The canadian cerebral palsy sports association

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National Team Athlete Agreement



The purpose of this agreement is to outline and clarify the rights, responsibilities and obligations of the Canadian Cerebral Palsy Sports Association to the Athlete and the same for the Athlete to the Canadian Cerebral Palsy Sports Association.

This AGREEMENT is made this ____ day of _____________, 20___


The Canadian Cerebral Palsy Sports Association, having its National Office at: 104-720 Belfast Road Ottawa, ON K1G 0Z5, (Hereinafter referred to as “the CCPSA”)


(Athlete’s First, Middle and Last Names)

Residing at:

(Athlete Address)

(Hereinafter referred to as “the Athlete”)

WHEREAS the athlete wishes to be an active competitor in CCPSA sanctioned events with his or her rights and obligations clearly defined

WHEREAS the CCPSA is recognized by the Boccia International Sport Federation and Sport Canada as the sole National Federation governing the sport of Boccia in Canada

WHEREAS the CCPSA and the Athlete recognize the need to clarify the relationship between the CCPSA and the Athlete by establishing their respective rights and obligations

AND WHEREAS the Sport Canada Assistance Program (hereinafter referred to as “the AAP”) requires these rights and obligations to be stated in a written agreement to be signed by the NSO and the Athlete who applies for assistance under the AAP

AND WHEREAS the International Federation requires that the NSO certify the eligibility of the Athlete to compete as a member in good standing

NOW THEREFORE the parties agree to the following:

CCPSA Obligations

The CCPSA shall:

    1. Organize, select and operate teams of athletes, coaches and other necessary sport staff to represent Canada at designated events in the sport of Boccia throughout the world;

    1. Co-operate with other sport bodies to help in the organization, selection and operation of teams when necessary and appropriate to do so.

    1. Publish reasonable selection criteria for Boccia National Team at least three (3) months before selection. .

    1. Publish criteria for the selection of athletes to the AAP eight (8) months before the start of the start of the AAP eligibility cycle for Boccia.

    1. Nominate all athletes competing in the sport of Boccia who meet the AAP criteria.

    1. Provide an Appeals Procedure that is in conformity with the generally accepted principles of natural justice and procedural fairness, which shall include access to an independent arbitration process with respect to any dispute the Athlete may have with the CCPSA, other than those related to the AAP, and publish the details of this procedure in a prominent manner so that it is freely available to all athletes or any person requesting this information by or on behalf of the Athlete.

    1. Organize programs and provide funding for the development and provision of coaching expertise, officials and event training camps in Canada in the sport of Boccia in accordance with the budget of the CCPSA.

    1. Assist the athlete in obtaining quality medical care and advice at competitions and camps.

    1. Provide the athlete, once selected, with a National Team Uniform.

    1. Regularly provide National Team program information (training and competition) to the athlete.

    1. Provide an annual review of the Athlete’s annual training program.

  1. Provide funding for the athlete for training camps, competitions and designated meetings in accordance with the budget policies of the CCPSA.

  1. Provide a representative of the Athletes who belong to the CCPSA to sit as a voting member of the Board of Directors of the CCPSA.

  1. Communicate the athletes both orally and in writing in the language of their choice (French or English).

The Athlete shall:

    1. Recognize the responsibilities of the coaches in coaching-related decisions and follow the training and competitive program mutually agreed to by the following:

      1. the representative of the CCPSA responsible for developing and monitoring the Team training and competitive program (i.e. National Coach or High Performance Manager/Coordinator)

      2. the Athlete’s personal coach

      3. the Athlete

    1. Avoid living in an environment not conducive to high-performance or taking any deliberate action that puts his or her ability to perform at risk or limits performance

    1. Provide to the National Coach or his or her designate information needed regarding training plans and other information needed by him or her or the CCPSA.

    1. Participate in all mandatory Training Camps and Competitions as outlined by the National Schedule with the exceptions described in paragraph 2e.

    1. Notify the CCPSA immediately in writing of any injury or other legitimate reason that will prevent the athlete from participating in the upcoming event and provide the CCPSA with a medical certificate or any other documentation necessary in order to explain the absence.

    1. Agree to wear the appropriate uniform at all designated events.

    1. Avoid any action or conduct that would be reasonably expected to disrupt or interfere with a competition or the preparation of any Athlete for a competition.

    1. During or at a National Training Camp or a Competition avoid alcoholic consumption.

    1. Avoid the use of banned substances that contravene the rules of the International Paralympic Committee (IPC), the rules of the International Federation and the Canadian Policy on Doping in Sport.

    1. Avoid possession of anabolic drugs and neither supply such drugs to others directly or indirectly nor encourage or condone their use by knowingly aiding in any effort to avoid detection of the use of banned substances or banned performance enhancing practices.

    1. Submit without prior warning, to unannounced doping control tests and submit, at other times, to doping control testing when requested by the CCPSA, Sport Canada, the Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport or other authorities designated to do so.

    1. Participate, if asked, in any doping/education program developed by the CCPSA or recognized Canadian Sport Agency.

    1. Complete the CCES on line anti-doping courses, True Sport Clean 101 and Sport Canada - Athlete Assistance Program, at the beginning of each new carding cycle and at times thereafter as required by Sport Canada.

    1. Participate in sport–related, non-commercial promotional activities on behalf of the Government of Canada. Unless supplementary compensation is arranged, these activities do not normally involve more than two working days per athlete per year.

    1. Actively participate in all AAP evaluation activities. Athletes will co-operate fully in any evaluation of the AAP that may be conducted by the Minister or anyone authorized to act on the Minister’s behalf and provide such data as the person conducting the evaluation considers necessary for the proper conduct of the evaluation.

    1. Avoid participating in events which have been designated by the CCPSA and/or the National Government as events in which participation is not permitted.

    1. Use the appropriate hearing and appeal procedure described by the CCPSA in The National Handbook as the remedy for complaints and other issues.

Canadian Anti-Doping Program (CADP)

    1. The Canadian Cerebral Palsy Sports Association has adopted the 2009 Canadian Anti-Doping Program (CADP), which is the set of rules that govern doping control in Canada. Administered by the Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport (CCES), the CADP applies to members of the Canadian Cerebral Palsy Sports Association and participants in Canadian Cerebral Palsy Sports Association sanctioned activities. All members of the Canadian Cerebral Palsy Sports Association, whether in the role of athletes or athlete support personnel, are subject to the CADP. By signing below, I acknowledge that I understand that the CCPSA has adopted the 2015 Canadian Anti-Doping Program (CADP).

    1. I specifically agree that as a member of the National Athlete Pool (NAP) in my sport I am subject to the Canadian Anti-Doping Program (CADP) and accordingly shall be bound by all the anti-doping rules and responsibilities contained in the CADP.

    1. I agree that I have been educated regarding the anti-doping rules and violations contained in the CADP.

    1. I acknowledge that information, including personal information about me, can be shared between anti-doping organizations for anti-doping purposes and such information will be used only in a fashion that is fully consistent with the limitations and restrictions contained in the World Anti-Doping Agency’s International Standard for the Protection of Privacy and Personal Information.

    1. With the understanding that any disclosure is for the sole purpose of assisting the CCES in enforcement of the CADP, I consent to having police and law enforcement agencies, border services agencies, Sport Organizations of which I am a member and sporting clubs and athletic associations to which I belong, in Canada and elsewhere, disclose to the CCES information in their possession relating to me that is directly relevant to potential anti-doping rule violations contained in the CADP that may be asserted against me.

Default of Agreement

Where one of the parties to this agreement is of the opinion that the other party has failed to conform with its obligations under this agreement, the following shall occur:

1. The one part shall notify the other party in writing of the particulars of the alleged default.

2. If there exists a reasonable opportunity to correct the default and the default is not so fundamental as to amount to a repudiation of this agreement, the notifying party shall indicate in the notice the steps to be taken to remedy the default and a reasonable period of time to complete the remedial steps.

3. The parties agree that the giving of the above referred-to notice by a party will not prevent the party from later asserting that the default was so fundamental as to amount to a repudiation of this agreement.

4. If the party receiving the notice remedies the breach within the specified time, the dispute shall be considered resolved and neither party shall have any recourse against the other concerning the matter alleged to comprise the default. If the party receiving the notice fails to remedy the breach within the specified time and either party wishes recourse against the other concerning the matters alleged to comprise the default, that party shall use the dispute settlement mechanism of this agreement to resolve the differences between the parties.Duration of the Agreement

This AGREEMENT comes into force on the _____ day of ________________ 20___,

and terminates on the _______ day of ______________, 20_____ .

For Boccia Athletes the duration of the Athlete Agreement will coincide with the carding cycle.

I hereby declare that in return for any financial assistance provided by the Sport Canada Athlete Assistance Program, I undertake to fulfill all commitments and responsibilities outlined in the booklet Athlete Assistance Program Policies and Procedures and my Athlete/NSO Agreement. I agree to refund any assistance provided to me, payable to the Receiver General of Canada, should my eligibility status change or my carded status be withdrawn, effective the withdrawal/change of status date.

____________________ ________________ __________________________

Witness Date CCPSA Representative

_________________ _________________ ______________________________

Witness Date Athlete

If the Athlete is under the Provincial Legal Age (18/19) the Parent/Guardian will sign.

__________________ _________________ ______________________________

Witness Date Parent/Guardian

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