Late committee: Apologies: Anita, Emma, Sam Non-Comm: Joe, Chris

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Minutes 29/04/13 - EGM

Committee: Mike, Leo, Caitlin, Aoife, Will, Sally, Ian, Robin, Bucks

Late committee:

Apologies: Anita, Emma, Sam

Non-Comm: Joe, Chris

Cake from Aoife –wooo!

Minutes Review

.Ongoing action: Sally to get swear box.

.Ongoing action: Committee to think about Nuffield ideas.

.Ongoing action: Willisa/Juanita handover – next Tuesday at 12.

Tours Officer Election

.Chris Barlow:

.Chris is already involved with Edinburgh – will shadow Emma.

.Local to Southampton – awareness of local festivals – ie, Brighton Fringe, Winchester Festival.

.Chris is in a BAND!!! – Already going on tour to Exeter and Kent – he is cool.

.Organised and good at talking to people.

.Has fancy smartphone for organisation!

.He feels it would be fun to be on committee and would work really hard.
Aoife: Would you run for Gone Rogue on top? Yes, he probably would.

Joe: Have you been to the Edinburgh Fringe before? No.

Will: Often other festivals, ie, Brighton, often clash with exams. Do you have any ideas as to how you’d get around an issue like that/would you take one show to tour everywhere? Chris would see if there was a small enough show to take up even if it was during exams. He knows about Brighton Fringe – you can just be online or go up for a short time. He likes the idea of one show – already have reviews. But audition process would have to start a lot sooner.
Chris is Tours Officer!
Discussion of PA show
Do we think it is beneficial to TG?

.Not really but this could be because of our approach. Difficult for TG because theatre is difficult to be put in a variety show with short time slots. Sometimes clashes with independent show. No time for originality (reproduction of old Showcase pieces is the norm) and there still isn’t collaboration as much collaboration because pieces are performed separately by societies.

Did our society enjoy it?

Yes but we’d like some variation – experimental new ideas.

Is it better to keep something that ressembles the current form or create something more liberal?

.Potentially make it less of a large show – could pair up two societies for fun and to create collaboration-make time slots longer.

.Idea of festival – walking audience – no focus on performance.

.Perhaps a 24 hour show in the Stag’s for all PA societies – rather than a large show, a scaled down raw version – take away society aspect, everyone is just under the PA umbrella – take the opportunity to do something smaller.

.Idea of a weeklong performing arts festival – different venues ie, Stag’s, Bridge, Cube, Bar 2.

.Turn it into a large social barbecue with inclusive workshops and drama games – involve other members of PA – share WHAT WE DO and have a GOOD TIME rather than a full scale show.

.Tone should shift to create collaboration – ie, dance societies teaching theatre societies to do simple dances – passersby are able to join in – PA DAY!
Keeping Down with the Joneses’ Update
.Speak to CMT about being able to buy tickets through the box office.

.Otherwise everything is GOOD – all publicity is sorted, trailer is hilarious, cast is happy.

.There is a set!
Edinburgh – ‘Hanging Bruce-Howard’ Update

.Gone Rogue meeting has happened.

.Ceilidh has moved dates but not sure of new one as of yet.

.Emma is working really, really hard! 

.No rehearsals yet.

.Need to get a coach to Edinburgh by themselves (no deals applicable)– not as many people as last year.

.£500 available for transport.

.Posters need to be shot, edited and finished by 31st May.

.Ongoing action to raise money.

.Action: Ian to track down the elusive Sam Beath!

Workshops Update

.Handover next Tuesday.


Financial Update
.Ian has had handover – yaaay!

.In awe of Sam Beath’s organisation.

.About £3000 in the TG bank account – wahoo!

.Becky is transferring things into Ian’s name.

.Edinburgh is scary – organisation is behind schedule.

.Need to get float for ‘Joneses’ producers.

.Online finished budgets for producers.

.Action: Ian to talk to Sam!
Social Update
.Caitlin is in ‘initial planning stages’ of Leavers’ Meal.

.Joneses social is created via Facebook event.

.Action: Caitlin to create Facebook social for Ruddigore and Open Mic Night.

Web Update
.We still have a website!

Publicity Update / Newsletter (PA AGM/Pitches)

.Leo to put Joneses, Open Mic night and pitches in this week’s newsletter.

.Banners are being kept in the PA house – can be collected by production teams for publicity during each show week.


.Reminder about Nuffield opportunity discussion - any ideas - come ready to make a decision and pitch to Nuffield next week – particularly Juanita.

.We have a pigeon hole above the Stag’s! Coooool.

.We have lots of Facebook likes – wahoo!

.In future – TG could donate money to Facebook advertising rather than it coming purely from the particularly production’s own budget.

.Committee T shirts are ordered!

.Joe wants everyone to come to the open mic night on Tuesday night!

.Budgets NEED to be passed sooner by committees before they go to PA committee.

.Successful pitching teams should present finished budget to the next TG committee meeting after their pitch has been confirmed.

.Action: All committee to bring £13.50 for polo shirts to next meeting to give to Aoife!

.Action: TG to donate £10 to Leo for extra Joneses advertising.

.Action: All committee to have personal goals in your mind – what you’d like to do for committee in the year.
Swear Box

Aoife – £2.50

Joe Hart – £5.00

Will – 50p

Emma – 50p

Amy – 50p

Anita – 50p

Mike - £1.50

Jon – £2.50

Ian – 50p

Leo – 50p
Directory: minutes
minutes -> City of rising star regular meting thursday, july 14, 2016
minutes -> Iccf congress, seixal, portugal 5th to 12th October 2002
minutes -> New jersey state interscholastic athletic association 1161 Route 130, po box 487, Robbinsville, nj 08691 League/Conference Officers Meeting Summary October 15, 2015
minutes -> The anson county board of commissioners
minutes -> Mascac annual meeting
minutes -> Approved May 2, 2009 Speed Skate New Brunswick Athlete Development Committee
minutes -> Present: Chairman/Town Mayor
minutes -> Cacc director’s council may 24-25 2010 12 noon caesar’s, Atlantic City, nj
minutes -> Massachusetts State Collegiate Athletic Conference Spring Athletic Directors Annual Meeting Monday – Wednesday, May 23-25, 2011 Massachusetts Maritime Academy Bay State Conference Center Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts present
minutes -> Athletics Committee Meeting Tuesday, December 6, 2011

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