Technological platform “Medicine of the future”

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Overview of the list of technological platforms suggested affirming by Russian Government commission on high technologies and innovations

Medical and bio – technologies

  1. Technological platform “Medicine of the future”

The aim of the technological platform
To create a segment of medicine of the future which is based on the complex of the “breakthrough” technologies determining the possibility of appearance of new markets of high-tech products and services as well as rapid distribution of advanced technologies in medical and pharmaceutical sectors.

The purpose of the technological platform

  1. To facilitate contacts and enable effective interaction of stakeholders in the medical and pharmaceutical sectors including businesses, scientists and state institutions.

  2. To develop the long-term strategic vision of the development of medicine as a sector, including scientific, innovation and production programs.

3. To concentrate intellectual, financial and administrative efforts on creation and commercialization of products and services which would be competitive on internal and external labor markets.

4. To optimize the state regulation of scientific and innovation processes, to standardize technological regulations and procedures, to improve customs regulations in the sphere of bio-medicine with the view to facilitating the introduction of products onto the market.

5. To harmonize TP “Medicine of the future” with the TP of the European Union, to form joint space with the TP of the CIS.

6. To modernize the medical environment and educational space, to create conditions for implementation of new medical products and services in practical health care.

7. To bring scientific knowledge into the area of new breakthrough technologies for medicine which will ensure the decrease of mortality, morbidity, and increase life expectancy and quality of life as well as the population growth in Russia.

Objectives of the technological platform
The statement of goals, objectives and planned results of the technological platform "Medicine of the Future (the upper part of the cell - a goal, under the lower dotted line – the result)



(nearest year)


(2-4 years)


(5-8 years)

Scientific and technological

Analysis of the existing scientific and technical resources and the development of the Strategic Research Program (SRP).

Elaboration of Roadmaps for development (RD) of technologies and products in the following directions:

-innovative pharmaceutical products;

-multicomponent biocomposite medical materials;

-devices for diagnostics and treatment;

-diagnostic and therapeutic systems on the basis of molecular and cellular targets.

Ensure that key technologies and major product groups are competitive on the world markets.

Strategic program of research in the sphere of bio-medicine.

Road maps of key technologies and product groups.

The innovativeness of key technologies and major food groups are comparable to those existing in the world.


Analysis of the existing industrial base of medical and pharmaceutical products of the Russian Federation and the development of proposals on its development until 2020.

Creation of new, and technological modernization of the already existing industrial as well as experimental and industrial (pilot) resources including attracted foreign technologies and investments.

Putting into operation the pharmaceutical industries and production of medical equipment and medical materials.

The strategy for development of industrial base of medical and pharmaceutical products of the Russian Federation until 2020.

Adoption of legislative initiatives stimulating investments in medical and pharmaceutical sectors of Russia.

Realization of the first stage of development strategy of industrial base.

Manufacturing of basic nomenclature of medical products in the amounts corresponding to the planned demand.

Realization of the second stage of development strategy of the industrial base.


Analysis of the needs of biomedical and pharmaceutical complexes for specialists.

Modernization of medical environment for adoption of new medical technologies.

Development of educational standards and curricula on the basis of research works using the Forsyth instrument on personnel demands.

Modernization of post-graduate training of specialists for biomedical and pharmaceutical complexes.

Projections for demand of specialists until 2020.

Introduction of new educational standards necessary for development of bio-medical and pharmaceutical complexes (management, new technological directions, etc.).

Meeting the demand for highly qualified scientific, technical and production personnel in biomedical and pharmaceutical sectors.


Analysis of the market in biomedical and pharmaceutical sectors in Russia and abroad.

Creating demand, including demand from the government, for production of domestic biomedical and pharmaceutical complexes.

Perfection of quality control mechanisms and safety of medical products which are produced on the territory of the Russian Federation and imported from abroad.

Ensuring that a great part of demand for biomedical and pharmaceutical products on the Russian and CIS markets is met by domestic producers.

Projection for development of markets of biomedical and pharmaceutical products in the Russian Federation and worldwide until 2020.

Adoption of legislative initiatives on stimulating the demand for products of biomedical and pharmaceutical complexes.

Significant increase in the share of domestic products on key commodity groups.


Structure of employment in biomedical and pharmaceutical sectors in the Russian Federation and projection of development until 2020.

A program for attraction and retaining personnel in biomedical and pharmaceutical complexes.

Creation of work places with advanced professional culture and competitive wages in biomedical and pharmaceutical sectors.

Manpower development program until 2020 which is linked to the development strategy of manufacturing base of medical and pharmaceutical products of the Russian Federation until 2020.

Creating the necessary number of work places in the framework of the first stage of realization of development strategy of manufacturing base of medical and pharmaceutical products of the Russian Federation until 2020.

Creating the necessary number of work places meeting the above mentioned conditions.

Brief description of the markets which are being developed in the framework of the technological platform for which the technologies are intended
Based on the goals and objectives of the technological platform “Medicine of the future”, technologies, which are being developed in the framework of the given technological platform, will have an impact, as a minimum, on the following segments of the markets:

  1. The market of innovative pharmaceutical medicines on the basis of biotechnologies;

  2. The market of biocomposite materials for medicine;

  3. The market of medical appliances and equipment;

  4. The market of test systems for diagnostics.

As part of the market of innovative pharmaceutical medicines on the basis of biotechnologies, the niche strategy is realized by the technological platform “Medicine of the future” on the following positions:

vaccines (DNA-vaccines);

hormonal medicines;

clotting factors;

medicines on the basis of cytokines;

monoclonal antibodies;

medications for demographically-significant diseases;


At the end of 2010, the total demand for innovative pharmaceutical medicines on the basis of biotechnologies in the Russian Federation, which fall under the technological platform “Medicine of the future”, is estimated as 2,3 billion rubles. By the end of 2020, the growth in demand for the above mentioned medicines is expected to reach the amount of 140 billion rubles (increase of more than 60 times).

As part of the market of biocomposite materials for medicine, the niche strategy is realized by the technological platform “Medicine of the future” in the following areas:

biocomposite constructions for identifying diagnostically relevant proteins and separation of cells;

new biomaterials for tissue and bone implantation;

bandages with antibacterial properties.

At the end of 2010, the total demand for biocomposite materials for medicine in the Russian Federation, which fall under the technological platform “Medicine of the future”, is estimated as more than 30 billion rubles. The growth of the given segment of the market is expected by 2020, exceeding 150 billion rubles (increase of more than 5 times).

As part of the market of medical appliances and equipment, the niche strategy is realized by the technological platform “Medicine of the future” in the following areas:

medical appliances for diagnostics of treatment;

medical appliances and equipment;

medical devices made of textile, glass and polymers.

At the end of 2010, the total demand for medical appliances and equipment in the Russian Federation, which fall under the technological platform “Medicine of the future”, is estimated as exceeding 70 billion rubles. The growth of the given segment of the market is expected by 2020, exceeding the level of 350 billion rubles (increase of more than 5 times).

As part of the market of test systems for diagnostics, the niche strategy is realized by the technological platform “Medicine of the future” in the following areas:

molecular diagnostics;


other diagnostics in vitro.


At the end of 2010, the total demand for test systems for diagnostics in the Russian Federation, which fall under the technological platform “Medicine of the future”, is estimated as 23 billion rubles. The growth of demand for test systems for diagnostics is expected by 2020 in the Russian Federation up to 45 billion rubles (twice as much). At the same time, the development of technologies, which fall under the technological platform “Medicine of the future”, will allow to enlarge the share of test systems for diagnostics of Russian production from 6 billion rubles in 2010 up to 36 billion rubles by 2020 (6 times more).

The overall demand for the segments of markets, which are being impacted by the technologies, developed in the framework of the technological platform “Medicine of the future”, is estimated on the level of 150 billion rubles by the end of 2010. The demand will grow up to 700 billion rubles (4 times more) by 2020.

Description of the main activities on creation and support of the technological platform activity for the next year

Name of activity

Ongoing works








Establishment of the technological platform “Medicine of the future” (further referred to as TP), formation of mechanisms of the TP functioning and support of its organization development.

Foresight in the sphere of biomedical technologies which ensures development and market promotion of innovation medicines, medical biocomposite materials, medical devices and systems for diagnostics and treatment on the basis of post-genome and cell targets. I-III quarter of 2011.

Development and start of pilot realization of the strategic research program providing for determination of medium- and long-term priorities in carrying out R&D, as well as forming mechanisms of scientific-industrial cooperation (further referred to as SIC).

Development and start of pilot realization of the program of advanced technology implementation in the sphere determining various mechanisms and sources of funding, as well as obligations of the TP participants (further referred to as PATI).


Involvement of the maximum wide range of interested parties into the participation in the TP, including:


Conduct of not less than four TP information days to attract potentially interested parties, which were not included in the TP on the initial stages of its development, to take part in the TP.

Registration sheet of participants of the information days

Presentations of reports

TP executive directorate

Quarterly 2011


Organization of the TP Internet forum as well as the TP web site to attract potentially interested parties, which were not included in the TP on the initial stages of its development, to participate in the TP.

Internet forum and web site

Working group on information support

February, May 2011


Creation within the TP of a working group (WG) on the development of mechanisms of the TP functioning as well as support of its organization development.

WG on formation of mechanisms of the TP functioning and support of its organization development.

Executive directorate

April 2011


Development and realization of management decisions, ensuring the TP functioning, including settlement of interrelations among the participants, including:


Detection and systematization of factors contributing to the TP functioning. Detection and systematization of obstacles and restrictions, risks and threats preventing the TP functioning (depth interviews and focus groups with representatives of the TP participants).

Policy notes on the research results (preparation for the expert discussion on the practice of the TP formation and functioning).

WG on formation of mechanisms of the TP functioning and support of its organization development.

May 2011


Elaboration and signing of the cooperation agreement between the TP participants.

Cooperation agreement between the TP participants.

Steering committee, WG on formation of mechanisms of the TP functioning and support of its organization development .

May 2011


Formation of the TP organization structure, including:


Design of the TP organization structure (without formation of the legal entity) ensuring the necessary conditions for realization of interaction between enterprises, scientific and educational organizations; as well as elaboration of proposals aimed at improvement of issue settlement in scientific-technological and innovation spheres.

Organization structure approved by the constitutive conference.

Steering committee. WG on formation of mechanisms of the TP functioning and support of its organization development.

March 2011


Conduct of the constitutive conference and elections in the TP controls.

TP institutionalization

Constitutive conference

May 2011


Elaboration of the TP constituent documents

Elaborated constituent documents

Steering committee. WG on formation of mechanisms of the TP functioning and support of its organization development

May 2011


Determination of possible sources of funding of the TP functioning, including:


Elaboration of proposals on the use of various mechanisms of state financial support of scientific-technological development (target programs, institutes of development, foundations etc.)

List of proposals on the use of various mechanisms of state financial support of scientific-technological development

WG on development of the Program of advanced technology implementation (PATI)

April 2011.


Study of possibilities of agreement on the TP strategic documents and business development programs.

Plan of activities on agreement on the TP strategic documents and business development programs.

WG on development and realization of the Strategic research program

May 2011


Conduct of a series of discussions (seminars) with the participation of business representatives and authorities, aimed at agreeing on the most effective financing mechanisms of the TP functioning, including the ones within public-private partnership.

Minutes of meetings and proposals. Program of the TP business development. Replication of the most effective mechanisms of public-private partnership in the sphere of research and development.

Steering committee, executive directorate.

April-June 2011


Development and realization of the company plan on the TP promotion in Russia (among the authorities, in the business community) and abroad (the EU, European technological platforms, countries – participants of the CIS, business community)


Elaboration of proposals on formation of the normative-legal base of the TP functioning, including:

Proposals on formation of the normative-legal base for the TP functioning.

WG on preparation of proposals aimed at improvement of dispute settlement in scientific-technical and innovation spheres.

October 2011


Analysis of the existing legal regulations of scientific-technical and innovation activity for detecting provisions preventing or restricting the TP functioning as well as possibilities of its improvement.

Systematization and analysis of remarks, ideas and proposals of experts and preparation of proposals aimed at improvement of scientific-technical and innovation activity regulation.

Experts. WG on preparation of proposals aimed at improvement of regulation in scientific-technical and innovation spheres.

May 2011


Conduct of expect discussions on prospects of formation of the normative-legal base of the TP functioning with the participation of the leading experts in the sphere of scientific-technical and innovation policy as well as representatives of the federal executive bodies.

Preparation of proposals on the legal basis of the TP functioning.

Minutes of meetings and a list of proposals.

TP working group on preparation of proposals aimed at improvement of regulation in scientific-technical and innovation spheres.

September 2011


Elaboration of proposals on formation of coordination mechanisms of the TP activity with other technological platforms, including:

Proposals on formation of coordination mechanisms of the TP activity with other technological platforms.

Contact working group on interaction with the TP.

October 2011


Creation within the TP of a working group on long-term scientific-technological forecasting.

Formed working group on scientific-technological forecasting.

Executive directorate

April 2011


Attraction of the leading Russian and foreign experts in the sphere of scientific-technological and economic development to participation in the TP functioning.

WG on long-tern technological forecasting and analytics.

During 2011


Analysis of Russian and foreign strategic documents (foresights, road maps, strategies etc.) determining priorities and aims of development in the sphere of biomedicine.

Analytical report containing determination of priorities and aims of development in the sphere of biomedicine.

WG on long-tern technological forecasting and analytics

June 2011


Determination of long-term priorities of scientific-technological development of biomedicine, including:


Formation of the “Image of the future” of this economics sector in the context of social-economic development on the whole for the long-term perspective (focus groups).

Development of the Vision of this economics sector in the context of social-economic development on the whole for the long-term perspective.

WG on long-tern technological forecasting and analytics

October 2011


Development of strategic aims of the TP development as well as long-term priorities.

Strategic aims of the TP for the Program of the strategic TP development.

WG on long-tern technological forecasting and analytics

November 2011


Formation of a road map on achievement of the TP objectives (further referred to as RM), including:

Executive committee. Expert group on the Road map formation

December 2011


Conduct of in-depth interviews with members of the expert group. Formation of the RM project, including visual RM presentation reflecting research interconnections as well as intermediate and end products with the targeted strategic aims of the TP development.

Analytical report on the research containing recommendations on formation of the RM for the TP “Medicine of the future”. Recommendations on strategies of development and implementation of innovation-technological decisions within the TP.

Expert group on the RM formation

June 2011


Creation within the TP of a working group on SIC development and realization.

The working group on SIC development and realization has been formed.

Steering committee

April 2011


Conduct of the forum of the TP participants for discussion and approval of SIC.

SIC program approved by the participants.

WG on SIC development and realization.

December 2011


Development of mechanisms of public-private partnership in the sphere of research and developments to be realized within the TP.

List of proposals on the use of various mechanisms of state financial support of scientific-technological development.

WG on SIC development and realization.

September 2011


Elaboration of proposals on the use of results of research and developments obtained abroad within the TP.

Conduct of the conference

WG on SIC development and realization.

September 2011


Launching of SIC pilot projects to master SIC realization mechanisms.

Elaborated projects for investments

WG on SIC development and realization.

In accordance with requirements of state contracts or agreements, 2011.


Creation within the TP of a working group on development and realization of the Program of advanced technology implementation (PATI).

Formed working group

Executive directorate

June 2011


Specification of the RM to form subjects of the TP projects on advanced technology implementation. Preparation of the PATI project and its coordination by the TP participants.

The project of advanced technology implementation.

WG on PATI development and implementation

June 2011


Search for business partners and choice of production sites for realization of PATI pilot projects.

Data-base of production and technological sites for realization of PATI pilot projects.

WG on PATI development and implementation

September 2011


Development of mechanisms of public-private partnership on implementation of advanced technologies for them to be realized within the TP.

Minutes of expert-analytical activities with the participation of state and business on development of mechanisms of public-private partnership in the sphere of advanced technology implementation for them to be realized within the TP.

WG on PATI development and implementation

October 2011


Elaboration of proposals on technological borrowing from abroad (import of technologies)

Proposals on best practices

WG on PATI development and realization

November 2011


Launching of pilot projects of PATI to master mechanisms of PATI realization

Developed projects for investment programs

WG on PATI development and realization

November 2011



Development and start of pilot realization of training programs

Elaboration of proposals aimed at improvement of regulation in the scientific-technological sphere, including the following parts: specification of the subjects of R&D, supported by the state; improvement of mechanisms for the stimulation of innovation activity; improvement of technical regulation; determination of perspective requirements to quality characteristics of production (services) purchased for state needs; specification of programs of innovation development of big companies with state participation; specification of directions and principles of support of scientific-technological and innovation development by state institutions; improvement of educational standards; determination of directions of international scientific-technological cooperation.


Creation within the TP of a working group on education and personnel training

Formed working group

Executive directorate

April 2011


Analysis of the potential of profile universities

Data-base of personnel programs within the priority TP projects

WG on education and personnel training

April 2011


Foresight of competences

Analytical report on research. Determination of the level training system. Proposals for development of new programs.

WG on education and personnel training

August 2011


Conduct of a series of discussions on possibilities of cooperation between the universities, scientific organizations and manufacturing enterprises within the framework of development and realization of educational programs.

Development and realization of educational programs, formation of work plans, teaching methodologies for concrete disciplines.

WG on education and personnel training

November 2011


Creation within the TP of a working group on preparation of proposals aimed at improvement of regulation in scientific-technological and innovation spheres.

Formed working group

Executive directorate

April 2011.


Analysis of the existing regulations in scientific-technological and innovation spheres to identify the provisions preventing or restricting the TP functioning as well as possibilities of its improvement.

Analytical report, preparation of information materials for expert discussions on improvement of the regulations in scientific-technological and innovation spheres with participation of the leading experts in the field of scientific-technological and innovation politics, representatives of the federal bodies of executive power.

WG on elaboration of proposals aimed at improvement of regulation in scientific-technological and innovation spheres.

September 2011 г.


Conduct of the expert discussion on improvement of regulations in scientific-technological and innovation spheres with participation of the leading experts in the field of scientific-technological and innovation politics, representatives of the federal executive bodies.

Minutes of the meetings

WG on elaboration of proposals aimed at improvement of regulations in scientific-technological and innovation spheres.

September 2011


Systematization and analysis of remarks , ideas and proposals of experts; elaboration of proposals aimed at improvement of regulation in scientific-technological and innovation spheres.

List of proposals aimed at improvement of regulation in scientific-technological and innovation spheres.

WG on elaboration of proposals aimed at improvement of regulations in scientific-technological and innovation spheres.

October 2011

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