Misy 3312: Introduction to Telecommunications Fall 2011-2012 Section 201 Members

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MISY 3312: Introduction to Telecommunications

Fall 2011-2012

Section 201


Heba AL-Owayeed ID: 200900569

Lujayn Tahlawi ID: 200900797

Fatima A. Mohammed ID: 200801340

Farah AL-Shreef ID: 200900901

Team project: Apple Store

8th - May- 2012


Table of contents:





Network Transmission Media


Apple store and it's networks ( based on physical scope


Net Work Classification


Basic Hardware Components:


Network security

History of Mac OS


Mac Security Issues:









Apple is an American multinational corporation that designs and sells consumer electronics, computer software, and personal computers. Its software includes the Mac OS X operating system; the iTunes media browser; the iLife suite of multimedia and creativity software; the iWork suite of productivity software; Aperture, a professional photography package; Final Cut Studio, a suite of professional audio and film-industry software products; Logic Studio, a suite of music production tools; the Safari web browser; and iOS, a mobile operating system.

Apple established in 1st of April 1976 in California, USA by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne. Nowadays it is the largest publicly traded company in the world by market capitalization and has around 375 retail stores around the world plus on-line stores.

Apple store is the best place to find all applications for Apple products such as I phone, I pod, I pad and Mac PCs or Notebooks. You can buy and install needed applications, programs and tunes. It includes games, applications for business, education, entertainment, health and fitness, music, sports and navigation.

To activate this service in your Apple products you need to create an account and buy a credit card to be able to download the full version of applications. The credit card should be charged by prepaying or declining it from your bank account.

Apple store has a serious problem, now people started to use Jailbreak. Apple tightly controls its  iOS-based products. These controls are wide-ranging, but include limiting users' ability to customize the look and feel of their devices and preventing users from installing software on the devices that didn't come from Apple's App Store.  Jailbreak is the process used to modify the operating system running on an iPhone, iPod touch, or iPad to allow the user greater control over their device, including the ability to remove Apple-imposed restrictins and install apps obtained through means other than the official App Store. So anyone can download Apple’s applications for free. In addition, Jailbreak allows users to make some changes in the system, unlock and control what gets installed. For more details, Cydia is a famous source after jailbreaking devices.

Cydia allows user to install third party applications on your device and it allows him to add themes, games, and many tweaks etc, to the device. It is very useful because it doesn’t provide unlimited itunes money or something, but user can install "installous" from cydia and from there he can download any paid apple store application for free.

In contrast, jailbreak is illegal and it is a big topic for argue, does it affect badly or not. In fact, jailbreak can cause problems, including data corruption and allowing access to malicious code. As a result, Apple does not support devices that have been damaged due to jailbreaking and may consider them out of warranty. (Costello, n.d.)


The initial screen of JailbreakMe.com
jailbreak iphone with jailbreakme.com

Network Transmission Media

Transmission media is the pathway or medium that connects the computers and other electronic devices of an organization together where the information is transmitted from one place to another. The transmission media used to run a connection between sender and receiver to give-and-take information, and they are generally grouped into two wide categories guided (wired) and unguided (wireless). Under wired technology are twisted pair, coaxial cable, and optical fiber. Moreover, wireless technology includes Terrestrial, Satellites, and Wireless LANs.

According to AppleTalk which is a propriety suit of networking protocols developed by Apple Inc., apple refers to the genuine transmission media used in AppleTalk network as LocalTalk. It uses twisted pair transmission medium. The reason why AppleTalk uses this type of wired technology is because twisted pairs can run several kilometers without any kind of amplification. Twisted pair is also considered the simplest and the most suitable for different uses, but the most common use for it is the telephone system.

The wireless technology is definitely used in a big well known corporation such as Apple. A wireless (LAN ) wireless local area network is one transmission media where a mobile user can connect to a local area network (LAN) through a wireless connection. This kind of transmission is broadly used in companies, and similarly used in Apple Inc. Wireless networking is usually used within buildings, campus, rooms and so on, and in Apple's case, it is used among different buildings within the same range and it's also used for communication purposes such as send and share data quickly. Moreover, this kind of wireless transmission media is used for several different reasons. It is used because of it is flexibility of radio coverage. Likewise, this kind of transmission without planning unlike wired networks. And last but not least, the strength of wireless networks in which they can survive even the toughest problems.

Apple store and it's networks ( based on physical scope) :

  • The app store uses LAN type of network where you can open your account from your ipone, ipod, ipad or your mac laptop which they are all connected together . and you can use this connection to update your current applications or download new ones.

  • Also it uses virtual private network ( VPN ) that links between nodes that are carried by open connections or virtual circuits in some larger network (e.g., the Internet) instead of by physical wires. This type of network gives the app store a wider range and an easier access.

  • Internet network which is commonly used to access the app store in the first place and to download the applications. Without this network there is no access to any of the application hence no downloads or updates.

  • A backbone network is there also to allow the devices to exchange information between networks .

  • Finally the app store also uses an overlay network which is a virtual computer network that is built on top of another network. It's were they get all these networks to connect together by another huge network

Net Work Classification:

 Living organisms are arranged in different groups due to their similarities and differences. This grouping is called Classification. App is using Client/Server Architecture which is refers to the computing environment in which a database application connects to an Oracle database. And the Oracle Database environment, the database application and the database are separated into a client/server architecture:

  • The client runs the database application, for example, SQL*Plus or a Visual Basic data entry program, that accesses database information and interacts with a user.

  • The server runs the Oracle Database software and handles the functions required for concurrent, shared data access to an Oracle database.

Although the client application and database can run on the same computer, greater efficiency is often achieved when the client portions and server portion are run by different computers connected through a network. The following sections discuss variations in the Oracle Database client/server architecture.

Examples of Distributed Processing:

  • Client/Server Architecture and Distributed Processing

description of figure 16-1 follows


description of figure 16-2 follows

Network topology is the layout pattern of interconnections of the various elements of a computer or biological network. Network topologies may be physical or logical. Physical topology refers to the physical design of a network including the devices, location and cable installation. Logical topology refers to how data is actually transferred in a network as opposed to its physical design. In general physical topology relates to a core network whereas logical topology relates to basic network.

The study of network topology recognizes eight basic topologies:

  • Point-to-point

  • Bus

  • Star

  • Ring or circular

  • Mesh

  • Tree

  • Hybrid

  • Daisy chain

App is using Mesh Topology which is fully connected network. The value of fully meshed networks is proportional to the exponent of the number of subscribers, assuming that communicating groups of any two endpoints, up to and including all the endpoints, is approximated by Reed's Law.


Figure : Mesh Topology

Basic Hardware Components:

Its consist of

  • Network interface cards

  • Repeaters

  • Hubs

  • Bridges

  • Switches

  • Routers

App is using Bridges which is a network budget connects multiple networks segment at the data link layer (layer 2) of the OSI model. Bridges broadcast to all ports except the port on which the broadcast was received. However, bridges do not promiscuously copy traffic to all ports, as hubs do, but learn which Mac Addresses are reachable through specific ports. Once the bridge associates a port and an address, it will send traffic for that address to that port only.

Bridges learn the association of ports and addresses by examining the source address of frames that it sees on various ports. Once a frame arrives through a port, its source address is stored and the bridge assumes that MAC address is associated with that port. The first time that a previously unknown destination address is seen, the bridge will forward the frame to all ports other than the one on which the frame arrived.

Bridges come in three basic types:

  • Local bridges: Directly connect LANs

  • Remote bridges: Can be used to create a wide area network (WAN) link between LANs. Remote bridges, where the connecting link is slower than the end networks, largely have been replaced with routers.

  • Wireless bridges: Can be used to join LANs or connect remote stations to LANs.

Network security

History of Mac OS:

On January 24, 1984, Apple Computer Inc. (now Apple Inc.) introduced the  Macintosh  personal computer, with the Macintosh 128K model, which came bundled with what was later renamed the Mac OS, but then known simply as the System Software.[1] The Macintosh is generally credited with popularizing the graphical user interface. The Mac OS has been pre-installed on almost every Macintosh computer sold. The operating system is also sold separately on the Mac App Storefor $29.99. It is also sold on a USB flash drive for $69.00. (Mac OS X Lion only.) The original Macintosh system software was partially based on the Lisa OS, previously released by Apple for the Lisa computer in 1983 and, as part of an agreement allowing Xerox to buy shares in Apple at a favorable rate, it also used concepts from the Xerox PARC Xerox Alto, which Steve Jobs and several other Macintosh team members had previewed.

Figure 5: Timeline of Mac OShttp://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/timeline/e923ce68f3bd51f123436957c8b54c67.png

Mac Security Issues:

The real threats that face your Mac:

  1. Scams and fraud:

Mac users face a few of the same security threats as their Windows and Linux counterparts: online scams, retail and auction fraud, and identity-theft.

  1. User error:

One of the biggest security risks to your Mac is you--using poor passwords, downloading risky files, and other lapses in judgment. Here are the most common user errors and how to correct them.

  1. Mobile threats:

Portable technology is inherently risky: If there's a chance you'll lose your laptop or iPhone, there's a chance a bad guy will pick it up and take advantage of you.

  1. Online hazards:

The Internet has made the Mac infinitely more useful—but not without some attendant risk. Rich Mogull explains what you should look out for online and what to do if you slip up.

  1. What you can ignore:

While there are indeed some real Mac security threats, there are also some well-publicized threats that Mac users can ignore. Here's what they are and why you don't need to worry about them. (Mogull, 2010)


In brief, Macintosh is a very big and productive company that has to protect its services and systems. Internet has many hard issues and risks for users as individuals and Apple as a company. As mentioned, jailbreak is the biggest dangerous intruder for Apple Store which effects Mac sales and performance because of providing free applications and programs. After that some details related to transmission media, and it mentioned that app store uses LAN type of network and VPN and App is using Client/Server Architecture. The last part is about some security risks such as poor password, fraud, and identity-theft.


Tips to protect your Mac “from Apimac website”:

Mac security and data protection are important. Make sure you select the right application for the data you wish to protect.

  1. Hide files and folders from the prying eyes of other people using your Mac
    This is the most simple and straightforward method. Secret Folder for Mac is an application allowing you to build a list of file folders, which you may turn visible or invisible with a simple click. In addition, the application launch can be password-protected. This protection system is based on the principle that no person will attempt to open a file he/she cannot see or knows about

  2. Protect files and folders by placing them in an encrypted and password-protected space
    This is the safest way to protect your information. It protects your information from occasional users of your Mac as well as from hackers, who may attempt a malicious access to your data. Protect Files for Mac creates protected spaces that can be stored in your Hard Disk or an USB stick. A password is required to access the data. This solution uses the disk image with AES-encryption technology provided by the Mac OS X. This technology is one of the security mechanisms historically adopted by many governments for data protection purposes.

  3.  Use encryption to protect files to store or share
    Compress a file or group of files in a folder into a format that supports password-protected encryption: .zip, .dmg, or .7z. Once files are compressed, Compress Files for Mac can automatically store them in a specific location on your hard drive, or attach them to an e-mail message for eventual delivery to the final recipient by e-mail (removing, if so specified, the original files for added security).

  4. Send e-mail messages and attachments encrypted with a password
    Today we increasingly rely on e-mail for corresponding with friends, colleagues, and clients. Large amounts of sensitive data and confidential information are regularly transferred over the Internet. This has led to a pervasive need for e-mail privacy. Now more than ever, encryption becomes the only solution to protect e-mail correspondence from prying eyes. E-mail Encrypt for Mac is currently the best, top ease-of-use application in that area. To send a message, simply double-click on a person in the contact list and a new message window will appear, already addressed and ready to accept your text as well as any attachments you wish to send along.

  5. Switch on Your Firewall

Open the System Preferences application and click on Security; click on Firewall and click Start.

  1. Antivirus/Antispyware Software

Ensure you always have effective and updated antivirus/antispyware software running. Most internet security software suppliers sell packages and individual solutions specifically designed for Macs.

Jailbreak Issue:

Another thing that they can do is to deal and try to attract Jailbreak producers to be in their side by paying fees or giving commissions.


  • Application and Networking Architecture. (n.d.). Oracle Documentation. from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Computer_

  • Application and Networking Architecture. (n.d.). Oracle Documentation.from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Classification

  • Application and Networking Architecture. (n.d.). Oracle Documentation.from http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E11882_01/server.112

  • Classification - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. (n.d.). Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Network_topology

  • Creating I tunes account. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://support.apple.com/kb/ht2534

  • Costello, S. (n.d.). What is jailbreaking. Retrieved from http://ipod.about.com/od/iphonesoftwareterms/g/jailbreak-definition.htm

  • Conroy, D. (2010, October 18). Patent US8041848 - Media processing method and device - Google Patents. Google. Retrieved May 5, 2012, from http://www.google.com/patents/US8041848

  • Figure 1, Jailbreak. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.jailbreak.com/

  • Mogull, R. (2010, January 5). Mac security: reality check. Retrieved from http://www.macworld.com/article/1145438/macsecurityreality.html

  • Protect your mac. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.getsafeonline.org/nqcontent.cfm?a_id=1165

  • Schramm, M. (2007, June 26). History of the apple store. Retrieved from http://www.tuaw.com/2007/06/26/history-of-the-apple-store/

  • Tips to protect your mac . (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.apimac.com/mac/mac-data-protection/


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