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Arjantin Cad. No:9 G.O.P./ANKARA

Buğday Sokak No:9 Kavaklıdere/ANKARA

Tel: (312) 466 40 20/ (312) 455 18 80

Fax: (312) 427 06 04/(312) 455 18 85

E2065 v39


Province of Osmaniye, Duzici District, Karagedik Village




Bozat İnş. ve Tic. A.Ş. (Bozat Construction and Trade Inc. Co.)

Mahatma Gandi Cad. No:92/3 G.O.P. /ANKARA

Tel : (312) 447 26 22

Fax : (312) 446 38 10

* The Project Owner:


Address : Arjantin Cad. No:9 G.O.P. /ANKARA

Buğday Sokak No: 9 Kavaklıdere/ANKARA

Telephone : (312) 4664020

: (312) 4551880

Fax No : (312) 4270604

(312) 4551885

* Project Name : BERKMAN Hydroelectric Power Plant

* Name of the Place Selected for the Project :

Province : Osmaniye

District : Duzici

Town/Village : Karagedik Village

Location : ---

Sheet No : ---

Block No : ---

Parcel No : ---

Precipitation Area: 14.842 km2

* The Organization Drafting the Report;

Name : Bozat İnş. ve Tic. A.Ş.

Address : Mahatma Gandi Cad. No:92/3 06680 G.O.P. /ANKARA

Telephone : (312) 4472622

Fax no : (312) 4463810

* Draft Date of the Report : August 2003

a) Capacity of and the Project and the Area Covered by the Project etc. 3
b) Interaction with the Other Facilities around it 5
c) Use of Natural Resources 6
d) Waste Generation 6
e) Its impacts on Pollution and Environment 22
f) Accident Risks due to the Technology and Materials to be Utilized 23
a) Current Use of Lands 32
b) Geological and Hydrogeological Characteristics and Natural Disaster Status 33
c) Status, Quality and Renewability of the Natural Resources in the Region 41
d) Considering the List of Sensitive Regions in Appendix-V the assessment of

the natural environment (wetland areas, coastal areas, mountainsides and

forest lands, agricultural areas, national parks, specially protected areas,

densely populated areas, areas of historical, cultural, archaeological

etc. importance) 48
a) Scope of the Impact Area (geographical area and population affected) 49

b) Quality and Property, Duration, Frequency and Renewability of the Impact 50

*: The original Report (in Turkish) was approved by Turkish authorities. Only sections relevant to environmental impacts and monitoring has been translated to English for Infoshop disclosure


Oskan Regulator and Hydroelectric Power Plant is located 14 km to the northwest of Osmaniye Province, within the borders of Duzici District and on the Ceyhan River. The approximate head is 21 m between the upstream Aslantaş Dam and HEPP and downstream Cevdetiye Irrigation Regulator. This head is planned to be utilized through upstream Oşkan HEPP and Berkman HEPP.

With an installed power of 3x10 MW, Oskan HEPP will generate 109,93 Gwh/year in total, 49,09 Gwh/year of which is reliable.

Turkey is a rich country in terms of hydroelectric energy sources. However, only 11% of annual capacity estimated to be 108,5×109 can be used. This is nearly the half of our total annual energy consumption while the rest of it is provided from thermal sources and abroad.

Berkman HEPP and upstream Oşkan HEPP planned together are two plants which will be established in order to make use of the 21-meter head between Cevdetiye Regulator and Aslantaş Dam on Ceyhan River. Total annual energy generation of the two regulators, each of which have 10,5 m heads, is 219,86 Gwh. This generation occupies an important place within Ceyhan Basin.

Inasmuch as the state sector has to undertake investments of large dams, the authority to establish and operate the facilities bearing the quality of this type of “River type Power Plants” which do not require investment was granted to the private sector on 19/12/1984 with Law No. 3096. Oskan HEPP feasibility works desired to be conducted by benefiting from this law are carried out by TEMELSU Muhendislik Limited Şirketi (TEMELSU Engineering Limited Company).

The construction of Oskan Regulator and Hydroelectric Power Plant on Ceyhan River in the Duzici District of the Province of Osmaniye is planned by the “PARTNERSHIP OF ÖZALTIN İNŞAAT TİCARET VE SANAYİ A.Ş-NUROL İNŞAAT VE TİCARET A.Ş.” The closest settlement unit to the project area is Karagedik Village, which is approximately 1,5 km away.
Oskan HEPP is a plant which will be established in order to make use of the 21-meter head between Cevdetiye Regulator and Aslantaş Dam.
Construction stage of the project is expected to be completed in 3 years.
Area of the facility to be established remains outside the borders of adjacent area.
While 100 persons will be employed at the construction stage of the Hydroelectric Power Plant, 5 persons will be employed at the operation stage. Within the scope of the project, general needs such as food, shower, WC etc. of the employees at construction stage will be provided from the prefabricated site building to be set up and the same needs will be met at the power house building at the operation stage.
Economic life of the facility is reckoned to be 30 years depending on the changing and advancing technology. With the hydroelectric power plant constructed through this project, energy requirement of the Region that cannot be met will be satisfied to a large extent. With the advancing industrialization, the need for energy, which is already scarce, increases. For this reason, energy requirement of the industrialists and the whole region will be largely met thanks to the HEPP to be constructed.
a) Capacity of the Project and the Area Covered by the Project etc.
Oskan Regulator Project area is approximately 14 km to the northwest of Osmaniye Province, upstream of Cevdetiye Dam and around Karagedik Villages.
Coordinates of location of Berkman Regulator are 37° 24' north latitude and 36° 57' east longitude.
In terms of topographical appearance, the land looks like Çukurova in regions between the sea and slopes that face onto the sea and like typical Central Anatolia in upper parts. Total basin area is 14.775km2.
With an installed power of 3×10 MW, Oskan HEPP will generate 109,93 Gwh/year in total, 49,09 Gwh/year of which is reliable.
Properties of Oskan Hydroelectric Power Plant are given in Table-2.a.1.

Drainage area


Reservoir water level


Tailwater level


Connecting dike type


Crest length


Crest elevation


Elevation from riverbed


Backfill quantity


Backfill volume of cofferdams

:14.225 m3

Crest elevation of upstream cofferdam


Crest elevation of downstream cofferdam


Spillway type

:Radial gate

Threshold elevation


Number of spans


Span dimensions


Spillway structure project flowrate


Gross head


Installed power


Number of units


Unit power


Unit type


Annual reliable generation


Annual secondary generation


Annual total generation


b) Interaction with the Other Facilities around It

Osmaniye Province and its vicinity have high development potential in agriculture, industry, trade and tourism. Development of these sectors gives rise to new energy and water requirements. Ceyhan River emerges as one of the closest sources to consumption centres.

The most significant facilities among the ones that have been put into operation on Ceyhan River is Aslantaş Dam and HEPP. This facility carries the purpose of irrigation, flood protection and energy and has an installed power of 3x46MW. Its elevation from the base is 95m, elevation from riverbed is 78m and it is an earth fill-type dam.
Kartalkaya Dam planned for irrigation is on the Aksu branch of Ceyhan River, is in operation also. This earth-fill type Dam has an elevation of 57 m from the base while it is 56 m from the riverbed.
Menzelet Dam, which is in operation, has an elevation of 150,50 m. from the base and it is 130,50 m from riverbed and it is rock fill type. Power plant of Menzelet Dam planned for irrigation and energy purposes, has an installed power of 4x30MW.
Downstream of Menzelet Dam is Sır Dam and has an elevation of 116 m from the base and it is in concrete arch type. Sır HEPP has an installed power of 3X46MW.
Düzkesme Dam and Berke Power Plant Projects, which are downstream of Sır Dam, is completed. Elevation of the concrete arch-type dam from the base is 83m. Berke Power Plant has an installed power of 3x56MW.
Among the above-mentioned facilities, Aslantaş Dam is the most downstream one. Approximately 23km downstream this dam is Cevdetiye Irrigation Regulator. There is a head of around 21 m between Aslantaş and Cevdetiye Regulator. Berkman HEPP and Oşkan HEPP, which is a similar work, were planned to make use of this head. Both of the power plants were planned to have a power of 3x10MW.

Inflow in Berkman Power Plant is formed by the outflow of Okşan HEPP, which is upstream of it. However, like Berkman HEPP, Okşan HEPP is a facility with no storage. For this reason, inflows are formed by outflows of Aslantaş Dam for both of the facilities.

The project has no interactions with other facilities than the above-mentioned ones.

c) Use of Natural Resources
Construction of Regulator and the Hydroelectric Power Plant on Ceyhan River is planned with the project. Water will be used as natural resource during the activity. The projected HEPP will be operated as run-of-river plant. In general terms, the flow coming into the reservoir on any day will go out of the reservoir in a short time in practice. When the overflow currents reach the maximum level, the excess current will pass through the spillway and released to the natural riverbed. In the case that the project is operated in this way like a run-of-river plant, there will be no adequate time for significant changes (Physical, chemical etc.) in water quality. The water is not expected to have a negative impact on surface water resources as the projected HEPP Facility is run-of-river type plant and water is released back to the river directly at once without delay.
d) Waste Generation
i) Liquid Wastes

A. Construction Stage

The following will occur at construction stage of the project:

1. Concrete production,

2. Preventing dust formation,

3. Water consumption in order to meet drinking and utility water needs of the employees.

It is assumed that approximately 100.000m3 water will be used for concrete works and 300.000m3 water will be used for the prevention of dust formation which makes 400.000m3 in total. This water required for the construction will be supplied from Ceyhan River.

It is not expected that a significant amount of wastewater will be generated as a result of water use for the purpose of concrete production and the prevention of dust formation. A large part of this water will fade through natural infiltration while the remaining part will evaporate.

Apart from these, water will be used for the purposes of meeting the daily drinking and utility water needs of the personnel to be employed during land preparation and the construction of the facility. The number of personnel to work at construction stage of the project is 100. The following results are reached, if the amount of water required per person is considered to be 150 lt/day:

The number of workers to be employed : 100 persons

The amount of water to be used : 150 lt/person-day = 0.15 m3/person-day

Total water requirement : 0,15 m3/person-day x 100 persons =15 m3/day

This water, which is required as drinking and utility water, will be brought from nearby villages to the facility area by tankers.

If it is deemed that the whole water used will return as wastewater, it can be seen that the total amount of domestic wastewater to be generated in the area is 15 m3/day.

The pollutants contained in typical untreated domestic wastewater and their average concentrations are given in Table- 2.d.1.

Table-2.d.1. The Pollutants in Domestic Wastewater and their Average Concentrations (Benefield, L. And Randall, C., 1980)

pH 6-9

TSS 200

BOD5 200

COD 500

Total Nitrogen 40

Total Phosphor 10
Pollution loads in domestic wastewater according the table above;


BOD5 3

COD 7,5

Total Nitrogen 0,6

Total Phosphor 0,15

This domestic wastewater to be formed will be collected in watertight cesspool to be built pursuant to provisions of the “Regulation on the Pits to be excavated where Sewer System Construction is not Possible” of the Ministry of Public Health and Welfare enforced upon publication in the Official Gazette dated 19.03.1971 and No. 13783. Watertight cesspool plan is given in Figure 2.d.1. Wastewater accumulating in the cesspool at the operation stage will be limed at regular intervals and disinfectant substance will be added to it in order to prevent spread of smell and endemic diseases. Wastewater accumulating in the cesspool will be vacuumed by Municipality of Duzici with sewage truck and discharged into the sewage system.
Figure-2.d.1. Watertight Cesspool Plan

SCALE: 1/50

B. Operation Stage

Number of personnel to work at the operation stage of the project is 5. If water amount required per person is considered as150 lt/day:

Number of workers to be assigned : 5 persons

Water amount to be used : 150 lt/person-day = 0,15 m3/person-day

Total water requirement : 0,15 m3/person-day x 5 people = 0,75 m3/day

This water, which is necessary as drinking and utility water, will be brought from nearby villages to the facility area by tankers.

If it is deemed that the whole water used will return as wastewater, it can be seen that the total amount of domestic wastewater to be generated in the area is 0,75 m3/day.
The pollutants contained in typical untreated domestic wastewater and their average concentrations are given in Table-2.d.2.
Table-2.d.2. Pollutants in Domestic Wastewater and their Average Concentrations (Benefield, L. And Randall, C, 1980)

pH 6-9

TSS 200

BOD5 200

COD 500

Total Nitrogen 40

Total Phosphor 10
Pollution loads in domestic wastewater according to the table above:

TSS 0,15

BOD5 0,15

COD 0,38

Total Nitrogen 0,030

Total Phosphor 0,0075

This domestic wastewater to be formed will be collected in the lavatories to be constructed within the power house building. Wastewater accumulated will be vacuumed by the Municipality with sewage truck and discharged into the sewage system

ii) Solid Wastes

A. Construction Stage

We can divide the wastes to be formed at the construction stage within the scope of the project into five main categories.

1st Group: Formwork wood residues,

2nd Group: Construction iron, iron pipe, profile, rubber etc.

3rd Group: Concrete and injection residue materials

4th Group: Domestic solid wastes

5th Group: Excavation to be formed during land preparation

The wood wastes used for formworks will be collected at certain intervals. In case of demand, the wood wastes collected will be given to peasants in the vicinity and these wastes will be used for the purpose of heating. The second group wastes will be collected at certain intervals and sold to waste collectors. Third group solid wastes will be used as backfill material.

The number of personnel to work at land preparation and construction stage will not exceed 100 persons. The amount of domestic solid wastes to be generated by the personnel concerned is calculated as follows by using domestic solid waste amount 0.865 kg value produced daily per person (State Statistical Institute (DİE), The Results of the Survey on Environmental Statistics, Household Solid Waste Composition and Tendency Questionnaire, 1993):
100 personsx0.865kg/person-day=86,5kg/day

In accordance with the Article 8 of the “Regulation on Control of Solid Wastes” enforced upon publication in the Official Gazette dated 14.03.1991 and No. 20814, domestic solid wastes to be formed will be collected separately, and necessary precautions will be taken for the purpose of facilitating their disposal and use without damaging the environment, preventing environmental pollution and contributing to economy. The principles mentioned in the Article 18 in section four of the same Regulation regarding collection and transportation of solid wastes will be complied with and solid wastes will not be dumped into places where they will cause negative impacts on the environment and will be collected in standard closed waste bins.

In line with the Article 20 of the same section, they will be carried and discharged to the landfills shown by the Municipality in such a way as not to pollute the environment in terms of such factors as appearance, smell, dust, leakage etc.

Since the excavation to emerge during land preparation will be stored for the purpose of backfilling base and pits, landscaping works and asphalting processes of stabilized road, there will be no excavation waste materials.

Waste management will be achieved in such a way as to minimize the negative effects of waste oil, grease oil and fuel on human health and environment in line with provisions of “Regulation on Control of Hazardous Wastes” enforced upon publication in the Official Gazette dated 27 August 1995 and No. 22387 and the “Circulars on Oil Wastes and Waste Oil” dated 12 August 1996 and No. 2440-5249 and dated 21 November 1997 and No. 4473-7756.

B. Operation Stage

In total, 5 personnel will work at the operation stage of the project. A social facility will be available inside the power house building for the personnel to be employed.

Domestic solid waste amount to be generated by the personnel assigned is calculated as follows by using the domestic solid waste amount 0.865 kg value produced daily per person:

5 N X 0.865 kg /N-day = 4,325 kg/day

In accordance with the Article 8 of the “Regulation on Control of Solid Wastes” enforced upon publication in the Official Gazette dated 14.03.1991 and No. 20814, domestic solid wastes to be formed will be collected separately and necessary precautions will be taken for the purpose of facilitating their disposal and use without damaging the environment, preventing environmental pollution and contributing to the economy. The principles mentioned in the Article 18 in section 4 of the same regulation regarding collection and transportation of solid wastes will be complied with and solid wastes will not be dumped into places where they will cause negative impacts on the environment and will be collected in standard closed waste bins. In line with the Article 20 of the same section, they will be carried and discharged to the landfills shown by the Municipality in such a way as not to pollute the environment in terms of such factors as appearance, smell, dust, leakage etc.
Waste management will be achieved in such a way as to minimize the detrimental effect of waste oil and grease oil to be caused by maintenance and repair of tools and equipment as well as the wastes formed as a result of leakage arising from fuel storage tanks and petroleum pipelines on human health and environment in line with provisions of the “Regulation on Control of Hazardous Wastes” enforced upon publication in the Official Gazette dated 27 August 1995 and No. 22387 and the “Circulars on Oil Wastes and Waste Oil” dated 12 August 1996 and No. 2440-5249 and dated 21 November 1997 and No. 4473-7756.

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