Learn Sheffield Board of Directors

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Learn Sheffield Board of Directors

Thursday 27 April 2017, 8.30 to 10.45 am

Learn Sheffield Training and Development Hub


Chair: Darren Tidmarsh – FE College Director


Mike Allen - Co-opted Director, Vice Chair

Stephen Betts – CEO, Learn Sheffield
Chris French – Secondary School Director
Christopher Holder – Primary School Director
Antony Hughes – Co-opted Director
Angela Lant – Primary School Director
Judith Smith – Special School Director


Morag Somerville, Strategic Business Lead (until 10.00 am)

Val Struggles, Clerk to the Board

Joel Wirth – Secondary School Director




Chair’s introductory remarks

On behalf of the Board the Chair acknowledged the significant work undertaken to prepare the reports for the two substantive agenda items (4.1 and 4.2).



It was confirmed that the meeting was quorate.


Minutes of the previous meeting

The confidential and non-confidential minutes of the meeting held on 16 February 2017 were approved as an accurate record. The non-confidential minutes will be published on the Company’s website.



Matters Arising
1 Minutes 17/2.2/04.2: Sheffield City Council nomination
The Board was informed that confirmation has been received from SCC regarding its nominated non- executive Director and that Cllr Michelle Cook, will join the Board on completion of the induction process.

2 Minute 17/2.2/04.3: Membership update

The Board approved applications for membership received from the following schools since the last meeting:

Emmaus CE/RC Primary

St Ann’s RC Primary
St John Fisher RC Primary
St Patrick’s RC Primary
St Thomas of Canterbury RC Primary
St Marie’s RC Primary
All Saints Catholic High School
Notre Dame High School

Total membership is currently 171 institutions (from a possible total of 176 i.e. 97.2%). It was reported that following recent receipt of two applications, forms were awaited from only three institutions.

3 Minute 17/2.2/04.4: Finalisation of the lease

The Board was informed that since the last meeting discussions are continuing with SCC regarding the finalisation of the lease. Directors were assured that no issues of concern have been raised and there is no outstanding action for Learn Sheffield.

4 Minute 17/2.2/04.5: VAT on salaries

It was reported that discussions are continuing with SCC relating to the payment of VAT on the salaries of seconded staff. The Strategic Business Lead was asked to clarify with the Auditors, at the meeting scheduled for 28 April, whether there will be any impact on this year’s accounts.

5 Minute 17/2.2/07: Sheffield Priorities – to note the final version
Directors were informed that the final version is due to be published in the next 10 days and will be distributed to them prior to the next meeting.
6 Minute 17/2.2/10: ‘Beyond MATs’ – feedback from the meeting on 1 March
The Board noted that the Chief Executive was unable to attend the meeting on 1 March 2017 and that the group is seeking to move to a slightly more formal relationship (to include a small agreed contribution to its running costs).

MS to raise 28.4.17

CEO prior to 18.5.17


Strategic substantive items
1 Standing item – Services Planning Update – Version 3 - CONFIDENTIAL

Following discussion at the last meeting, an updated report was provided. Details of the issues raised in the presentation and discussion are recorded in the separate confidential minutes.

  1. Workforce Development (CONFIDENTIAL)

As requested at the last meeting a report was provided for consideration. Details raised in the presentation and discussion are recorded in a separate confidential minute.


Legal Matters
1 Company status/architectural structure – progress report on the scope of the review for Wrigleys

The Board was informed that following the last meeting, the Vice Chair, Strategic Business Leader and Clerk discussed further the matters to be included in the scope of the review of the Articles of Association to be undertaken by Wrigleys solicitors. These discussions acknowledged the potential impact of changes to the Company’s status and structure on its Articles and consequently it was agreed that initial clarification on the feasibility of different models was required in order to progress a full review of the Articles which would include also -

  • The extent to which the Articles can be amended whilst remaining compliant with the School Company Regulations;

  • The extent to which the Articles can be amended with respect to the role of SCC as the Supervising Authority

  • A range of issues relating to membership; quoracy; voting rights

Directors were informed that a meeting has been arranged with Wrigleys on 28 April to discuss the above. Hart Shaw, Auditors, have been invited to attend in recognition that matters relating to the Company’s structure will be one of the parameters underpinning any further amendments to the Articles. The outcome of ongoing discussions will be reported to the next meeting.


Strategic Business Lead


Financial Matters
1 Budget 2016/17 – update

Directors noted the revised forecast which included a potential reduction in income of £25,500. It was clarified that STAT income was still anticipated in the current year, pending finalisation of novation. Costs had been re-allocated on the basis of expenditure trends to date. Future reports will include more detail on the attribution of income and expenditure.

2 Monthly Management Accounts for the end of March 2017

Directors received the profit and loss accounts for March noting the slight reduction in income; further reduction in expenditure and a current net loss which was due to the profiling of Commissioning payments (due to be received in April and prior to the end of July).


M Somerville left the meeting at this point


1 Performance Analysis Report – April 2017
The Board received the Update Report (April 2017 i.e. complete up to the end of the Spring term 2017) and the following issues were highlighted in the presentation and discussion:

  1. School Inspection Outcomes show a slight overall improvement in the current school year, with the percentage of good/better schools now reaching 83%. The proportion of inspections this year which have resulted in good/outstanding judgements is higher (76%) than in 2015/16 (66%). The RAG rating remains unchanged (Amber) due to two inspections resulting in an ‘inadequate’ judgement. In future reports Directors requested benchmarking information, (i.e. by sectors/across the region) together with an indication of outcomes not anticipated, to provide the Board with a ‘performance metric’.

  2. Pupil outcomes remain unchanged (Amber) in relation to statutory test outcomes from 2016.

  3. The rating in relation to the updated data on attendance and exclusions remained unchanged (Amber). School absence and persistent absence data has worsened slightly and in all sectors exclusions remain too high, although overall rates of fixed term exclusion fell in the first term of 2016/17 in both primary and secondary. More details were requested in future reports to distinguish between ‘authorised’ and ‘unauthorised’ absence, particularly in the Special Schools’ sector.

  4. In relation to outcomes for vulnerable pupils, members identified a range of issues which may require future consideration including funding arrangements for schools improvement; provision of resources to support ‘at risk’ schools and the potential opportunity for Learn Sheffield to have a more strategic role notwithstanding the associated risks.




Risk Assessment update
The Risk Register, as at April 2017, was tabled for consideration. The Chief Executive drew attention to three risks the ratings for which had been escalated, namely –

  1. ‘Failure to achieve income targets’ – the inherent risk score (20) recognised the challenges both respect of the current year’s budget and the uncertainty regarding the Year 4 position. In relation to the former, account had been taken of the STAT novation which was still awaiting completion due to the commitments of other parties. Members were assured that there were no unresolved issues or actions outstanding for Learn Sheffield.

  2. ‘Failure to maintain good working relationships with SCC’ – the inherent risk score (16) acknowledged that although relationships are good, parties are entering a period of formal negotiations regarding the strategic and financial alignment particularly in respect of Year 4.

  3. ‘CEO/Senior staff absence’ – the inherent risk score (20) acknowledged that recent circumstances highlighted that mitigation of this risk was affected by the delay in the expansion of the senior staff team.


Remuneration Committee
In accordance with Articles 17 and 20.3 the Board approved the following –

  1. The Terms of Reference for a Remuneration Committee subject to amending the section on ‘Membership’ as highlighted by the Clerk to ensure consistency with Article 20.3

  2. Membership of the Committee, comprising the Chair of the Board (ex officio); the Vice Chair of the Board (ex-officio) and co-opted Director; SCC’s nominated non-executive Director and Antony Hughes, co-opted Director.

The first meeting of the Committee will be convened to determine the Chief Executive’s performance objectives and remuneration (Minute 17/4/12.1 refers).




Schedule of future meetings for 2016/17
18 May 2017 at 4.30 pm

6 July 2017 at 4.30 pm

The Board was asked to note the later start times.
Given the importance of specific items of business to be transacted at the remaining meetings, Directors were requested to notify the Clerk immediately if they anticipated they would be unable to attend. Furthermore, papers for consideration will be circulated in advance to provide Directors with sufficient time to submit comments if they are unable to attend the meeting.



Any Other Business
1 Chief Executive’s performance objectives

The Chair confirmed that as indicated previously he will circulate details to Directors and that these will be considered by the Remuneration Committee prior to a recommendation on the Chief Executive’s remuneration being submitted to the Board.

2 Meeting schedule 2017/18

The Clerk reported that a first draft schedule had been compiled for consultation with the Chief Executive prior to consideration by the Board at the next meeting.





Future Agenda items
In addition to issues raised during discussion for consideration at future meetings, the following items have been identified also

  • An update of the Risk Analysis/Risk Management Framework at every meeting

  • Draft 2017/18 Budget – 18 May 2017

  • First draft meeting schedule 2017/18 including timing of the AGM/EGM (i.e. within 18 months – no later than end of May 2018 but financial statements to be submitted to Companies House by 14 May)

  • Final 2017/18 Budget – 6 July 2017

  • Governance arrangements – 6 July 2017

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