The mountain mayhem journal of the Barony of Hidden Mountain

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Journal of the Barony of Hidden Mountain

Volume XXXIII Issue 12

Being February of the Year LI,

A.S. 2017 in the Reckoning of Years

CoverA university class, Bologna (1350s). medieval university is a corporation organized during the High Middle Ages for the purposes of higher learning.

The first Western European institutions generally considered to be universities were established in the Kingdom of Italy, then part of the Holy Roman Empire , the Kingdom of England, the Kingdom of France, the Kingdom of Spain, and the Kingdom of Portugal between the 11th and 14th centuries for the study of the Arts and the higher disciplines of Theology, Law, and Medicine.[1] These universities evolved from much older Christian cathedral schools and monastic schools, and it is difficult to define the exact date at which they became true universities, although the lists of studia generalia for higher education in Europe held by the Vatican are a useful guide. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia “Medieval Universities”

Credits: All pictures/clipart are royalty and copyright free, references are at the end of article or signed permissions are on file.

This is the February A.S. LI (2017 ce) issue of The Mountain Mayhem, the official newsletter of the Barony of Hidden Mountain, proudly part of the Kingdom of Atlantia and a branch of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. (SCA, Inc.). This newsletter is not a corporate publication of the SCA, Inc. and does not delineate SCA policies. ©2017 Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc.
Electronic copies of The Mountain Mayhem are available to groups and individuals from Hidden Mountain Facebook Page under Files and the Tear-Sea’s Shore website, under the subtitle Newsletter - Mountain Mayhem.
A hardcopy distribution of The Mountain Mayhem is available only to members. Memberships are available from the Member Services Office, SCA, Inc., P.O. Box 360789, Milpitas, CA 95036-0789. A membership form is located on the last page in the electronic version, as a file in the Barony of Hidden Mountain Facebook page, or contact the chronicler, Jorunn nic Lochlainn at
For information on submissions, or on reprinting letters, articles or artwork from this publication, please contact the chronicler who will assist you in contacting the original creator of the piece. Please respect the legal rights of our contributors. Submissions Date: All information must be submitted to the Chronicler, Jorunn nic Lochlainn, by the 28th of each month for the following month’s edition.

Table of Contents


4 Baronial Notables

5 Announcements

7 Meeting Schedules

8 Baronial Regna

9 From Her Excellency’s Own Hand

10 From the Seneschal's Desk

10 From the Chronicler’s Quill

11 Baronial Business Meeting Notes

12 The Bamboo Flute’ – by Hattori Shojuro-san

13 Manannan Mac Lir Event Report by THLord Abbott


16 Answers

17 Upcoming Events

26 Canton Reports/Regnum

Canton of Tear Sea’s Shore

Canton of Misty Marsh

Canton of Moorhaven

31 Useful Links

33 SCA Membership Form


THLady Asta Knarrarbringa (Kari Blackwell)

(843) 773-0457

Baronial Notables toc

Armored Champion – THLord Hrothgar Ravensson

Canton of Moorhaven

Rapier Champion – Mistress Aodh Adendra Marlon

Canton of Tear-Sea’s Shore

Archery Champion – Lord Thorkell Odinsson

Canton of Tear-Sea’s Shore

Arts and Sciences Champion –Lady Qulan Chaghan

Canton of Tear-Sea’s Shore

Arts and Sciences Emissary – Lady Umm Samine Bint Asad al Isfanayia

Canton of Moorhaven

Bardic Champion – Lady Jeremea Gerber

Canton of Tear-Sea’s Shore

Youth Arts and Sciences Champion – Meghan Pippinsdaughter

Canton of Misty Marsh

Youth Army – Michael Robertsson and Curtis Roibeardsson

The office of Baronial Chatelaine is still open – If you are interested in the position, please contact Baronial Seneschal, Master Geoffrey at
The office of Baronial Exchequer is looking to be filled. If you are interested in the position, please contact Baronial Seneschal, Master Geoffrey at
ATTENTION: All officer positions should have a deputy. You can learn how to do the job when you are deputy. Please volunteer.
OYEZ! OYEZ! The Barony has GREAT need of donated items suitable for Largess baskets for the upcoming  Event  - Hidden Mountain Baronial Birthday March 25-27, 2017

What is Largesse?

The word largesse, has been part of the English language since at least the 13th century. It derives via Anglo-French from the Latin word largus, meaning "abundant" or "generous." "Largus" is also the source of our word large. As far back as the 14th century, we used the word largeness as a synonym of "largesse" ("liberal giving"). ( In fact, that may have been the first sense of "largeness," which has since come to refer to physical magnitude and bulk more often than to magnanimity. The giving of largesse is an extension of courtesy and abundance; it is a change to give back to the whole of the population with gratitude for the pleasures of the Society.

In the history of the SCA, largesse are donated items appropriate for use in the Society. It is customary to give and receiving largesse to visiting Royals,  who then in return will award to members of the populace for acts of service as a thank you to visitors, hosts, and volunteers.  It is a way to offer hospitality and generosity.

Craftspeople, artisans, merchants - any and all interested, are asked to donate items. Largesse items hold multi purposes, gifting to other individuals for deeds and hospitality shown, assisting the Royals and Peers with less financial burden by using donations of largesse, and are a great opportunity to have to have the items seem Kingdom wide.

Largesse items are generally period in nature and handmade. Items should be well packaged for safety of travel and included a written description of the item and the giver should be included.

Suggestions for largesse​:

  • Bags and pouches made from natural fibers

  • Belt buckles, cloak pins, small brooches

  • Card weaving kits (tablets and instructions)

  • Duct tape, strapping tape, rivets

  • Fabric – natural fibers

  • Handcrafted trim

  • Handmade soaps or bath salts (clearly labeled as to content and low scent please)

  • Hats, veils, or hoods

  • Note cards

  • Jewelry, semi-precious stones or lampwork beads,

  • Necklaces (hand strung), rings, earrings

  • Lucet kits

  • Period games

  • Metal work (small hand forged items), knives

  • Napkins or table linens made from natural fibers

  • Pieces of armor, rattan

  • Pottery items, goblets, cups

  • Small sewing kits

  • Skeins of hand spun wool, silk, or linen

  • Small wood or metal boxes

  • Small journals or books

  • Teas, hot cocoa, etc (store bought)

  • Wooden, bone, or antler items

  • Wooden combs

  • Wooden toys

With all that being said please remember that largesse is a great way to show your crafting skills and supports the hospitality of the Society and that many largesse items are needed!

Please contact Largesse Coordinators  -  Lady Katherine of the Doves (mka as Karen Parker) or Lady Clare inghean Ruaidhri (mka Scarlett Jones) privately or any upcoming event for any questions or donations.

Written this 28h day of December, 2016 AS LI

-Submitted by Lady Clare inghean Ruaidhri

Scheduled Meetings TOC

Baronial Commons – Meeting of the Baronial officers and general populace, every other month, alternating locations throughout the Barony. It is usually accompanied by an Arts and Science function starting at 10 a.m. The Business meeting starts at 2 p.m. Site is announced on the Facebook page and on the Baronial and Canton websites.
Tear-Sea's Shore – (Charleston and surrounding area)

Business Meeting – 3rd Sunday of each month at 5 p.m. – the meeting rotates between locations. See calendar and maps on website

-Fighter Practice is held Sunday’s, time dependent on THLord Allyne’s work schedule. See Tear-Sea’s Shore Facebook page and website for location and contact information of Knight Marshal.

-Tear-Sea’s Shore A&S - Meeting hosted by Lady Olivia. Meetings every other Thursday evening at the Hanahan Public Library. See calendar on Tear-Sea’s Shore website Watch for meeting announcements on TSS Facebook and webpage.

Misty Marsh by the Sea - (Florence and surrounding area)

-Marsh Business Meeting – Every other Thursdays at the house of Lord Pippin.

-Marsh Night is an informal get-together to chat, work on projects, and relax with friends. Starting at 6:30 pm. Location TBA monthly on Misty Marsh Facebook page.
Moorhaven – (Myrtle Beach and surrounding area)

-Monthly Scribal is held the first Tuesday of the month starting at 7:00 pm. Potluck, Location TBA announced on Facebook page.

-Moorhaven A&S - Third Tuesday evening of each month.

Baronial Regnum


Master Geoffrey d’Ayr of Montalban

(Rob Himmelsbach)

199 Cabrill Dr, Charleston SC 29414

 (843) 852-7896 (No calls after 9pm please)

Deputy Seneschal

Lady Anastasia dello Scudo Rosso

(Sigrid Rothschild)

114 Mossy Oaks Ave.

Goose Creek, SC 29445


Marlow Herald

Lord Patrick of Moorhaven (Patrick Conrad)
Deputy Herald

Lady Morgaine Ferguson

(Melissa (Ivy) Curry)

2412 Hayseed Way, Myrtle Beach, SC 29579

(843) 504-2586


Deputy Exchequer

Mistress Alisoun MacCoul of Elphane

(E. L. Wimett)

Knight Marshal

The Honorable Lord Hrothgar Ravensson

(Robert Normandin)

Rapier Marshal

The Honorable Lord Alleyne Blackburn (John



Minister of Arts and Sciences

Lady Qulan Chagan (Candace Smith)

The Honorable Lord William Costello

(Bill Sides)

 (770) 331-2498


The Honorable Lady Jorunn nic Lochlainn

(Cathie Brailey)

10825 Dorchester Rd., Apt 1016

Summerville, SC 29485

 (303) 908-5343

Minister of the Lists

Lady Caisséne Ingen Fháeláin (Kathy Fletcher)

Chatelaine - VACANT

Chancellor of Youth

Lady Katherine of the Doves (Karen Parker)

Clerk Signet

Lady Isabella, Daughter of Arabella (Chastity



Hail to The Mountain!

Asta’s Progress


February 4th

Kenansville, NC

Notthinghill Coill BB

February 18th

Bennettsville, SC


February 24th-26th

Reidsville, NC


March 4th

Greenville, SC

Gulf Wars

March 11th-19th

Lumberton, NC

Hidden Mtn BB

March 24th-26th

Bennettsville, SC

This spring season gives us 2 of my favorite events that are not normally in the southern region within reasonable driving distance for most in Our Barony; University & KASF. I would like to encourage all to attend both. I am especially excited for the Hidden Mountain display at KASF! We also have NCBB, YMIR (Investiture), and HMBB (Investiture) upcoming if anyone has any largesse to donate to the gift baskets please let either myself or Lady Clare know.

I have 1 court left during my term as Baroness and would like to give as many awards that are needed but in order to do that I need your help! I am looking for both award recommendations & scribes. Please let me know if you would like an assignment.

In Service to Atlantia & Hidden Mountain,

Baroness Asta
From the Desk of the Baronial Seneschal TOC

Greetings, Barony of Hidden Mountain.

Welcome to the New Year in Hidden Mountain! By the time you see this, the polling period should be done, and it is all up to Their Majesties to determine the next Baron and Baroness of Hidden Mountain.
We are still looking for someone to fill the Baronial Chatelaine Office and the Exchequers Office. If you wish to hold either of these offices, please contact the current holders, and submit your letters of interest in the positions to me before the next Baronial Commons; Robert Himmelsbach, 199 Cabrill Dr, Charleston SC 29414, Again, only current, valid membership holders need apply. The Exchequers Office is vital to the Barony, and must be filled. I would greatly prefer that the Chatelaine’s Office also be filled as soon as possible.
We are also seeking an individual, household, or group who wish to autocrat the Barony’s next big event, The

Silver Chalice Tourney. Same rules apply, please contact the Seneschal (me) as above if you are interested in taking on this challenge!

Thank you all, and let’s work to make our Barony bigger, stronger and really, really fun.

Master Geoffrey d’Ayr Montlban

Hidden Mountain Seneschal
Greetings my fellow Mountaineers!
I want to first apologize for the scanty edition. I had many things going on in January that kept me from my quill and desk. Things should be back to normal for me in February for an exciting March edition.
Please send me your submissions and things you would like to see in the pages of our little history catcher.

Thank you again Sho, for never letting me down and sending me a new tanka. Thank you to one more Baronial officer who was willing to share with us, Lady Caisséne. I have an interesting Safety Herald planned for March so keep watch. I wanted to publish it this month, but as I said, things got in the way. I go now to fill up my inkwell and prepare for next month.

Yours in service,

THLady Jorunn nic Lochlainn

Hidden Mountain Chronicler

Baronial Commons Meeting January 7, 2017

Conference Call

In Attendance:

Geoffrey, Jorunn, Abbott, Sharon, Thylacine, Adendra, Diana, Bridget, Scarlett, Bill, Mary DeLuca, Asta, Victor, Runa, Stormy, Adison, Nat, Dan, Candace M., Karen, Pat, Kelsey, Rob, Chastity, Angus, Logan, Qulan, Branwen, Zena,- I apologize if I missed anyone.
Old Business – Coronet committee reported the design of the potential coronets. Vendor is F. Page Stienhart. He can make them to deliver them by March 21st, 201, in time for the Baronial Investiture. Cost $2500 with a $15 maintenance fee. A motion was made to get the coronets and motion carried. All voted in favor.

Victor/Cecelia to sign the check.
Book of Policy Annual Review-

Suggested change to Section II 2.2 – change XVLL to XVII – Unanimous vote to change.

Financial Policy no changes

Unanimous vote that all else stays the same. Will be published on the Baronial Website.
Feast of Manannan Mac Lir – Send in checks.
Unevent – Chronicler – Facebook is not officially recognized by SCA for publishing. Newsletter and webpages are the only official medium for SCA business.
Silver Chalice – Need an autocrat by March Meeting.
Baronial Birthday and Investiture – Katherine will post what is needed in largesse.
Officer Reports –

Baroness Asta – Need volunteers to work on award scrolls for upcoming events.

Seneschal – Baronial Election notices are waiting for mailing labels. All polling notices must be postmarked by the end of January.

Exchequer – Victor Ormstung – Stepping down this month and needs replacement.

Marshall – Hrothgar Ravensson – Nothing to report.

Herald – Patrick of Moorhaven – Nothing to report.

Arts and Sciences – Qulan Chagan – Rescheduling wood burning class for another time. New judging forms being created by Kingdom A&S.

Chronicler – Our newsletter is a way to record our history. Please submit.

Chatelaine – Office Vacant.

Youth Minister – Katherine of the Doves – Nothing to report.

Minister of the Lists – Caissene Ingen Fhaelain – Nothing to report.

Web Minister – Abbott William Costello – Web page still in progress.

Tear’s Seas Shore – Ingvarr Erlingsson (Jan 19th A&S Sewing Circle) Not present.

Misty Marsh – Nothing to report.

Moorhaven – Hrothgar Ravensson – Nothing to report.
Next Commons: March 5th Virtual Meeting at 7:30

May 5 – Tear’s Seas Shore

Motion to adjourn – seconded and all voted in favor.

Meeting adjourned at 2:39 p.m.


The Bamboo Flute

Tanka by

Hattori Shojuro-san
A conversation among friends

What is left unsaid

Is conveyed with a smile

And louder than words

Event Report: Manannan mac Lir – A.S. LI

By Ld Wm Costello
One aspect of the Tournament of Manannan mac Lir which helps make each year different is the violability of the weather. Last year Altantia was frozen and snowed over with Manannan being the only event not cancelled. Attendance was light with the event occurring entirely in and around the Great Hall. There was also very little martial activity, due to the low turnout. That gave it a very intimate, relaxed feel.
This year the weather was quite a bit warmer, although still cool. It was also a bit breezy, making it just about perfect weather to fight in. With a few layers or a cloak, it was comfortable to stand outside to watch and chat. That moved the action and the bulk of the attending gentles from the Great Hall to the Tourney Field.
Personally, the event was a very busy one. Completing a number of tasks I planned to do saw me running back and forth between the Hall and the Field. Then I was allowed the honor of retaining for Her Excellency. I also was allowed to Herald the Baronial Court, my first time doing this in 30 years.
Evening Court was a fun affair, fraught with great emotion and the knowledge that Her Excellency’s time as Baroness is soon coming to an end.
Court began with Baroness Asta processing in. The first order of business was to call Rhianna, Pippin’s Daughter into court and induct her as the first member of the Order of the Vert Mountain, created to recognize the Children of the Mountain and continue the recognition from the Award of the Piedmont. Her scroll was the first ever presented in a court by her mother, Lady Catairiona.
Mistress Aodh Adendra, as the event autocrat, followed and presented the winners of the day’s competitions with their prizes. Earl Robert de Rath was victorious in the Armored Tournament. In accepting the Broach he praised the field of combatants, especially Lord Hrothgar, and presented the Broach to him to hold until the next Manannan. The Great Weapon Tournament was also won by Earl Robert. Mistress Etain of Sutherland was the victor and broach holder for the Rapier Tournament. The A&S competition was won by Lady Isabella, Daughter of Arabella.
Next called into court was Megan, Pippin’s Daughter, who was the second inducted into the Order of the Vert Mountain. Her scroll was the first created by her father, Pippin the Red.
The Honorable Lady Bridget O’Shay was then presented, amongst some tears and with great thanks her third Baroness’ Award of Courtesy.
Lady Qulan Chaghan became a member of the Order of the Azure Mountain for her costuming work and enthusiastic promoting of the arts.
In appreciation for her efforts and works, m’lady Candace Rose was added to the rolls of the Order of the Sable Mountain.

The final item of the court was the presentation of the Baroness’ Award of Courtesy to Lady Katherine of the Doves.

Thus closed the penultimate court of Asta knarrarbringa, Baroness, Hidden Mountain.
Following court was a very fine feast prepared and presented by the chefs and hardworking crew of the Mountain’s own Three Barons.
Outside of worries about visits from the local wasp population, the day went smooth and was as much fun as can be legally had.

Interview with a Baronial Officer TOC

Meet Caisséne Ingen Fháeláin
What is your Baronial Officer Position and why did you volunteer to do it?

I am your Baronial MOL or Minister of the Lists. I’ve always loved to watch the fighting. I think its

really amazing! I wanted the serve in some fashion, but everything always took me away from

the fighting. Once I learned what an MOL was, it was a natural choice. As for why I am an

officer, my Baroness asked me to!!

What is your SCA Name? Caisséne Ingen Fháeláin

Do you have any titles? Titles, beside “Lady” no. I do have the “Opal” service award, but does not change my title.

How did you pick your name? I’ve always been interested in Irish history, all my great-grandparents on my mother’s side are from there. So when looking at what I wanted my name to be, it was obvious pick medieval Irish history. I read up on Irish history, and picked the 12th century. I studied how they were

“constructed”. In the 12th century a woman was always her father’s daughter; that is what ingen

means, daughter of. Then looked for names. I liked Caissene, in medieval history in the area of

the country most my ancestors are from, there was a princess named Caissene related to King

Brian Boru. Then to honor my father, I found an “F” name. His name was Frank but there wasn’t

anything even close to that. To research the actual names, I used links available on the website. Since becoming involved however, I have found I like Viking/Norse dress. The Norse went

viking (the proper way to say it since Viking is really a verb) in Ireland around 825 A.D. and

eventually settled Dublin, the first real city in Ireland. So my persona’s time period and history is

changing. I an researching the Hiberno-Norse Culture in Ireland to find out more about my “new”

persona. My name will stay the same though. Guess I’m a time traveler!! :)

How many years have you been in the SCA? Six and a half

Are you associated with any household or Peer? Yes. White Crescent. We are a two peer household, Knight Afshin Darius and Mistress Meadhbh the Handy.

What are your favorite things to do in the SCA? While I love everything, I guess my most favorite thing is the people! The variety of personalities that make up the SCA is amazing! I don’t think you’d find such an assortment of people in any organization.

How many Kingdoms have you lived in? Just Atlantia.

What is your real world name? Kathy Fletcher

What is your occupation? Retail Sales. Mens Nautica Specialist for Belk

What is something you don’t mind sharing that people do not know about you? I’ve always been a pack-rat and the SCA has me well on my way to becoming a Hoarder!



Abbreviated list

February 2017

4 Atlantian university raven’s cove Kenansville, nc

17-19 Nottinghill Coill Baronial Birthday Bennetsville, SC

24-26 Tournament of Ymir and Baronial Investiture Reidsville, NC

March 2017

4 Kingdom Arts and Sciences falconcree Greenville, SC

11-19 Gulf Wars XXVI Gleann Abhann

24-26 Hidden Mountain Baronial Birthday and Investiture Bennettsville, SC

Kingdom calendar link

See below for some event details

Winter University 2017

February 4, 2017

Barony of Raven's Cove

A day filled with learning awaits you! Many options available for learning opportunities. Come spend the day with us!


        Adult, Event Registration:       $0.00 Day-Trip  $0.00 Feast $0.00 Camping
        Adult, Member Discount:  $0.00 Day-Trip  $0.00 Feast $0.00 Camping
        Youth (5-17):      $0.00 Day-Trip  $0.00 Feast $0.00 Camping
        Child (0-4):     $0.00 Day-Trip  $0.00 Feast $0.00 Camping

Make Checks Payable To: SCA, Inc., Barony of Raven's Cove

Cost Notes: Although there is no cost for the event, donations would be greatly appreciated.

Site: James Sprunt Community College 133 James Sprunt Drive Kenansville, NC 28349, Site opens 8am, closes 8pm.

Site Restrictions:No alcohol on the premises, this is a DRY site, no open flames, no pets. Smoking in designated areas only. No combat activities.

Feast Information: No feast. However, there will be a fundraiser lunch on site much like what was provided at Unevent.

Other Information: We will be supporting our friends in Sea Reach by accepting donations for a local food bank: Liberty Home of Matthew 25 Food Bank, NHCSO chaplaincy, Liberty Counseling 7957 Market Street, Wilmington, NC 28443.

They need can goods, dry goods such as beans and rice and cereals. Please bring any such items to Troll and there will be a box available for you to drop off your items.

We thank you in advance for showing your support for our wonderful neighbors!

Autocrat's Information: Baron Lochlainn hua Rigbarddain (James Rardin), 309 Rock Creek Drive South, Jacksonville, NC 28540, Phone: (910) 546-6056, E-mail: ravensbaron[AT]


Coming from I-40 West:

Take the NC-24 E/NC-903 exit, EXIT 373, toward Magnolia/Kenansville. Then 0.32 miles Turn left onto NC-903/NC-24/S NC 903 Hwy. Continue to follow NC-903/NC-24. Then 1.24 miles Turn left onto Leonard Rich Rd. Then 0.13 miles Leonard Rich Rd becomes S NC 903 Hwy. Then 1.95 miles Turn left onto S NC 11 Hwy/NC-11. S NC 11 Hwy is 0.2 miles past Gin House Ln. Then 0.39 miles Take the 2nd right onto James Sprunt Dr.


Nottinghill Coill Baronial Birthday

February 17- 19, 2017
Barony of Nottinghill Coill

The year is 1095 and word has spread that a great Crusade will be launched towards the Holy Land of Jerusalem! Peasants and Knights both prepare to make the long pilgrimage over land and sea at the call of Pope Urban II.

The Barony of Nottinghill Coill invites all of the populace to join with them for Their Baronial Birthday celebration! This event will be the start of an epic, year-long exploration of the Crusades. Each leg of the Crusade will be overseen by the Barony or a Canton, with the events happening in order of the journey. You will begin your sojourn in England with people from all stations in life eager to make the long, perilous trip. Will you make your pilgrimage as part of a military order or will you go to establish trade with foreign lands and peoples? Does the excitement of seeing new lands draw you from your home or does your faith pull you to new horizons?

There will be heavy combat, rapier battles and archery competitions. All military minded combatants need to prepare themselves for the tough journey ahead of them. Prove yourself worthy and able bodied to make the trip! The Arts and Sciences will be concentrated on crusade preparation: What items would you (or another) have taken on the Crusades or pilgrimages? What would be your single must have possession to bring along on your journey? Your entry may be of any medium and multiple entries are accepted. Remember that documentation will be required! Also, the Outgoing Champions are to devise a challenge for the perspective Baronial Champions. The feast will be a spectacular end to our day and a hearty beginning to our journey! The Lady Rose Ui Mhaille will make sure our pilgrims and crusaders will be well fed for the start of their adventures to far flung lands.

Martial Activities: Heavy, Rapier, Archery.

Arts & Sciences Activities: The Arts and Sciences will be concentrated on crusade preparation: What items would you (or another) have taken on the Crusades or pilgrimages? What would be your single must have possession to bring along on your journey? Your entry may be of any medium and multiple entries are accepted. Remember that documentation will be required!

        Adult, Member Discount:  $15.00 Day-Trip  $10.00 Feast $5.00 Camping
        Adult, Event Registration:       $20.00 Day-Trip  $10.00 Feast $5.00 Camping
        Youth (5-17):      $5.00 Day-Trip  $10.00 Feast $5.00 Camping
        Child (0-4):     $0.00 Day-Trip  $0.00 Feast $0.00 Camping

Make Checks Payable To: SCA, Inc., Barony of Nottinghill Coill

Cost Notes: Children 0 months to 4 years are guests of the Barony.

Site:Sandy Ridge Girl Scout Camp 3680 Girl Scout Road Bennettsville SC 29512 Site opens Friday 5pm, closes Sunday noon.

Site Restrictions:  Site is DRY. No pets. Ground fires in designated areas only.

Feast Information: Lady Rose Ui Mhaille (Alison O'Neal) will be preparing our feast. You may contact her at Allyson.sines[AT] concerning any dietary questions.

Merchanting Information: Merchants are welcome and there will be no fee to merchant! Direct any questions to the autocrat.

Autocrat's Information: Caitriona inghean Ghiolla Phadraig (Jennifer Dutschke), 308 Earle Road, Central, SC 29630, Phone: (864) 915-8434, E-mail: SCAGreyhound[AT]

Reservations: Brendan O'Caiside (Brandon Cassady), 101 Basin Drive, Cheraw, SC 29520, Phone: (864) 404-6796, E-mail: bcaiside[AT]


From the South:

Take your best route to Highway 52 south of Society Hill.
Take Hwy. 52 North into Society Hill.
In Society Hill, follow Highway 401, NOT Hwy. 52, which bears left.
Follow Hwy. 401 straight through Society Hill (Gailey and Lord plant will be on the left as leave Society Hill).
Go 7 miles, look for Hwy. 912.
Turn LEFT onto Hwy. 912.
Follow Hwy. 912 for 8 miles until ends at Hwy. 9.
Turn LEFT onto Hwy. 9 and then turn RIGHT onto Ebenezer Rd. (you will see a church and a water tower).
Follow Ebenezer Rd. for 3 1/2 miles.
Sandy Ridge will be on the RIGHT.

From the North:

Take your best route to Hwy. 9 near Pageland/Cheraw.
Take Hwy. 9 East towards Bennettsville.
Look for water tower on LEFT of highway before Bennettsville.
Turn LEFT onto Ebenezer Rd/water tower turn).
Ebenezer United Methodist Church will be on your RIGHT after you turn onto Ebenezer Rd.
Follow Ebenezer Rd. for 3 1/2 miles.
Sandy Ridge will be on your RIGHT.

Tournament of Ymir and Baronial Investiture

February 24- 26, 2017
Barony of Windmasters' Hill

Born of the fire of Muspelheim and the ice of Niflheim …

Born in the abyss of Ginnungagap …
Suckled by the cow Auðhumla …

From Ymir’s flesh the earth was created …

From his sweat and blood the seas were created …
From his bone the mountains were created …
From his hair the trees were created …
From his skull the skies were created …
From his brains the cloud were created…
And from his eyebrows the Gods made Midgard, home of the sons of men!

Come pay honors to Ymir, the frost giant from who the world was created!

Join us as we thank Baron Callixtus and Baroness Adriana for their gracious service and strong leadership and welcome our new Baron and/or Baroness.


Martial Activities: Baron Rufus Barbarossa (rufus.barbarossa[at] and his staff are planning for the traditional Tournament of Ymir and other tournaments as well, including armored combat, rapier combat, archery, etc.

Arts & Sciences Activities: Competitions include Hoods and head coverings of the 14th century Norse people, Artifacts of the late period Norse People. A Very Varangian Scroll Blank Competition hosted by Baruna Sajah. Open display is also welcome. Artisans Row/Schola will be hosted by Baroness Michel Almond de Champagne OL OP. There will be Commedia dell'Arte performance and class by i Firenzi. European dancing with Lady Sophie the Orange and Bardic with Lord Manus MacDhai. Contact Arts and Sciences coordinator Lady Marion le Red (Marionred[at] or Performing Arts coordinator Lady Sophia the Orange (orangesophie[at] with questions. See the event web site for additional details.

        Adult, Event Registration:       $20.00 Day-Trip  $10.00 Feast $16.00 Camping
        Adult, Member Discount:  $15.00 Day-Trip  $10.00 Feast $16.00 Camping
        Youth (5-17):      $5.00 Day-Trip  $10.00 Feast $16.00 Camping
        Child (0-4):     $0.00 Day-Trip  $10.00 Feast $16.00 Camping

Make Checks Payable To: SCA, Inc., Barony of Windmasters' Hill

Cost Notes: $16 per bed for heated cabins. Tent camping is also available for $5 per person. We do not re-sell reservations. Cancellations received at least 7 days prior to the start of the event will be refunded once the funds have cleared and may be processed at the Exchequer’s earliest convenience regardless of the profit or loss of the event. No refunds will be given if the event does not make a profit. No refunds will be given to those who have checked in with gate.

Site: Betsy Jeff Penn 4-H Camp. 804 Cedar Lane, Reidsville, NC 27320 Site opens Friday 5PM, closes Sunday 10AM

Site Restrictions:  Pets are permitted only on a leash outdoors only – they are NOT ALLOWED in ANY of the buildings. Fires allowed only in pre-existing fire pits. Swim in the lake at your own risk; no lifeguard is on duty. Alcohol is permitted for those over the age of 21. No original containers. Take your empties and trash home with you. Parking directly by the cabins is prohibited. No firearms, fireworks, explosives.

Feast Information: An Italian feast is being prepared by Lord Gaelan mac Cuinnegáin. Please contact him at lordgaelan[at] with any dietary concerns. See the event web site for additional details.

Merchanting Information: Merchants are welcome, please contact the Lady Æsa Þorarinsdottir ladyaesa13[at] to reserve space.

Other Information: If you have a cart bring it with you for loading and unloading. You may bring camp stoves for cooking; however, no food may be cooked or prepared in the cabins. Cabin fee includes Saturday breakfast. The Canton of Attillium will offer a fundraiser lunch.

Autocrat's Information: Fíne ingen Tomaltaig (Linda Pancrazio), 35 Harris Rd., Youngsville, NC 27596, Phone: (919) 418-3421, E-mail: quilldriver[AT]

Reservations: Caterina di Paulo (Shannon Mullens), 1110 Sandlewood Drive, Durham, NC 27712, Phone: (407) 790-1208, E-mail: avaszu[AT]


From the South: Take US-29 to Exit 153 (US-158/NC-14) Turn left on US-158/ NC-14 After 3 miles, turn left on Salem Church Rd After 1 mile, take a sharp right on Cedar Ln The entrance to Betsy-Jeff Penn 4-H Camp will be on the left after a half mile.

From the North: Take US-29 to Exit 153 (US -158/NC-14) Turn right on US- 158/NC-14 After 3 miles, turn left on Salem Church Rd After 1 mile, take a sharp right on Cedar Ln The entrance to Betsy-Jeff Penn 4-H Camp will be on the left after a half mile.

Kingdom Arts and Sciences Festival

March 4, 2017
Canton of Falconcree

Arts and Sciences Around the World!

        Adult, Event Registration:       $15.00 Day-Trip  $0.00 Feast $0.00 Camping
        Adult, Member Discount:  $10.00 Day-Trip  $0.00 Feast $0.00 Camping
        Youth (5-17):      $5.00 Day-Trip  $0.00 Feast $0.00 Camping
        Child (0-4):     $0.00 Day-Trip  $0.00 Feast $0.00 Camping

Make Checks Payable To: SCA, Inc., Canton of Falconcree

Site: Greenville Unitarian Universalist Fellowship 1135 State Park Road Greenville, SC 29609. Site opens 9am, closes 10pm.

Autocrat's Information: Victoria Pringle (Trishka Hornbeck), 1603 Hudson Rd, Greer, SC 29650, Phone: (864) 2300923, E-mail:victoria[AT]

Reservations: Elizabeth Cates, 330 Rice Planters Lane, Duncan, SC 29334


The Greenville Unitarian Universalist Fellowship (GUUF) is located at 1135 State Park Road, at the intersection of Piney Mountain Road and Altamont Drive next to CVS.

If driving north on Pleasantburg Drive (SC 291), turn right on to Piney Mountain Road (after crossing Rutherford Road). Turn left on to State Park Road. The Fellowship is on your right (after the CVS Pharmacy).

If driving south on US 25 Business/US 276, turn left on to North Pleasantburg Drive at Cherrydale Point, then left on to State Park Road (Hwy 253). The Fellowship is the 3rd church on the left. If you pass the CVS Pharmacy, you have gone too far!

If coming from out of town on I-85, take I-385 North (toward Greenville) and then SC 291 north (also labeled at Pleasantburg Dr.). Follow the directions for going north of Pleasantburg Dr. above.


Gulf Wars XXVI March 11-19, 2017

Greetings to all those who read these pages, and welcome to Gulf Wars 26! Gulf Wars is an annual war between the Kingdoms of Ansteorra and Trimaris, and hosted by Gleann Abhann and Meridies. It is also know as the war without enemies for the friendliness of all our attendees. For information on camping, war scenarios, classes, children’s activities, site rules, and many other items, please read through the information presented here. We look forward to seeing you in March!

YIS, Cairistiona & Elisenda.

Hidden Mountain Baronial Birthday and Investiture

March 24- 26, 2017
Barony of Hidden Mountain

Come out to celebrate Hidden Mountains Birthday and Investiture. Discover the treasures of the Italian Renaissance. We will have Heavy, Rapier, Archery, Youth Combat, Arts and Science Competitions, fiber solar, as well as, two classes. A most scrumptious feast will be presented by Three Barons.


Martial Activities: Heavy Fighting - MIC Hrothgar Ravensson
Rapier - MOD Brendan O'Caiside
Archery - MIC Cian MacCeallachain Ui Dubhlaich
Youth Combat - To be announced

Arts & Sciences Activities: Bread and Butter Competition
Italian Illumination
Leonardo Davinci inventions
Youth A&S

        Adult, Event Registration:       $15.00 Day-Trip  $10.00 Feast $7.00 Camping
        Adult, Member Discount:  $10.00 Day-Trip  $10.00 Feast $7.00 Camping
        Youth (5-17):      $7.00 Day-Trip  $10.00 Feast $5.00 Camping
        Child (0-4):     $0.00 Day-Trip  $0.00 Feast $0.00 Camping

Make Checks Payable To: SCA, Inc., Barony of Hidden Mountain

Cost Notes: Please note there will be a charge for classes. Backpack basket fees are $35.00 Cheese making class is $3.00.

Site: Camp Sandy Ridge 3681 Girlscout Rd Bennettsville, SC 29512. Gate opens at 12pm on the 3/24, Troll opens at 1pm. Gate closes on 3/26 at 11am.

Site Restrictions:  Dry Site. Service Animals Only.

Feast Information: Three Barons.

Merchanting Information: To be announced pending final confirmations.

Other Information: Mozzerella Making with Lady Annora Hall Backpack Basket Making with Baroness Pamela

Autocrat's Information: Katherine of the Dove (Karen Parker), 3513 Evergreen Way, Myrtle Beach, SC 29577, Phone: (843) 655-6462, E-mail: Karen1insc[AT]

Reservations: Alisoun MacCoul (E.L. Wimett), Box 522, Mount Pleasant, SC 29465, E-mail: silverdragon[AT]

Directions:,-79.7697852,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x88551f0bfea b7d0f:0x349b3e69064fdb3c!8m2!3d34.7343 312!4d-79.7675965

From Points North of South Carolina
Take I-95 South
Exit at 13A- 13B to I-74 W in Laurel Hill Township
Keep left towards Old Wire Road
Continue on to Old Wire Road
Left onto Ebenezer Road
Left onto Girl Scout Road
3861 Girl Scout Road, Bennettsville, SC

From Points East of Bennettsville

Take 501 North
Vere to the right onto 501 North towards Dillon/Bennettsville
Take SC-38 West to US 15/401 S in Marlboro County
Follow SC 9 to Ebenezer Road
Make Right on Ebenezer Road
Right on to Grilscout Road

The Canton of Tear-Sea’s Shore toc

Canton Business Meeting – January 22, 5:16 p.m., Sigrid’s house –
Officer Reports –

Webminister – web site current and up and running.

Chatelaine – Vacating the position after Feast of Mannanan.

MOL – Qulan – Sent report in. No longer charging fees to authorize.

A&S – Megan on phone – Will be at Manannan . A&S meeting is the third Thursday. There is a sewing circle planned for Geoffrey’s house. More meetings are coming.

Herald – Thylacine – Warrant was renewed. Warrants at large, Geoffrey, Abbott, Jorunn, Caissene.

Exchequer – We have money. Hoping to have new bank deposit slips before Manannan. Signator’s on financial committee changes. Formal motion and unanimous, Vilianna on the committee but not a signatory so there can be the following: Alisoun, Norm, Bish, Adendra, KE.

Knight Marshall – Viliana for Alleyn – His warrant was renewed at Unevent. Combining A&S and fighter practice in February. Donated Armor being inventoried.

Seneschal – When doing event notices, please include Gold Key information.
Old Business

Polling letter are out.

Manannan – On track .

Reviewed Canton policies – no changes motion made to keep and unanimous vote that carried. Policies are published on the Web Site.

New Business -

Warriors Games – Need date in July and autocrat.

Upcoming meetings –

February 19th – Geoffrey’s House.

March 19th – Norm’s House

April 16th – Jorunn’s Clubhouse

May 24th – Anastasia’s

Introduction of new person at the meeting – Welcome MaryDeLucca.

Motion to adjourn and carried – meeting adjourned at 6:31 p.m.

Tear-Sea’s Shore Canton Officers

Baron Ingvar Erlingsson (Norman Smith)

8487 William Moultrie Dr Charleston SC 29420

 (843) 343-0464


Mistress Aodh Marland (Brenda Butler)


Baron Thylacinus Aquila of Dair Eidand (Alden Butler)

Minister of Arts and Sciences

Lady Olivia de Boniface (Megan Smith)


Knight Marshal

The Honorable Lord Alleyne Blackburn (John Couture)

Minister of the List

Lady Qulan Chagan (Candace Smith)




The Honorable Lady Jorunn nic Lochlainn (Cathie Brailey)

 (303) 908-5343

The Canton of Misty Marsh by the Sea




Lord Pippin the Red

Mistress Cecilia Blythe

Knight Marshal

The Honorable Lord Robert the Banished

Minister of Arts and Sciences

Lady Runa Redbush

Mistress Cecilia Blythe


Lord Pippin the Red

The Canton of Moorhaven TOC

Meeting notes – by Summer Musmesci

9 members in attendance
New award site - 

- tied in with Atlantian enterprise Login, the old site will not go away, but is not compatible with the newer sites, so no new info will be able to be posted to the old site.

We will have to post our Financial policies as well as our bylaws on the Canton website.   Sala will be taking care of that, withKaren
Amendment to the bylaws - the MOAS will be able to change time, date and place of A&S meetings.  Vote will be held in the future, when all paperwork is in front of everyone to be gone over.
Karen and Candace (Lady Catherine and Esme) will be soon posting for volunteers for all aspects of set up and take down during HMBB.  It would be awesome to have a full contingent of Moorhaven presence as a workforce.
Next meeting - February 7, 2017 a 7pm at Lady Katherine's (Karen's).   Period embroidery make and take.




The Honorable Lord Hrothgar Ravensson (Robert Normandin)

Scribe: Summer

Lady Elizabet Walkere (Kay Morse)

708 Johnson Street, Conway, SC 29527

 (843) 331-9185

Knight Marshal

The Honorable Lord Hrothgar Ravensson (Robert Normandin)
Minister of Arts and Sciences

Lady Isabella, Daughter of Arabella

Lady Morgaine Ferguson

(Melissa (Ivy) Curry)

 843-504-2586

Lady Umm Samine Bint Asad al Isfanayia

Useful Links TOC

The Society for Creative Anachonism

SCA Website -

SCA Newcomer Resources -

Facebook Page (Unofficial) -

Google+ -

Yahoo! Group - (Unmoderated) -

Yahoo! Group (Moderated) -

Very Unofficial Facebook Page for the 50th Anniversary -

50 Year Website -
The Kingdom of Atlantia

Website -

Calendar of Events -

Newcomer's Page -

Facebook Page (Unofficial) -

History of our Kingdom -

Kingdom Awards Recommendations -
Barony of Hidden Mountain

Website -

Calendar -

Facebook Page (Unofficial) -

Yahoo! Group -

Baronial Progress -

Baronial Award Recommendations -
Canton of Tear-Sea's Shore

Website -

Facebook Page (Unofficial) -

Yahoo! Group -

Canton of Misty Marsh by the Sea

Website -

Facebook Page (Unofficial) -

Yahoo! Group -

Canton of Moorhaven

Website -

Facebook Page (Unofficial) -

Yahoo! Group -

Other Resources

 SCAtoday Net (News from all over the Knowne World) -

 Medievalists Net Home (Readable and high-quality articles about period research and finds) -

Facebook -

 St. Thomas Guild - Woodworking and other Crafts -
 Medieval Brewing -
 Sacred Texts - A terrific resource for any spiritual or religious persona research. Many documents and great artwork in the Public Domain -

 The Armour Archive - How-To, sharing and research of period armoring -

 The Middle English Dictionary -
 Medieval Names Archive - Numerous lists and sources of names -

 Medieval & Renaissance Material Culture: Karen Larsdatter's Material Culture Linkspages -

 Ancient History Encyclopedia -
Internet History Sourcebooks Project of Fordham University -
 A Miscellany by Cariadoc and Elizabeth -

 Medieval Archives -
Ciba Review links -

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