Introduction to Warpspawn Games

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1D10 Result:

1 Seduction

2 Dancing

3 Cooking

4 Leadership

5 Fighting

6 Archery

7 Healing

8 Equestrian

9 Languages

10 Magic


1D6 Result:

1 Men (most types)

2 Mythical Creatures

3 Demons

4 Undead

5 Evil Wizard

6 Fay Creatures



Card game for 2 players. WWII theme.


Players share a common deck.

The deck contains 1 copy of every card in the card list.


Capture 3 of the 5 Fronts.


There are 5 Fronts between the players:

R = Right Flank

CR = Center Right

C = Center

CL = Center Left

L = Left Flank


Use markers to designate the 5 Fronts.


Each turn has 3 phases:

Logistics Phase

Deployment Phase

Battle Phase


Each player is dealt 7 cards from the deck.


Players take turns.

Flip a coin to see who goes first.

Players take turns playing one card from their hand to one of the five Fronts.

In a turn you can assign a maximum of 2 cards to a single Front.

At a single front, you may assign a maximum of:

1 Leader

1 Infantry

1 Plane

1 Tank

1 Artillery

1 Strategy

1 Fortification

Some cards allow you to play an extra card of a certain type at that Front.

If you play a Scout card, you may look at your opponent’s hand.


Each card has a Force value.

Add up your force value for each Front.

If you have a higher Force than your opponent at a

Front you gain a Victory Marker (VM) for that Front.

(Use coins for VM)

If you ever have 3 more VP than your opponent at a

Front, you Capture that Front.

The first player to capture 3 of the 5 Fronts wins the game.

Negated cards do not contribute their Force.

Once a Front is captured, no more cards may be assigned to it.

Maximum hand size is 8 cards. Discard excess cards at end of turn.


L = Leader

I = Infantry

P = Plane

T = Tank

A = Artillery

S = Strategy

F = Fortification


Card Name: Type Force Notes:

Armored Cars T 1 Scout

Light Tanks T 2

Self Propelled Guns T 3 Play an Extra Artillery

Infantry Tanks T 4 Play an Extra Infantry

Funny Tanks T 5 Opposing Fort Negated

Cruiser Tanks T 6

Tank Destroyers T 7 Opposing Tank Negated

Medium Tanks T 8

Heavy Tanks T 9

Tank Brigade T 10 Play an Extra Tank

Reserve Units I 1 Play an Extra Infantry

Army Corps I 2

Rifle Brigade I 3

Guard Units I 4

Mechanized Infantry I 5 Play an Extra Tank

Marine Forces I 6

Engineer Units I 7 Opposing Fort Negated

Ranger Units I 8 Scout

Heavy Weapons Squads I 9

Mountain Troops I 10

Mortars A 1

Anti-Tank Guns A 2 Opposing Tank Negated

Flak Guns A 3 Opposing Plane Negated

Field Artillery A 4

Medium Artillery A 5

Siege Cannons A 6 Opposing Fort Negated

Mobile Artillery A 7 Play an Extra Strategy

Howitzers A 8

Heavy Artillery A 9

Rocket Bombardments A 10

Reconnaissance Planes P 1 Scout

Paratroop Jump P 2 Play an Extra Infantry

Fighter Planes P 3 Opposing Plane Negated

Fighter Bombers P 4

Tank Buster P 5 Opposing Tank Negated

Ground Attack Aircraft P 6

Level Bombers P 7

Dive Bombers P 8

Heavy Bombers P 9

Air Superiority P 10 Play an Extra Plane

Junior Officer L 1 Play an Extra Leader

Replacement Officer L 2 Negate Opposing Leader

Sergeant L 3

Lieutenant L 4

Major L 5

Experienced Officer L 6 Scout

Captain L 7

Commander L 8

Colonel L 9

Brigadier General L 10 Play an Extra Strategy

Frontal Assault S 1 Play an Extra Infantry

Steam Roller Tactics S 2

Prepared Assault S 3 Play an Extra Artillery

Infiltration S 4 Scout

Outflank S 5

Combined Arms Tactics S 6 Play an Extra Plane

Hook Maneuver S 7

War of Maneuver S 8 Play an Extra Tank

Encirclement S 9

Blitzkrieg S 10

Tank Obstacles F 1 Negate Opposing Tank

Pillboxes F 2 Opposing Infantry Negated

Entrenchments F 3

Bunkers F 4 Play an Extra Infantry

Minefields F 5

Airfield F 6 Play an Extra Plane

Chokepoints F 7

Gun Emplacements F 8 Play an Extra Artillery

Strongpoint F 9

Defense In Depth F 10 Play an Extra Fortification


You win if you Capture:

Center and CR or CL (Breakthrough Victory)

L & CL or R & CR: (Outflank Victory)

L & R: (Envelopment Victory)


Designate one player as the Attacker & the other as the Defender.

The Attacker cannot use Fortification cards.

The Defender cannot use Plane cards.


Include 5 "Special" cards in the deck (Type = X)

Each player choses a Nationality:

*Germans can use Special Cards as:

Panzer Tanks (T) Force = 10

*Russians can use Special Cards as:

Human Wave (S) Force = 2 & play an extra Infantry or

Manpower (I) Force = 8

*Americans can use Special Cards as:

Industrial Giant: Discard & draw 2 cards

*British can use Special Cards as:

Intelligence (L) Force = 7 & Scout & play an extra Leader

*Japanese can use Special Cards as:

Bonzai Charge (S) Force = 2 & play an extra Infantry or

Underground Complexes (F) Force = 8

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