1. Runway and Taxiway:Construct 1 runway , 2400m in length and 45m in width, Construct 1 taxiway, 208.5m in length and 23m in width, including a vertical contact way.
2.Apron:an apron with 5 seats (5C), and the size of the apron is 290m×130m.
3.Terminal building and Parking area:Construct a Terminal building of 6000m2 and a parking lot of 6000 m2.
4. Storage and Transportation:Construct a 400 m2 cargo storage house, a 500 m2 loading and unloading stacking yard and a 100 m2 parking lot.
5.Oil Supply:The oil depot of the airport is equipped with 2 ground lying steel aviation fuel storage tanks of 100 m3, 1 bottom tank of 5 m3. Build an automobile service station of 150 m2, equipped with 4 buried Horizontal tanks of 25 m3 and 4 tanker aircrafts.
6.Drainage:Construct 8 substitute discharge outlets for storm-water, 1box culvert and airport storm-water pipe network.
7.Sewage treatment:Construct 1 sewage treatment station with a processing capacity of 10m3/h, and airport sewage water pipe network.
8.Refuse disposal:Build a Refuse Temporary Storage Station of 50 m2.
9.Water supply:Construct a water supply station of 350 m2, a reinforced concrete tank of 300 m3, and a fire tank of 500 m3. The length of the on-site water mains is about 2.5km.
10.ATC:Build a air traffic control tower, that is about 24m high.
11.Other auxiliary facilities include: Navigation Engineering(Navigational Lighting Engineering, Approach Instrument Landing System, Meteorological Engineering, Communication Engineering etc.), a air-condition room of about 300 m2, a 800 m2 Airport Center substation and office etc.