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Чернівці 2013

Збірник підготували:

С.М. Куриш – завідувач кафедри методики викладання філологічних дисциплін ІППО Чернівецької області, доцент.

Н.С. Брандес – заступник директора з навчально-виховної роботи, вчитель англійської мови, спеціаліст вищої категорії, вчитель–методист гімназії №7 м. Чернівців.

Ю.В. Гільчук – вчитель англійської мови, спеціаліст вищої категорії, старший вчитель гімназії №7 м. Чернівців.

О.І. Куканова – вчитель англійської мови, спеціаліст вищої категорії, вчитель – методист гімназії №7 м. Чернівців.

Н.Р. Дудук – заступник директора з навчально-виховної роботи ЗОСШ №22 м.Чернівців

А.М. Шевчук – вчитель англійської мови Глибоцької ЗОШ

І.В.Іванова – вчитель англійської мови Хотинської гімназії


В.В.Михайленко – завідувач кафедри сучасних європейських мов БДФУ

О.Л.Кузьміна – головний спеціаліст управління освіти Чернівецької міської ради

Особлива подяка вчителю німецької мови гімназії №7 м. Чернівців Белінському П.В. за надання технічної допомоги в упорядкуванні та дизайні.


Вченою радою інституту післядипломної педагогічної освіти Чернівецької області

Червень 2013р.
Збірник завдань для підготовки до зовнішнього незалежного оцінювання , олімпіад та для роботи з обдарованими учнями з англійської мови. Вижниця: - Черемош, 2013, - ст.

Збірник складено із урахуванням вимог Міністерства освіти, науки, молоді та спорту України. Тестові завдання розраховані для перевірки рівня навченості з чотирьох видів компетенції учнів та лексико-граматичні завдання з англійської мови. Завдання стануть в нагоді учням, які готуються до зовнішнього незалежногооцінювання з англійської мови, до участі в олімпіадах та конкурсах. Матеріали збірника стануть в нагоді вчителям, викладачам під час роботи з обдарованими дітьми.

© С.М. Куриш, Н.С. Брандес, Ю.В. Гільчук та ін.

Посібник “Catch the Wave” - збірник тестових завдань з чотирьох видів компетенцій учнів та лексико-граматичних завдань з англійської мови, призначений для учнів середніх загальноосвітніх закладів. Тестові завдання стануть у нагоді абітурієнтам , які мають складати ЗНО з англійської мови для вступу до вищого навчального закладу та вчителям під час роботи з обдарованими дітьми.

Завдання розроблені згідно з Державним стандартом з англійської мови , Загальноєвропейськими рекомендаціями з мовної освіти, форматом олімпіадних і конкурсних завдань з англійської мови та програмою ЗНО з іноземних мов для вступників до вищих навчальних закладів України.

Завдання носять творчий характер і націлені на перевірку вмінь користуватися мовним матеріалом для висловлювання зв'язної, граматично правильної думки та викладу її у формі розповіді, письмового повідомлення тощо.

Бажаємо успіху!


  1. Тексти для аудіювання та читання …………………………….5 – 110

  2. Завдання для контролю рівня компетенції письма ………….111 – 114

  3. Завдання для контролю рівня компетенції говоріння ………115 – 120

  4. Лексико-граматичні тести …………………………………….121 – 200

  5. Ключі до тестів ………………………………………………...201 – 207

Part I

Texts for

Listening and Reading

Text № 1
Ludwig van Beethoven was one of the greatest composers in musical history. He has had a great influence on music. He won for composers a new freedom to express themselves. Beethoven made music more independent of social, religious, or teaching purposes.

Beethoven was born in Bonn, Germany, on December 16, 1770. He showed musical talent when he was very young, and learned to play the violin and piano from his father, who was a singer. In 1787, Beethoven’s gentle and loving mother died. After that, his father was often drunk and had a bad temper. Beethoven found relief from his difficult family life when he became the tutor to two children of the Von Bruening family. The children’s mother was a kind and well-educated woman who introduced Beethoven to important people in Bonn. Beethoven also visited Vienna in 1787, and the famous composer Wolfgang Mozart heard him play the piano. About this time, Beethoven met Count Ferdinand Waldstein, who became his lifelong friend and often helped his career.

In 1792, the composer Joseph Haydn in Bonn praised one of the Beethoven’s compositions and encouraged him to visit Vienna. Beethoven was welcomed into the homes of many of Vienna’s leading noblemen. Except for short trips, e stayed there for the rest of his life.

Many great composers of the day were treated as employees by the people who bought their music. However, Beethoven associated as an equal with the wealthy and royalty. They paid him money for his works, but they knew and admired him as a friend rather than as someone they hired to write music.

Beethoven began to lose his hearing in the late 1790’s. From about 1800, this increasing deafness changed his personality. Beethoven had always been proud, independent, and somewhat odd. But as he lost his hearing, he became more suspicious and irritable. He became totally deaf during the last years of his life, but his deafness did not hinder his composing, as many people believe. However, it did reduce his normal social life, which made him suffer deeply.

Beethoven’s life took on added bitterness because of his unhappy relationship with his brothers Johann and Karl, who also lived in Vienna. The two quarreled with Beethoven almost constantly. Some scholars writing about Beethoven’s life blame the two brothers for the trouble, but Beethoven himself was very difficult to get along with. Karl died in 1815, leaving a 9-year-old son. The boy became Beethoven’s ward, but this relationship also turned out badly. Beethoven did not have a disposition to be a father and the young man rebelled against him, causing Beethoven much grief.

Beethoven caught a serious cold at the end of 1826, which developed into pneumonia and then dropsy. He died on March 26, 1827.
Mark the statements true (T) or false (F)

  1. Ludwig van Beethoven has had a great influence on art.

  2. Beethoven made music more independent of social, religious or teaching purposes.

  3. Beethoven was born in Berlin, Germany, on December 16, 1770.

  4. Beethoven learned to play the violin and piano from his mother.

  5. Beethoven became the tutor to two children of the Von Bruening family.

  6. In 1787 the famous composer Wolfgang Mozart heard Beethoven play the piano.

  7. Beethoven was welcomed into the homes of many of Bonn´s leading noblemen.

  8. Beethoven had two brothers – Mike and Karl.

  9. Beethoven caught a serious cold at the end of 1828.

  10. Beethoven died on March 26, 1827.

Circle the correct item

1. Ludwig van Beethoven was one of the greatest …

  1. composers

  2. musicians

  3. pianists

2.Beethoven has had a great influence on …

  1. art

  2. music

  3. people

3. He showed musical … when he was very young.

  1. talent

  2. success

  3. ability

4.The famous composer Mozart heard him play…

  1. the piano

  2. the organ

  3. the violin

5.Count Ferdinand Waldstein became Beethoven´s …

  1. life-long friend

  2. close friend

  3. mutual friend

6.Many great composers of the day were treated as …

  1. employees

  2. workers

  3. servants

7.Beethoven began to lose …

  1. his eye-sight

  2. his hearing

  3. his weight

8.Beethoven´s life took on added bitterness because of his unhappy relationship with …

  1. his brothers

  2. his sisters

  3. his parents

9.The boy become Beethoven´s …

  1. friend

  2. pupil

  3. ward

10.Beethoven died on March 26, ….

  1. 1826

  2. 1828

  3. 1827

Text № 2
Ballet is a form of dancing performed for theater audiences. Like other dance forms, ballet may tell a story, express a mood, or simply reflect the music. But a ballet dancer’s technique and special skills differ greatly from those of other dancers. Ballet dancers perform many movements that are unnatural for the body. But they make these movements gracefully and with no sign of strain or effort.

Ballet dancers seem to ignore the law of gravity as they float through the air in long, slow leaps. They keep perfect balance while they spin like tops without becoming dizzy. In certain steps, their feet move so rapidly that the eye can hardly follow. The women often dance on the tips of their toes, and the men lift them high overhead as if they were as light as feathers.

The dancers take joy in controlling their bodies, and ballet audiences share their feelings. The viewers feel as if they were gliding and spinning with the dancers. Simply by using their bodies, ballet dancers are able to express many emotions, such as anger, fear, jealousy, joy, and sadness. The lines of the dancers’ bodies form beautiful, harmonious designs. Ballet technique is called classical because it stresses this purity and harmony of design.

In addition to the dance form called ballet, an individual dance work or performance using classical ballet technique is called a ballet. Any dance work involving a group of dancers may also be called a ballet even though it may not use classical ballet technique. For example, works of modern dance, musical comedy, and dance on television programs may or may not include this technique, but many are called ballets. Classical ballet technique developed in France during the 1660’s. Today, French words are used in all parts of the world for the various steps and positions.

Different ballet styles have developed in various countries. The American style is energetic and fast. British ballet is more refined. Russian ballet is forceful and showy, French ballet is pretty and decorative. Ballet dancers travel throughout the world and adopt features of foreign styles. Because of these international influences, all ballet is continually being broadened and enriched.
Mark the statements T (True) or F (False)

  1. Ballet is a form of dancing performed for theatre audiences.

  2. A ballet dancer´s technique and special skills are the same as those of other dancers.

  3. Ballet dancers seem to ignore the law of gravity.

  4. The women do not often dance on the tips of their toes.

  5. The dancers take joy in music.

  6. The lines of the dancers´ bodies form beautiful, harmonious designs.

  7. Ballet technique is called classical because it stresses body movements.

  8. A group dance work or performance using classical ballet technique is called a ballet.

  9. Classical ballet technique developed in France during the 1660´s.

  10. French ballet is energetic and fast.

Circle the correct item

  1. Ballet is a form of dancing performed for…

    1. theatre public

    2. theatre audience

    3. ballet lovers

  2. Like other … ballet may tell a story, express a mood, or simply reflect the music.

    1. dance forms

    2. song forms

    3. symphonic forms

  3. Ballet dancers perform many movements that are unnatural …

    1. for physical structure of a person

    2. for personality

    3. for the body

  4. Ballet dancers seem to ignore … as they float through the air in long, slow leaps.

    1. the law of gravity

    2. the laws of physics

    3. the laws of nature

  5. The dancers take joy in controlling their …

    1. movements

    2. bodies

    3. positions

  6. The lines of the dancers' bodies form … designs.

    1. wonderful, beautiful

    2. fabulous, harmonious

    3. beautiful, harmonious

  7. Today, … words are used in all parts of the world for the various steps and positions.

    1. German

    2. French

    3. Italian

  8. Different ballet styles have developed in…

    1. two countries

    2. various countries

    3. one country

  9. The American style is …

    1. energetic and fast

    2. forceful and showy

    3. pretty and decorative

  10. Ballet is continually being broadened and enriched because of …

    1. self-development

    2. different art programs

    3. international influences

Text № 3
A huge triangle formed by the islands of Bermuda and Puerto Rico, and the city of Fort Lauderdale, Florida, is said to be an area of profound danger for anyone or anything venturing into it. It was first so designated by a writer for Argosy magazine.

The whole legend began in December 1944 when five Avenger bombers of the US Navy were lost while on a routine training missions out of the Fort Lauderdale air base. A sensational 1974 book by Charles Berlitz, The Bermuda Triangle, brought this supposed mystery to the attention of the public.

The Berlitz book, written thirty years after the loss of the bombers, contained invented details, distorted and exaggerated figures and descriptions and even radio conversations that were claimed to have taken place between the naval pilots and the Fort Lauderdale air base. The event was not that unusual – if the invented details are ignored – and as evidence for any sort of mystery in the Triangle the Avenger Bombers matter is a very poor example. It remains, though, the event most quoted by the believers.

Other ships that are said to have vanished in the area either did not exist, or sank or capsized in other areas – even in the Pacific or Mediterranean – or went down due to perfectly ordinary and well-understood causes.

The Bermuda Triangle, an area subject to violent storms and rough seas, does produce problems, but no more than any other similar area anywhere in the world. There is no need to ascribe supernatural or even unusual causes to any losses that occur there. Unless, of course, you want to sell lots and lots of books.
Mark the statements T (True) or F (False)

  1. A huge triangle formed by the islands of Bermuda and Puerto Rico and the city of Fort Lauderdale, Florida, is said to be an area of profound danger.

  2. The Bermuda Triangle was first designated by a writer for Argosy newspaper.

  3. The whole legend began in December 1943 when five Avenger bombers of the US Navy were lost, while on a routine training missions out of the Fort Lauderdale air base.

  4. The Berlitz book was written forty years after the loss of the bombers.

  5. The event was not so unusual.

  6. The Avenger Bombers matter is a very good example.

  7. Other ships that are said to have vanished in the area either did not exist or sank or capsized in other areas.

  8. The Bermuda Triangle an area subject to violent storms and rough seas does produce problems, but no more than any other similar area anywhere in the world.

  9. There is a need to ascribe supernatural or even unusual causes to any losses that occur there.

  10. People want to sell lots and lots of books.

Circle the correct item

  1. A huge triangle formed by the islands of Bermuda and Puerto Rico and the city of Fort Lauderdale, Florida is said to be an area of …

  1. profound danger

  2. profound risk

  3. profound threat

  1. It was first so designated by a writer for…

  1. Argosy magazine

  2. Argosy newspaper

  3. Argosy book

  1. The whole … began in December 1944

  1. legend

  2. story

  3. description

  1. … 1974 book by Charles Berlitz, “The Bermuda Triangle”, brought this supposed mystery to the attention of the public.

  1. An interesting

  2. A sensational

  3. A surprising

  1. The Berlitz book, written thirty years after the loss of … contained invented details.

  1. the bombers

  2. the planes

  3. the fighters

  1. The event was not that …

  1. unusual

  2. strange

  3. usual

  1. It remains the event most … by the believers.

  1. informed

  2. quoted

  3. repeated

  1. Other ships that are said to …

  1. have vanished

  2. have disappeared

  3. have stopped

  1. The Bermuda Triangle an area subject to violent storms and rough seas does produce …

  1. difficulties

  2. problems

  3. questions

  1. There is no need to ascribe … or even unusual causes to any losses that occur there

  1. impossible

  2. strange

  3. supernatural

Text № 4
Great Pyramid of Giza is known to the ancients as Khuit, meaning ‘horizon’. Believed to be the intended tomb of Pharaoh Cheops, this is the largest of all the Egyptian pyramids, located in Giza, five miles from Cairo. A remarkable engineering feat consisting of over fifteen million tons of limestone, it is evidence of the superior skills of the ancient architects.

Some mystics like Erich von Däniken have chosen to claim that the early Egyptians were incapable of building this structure without extra-terrestrial assistance. The methods of constructing the Pyramid are well known and understood, and though an enormous amount of labour and skill was expended in the task, it was by no means beyond the ancients. One reason given to prove that the task was impossible is that the limestone used in the building had to be brought from a great distance away. Recent discoveries have shown that not only was the stone quarried locally but that an entire small city, with all necessary amenities, existed there to support a large crew of workers who worked on the monument.

What makes the Great Pyramid seem much more of a riddle is that the mystics indicate certain aspects that they say make the Pyramid a secret record of the world’s history. This all began in 1864 when a Scottish astronomer named Charles Piazzi Smyth, an otherwise competent scientist, seized upon the notion developed by an English publisher, John Taylor that there was a cosmic message concealed in the measurements of the Pyramid. When the Royal Society of London refused to consider Smyth’s passionate promotion of this absurdity, Smyth resigned his valued membership.

Aficionados of pyramid prophecy point out all manner of relationships in their chosen measurements of the edifice. For example, they say that by multiplying the height of the Pyramid by 1,000,000,000, a figure is obtained that is close to the mean distance between the Earth and the Sun. That figure is quite close, 98.5 per cent of the actual distance. As author Martin Gardner has shown, relationships between obviously unconnected events and structures can always be found. The claims of astounding accuracy of alignment of the Great Pyramid as evidence of its divine origin appeared to be the result of over-enthusiastic reports by amateurs. There is the usual lack of precision; though this is no way detracts from the accomplishments of the builders and designers of this remarkable monument.

Mark the statements T (True) or F (False)

  1. Great Pyramid of Giza is known to the ancients as Khuit, meaning “horizon”.

  2. The tomb of Pharaoh Cheops is the largest of all the Egyptian pyramids, located in Cairo.

  3. A remarkable engineering consists of over fourteen million tons of limestone.

  4. The task was impossible because the limestone used in the building had to be brought from a great distance away.

  5. The pyramid is a secret record of the world's history.

  6. The history of Pyramids began in 1866.

  7. By multiplying the height of the Pyramid by 1 000 000 000 a figure is obtained that is close to the mean distance between the Earth and the Sun.

  8. The Sun is quite close 90,7 per cent of the actual distance .

  9. Martin Gardner has shown that relationships between obviously unconnected events and structures can always be found.

  10. The evidence of the Great Pyramid's divine origin appeared to be the result of over-enthusiastic reports of amateurs.

Circle the correct item

  1. Great Pyramid of Giza is known to the ancients as Kheid meaning …

  1. horizon

  2. road

  3. rainbow

  1. Great Pyramid of Giza is located in Giza, …miles from Cairo

  1. five

  2. seven

  3. ten

  1. The methods of … the Pyramid are well known and understood.

  1. constructing

  2. building

  3. combining

  1. One reason given to prove that the task was … is that the limestone used in the building had to be brought from a great distance away.

  1. difficult

  2. unreasonable

  3. impossible

  1. What made the Great Pyramid seem much more of a riddle is that the mystics indicate certain aspects that they say make the Pyramid a secret record of the world's …

  1. past life

  2. history

  3. past events

  1. There was a cosmic message … in the measurements of the Pyramid.

  1. hidden

  2. concealed

  3. taken off

  1. Scientists say that by multiplying the height of the Pyramid by, a figure is obtained that is close to the mean distance between …

  1. the Moon and the Sun

  2. the Earth and the Moon

  3. the Earth and the Sun

  1. That figure is quite close , 98,5% of the …

  1. exact distance

  2. actual distance

  3. real distance

  1. The claims of astounding accuracy of alignment of the Great Pyramid as evidence of its divine origin appeared to be the result of over-enthusiastic reports by …

  1. professionals

  2. amateurs

  3. scientists

  1. There is the usual lack of …

  1. precision

  2. exactness

  3. correctness

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