Digital Promise Student Survey Questions
Note: This survey was designed to measure student experience in a pilot. While specific curricular references have been removed, this survey should be modified to meet your district’s unique measurement needs.
This [spring/summer/winter/fall], your district was involved with piloting (trying out) [NAME(S) OF PROGRAM] in your classroom. This survey asks you questions about your experience participating in the pilot of one of these programs. We would like to hear from you about your experience with the pilot. The questions you are about to be asked are related to the pilot in your district.
There are only twenty-two questions. We appreciate hearing from you. If at any time you do not want to continue this survey, you may stop at any time.
We really do want to hear from you, but if you decide not to complete the survey there will be no impact on your involvement in piloting the program at your school or on your grades.
Thank you for letting us know about your experience!
If your teacher has provided you with a unique ID number for this survey, please type this number into the box below, then click the "next page" button. If you do not have a unique ID number for this survey, skip this question and click the "next page" button.
Using Technology to Help You Learn
Which educational-technology or software program are you using or did you use this spring in your school? Please choose from the list below:
Newsela PRO
VexIQ/Atlantis Virtual World
Did you know you were piloting (trying out) this program in your school?
In which district are you a student?
D.C. Public School System (DCPS)
South Fayette
West Ada
In which grade are you? (Answer options 1-12)
On my report card I earn:
All As
Mostly As and a few Bs
All Bs
Mostly Bs and a few As
Mostly Bs and a few Cs
All Cs
Mostly Cs and a few Bs
Mostly Cs and a few Ds
All Ds
Mostly Ds and a few Cs
Mostly Ds and a few Fs
Mostly Fs and a few Ds
Is English your primary language at home?
Are you of Hispanic, Latino or Spanish origin (Please choose one answer)?
No, I am not of Hispanic, Latino or Spanish origin.
Yes, Mexican, Mexican American or Chicano
Yes, Puerto Rican
Yes, Cuban
Yes, another Hispanic, Latino or Spanish origin
I identify as (You may choose more than one answer):
American Indian or Alaska Native
Asian Indian
Black or African American
Gaumanian or Chomoro
Native Hawaiian
Non-Hispanic White alone persons
Other Pacific Islander
Other Asian
White American
Two or more races
Other (Please Specify)
How many class periods per week did or do you use the program in class?
1 class period per week
2 class periods per week
3 class periods per week
4 class periods per week
5 class periods per week
6 class periods per week
Other (Please Specify)
How much time did you spend in class using the program? Choose the option that is closest to the amount of time you spend in class using the program.
15 minutes
20 minutes
30 minutes
45 minutes
60 minutes
More than 60 minutes
Did you have technical challenges (problems with the program not working as it should) with the product or program in your class?
If you answered yes to questions 12, please check the problems you had or write in your answer next to "other". You may choose more than one option.
Internet connection was slow
Something was wrong with my robot, it would not work.
The program crashed or froze while I was using it
Saving my work
Log-in trouble
Internet connection failed
Other (Please Specify)
In which class(es) did you use this program? You may choose more than one option.
English/Language Arts
Social Studies
Other (Please Specify)
Were you able to use this program outside of school?
Did you use this program outside of school?
If you did not use this program outside of school, why not? (open-ended)
If you used this program outside of school, was it assigned for homework?
Other (Please Specify)
Was the program that was piloted in your school easy for you to use?
Tell us what you think about your own learning related to the program. (Answer Choices: Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Not Sure, Agree, Strongly Agree)
I participate in class more often
I am more confident in class
I have improved my teamwork skills
I am a better problem solver
I am better at communicating verbally
I try harder to complete my work
I am more motivated to learn
I am excited about learning when we use this program
I am more engaged when we use this program
The program helped me to understand what we were being taught in class
Tell us what you think about your teacher(s) using the program in your class(es). (Answer Choices: Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Not Sure, Agree, Strongly Agree)
The program is easy for my teacher(s) to use
The program improved how my teacher(s) taught class
My teacher(s) was excited to use this program in class
My teacher(s) understood how to use the program
Do you like the program that was piloted in your school?
Please tell us:
What you like about the program
What you do not like about the program
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