List of plant species occurring at Strawberry River Nature Preserve and Demonstration Ranch Updated 29 April 2004 ( 404 taxa)

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List of plant species occurring at Strawberry River Nature Preserve and Demonstration Ranch - Updated 29 April 2004 ( 404 taxa).
Scientific name Common name Strata Freq. Habitat Sources

Acalypha sp. three-seeded mercury herb 13

Acer negundo var. negundo box elder tree, sap, shrub 3 C 0

Acer nigrum black maple tree, sap 4 A,B 8

Acer rubrum var. rubrum red maple tree, sap, shrub 1

Acer saccharum var. saccharum sugar maple tree, sap 3 A,B,C 2

Achillea millefolium * common yarrow herb 3 E 3

Aesculus pavia red buckeye tree, sap, shrub 1

Ageratum altissima var. altissima white snakeroot herb 2 C 1

Agrimonia rostellata beaked harvestlice herb 3 A 11

Agrostis sp. bentgrass herb 9

Alisma subcordatum American water plantain herb 9

Allium sp. – (on glades) wild onion herb 3 B 1

Ambrosia artemisiifolia annual ragweed herb 4 E 3

Ambrosia trifida giant ragweed herb 4 D,E 3

Amelanchier arborea shadbush shrub 3 B 3

Amorpha fruticosa false indigo herb 9

Amorpha nitens shining indigo bush shrub 2 C 4

Amsonia ciliata slenderleaf blue star herb 2 B 2

Andrachne phyllanthoides Missouri maidenbush shrub 4 B,E 2

Andropogon gerardii big bluestem herb 1 C 6

Andropogon virginicus var. virginicus broomsedge bluestem herb 1

Anemone americana roundlobe hepatica herb 2 B,C,F 2

Anemone canadensis Canada thimbleweed herb 2 A 3

Antennaria plantaginifolia woman’s tobacco herb 1

Apios americana goundnut herb 14

Apocynum cannabinum hemp dogbane herb 2 B 4

Aquilegia canadensis wild columbine herb 1 G 9

Arisaema dracontium green dragon herb 3 A,C,F 2

Aristida dichotoma churchmouse three-awngrass herb 2 B 11

Aristida purpurascens arrowfeather three-awngrass herb 3 B 11

Arnoglossum muehlenbergii great Indian plantain herb 14

Arnoglossum plantagineum Indian plantain herb 2 B,C,E 2

Arundinaria gigantea giant cane herb 1

Asclepias tuberosa butterfly weed herb 1 E 7

Asclepias variegata redring milkweed herb 2 A 3,9

Asclepias verticillata whorled milkweed herb 2 A,B 4,9

Asclepias viridis green-flowered milkweed herb 9

Asimina triloba pawpaw herb 1 A 4

Asplenium platyneuron ebony spleenwort herb 1

Aster cordifolius common blue wood aster herb 1

Aster lateriflorus white panicle aster herb 1

Aster laevis smooth blue aster herb 9

Aster patens late purple aster herb 1

Aster turbinellus smooth violet prairie aster herb 2 A 11

Astragalus canadensis var. canadensis Canada milkvetch herb 2 B 12

Astragalus distortus var. engelmannii Engelmann’s milkvetch herb 9

Aureolaria sp. false foxglove herb 2 B 6

Baptisia alba var. macrophylla largeleaf wild indigo herb 2 E 3

Baptisia australis var. minor blue wild indigo herb 9

Baptisia bracteata var. leucophaea longbract wild indigo herb 1

Bartonia paniculata – need to confirm twining screwstem herb 2 B 6

Berchemia scandens Alabama supplejack woody vine 1

Betula nigra black river birch tree, sap, shrub 2 C,D 3,9

Blephilia sp. wood mint herb 9

Boehmeria cylindrica smallspike false nettle herb 9

Bouteloua curtipendula side-oats grama herb 2 B 11

Brachyelytrum erectum bearded short-husk grass herb 4 C 11

Bromus pubescens hairy woodland bromegrass herb 2 C 4

Calamintha arkansana Arkansas calamint herb 3 B 3

Callicarpa americana American beauty berry shrub 3 A 3

Camassia scilloides Atlantic camus herb 2 A,B,C 2

Campsis radicans trumpet creeper woody vine 3 A,B,C,E 3

Cardamine hirsuta hairy bitter cress herb 9

Carduus nutans * nodding muskthistle herb 3 E 9

Carex annectans var. annectans yellowfruit caric sedge herb 3 E,F 3

Carex c.f. blanda eastern woodland caric sedge herb 1

Carex caroliniana Carolina’s caric sedge herb 9

Carex cephalophora woodbank caric sedge herb 9

Carex cherokeensis Cherokee caric sedge herb 2 C,F 11

Carex crinita saw-awn caric sedge herb 3 C,F 2

Carex eburnea ivory caric sedge herb 2 G 11

Carex frankii Frank’s caric sedge herb 2 C 6

Carex glaucodea blue caric sedge herb 1 A 4

Carex granularis limestone meadow caric sedge herb 3 C,H 11

Carex hystericina bottlebrush caric sedge herb 9

Carex lurida summer caric sedge herb 9

Carex rosea rosy caric sedge herb 3 A 3

Carex stricta tussock sedge herb 13

Carex vulpinoidea foxtail caric sedge herb 3 E,F 3

Carpinus caroliniana blue beech tree, sap, shrub 1

Carya alba mockernut hickory tree, sap 2 A 2

Carya cordiformis bitternut hickory tree, sap 2 C,D 10

Carya illinoensis pecan tree, sap, shrub 2 C,D 3

Carya texana black hickory tree, sap, shrub 1

Castanea pumila var. ozarkensis Ozark chinquapin sap 2 A 3

Catalpa c.f. speciosa northern catalpa tree 2 E 3

Ceanothus americanus New Jersey tea herb 9

Celtis occidentalis western hackberry tree 3 C 4

Celtis tenuifolia dwarf hackberry shrub 2 B 4

Centaurea sp. knapweed herb 13

Cercis canadensis var. canadensis eastern redbud tree, sap, shrub 1

Cephalanthus occidentalis common buttonbush shrub 1

Chaerophyllum procumbens spreading chervil herb 1

Chamaesyce maculata spotted sandmat herb 4 A,B 11

Chasmanthium latifolium inland woodoats herb 1

Cicuta maculata spotted water hemlock herb 9

Circaea sp. nightshade herb 13

Cirsium altissimum tall thistle herb 9

Cirsium vulgare * bull thistle herb 2 E 6

Claytonia virginiana Virginia spring beauty herb 1

Cocculus carolineanus Carolina moonseed herb 3 A,E 3

Comandra umbellata subsp. umbellata bastard toadflax herb 2 B 2

Coreopsis tinctoria var. tinctoria black-eyed tickseed herb 2 C 10

Coreopsis tripteris tall tickseed herb 1 C 6

Cornus florida flowering dogwood shrub, sap 1

Croton sp. croton herb 13

Cunila origanoides common dittany herb 3 A,B 6

Cuscuta sp. dodder herb 2 E 10

Cynodon dactylon * Bermuda grass herb 5 E 6

Cynoglossum virginianum wild comfrey herb 3 B 4

Dactylis glomerata * orchard grass herb 4 E 3

Dalea candida var. candida white prairie clover herb 9

Dalea purpurea var. purpurea purple prairie clover herb 2 B 7

Danthonia spicata poverty oatgrass herb 1

Daucus carota Queen Anne’s lace herb 14

Delphinium carolinianum Carolina larkspur herb 1 B 7

Delphinium tricorne dwarf larkspur herb 9

Desmanthus illinoensis Illinois bundleflower herb 1 C 6

Desmodium paniculatum var. dillenii panicled tick trefoil herb 3 A 3

Desmodium rotundifolium round-leaved tick trefoil herb 14

Desmodium sessilifolium sessileleaf tick trefoil herb 14

Dianthus armeria * deptford pink herb 3 E 3

Dichanthelium boscii Bosc’s rosettegrass herb 9

Dichanthelium clandestinum deertongue rosettegrass herb 3 C 3

Dichanthelium commutatum variable rosettegrass herb 14

Dichanthelium dichotomum cypress rosettegrass herb 14

Dichanthelium laxiflorum open-flower rosettegrass herb 3 A 11

Dichantlelium linearifolium slimleaf rosettegrass herb 14

Diodia teres rough buttonweed herb 3 E 3

Dioscorea c.f. villosa wild yam herb 2 A 3

Diospyros virginiana American persimmon tree, sap, shrub 5 A,B,E 9

Echinacea pallida pale purple coneflower herb 2 B,C,E 2

Echinacea purpurea eastern purple coneflower herb 1 C 2

Echinochloa crusgalli * barnyard grass herb 2 E 10

Eleocharis sp. spikerush herb 1

Eleocharis compressa flat-stemmed spikerush herb 9

Eleocharis palustris common spikerush herb 13

Elephantopus carolinianus Carolina elephant’s foot herb 2 A 2

Elymus canadensis Canada wild rye herb 1

Elymus villosus hairy wild rye herb 1

Elymus virginicus Virginia wild rye herb 1

Elytrigia repens * quackgrass herb 5 E 3

Equisetum hyemale var. affine common scouring-rush herb 2 C 11

Eragrostis spectabile * purple lovegrass herb 3 E 3

Erigeron tenuis slenderleaf fleabane herb 4 E 3

Eriogonum longifolium umbrella plant herb 9

Eryngium yuccifolium rattlesnake master herb 1

Erysimum capitatum western wallflower herb 9

Erythronium albidum white trout lily herb 2 A 2

Eupatorium altissimum tall thoroughwort herb 3 E 3

Eupatorium coelestinum blue mistflower herb 2 A,C,F 3

Eupatorium serotinum late boneset herb 3 E 3

Euphorbia corollata flowering spurge herb 2 A,B 3

Festuca arundinacea * reed fescue herb 1

Fimbristylis sp. fimbry herb 2 H 9

Frangula caroliniana Carolina buckthorn tree, sap, shrub 1

Fraxinus americana white ash tree 3 A,B 0

Fraxinus pennsylvanica green ash tree, sap, shrub 3 C 3

Fuirena simplex var. simplex western umbrella-sedge herb 2 H 11

Galactia regularis eastern milkpea herb 2 A 11

Galactia volubilis downy milkpea herb 2 A 11

Gallium aparine catchweed bedstraw herb 2

Gallium sp. bedstraw herb 3

Gaura longiflora biennial beeblossum herb 3 C,E 10

Geum canadense white avens herb 1

Glandularia canadensis rose mock vervain herb 3 B,C,E 2

Gleditsia triacanthos honey locust tree, sap, shrub 4 A,C,E 3

Glyceria sp. mannagrass herb 9

Glyceria striata fowl mannagrass herb 3

Gnaphalium obtusifolium var. obtusifolium sweet everlasting herb 1

Grindelia lanceolata narrowleaf gumplant herb 9

Hamamelis vernalis Ozark witch hazel shrub 3 C 4

Hamamelis c.f. virginiana southern witch hazel tree, sap, shrub 1

Hedyotis nigricans diamondflowers herb 3 B 3

Helenium autumnale common sneezeweed herb 1

Heliopsis helianthoides smooth ox-eye herb 2 B 12

Heuchera americana var. americana American alumroot herb 2 B,C,F 2

Hibiscus moscheutos subsp. lasiocarpos crimson-eyed rose mallow herb 2 C 6

Houstonia longifolia var. longifolia longleaf bluets herb 9

Houstonia purpurea var. purpurea mountain bluets herb 9

Hydrangea arborescens wild hydrangea herb 9

Hymenocallis caroliniana (?) Carolina spider lily herb 1 C 2

Hypericum c.f. gentianoides pine-weed herb 2 C 6

Hypericum hypericoides St. Andrew’s cross herb 13

Hypericum punctatum var. punctatum spotted St. John’s wort herb 14

Ilex decidua deciduous holly sap, shrub 3 B,E 2

Impatiens capensis spotted jewelweed herb 2 C 2

Juglans nigra black walnut tree 2 C 0

Juncus sp. rush herb 2 C 6

Juniperus ashei Ashe’s juniper tree, shrub 2 B 3

Juniperus virginiana var. virginiana eastern red cedar tree, sap, shrub 4 A,B,C,E,G,H 1

Justicia americana American water-willow herb 4 C 2

Lactuca sp. wild lettuce herb 1

Lepidium virginicum var. virginicum* Virginia pepperweed herb 3 E 3

Lespedeza capitata round-headed bush clover herb 1 B 6

Lespedeza cuneata * Asian bush clover herb 5 B,C,E 3

Lespedeza hirta var. hirta hairy bush clover herb 14

Lespedeza repens creeping bush clover herb 3 A 2

Lespedeza virginica slender bush clover herb 3 A 4

Leucanthemum vulgare* ox eye daisy herb 2 E 3

Liatris aspera tall blazing star herb 3 B 2

Liatris squarrosa? spreading blazing star herb 3 B 3

Lindera benzoin northern spicebush herb 1

Liquidambar styraciflua sweetgum tree, sap, shrub 4 C,E 1

Lithospermum canescens orange puccoon herb 9

Lobelia spicata highbelia herb 2 B 6

Lonicera dioica yellow honeysuckle herb 2 A 11

Lonicera japonica * Japanese honeysuckle herb 1

Lonicera sempervirens trumpet honeysuckle herb 2 E 4

Lycopus americanus American bugle weed herb 2 C 11

Lysimachia quadriflora four-flowered yellow loosestrife herb 2 C 11

Lythrum alatum var. alatum winged loosestrife herb 14

Maclura pomifera * osage orange tree 2 E 4

Maianthemum paniculatum false Solomon’s seal herb 2 A 2

Manfreda virginica false aloe herb 3 B 4

Marshallia caespitosa var. signata Barbara’s-buttons herb 9

Matelea decipiens oldfield milkvine herb 2 A 3

Medicago lupulina * black medic herb 4 E 3

Melilotus alba * white sweet clover herb 1

Melilotus officinalis * yellow sweet clover herb 3 A,B,C,D,E 3

Mertensia virginica Virginia bluebells herb 2 C 2

Mimulus sp. monkey flower herb 9

Minuartia patula var. patula pitcher’s sandwort herb 14

Monarda fistulosa var. fistulosa wild bergamot herb 1

Muhlenbergia sp. muhly grass herb 3 G 10

Nelumbo lutea American lotus herb 9

Nuttallanthus canadensis * Canada blue toadflax herb 3 E 3

Nyssa sylvatica blackgum tree, sap, shrub 4 A 3

Oenothera sp. evening primrose herb 2 B,E 3

Oenothera c.f. pilosella subsp. pilosella meadow evening primrose herb 1 B 3

Onoclea sensibilis sensitive fern herb 2 C 8

Onosmodium subsetosum hairy false gromwell herb 1

Opuntia humifusa var. humifusa eastern prickly pear herb 4 B,E, 3

Orbexilum pedunculatum var. pendunculatum Sampson’s snakeroot herb 13

Ostrya virginiana hop hornbeam tree, sap, shrub 1

Oxalis dillenii yellow wood sorrel herb 2 A,E 3

Oxalis violacea violet wood sorrel herb 3 A 2

Oxypolis rigidior stiff cowbane herb 9

Panicum anceps beaked panicgrass herb 1

Panicum dichotomiflorum fall panicgrass herb 9

Panicum virgatum switchgrass herb 1

Parnassia grandifolia large-leaved grass-of-Parnassia herb 1 C,F 2

Parthenium integrifolium var. hispidum wild quinine herb 2 A,B 3

Parthenocissus quinquefolia Virginia creeper vine 4 A 2

Pedicularis canadensis Canada lousewort herb 3 A,C 2

Pellaea atropurpurea purple-stemmed cliff brake herb 1 B 2

Penstemon cobaea cobaea beardtongue herb 14

Penstemon digitalis smooth beardtongue herb 2 A,B 3

Penstemon pallidus pale beardtongue herb 9

Penthorum sedoides ditch stonecrop herb 2 A 3

Perilla frutescens * beefsteak plant herb 3 C 6

Phlox divaricata subsp. laphamii Lapham’s blue phlox herb 1

Phlox glaberrima smooth phlox herb 9

Phlox paniculata perennial phlox herb 3 C 4

Phlox pilosa subsp. pilosa downy phlox herb 1

Physocarpus opulifolius ninebark shrub 4 C,G 10

Physostegia virginiana subsp. praemorsa obedient plant herb 2 C 10

Phytolacca americana American pokeweed herb 3 E 3

Pilea pumila Canada clearweed herb 13

Pinus echinata shortleaf pine tree, sap 2 A 3

Plantago sp. – upper end of spring plantain herb 1 F 3

Plantago rugelii black-seeded plantain herb 9

Platanus occidentalis American sycamore tree, sap, shrub 2 C 1

Pleopeltis polypodioides var. michauxiana resurrection fern herb 2 A 2

Poa pratensis * Kentucky bluegrass herb 1

Podophyllum peltatum May apple herb 1

Polygonatum biflora smooth Solomon’s seal herb 1 G 10

Polygonum persicaria * spotted lady thumb herb 2 D 3

Polygonum virginianum Virginia knotweed herb 3 A 3

Polystichum acrostichoides Christmas fern herb 2 A 6

Potentilla simplex old-field cinquefoil herb 2 E 3

Prunella vulgaris heal-all herb 1 C 6

Prunus angustifolia Chickasaw plum shrub 2 C 3

Prunus serotina black cherry tree, sap 2 A 2

Psoralea sp. scurf pea herb 9

Pteridium aquilinum var. latiusculum bracken fern herb 9

Ptilimnium sp. bishopweed herb 13

Pycnanthemum tenuifolium slender mountain mint herb 1

Pycnanthemum virginianum Virginia mountain-mint herb 13

Quercus alba white oak tree, sap, shrub 1

Quercus falcata Spanish oak tree, sap, shrub 1

Quercus imbricaria shingle oak tree, sap 2 B,C 4

Quercus macrocarpa bur oak tree, sap, shrub 2 C 6

Quercus marilandica var. marilandica blackjack oak tree, sap, shrub 3 A,B 3

Quercus muehlenbergii chestnut oak tree, sap, shrub 1

Quercus rubra northern red oak tree, sap, shrub 1

Quercus shumardii Shumard’s oak tree, sap. 3 B,C 0

Quercus stellata post oak tree, sap, shrub 1

Quercus velutina black oak tree 3 A,B 0

Ranunculus sp. buttercup herb 2 E 3

Ratibida pinnata pinnate prairie coneflower herb 9

Rhus aromatica fragrant sumac shrub 1

Rhus copallinum winged sumac shrub 3 E 3

Rhus glabra smooth sumac shrub 1

Rhynchospora capillacea needle beaksedge herb 2 C,H 11

Robinia pseudo-acacia black locust tree, sap 3 A,B,C,E 2

Rorippa nasturtium-aquaticum * water cress herb 4 F 3

Rosa carolina Carolina rose shrub 2 B,E 3

Rosa setigera climbing rose shrub 2 B 12

Rubus flagellaris northern dewberry shrub 1

Rudbeckia fulgida var. umbrosa shining coneflower herb 3 A 11

Rudbeckia hirta black-eyed-Susan herb 2 B,E 3

Rudbeckia laciniata var. laciniata wild goldenglow herb 3 D,F 3

Rudbeckia triloba var. triloba brown-eyed Susan herb 1

Ruellia humilis wild petunia herb 14

Ruellia pedunculata subsp. pedunculata stalked wild petunia herb 9

Ruellia strepens limestone wild petunia herb 3 A,B,E 2

Rumex crispus curly dock herb 1

Sabatia sp. rosepink herb 14

Sagittaria latifolia broad-leaved arrowhead herb 14

Sagittaria sp. arrowhead herb 13

Salix caroliniana Carolina willow shrub 3 C 9

Salix nigra black willow tree, sap, shrub 3 D,F 3

Salvia azurea pitcher sage herb 9

Salvia lyrata lyreleaf sage herb 1

Sambucus nigra subsp. canadensis common elder-berry shrub 1

Sanguinaria canadensis bloodroot herb 2 A 2

Saponaria officinalis soapwort herb 13

Sassafras albidum sassafras sap, shrub 1

Saururus cernuus lizard’s tail herb 2 C,F 3

Schizachyrium scoparium subsp. scoparium little bluestem herb 1

Schrankia nuttallii var. nuttallii sensitive brier herb 7

Scirpus atrovirens green bulrush herb 9

Scirpus pendulus drooping bulrush herb 9

Scleria c.f. oligantha littleflower nutsedge herb 1

Scutellaria bushii Bush’s skullcap herb 4 A,B 11

Scutellaria ovata heartleaf skullcap herb 9

Sedum pulchellum widow’s cross herb 3 B 8

Senecio aureus golden ragwort herb 2 B,F 2

Senecio tomentosus woolly ragwort herb 9

Setaria glauca * yellow bristlegrass herb 9

Sideroxylon lanuginosum subsp. lanuginosum chittimwood tree, sap, shrub 9

Silene stellata starry campion herb 2 A 3

Silene virginica fire pink herb 2 A 7

Silphium integrifolium var. integrifolium rosin weed herb 2 A,B 3

Silphium perfoliatum var. perfoliatum cup plant herb 2 C,F 3

Sisyrinchium sp. blue-eyed grass herb 2 A 3

Smallanthus uvedalis yellow-flower leafcup herb 3 C 10

Smilax bona-nox saw greenbrier vine 4 A,B,C,E 2

Smilax glauca cat greenbrier woody vine 1

Smilax rotundifolia roundleaf greenbrier woody vine 1

Solanum carolinense Carolina horsenettle herb 3 E 7

Solidago arguta var. strigosa cutleaf goldenrod herb 3 G 11

Solidago caesia var. caesia blue-stem goldenrod herb 3 G 10

Solidago canadensis Canada goldenrod herb 1

Solidago nemoralis old field goldenrod herb 1

Solidago odora fragrant goldenrod herb 13

Solidago radula western rough goldenrod herb 4 A 11

Solidago riddellii Riddell’s goldenrod herb 2 F 6

Solidago ulmifolia small elm-leaved goldenrod herb 1

Sorghastrum nutans Indian grass herb 1

Spigelia marilandica woodland pink-root herb 1 A 7

Spiranthes lacera var. gracilis southern slender ladies’ tresses herb 2 A,E 10

Spiranthes lucida shining ladies’ tresses herb 9

Spiranthes vernalis grass-leaved ladies’ tresses herb 9

Sporobolus clandestinus rough dropseed herb 3 A,E 10

Staphylea trifolia American bladdernut shrub 9

Stylosanthes biflora sidebeak pencilflower herb 3 B 12

Symphoricarpos orbiculatus * coralberry shrub 1

Taenidia integerrima yellow pimpernel herb 9

Tephrosia onobrychoides hoary goatsrue herb 1 B 6

Tephrosia virginiana Virginia goatsrue herb 2 A,B 7

Teucrium canadense Canada woodsage herb 14

Thalictrum dasycarpum purple meadow rue herb 2 A 4

Thalictrum thalictroides rue anemone herb 3 A 2

Torilis sp. hedge parsley herb 14

Toxicodendron radicans eastern poison ivy vine, shrub 1

Tridens flavus var. flavus tall purpletop herb 1

Trifolium pratense * red clover herb 1

Trifolium repens * white clover herb 1

Trillium sessile toadshade wakerobin herb 2 A 2

Triodanis perfoliata var. perfoliata round-leaved Venus’ looking glass herb 3 A 3

Triticum aestivum * common wheat herb 2 E 3

Ulmus alata winged elm tree, sap, shrub 4 A,B,E,G,H 1

Ulmus americana American elm tree, sap, shrub 2 C 1

Uvularia grandiflora largeflower bellwort herb 2 A 2

Vaccinium arboreum farkleberry shrub 3 A 1

Vaccinium pallidum blue ridge blueberry shrub 4 A 3

Vaccinium stamineum deerberry shrub 3 A 3

Valerianella sp. corn salad herb 1

Verbascum blattaria * moth mullein herb 3 E 3

Verbascum thapsus common mullein herb 1

Verbena simplex narrowleaf vervain herb 9

Verbena urticifolia white vervain herb 14

Verbesina alternifolia yellow ironweed herb 13

Verbesina helianthoides gravelbeard herb 1

Verbesina virginica var. virginica white crown-beard herb 4 C,D,E 10

Vernonia c.f. arkansana Arkansas ironweed herb 1 C 6

Vernonia baldwinii subsp. baldwinii Baldwin’s ironweed herb 1

Vernonia sp. ironweed herb 9

Viburnum nudum var. nudum possum-haw tree, sap 1 C 4

Viburnum rufidulum rusty black haw sap, shrub 3 B 2

Vicia sativa var. sativa* common vetch herb 3 E 3

Viola palmata early blue violet herb 2 A 2

Viola pedata bird’s-foot violet herb 2 B 2

Viola pubescens yellow violet herb 3 C 2

Viola sagittata? arrow-leafed violet herb 2 C 7

Viola sororia var. sororia woolly blue violet herb 3/4 C 7

Vitis rotundifolia muscadine grape woody vine 3 A,B,C,G 1

Xanthium strumarium rough cocklebur herb 3 E 6

Xyris sp. yellow eyed grass herb 2 C,F 2

Yucca arkansana (or ornamental??) Arkansas soapweed herb 1 E 6

Zigadenus nuttallii Nuttall’s death camas herb 9

Zizia aurea golden Alexanders herb 9

* = non-native species (30/404 = 7.4%)


tree: > 5 in dbh and > 20 ft tall

sapling: 0.4 to < 5 in dbh and > 20 ft tall

shrub: usually 3 to 20 ft tall; multi-stemmed, brushy shrubs small trees and saplings

woody vine: vines that are woody

herb: graminoids, forbs, ferns, fern allies, herbaceous vines, tree seedlings

Habitat Frequency

A = Oak – Hickory woodland 5 = abundant

B = Glade 4 = common

C = Riparian woodland/scour prairie 3 = occasional

D = Canebrake 2 = infrequent

E = Non-native grassland 1 = rare

F = Seep

G = Rock outcrop/cliff

H = Calcareous seep

0 = Douglas Zollner, February 2000 site visit.

1 = Scott Simon, Chad Hermandorfer, Mike Fuhr, 9 March 2000 site visit.

2 = D. Zollner, M. Fuhr, 11 April 2000 site visit.

3 = S. Simon, M. Fuhr, May 2000 site visit.

4 = D. Zollner, M. Fuhr, June 2000 site visit.

5 = M. Fuhr, Summer 2000 site visits.

6 = S. Simon and M. Melnechuk, 10 January 2000 site visit.

7 = M. Fuhr and L. Moore, 6 April 2001 site visit.

8 = M. Fuhr, 9 May 2001 site visit.

9 = S. Simon and D. Zollner, May 2001 site visits.

10 = M. Fuhr, John Stark, and D. Zollner.

11 = D. Ladd, D. Zollner et al. on NY botanical lichen hunt.

12 = S. Simon, J. Stark, B. Landford, and Alex, 12 June 2002 site visit.

13 = S. Simon, D. Zollner, June 2003 site visit.

14 = S. Simon, 23 August 2003 site visit.

Nomenclature according to: Arkansas Vascular Flora Committee 12-00 Checklist, Smith, E. B. 1994. Keys to the Flora of Arkansas. University of Arkansas Press. Fayetteville, AR. 363 pp.

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