Worship Aide for the FIRST SUNDAY
March 5
The word “Lent” has come to represent the ‘forty days’ when Christians with acts of repentance and mercy prepare for Holy Week and the renewal of their Baptismal promises at Easter. In keeping with this Season, vestments are violet, flowers are removed, and some acclamations omitted at Mass; and musical instruments are used only to support congregational singing. Please observe this season of penitence with prayerful silence in the church.
#122 - Led By The Spirit
Kyrie, eleison. (Greek for Lord and
Christe, eleison. Christ, have mercy.)
Kyrie, eleison. Repeat after priest
Be merciful, O Lord, for we have sinned.
Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ,
King of endless glory!
O God, hear us; hear our prayer.
with Food Products
shared in our
St. Bernard Hunger Programs
Sanctus - #841
Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus
Dominus Deus Sabaoth. Pleni sunt coeli et terra, gloria tua. Hosanna in excelsis.
Benedictus qui venit in nomine Domini. Hosanna en excelsis.
Memorial - #875
When we eat this bread and drink this cup, we proclaim your death, O Lord, until you come again.
Amen - #876
A-men, A-men, A-men (2x)
Lamb of God - #845
Agnus Dei, qui tollis pecata mundi, miserere nobis.
Agnus Dei, qui tollis pecata mundi, miserere nobis.
Agnus Dei, qui tollis pecata mundi, dona nobis pacem. (final)
#125 - Beyond The Days
#136 - Lord, Throughout These 40 Days
St. Bernard Mass Intentions
Sunday, March 5 - First Sunday of Lent
10:00 + Jesse Yutches
12:00 Pro Populo
8:00 Intention of Clara Piscazzi
Monday, March 6
12:10 Intention of Cristina Villareal
Tuesday, March 7
12:10 Intention of the Narko Family
Wednesday, March 8
12:10 + Sophie Urbas
Thursday, March 9
12:10 + Francisco Mora, Sr.
Friday, March 10
12:10 Intention of Fr. Dan
Saturday, March 11
4:30 In Thanksgiving
Sunday, March 12 - Second Sunday of Lent
10:00 + John "Jack" Fergus
12:00 Holy Souls in Purgatory
8:00 Pro Populo
Scripture Readings for the Week
Mon. Leviticus 19:1,2,11-18; Matthew 25:31-46
Tues. Isaiah 55:10-11; Matthew 6:7-15
Wed. Jonas 3:1-10; Luke 11:29-32
Thur. Esther C: 12-25; Matthew 7:7-12
Fri. Ezekiel 18:21-28; Matthew 5:20-26
Sat. Deuteronomy 26:16-29; Matthew 5:43-48
Sun. Gen 12:1-4; Ps 33; 2 Tim 1:8-10; Mt 17:1-9
Collection Offering
Sunday, February 26 - $8,889.00
SECOND COLLECTION - March 5: For ministries that assist Native-American and African-American Parishes
PRAYER REQUESTS: Clara Piscazzi, Mary Lou Monsour, Bishop Richard Lennon, Barb Lukacik, Patti Molinelli, Dr. Aldon Villalba, Helen Bailey, Patricia Finn, Ann Miller, John W. Didado, Marilyn Maximovich, and our homebound parishioners.
RITE of ELECTION - for Jesse Tilton, Liz Rap (wife of Brian), and Trevor Plog (son of Labajetta) begins at 10:00 Mass and concludes at the Cathedral at 2:30pm.
FRIDAY ABSTINENCE - For members of the Latin Catholic Church, the discipline to abstain from eating meat on FRIDAYS is obligatory from age 14 onwards.
FOOD - Caring for Our Common Home: Lent is a reminder of how Jesus was led into the wilderness and fasted for 40 days; depending solely on our heavenly Father. Our Bulletin Insert for this 1st Sunday of Lent on what the 'Church Is Saying' about how we buy and eat food, and our Friday discipline of abstaining from meat, are meant to spur a deeper reflection on our own practices.
ON THURSDAY, March 9, you are invited to join with Deacon Ray and Judy DiMascio at 6:30 for a simple Soup Supper in the Social Hall with conversation on how we can better Care for our Common Home.
Here’s How You Get Connected to FORMED.org
Our parish has subscribed to a dynamic new online platform called FORMED. Every parishioner will have unlimited access to the best Catholic e-books, talks, videos and movies on any device, including your computer, smartphone, and tablet. There will be no cost to you.
With FORMED you’ll find video programs that explain the Catholic faith, explore the deepest meaning of marriage, receive bible studies on a variety of topics, inspiring audio talks, and much more. They’re all part of our parish subscription. It truly is the Catholic faith—on demand. For example, there is an excellent full-length movie on the life of Mother Teresa.
Here’s how you get connected to FORMED.
Go to www.FORMED.org. You will see the box titled "Register", click on it. Now type in the parish code: 678GQQ (which is case sensitive) and your email. Provide your name and address. Set up a username, whatever username you’ll remember, and a password. Keep it simple, you can change it later if you want. A Registration Verification will be sent to your email address. YOU MUST GO to your email AND VERIFY YOUR REGISTRATION BEFORE YOU LOGIN. Then you are all set to use all the great Catholic programs on FORMED.org anytime by simply logging in.
If you have any questions you can contact Fr. Dan at the office or his email: djreed@stbernardstmary.org.
HEY! ROO CATHOLICS This Wednesday (3/8) is XLT in the church after our 6:30 free dinner. Check out our website for information on our REVIVE Retreat next Saturday, March 11 9am-9pm.
UNIVERSAL TRAVEL HAWAIIAN CRUISE - October 14-21, 2017 to benefit St. Bernard Parish. Join Doug and MJ Palmer and a Norwegian Cruise Rep for a presentation on March 15 at 7:00pm here in the History Room. For every cabin sold $50.00 will be donated to St. Bernard Parish Memorial Trust. Aloha ke akua!
THE JOY OF LOVE - A study and sharing group on this written exhortation by Pope Francis (Amoris Laetitia) following the synod on family life led by Ray and Michele Schmidt. Meets Wednesday March 8 and 22 in the parish house from 7:00-9:00pm.
And on March 9 at 7:00pm our Cluster Parish Social Justice Ministry will sponsor at St. Sebastian Parish Faith Lodge (across from the church), Magistrates Rita Rochford and Robert McCarty who will speak on "Assisting Court-Involved Families in Summit County Juvenile Court". Come hear their insights and support.
CENACLE of DIVINE MERCY - Instructions for the Cenacle will be each Friday of March from 5:00-7:00pm in the Parish House. Contact Manena Vidlak at 330-762-1959 or raysofmercycenac@aol.com.
MEN'S NIGHT OUT - Tuesday, March 14 from 6:30 – 9:00 p.m. at St. Vincent de Paul Church- Akron. Join us for a Buffet Dinner ($15/person) and a presentation by former Brown's Player, Dick Ambrose - now a Cuyahoga Co. Common Pleas Judge! To purchase tickets, go to our website – www.StVincentChurch.com. click on the Events tab to order through PayPal. Questions? Email Bob at Events@StVincentChurch.com
THE CATHOLIC WORKER - Under the direction of Sr. Catherine Walsh is seeking: part-time female volunteers to work in support of international and U.S. homeless women and children housed here in Akron. Skills: strong faith, basic cooking, light housework, child nurturer; ALSO, seeking a resident female volunteer to live and work on site. Same skills as above, tutoring and gardening is a plus but not required. Contact Sr. Catherine or Anne Cook at 330-384-1112.
KUDOS to our St. Bernard Friends - Thank you! We received a check for over $200 from all the "Box Tops" you turned into the school. Also, we won the top prize of $500, once again, in the "Akron Recycles Competition". THANK YOU for Recycling paper and cardboard into our parking lot bins.
THEOLOGY ON TAP AKRON is at the Winking Lizard Tavern at 1615 Main St., Peninsula on Wednesday, March 8th at 7:00 pm! We welcome all young adults in their 20's and 30's to come listen to Rev. Marty Miller speak on "A Short History of the Sacrament of Reconciliation in the Catholic Church." Admission is $5 and includes appetizers. The bar will be open for those who would like to purchase beverages.
FORMADO (FORMED.org) - Estoy contento ofrecer a cada uno de ustedes la oportunidad de crecer en nuestra fe Católica vía el Internet con materiales en ESPAÑOL. Principio HOY
Vaya a www. FORMED.org. Usted verá y CLICK la caja titulada 'Register'. Escriba el código de parroquia: 678GQQ (que es el caso sensitivo) y su correo electrónico. Proporcione su nombre y dirección. Establezca un username y una contraseña (password). Guárdelo simple, usted puede cambiarlo más tarde si usted quiere. Una Verificación de Registro será enviada a su dirección de correo electrónico. Vaya y verifique que usted es registrado. En el futuro simplemente vaya 'a la Entrada al sistema' (Login).
CLASES DE PRIMERA COMUNION – La próxima clase para la primera comunión es 5 de marzo a la 1 pm. Salón Histórico. No faltes.
REUNIÓN IMPORTANTE – Gracias a todos los que bajaron a la reunión el pasado domingo, se decidió que para todos los domingos de marzo y primer domingo de abril habrá un almuerzo latino con motivo de celebrar el quinto encuentro, todos están invitados no faltes a esta celebración. También se discutió acerca de asuntos importantes sobre inmigración y que se debe de hacer en caso de emergencia. Y algo muy importante se decidió que la primera venta de comida para sacar fondos para la comunidad será el 9 de abril.
Quinto Encuentro - todos están invitados al quinto encuentro diocesano que se celebrará todos los domingos de marzo y el primer domingo de abril, comenzamos con misa de 12:00 del día y luego te invitamos inmediatamente al Salón Social para continuar con la sesión de reflexión, tendremos almuerzo Latino, no faltes, te esperamos.
CLASES DE INGLÉS PARA ADULTOS – 2do y 4to sábado de cada mes. De 9:00 a 12:00 pm. Casa Parroquial. Más información llama al 330-322-4452.
CAPACITAR – Programa para mujeres. Próximas reuniones de 1-3 pm 2do y 4to sábado de cada mes. Más Información Nancy 330-322-4452.
¡SEPARE LA FECHA! – Para la Fiesta de Casino a beneficio de becas para estudiantes hispanos! de Kent State University. Para el sábado 4 de marzo de 5:30 PM a 12 de la noche. En el lugar de Stratford. Situado en 4301 Darrow Road Stow. Para comprar las entradas: se puede ir al sitio de web: http://bit.ly/2eFnPNX. Más información llame a Nancy 330-322-4452.
FORMED.ORG - Catholicism on Demand
An Online Faith Formation Program for YOU!
Un programa de formación en la Fe Católica por internet para USTED!
It's here! It's for you! It's absolutely FREE! Beginning Today anyone in our St. Bernard Community will now
have access to Catholic Movies, eBooks, Talks, Study programs, Scripture and Church Teachings, and more at your fingertips - computer, smartphone, tablet, etc. - wherever you have internet access. And it's not just for Lent. Simply follow these instructions: Go to
www.Formed.org; Click "Register"; enter our case sensitive parish code - 678GQQ. Register your name and address and create a Username and Password.
GO to your email and VERIFY your registration,
then "Login" any time with your Username and Password.
Thursdays - St. Bernard Social Hall - 6:30-8:00pm beginning with a Soup Supper
Thursday March 9 and every Thursday of Lent, join Deacon Ray and Judy DiMascio as they facilitate a discussion on the week's Bulletin Insert: "
Caring For Our Common Home". Pope Francis calls all Christians to consider how our use of the Earth's resources affect others and provides concrete action steps to Care for each other in our common home. We are so blessed with abundant choices of food!
A voluntary fast by one person for a single day out of the 40 Days of Lent - Sign Up!
The Wilderness Group along with St. Sebastian and St. Vincent parishes are sponsoring a Fast for Peace during Lent and Holy week. Our parish is part of the social justice cluster with those parishes. Every day (except Sunday) someone (or a couple) will fast for the cause of peace in our individual lives and the world at large. To participate, contact Brian Williams at bjwlegal@yahoo.com. Also, the Wilderness Group will publish a written reflection during each Sunday in Lent. Copies are available in the back of church.
March 6 - Anne Bierman March 7 - Mary Anne Curry March 8 - Dan Mernaugh
March 9 - Santo Costanzo March 10 - Karen Kapes March 11 - Mike & Patty Ayers
Los domingos - durante la Misa a las 12:00 y después una conversación en el Salón Social
Sundays - during the 12:00 Mass followed by a conversation in the Social Hall
Todos están invitados a participar en el V ENCUENTRO durante la Misa a las 12:00 de la tarde todos los domingos de la Cuaresma. Posible la misa sea celebrada en el Salón Social para facilitar una conversación después la misa sobre la homilía especial y el Ministro Pastoral a los Hispanos y Latinos en los EE.UU. El facilitante es un miembro de la Oficina Hispana/Latina Diocesana. Ven y sea parte de este Encuentro Nacional.
Please be aware that the 12:00 Sunday Mass throughout Lent will include a presentation during the homily on Pastoral Ministry to the Hispanic/Latino Population in the United States. Mass may be celebrated in the Social Hall to allow for a follow up conversation facilitated by Staff from the Diocesan Hispanic Office.
La Misa 12:00 está en el Salón Social en la Cuaresama
12:00 MASS is being held in the Social Hall during Lent