Employment 2005 current: nwo postdoctoral Fellow, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Education

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Curriculum Vitae - C.J. Lissenberg

C. Johan Lissenberg

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

360 Woods Hole Road MS#8, Woods Hole MA, 02543

508-289-3549 (t); 508-457-2183 (f)


2005 - current: NWO Postdoctoral Fellow, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution


Ph. D. Earth Sciences, University of Ottawa (Canada), 2005

Nominated for Best Thesis prize

Supervisors: Dr. C.R. van Staal, Dr. J.H. Bédard

Examiners: Dr. H. Dick, Dr. R. Berman, Dr. K. Benn

M.Sc. Earth Sciences, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (the Netherlands), 2001

Supervisors: drs. F.F. Beunk, drs. K. Linthout, Dr. C.R. van Staal

Professional experience


Teaching assistant for several 1st-4th year courses (Introduction to Earth Materials, Advanced Mineralogy, Igneous Petrology, Computer Laboratory), University of Ottawa, 2001-2004
Professional affiliations

American Geophysical Union, European Geosciences Union, Geological Society of America


Student member of the Board of the Faculty of Earth Sciences Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 1999-2000

Awards and scholarships

  • TALENT postdoctoral fellowship, Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research, 2005–2006

  • Admission scholarship, University of Ottawa, 2003–2005

  • Entrance scholarship, University of Ottawa, 2001

  • Dittner Fonds, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 2000


Publications in peer-reviewed journals

Lissenberg, C.J., Zagorevski, A., McNicoll, V.J., and van Staal, C.R. (2005). Assembly of the Annieopsquotch Accretionary Tract, Newfoundland Appalachians: Age- and geodynamic constraints from syn- kinematic intrusions, Journal of Geology 113-5, 553-570.
Lissenberg, C.J., van Staal, C.R., Bédard, J.H., and Zagorevski, A. (2005). Geochemical constraints on the origin of the Annieopsquotch ophiolite belt, Newfoundland Appalachians, Geological Society of America Bulletin 117, 1413-1426.
Lissenberg, C.J., Bédard, J.H., and van Staal, C.R. (2004). The structure and geochemistry of the gabbro zone of the Annieopsquotch ophiolite, Newfoundland: Implications for lower crustal accretion at spreading ridges. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 229, 105-123.
Lissenberg, C.J., McNicoll, V.J., and van Staal, C.R. (in press). The origin of mafic-ultramafic bodies within the northern Dashwoods Subzone, Newfoundland Appalachians, Atlantic Geology 41-3.

Whalen, J.B., McNicoll, V.J., van Staal, C.R., Lissenberg, C.J., Longstaffe, F.J., Jenner, G.A., and van Breemen, O. (in press). Spatial, temporal and geochemical characteristics of Silurian collision-zone magmatism: an example of a rapidly evolving magmatic system related to slab break-off, Lithos.

Zagorevski, A., Rogers, N., van Staal, C.R., McNicoll, V., Lissenberg, C.J., and Valverde-Vaquero, P. (in press). Lower to Middle Ordovician evolution of peri-Laurentian arc and back-arc complexes in Iapetus: Constraints from the Annieopsquotch Accretionary Tract, Central Newfoundland, Geological Society of America Bulletin.
Van Staal, C. R., Whalen, J. B., McNicoll, V.J., Pehrsson, S. J., Lissenberg, C.J., Zagorevski, A., van Breemen, O. and Jenner, G.A. (in press). The Notre Dame arc and the Taconic Orogeny in Newfoundland. In: Hatcher, Jr., Carlson, M.P., McBride, J.H. and Martínez Catalán, J.R. (editors), The 4D Framework of Continental Crust, Geological Society of America Special Paper.
Publications submitted to peer-reviewed journals

Lissenberg, C.J
., and van Staal, C.R., Feedback between deformation and magmatism in the Lloyds River Fault Zone, an example of episodic fault reactivation in an accretionary setting, Newfoundland Appalachians, submitted to Tectonics.

Non-refereed publications

Lissenberg, C.J.,
and van Staal, C.R. (2002). The relationships between the Annieopsquotch ophiolite belt, the Dashwoods block and the Notre Dame arc in southwestern Newfoundland. Current Research, Newfoundland Department of Mines and Energy, Geological Survey Report 02-1,145-153.

Geological Maps

Lissenberg, C.J.
, Zagorevski, A., Rogers, N., van Staal, C.R., Whalen, J.B., and McNicoll, V. (2005). Geology, Star Lake, Newfoundland, 12A/11. Geological Survey of Canada Open File 1669, 1:50.000.
van Staal, C.R., Lissenberg, C.J., Pehrsson, S., and Zagorevski, A. (2005). Geology, Puddle Pond, Newfoundland, 12A/05. Geological Survey of Canada Open File 1664, 1:50.000.
van Staal, C.R., Valverde-Vaquero, P., Zagorevski, A., Rogers. N., and Lissenberg, C.J. (2005). Geology, Victoria Lake, Newfoundland, 12A/06. Geological Survey of Canada Open File 1667, 1:50.000.

Conference Presentations

Lissenberg, C.J., Zagorevski, A., van Staal, C.R., NcNicoll, V., and Whalen, J. (2005). The Annieopsquotch Accretionary Tract, central Newfoundland: from initiation of west-directed subduction to arc-arc collision, Geological Society of America, Northeast section meeting, Saratoga Springs NY, Paper 017-1.

Lissenberg, C.J., Bédard, J.H., and van Staal, C.R. (2004), Fractionation of mantle-derived melts in the Annieopsquotch ophiolite, Newfoundland, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco: Eos Trans. AGU 85(47), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract V23B-0632.
Lissenberg, C.J., Bédard, J.H., van Staal, C.R. (2004), The role of sills in accretion of the lower crust of the Annieopsquotch ophiolite, SW Newfoundland, EGU General Assembly, Nice: Geophysical Research Abstracts 6, Abstract 00596.
Lissenberg, C.J., van Staal, C.R., and McNicoll, V. (2004), PTt constraints on the accretion of ophiolites along the Lloyd’s River Fault zone, SW Newfoundland. Geological Society of America, Northeast and Southeast section joint meeting, Washington DC: GSA Abstracts with Programs 36-2, p. 91.

van Staal, C.R., Lissenberg, C. J., Zagorevski, A., McNicoll, V. Bédard, J., Pehrsson, S. and Whalen, J. (2004), A new look at the tectonic processes responsible for the Ordovician Taconic Orogeny in the Northern Appalachians: evidence for multiple accretion of (infant) arc terranes, Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Denver: GSA Abstracts with Programs 36-5, p. 481.

Lissenberg, C.J., Bédard, J.H., van Staal, C.R., and McNicoll, V. (2003), The origin and tectonic evolution of the Annieopsquotch ophiolite belt, SW Newfoundland. Geological Society of America, Northeast section, and Atlantic Geological Society joint meeting, Halifax: GSA Abstracts with Programs 35-3, p. 34.
Zagorevski, A., Lissenberg, C.J., van Staal, C.R., McNicoll, V., and Rogers, N. (2003), Tectonic history of the Annieopsquotch accretionary tract. Geological Society of America, Northeast section, and Atlantic Geological Society joint meeting, Halifax: GSA Abstracts with Programs 35-3, p. 34.
Bédard, J.H., Page, P., and Lissenberg, C.J. (2003), Melt Transfer Mechanisms in the Lower Ophiolitic Crust: Examples from the Bay of Islands, Thetford-Mines, Betts Cove and Annieopsquotch. AGU Fall Meeting, San Fransisco: Eos Trans. AGU 84(46), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract V22H-08.

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