Introduction to Warpspawn Games

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Speed Level Max Accel Decl Climb Dive Dodge Init

Extremely Slow 1 2 1 1 4 4 -1 -1

Very Slow 2 4 1 2 4 3 - -

Slow 3 6 2 2 3 3 - -

Average Speed 4 8 2 3 3 2 - -

Fast 5 10 3 3 2 2 - -

Very Fast 6 12 3 4 2 1 - -

Extremely Fast 7 14 4 4 1 1 +1 +1

Extremely Fast-2 8 15 4 5 1 1 +1 +1

Extremely Fast-3 9 16 5 5 1 1/2 +1 +1


Maneuverability Level Turn Dodge Init

Very Poor 1 15 -1 -1

Poor 2 30 - -

Average 3 45 - -

Good 4 60 - -

Very Good 5 90 +1 +1

Very Good-2 6 105 +1 +1

Very Good-3 7 120 +1 +1

Very Good-4 8 135 +1 +1

Hits- Damage the flyer can sustain before falling or dying.

During battle, keep a running tab of Hits remaining.

If reduced to 0 or less hits the mount is killed/destroyed.

Capacity- Number of Riders or Large Weapons the Mount can carry.

If this is exceeded reduce Maneuverability and speed stats by half (round down).

Capacity may not be doubly exceeded.

If the mount is under capacity increase stats by one rank each.


Each turn has 2 phases:

Initiative Phase

Main Phase


Determine move order.

Each Flier rolls 1D10 and adds any Initiative modifiers.

High roll moves and attacks first in Main phase.

Next highest roll moves and attacks second in Main phase, and so on.

Reroll ties.

Get +3 to roll if you are diving out of the sun.

Get +10 to roll for first turn surprise.


During Main Phase every flier gets to move and attack.


Weapons with a ROF of 1 can be used once per turn.

Weapons with a ROF of 2+ can be used up to that many times per turn.

A ROF of ½ can be fired once every other turn.

A ROF of 1/3 can fire once every third turn.

For fractional ROF's it is assumed the rider is spending the time in between

Shots actively reloading.

If the rider is making other attacks the reloading time must be made up.


Keep track of each fliers current speed.

Speed is measured in inches per turn.

Keep track of each fliers current altitude.

Altitude is measured in inches above the table.

Use counters to indicate altitude and speed.

Maximum altitude is 3 feet above the table.

Keep track of the fliers forward facing. (the miniature has this function)

See the Mount Stat section for rules on accelerating, turning, etc.

Flyers may attempt to increase their value in any stat +1 at the risk of losing control.

At the beginning of his move roll 1D8:

On a roll of 1-3 the Flier loses control.

A flier out of control cannot attack during his move.

Mounts that cannot hover have a minimum speed = 1.

If forced speed = 0 for any reason, the mount stalls and falls.


A flier may attack at any point during his move.

Keep track of ammo used, spells used, and current Hit Point totals.

To attack line of sight must not be blocked.

Flyers block line of sight.

Attacks hit on a roll of 6-10 on 1D10.

Add attackers bonuses to hit. Subtract defenders dodge bonuses.

If the attack hits roll 1D8:

On a roll of 1-6 the attack hits the Mount.

On a roll of 7-8 the attack hits the Rider.

If there are multiple riders on a mount pick one at random.

Some mounts completely enclose their riders: subtract 1 from roll.

If there is a hit, roll a number of 1D6 equal to the weapons damage stat.

This is the number of Hit points the target loses.

Targets reduced to 0 hits are killed/destroyed.

Subtract the targets armor stat from the damage inflicted.

Some attacks do not do damage but have other effects.

Targets of Bombs must be under the attacker.

Every time a flyer is hit the rider will fall on a roll of 1 on 1D6.

A hovering flyer is +1 Tohit and -1 Dodge.


Flyers cannot attack targets greater than 3 inches above them.

Attacks at targets 1-3 inches above the attacker are at 3/4 listed range.


Weapon Ranges are reduced as follows if attacking a target at a lower altitude:

Height above target Range is % of Listed

1-3 inches 1.00

4-6 inches 0.50

7-9 inches 0.25

9+ 0.00


Spell attacks must hit their target like any other attack.

If they hit some spells then allow a 'Magic Save'. Roll 1D8:

On a roll of 1-6 the spell takes effect.

On a roll of 7-8 the spell does not take effect.

Add the defenders Magic resistance to the roll.


Mounted Weapons of size 1 have a firing arc of 90 degrees.

Mounted Weapons of size 2 have a firing arc of 60 degrees.

Mounted Weapons of size 3+ have a firing arc of 30 degrees.

Most mounted weapons will be positioned forward facing.

Hand Weapons and spells attacks can be made in any direction.

Attacks with a range of "Adjacent" means the figs must be touching.


Some attacks will result in the target mount or rider (or both) falling.

Figures that fall will hit ground at the end of the turn. Roll 1D6:

Rolls of 6+ will cause death. Add 1 per inch fallen.

Subtract 1D6 if landing on "soft" ground or water.

Another flyer may, as its move, attempt to catch the faller. Roll 1D10:

1-5 do not catch flyer. 6-10 catch flyer.

Add 1 if catching a rider. Subtract 3 if the target is petrified

Add catchers Speed and Maneuverability stats. Subtract 9.

Subtract 1 if above the faller. Add 3 if below.

Subtract 2 if the faller is heavier than the catcher.

A Flyer carrying a Mount has its Speed and Maneuverability stats reduced to 1.

Riders may be equipped with parachutes:

They fall 2 inches the first turn, and float down 1 inch per turn thereafter.

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