engineer in society; engineering ethics. Organization and skills for effective teams
CEE 211 – Statics and Dynamics:  Statics: review of vector mathematics; moment and force resultants; static equilibrium in two &

three dimensions; centroids; center of gravity; distributed loadings. Dynamics: review of concepts of velocity and acceleration; dynamics of particles and rigid bodies; concepts of work, energy, momentum; introduction to vibrations. Four lectures per week.
CEE 230 - Thermodynamics and the Environment:  The First and Second Laws of thermodynamics are applied to systems impacting built and

natural environments to determine the performance requirements and thermodynamic efficiencies of engineered processes. Topics of coverage include the properties of pure substances and mixtures, phase changes, reaction and phase equilibrium, heating, air conditioning, and power generation.
CEE 402 – Professional Issues and Design:  Multidisciplinary team design experience will be covered including consideration of codes,

regulations, alternate solutions, economic factors, sustainability, constructability, reliability and aesthetics in the solution of a civil or environmental engineering problem. Professionalism and ethics in the practice of engineering.
ENG 100 – Introduction to Engineering:  Engineering 100 is a team-taught, four-credit core course with four primary goals: 1) to introduce first-year students to basic engineering design concepts, principles, and methods; 2) to give them contextualized instruction and experience in technical communication; 3) to acquaint them with important concepts in engineering ethics, professionalism, teamwork, and sustainability; 4) and to bring them into the engineering community here at the University. It is a project-based class in which students work in teams and individually to master first-year level technical content in one of the major engineering disciplines and to become competent in the major genres of technical and professional communication.
EER 601: Foundations of Engineering Education Research (3 credits, to be offered every fall term, beginning 2018)

Introduction to the field of EER, the conduct of educational research and its application to engineering education; current literature in EER; the use of theoretical and conceptual frameworks to guide EER; and professional development opportunities in EER. While enrolled in this course, students will also complete the four workshops comprising CoE’s Responsible Conduct of Research and Scholarship program ( and the six modules comprising UM’s online Program for Education and Evaluation in Responsible Research and Scholarship (PEERRS,
EER 602: Introduction to Theoretical Frameworks (3 credits, to be offered alternate winter terms, beginning 2020). Prerequisite: EER 601.  In-depth examination of relevant theories from education, psychology, and other disciplines; focus on how the theories apply to EER and can be used to guide research and advance knowledge and practice.
EER 603: Research Design in Engineering Education (3 credits, to be offered alternate winter terms, beginning 2019). Prerequisite: EER 601.  Study of assessment and evaluation in engineering education; overview of research design approaches in quantitative and qualitative research (e.g., sampling, experimental and quasi-experimental designs, inductive and deductive analysis approaches, measurement issues, instrument development and testing, validity, etc.).
ME 250 Design and Manufacturing I:  Basics of mechanical design: design process, system design, engineering drawing, and machine elements (e.g., bearings, gears, and springs). Basics of manufacturing: processes and materials. Exposure to CAD systems and basic prototyping and machine shop techniques. Design/ prototyping project. Three hours lecture and two hours laboratory.
ME 350 Design and Manufacturing II:  Principles of machine and mechatronic design and manufacturing. Analysis, synthesis and selection of mechanisms, machine components, mechatronic components, and associated manufacturing processes. Semester-long, model-based design/build/test project in a team setting.
ME 450 Design and Manufacturing III:  A mechanical engineering design project by which the student is exposed to the design process from concept through analysis to prototype validation and report.  Projects are proposed from the different areas of study within mechanical engineering and reflect the expertise of instructing faculty. Three hours of lecture and two three hours laboratory per week. Course website:
ME 395 Laboratory I:  Weekly lectures and experiments designed to introduce the student to the basics of experimentation, instrumentation, data collection and analysis, error analysis, and reporting. Topics will include fluid mechanics, thermodynamics, mechanics, materials, and dynamical systems. Emphasis is placed on report writing and team-building skills.
ME 495 Laboratory II:  Weekly lectures and extended experimental projects designed to demonstrate experimental and analytical methods as applied to complex mechanical systems. Topics will include controls, heat transfer, fluid mechanics, thermodynamics, mechanics, materials, and dynamical systems. Emphasis on laboratory report writing, oral presentations, and team-building skills, and the design of experiments.
EECS 183. Elementary Programming Concepts:  Fundamental concepts and skills of programming in a high-level language. Flow of control: selection, iteration, subprograms. Data structures: strings, arrays, records, lists, tables. Algorithms using selection and iteration (decision making, finding maxima/minima, searching, sorting, simulation, etc.) Good program design, structure and style are emphasized. Testing and debugging. Not intended for Engineering students (who should take ENGR 101), nor for CS majors in LSA who qualify to enter EECS 280.
EECS 203 (CS 203). Discrete Mathematics:  Introduction to the mathematical foundations of computer science. Topics covered include: propositional and predicate logic, set theory, function and relations, growth of functions and asymptotic notation, introduction to algorithms, elementary combinatorics and graph theory and discrete probability theory.
EECS 280. Programming and Introductory Data Structures:  Techniques and algorithm development and effective programming, top-down analysis, structured programming, testing and program correctness. Program language syntax and static and runtime semantics. Scope, procedure instantiation, recursion, abstract data types and parameter passing methods. Structured data types, pointers, linked data structures, stacks, queues, arrays, records and trees.
EECS 281. Data Structures and Algorithms:  Introduction to algorithm analysis and O-notation; Fundamental data structures including lists, stacks, queues, priority queues, hash tables, binary trees, search trees, balanced trees and graphs; searching and sorting algorithms; recursive algorithms; basic graph algorithms; introduction to greedy algorithms and divide and conquer strategy. Several programming assignments.
EECS 370. Introduction to Computer Organization:  Basic concepts of computer organization and hardware. Instructions executed by a processor and how to use these instructions in simple assembly-language programs. Stored-program concept. Datapath and control for multiple implementations of a processor. Performance evaluation, pipelining, caches, virtual memory, input/output.
EECS 376. Foundations of Computer Science:  Introduction to theory of computation.  Models of computation: finite state machines, Turing machines.  Decidable and undecidable problems. Polynomial time computability and paradigms of algorithm design. Computational complexity emphasizing NP-hardness.  Coping with intractability.  Exploiting intractability:  cryptography.

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