Introduction to Warpspawn Games


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Be sure to sing the Star Spangled Banner First.

Peanuts & Crackerjacks are optional.


Quests & Artifacts

by Dave Sanborn

Before rolling on a given turn, a player may announce that he's questing.

He may select as many dice as he wants to form a "questing party", and the rest of the dice

act as his army. The army is rolled as per the standard rules against the opposing player's

army. If a player has dedicated dice to his questing party on a given turn, and his army is

wiped out in that turn, then

the game is over and the player loses. Army casualties may never be applied to dice in the

questing party, and vice versa.

Dice used for initially forming a questing party may only consist of Infantry, Archers, and

Mages. Cavalry, Generals, and

Monsters may not go on quests, and must always stay with the army. If a player wishes an

Artifact to accompany the quest,

he may add it to the questing party, keeping in mind the specific rules for its use

(more on Artifacts later).

The opposing player acts as the "Dungeon Master" (for lack of a better term), and constructs

an encounter roster for the questing player to face. The DM player selects a number of dice

(NOT from his own army) equal to the number of dice in the questing player's party.

The encounter roster may contain Infantry, Archers, Mages, and Monsters, though Monsters

must be purchased on a one-for-two basis.

The two players conduct combat as per the normal rules, keeping in mind that Tactics and

Maneuver rules don't change (though it will be difficult for either player to generate Tactics

and Maneuver points). If a mage rolls on the spell-effects table, and rolls

a '6' (the Summon spell) the player may add ANY type of dice to his party, INCLUDING

Cavalry, Generals, and Monsters.

If either army is destroyed or routs (after a morale check) the quest is over.

If the questing player still has non-Artifact units left in his questing party at this point

(whether his party routed or he won), he may return ALL dice in his questing party to his

army. If only Artifacts are left, they are considered lost, and may NOT be returned to the

questing player's army. The DM player may NEVER add the contents of the encounter roster

to his own army.

Should the questing player win, he rolls on the following Artifact Table to determine which

Artifact he has procured. Artifacts are dice which are rolled in battle which give some kind of

positive bonus. Some Artifacts have restrictions on them (other dice must exist in the

party/army, can only be used once, etc.) which are explained in the following section.

When using Artifacts, keep in mind the logical limits to their use (for example, if you only

have one Infantry unit, that Infantry unit CANNOT use more than one magic sword at the

same time, or multiple shields; a single Mage unit COULD NOT use two wands at once).

Also keep in mind that effects are NOT cumulative, except where noted (if you have two

Infantry units, and two Swords + 1, each Infantry unit would be eligible for a +1 modifier;

you could not apply a +2 modifier to a single unit).


1d20 Artifact:

1 Gold Cache (Hire Troops)

2 Wand of Healing

3 Wand of Resurrection

4 Sword + 1

5 Shield + 1

6 Bow + 1

7 Banner of Bravery (bonus on morale)

8 Sword + 2 (+2 to infantry)

9 Shield + 2 (-2 from enemy dice)

10 Bow + 2 (+2 on archery)

11 Scroll of Summoning (Summon Monsters)

12 Staff of Wizardry (+2 on magic)

13 Wings of the Pegasii (+2 on maneuver)

14 Crown of Command (+2 on tactics)

15 Orb of the Archmagi (one up or one down on spell effects table)

16 Orb of Kings (one up or one down on tactics result table)

17 Orb of Legions (one up or one down on maneuver table)

18 Wand of Death (instant death result)

19 Sword + 3

20 Bow + 3


1d4 Effect Notes

1 Small Cache May immediately hire one unit. This unit may consist of any type except Monsters.

2 Medium Cache May immediately hire 1d4 units. These units may consist of any type except Monsters.

3 Large Cache May immediately hire 1d6 units. These units may consist of any type except Monsters.

4 Mother lode May immediately hire 2d4 units. These units may consist of any type except Monsters.

Note: The Gold Cache is ALWAYS discarded after one use.


1d4 Effect Notes

1 No Charges Left Discard Artifact

2-3 No Effect -

4 Healing Overturn the death of any one unit that has been killed this turn

Note: You must have at least one Mage unit in your army/party in order to use a Wand of Healing.


1d4 Effect Notes

1 No Charges Left Discard Artifact

2-4 Resurrection Overturn the death of any one unit that has been killed this turn

Note: You must have at least one Mage unit in your army/party in order to use a Wand of Resurrection.


1d4 Effect Notes

1-2 No Effect -

3-4 Magic Attack Add one to the roll of a single Infantry unit this turn

Note: You must have at least one Infantry unit in your army/party in order to use a Sword + 1


1d4 Effect Notes

1-2 No Effect -

3-4 Magic Defense Subtract one from the roll of a single enemy Infantry or Archer unit this turn

Note: You must have at least one Infantry unit in your army/party in order to use a Shield + 1.

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