Introduction to Warpspawn Games


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HR Giger



Two Player card game.

Simulation of the battle of Berlin (4/3/1945 – 5/2/1945).

Players are Russian Generals competing to be the first to capture Berlin.

One player is Marshal Georgi Zhukov (First Belorussian Front).

The other player is Marshal Ivan Koniev (First Ukranian Front).


The first player to capture the Reichstag (& raise the Red Flag) is the Winner.


There are 3 common decks:

The Russian Deck

The Front Line Deck

The City Defense Deck


Each player is dealt 3 cards from the Russian Deck.

Flip a coin to see who goes first.


Players take turns.

Each turn has 4 phases:

Front Line Phase

City Defense Phase

Logistics Phase

Attack Phase


Draw cards from the Front Line Deck and place them face up on the table so

That there are a total of 4 face up cards.

Note: there may already be cards out from previous turns.

Skip this phase if both players have captured 10 Front Line cards.


Skip this phase if both players have not yet captured 10 Front Line cards.

Draw cards from the City Defense Deck and place them face up on the table so

That there are a total of 4 face up cards.

Note: there may already be cards out from previous turns.


Draw 3 cards from the Russian deck & put them in your hand.

If the deck runs out, shuffle the discard & draw from it.

Max hand size is 5 cards. Discard excess cards.


Using cards in your hand you may capture opposing German cards in play.

You must first capture 10 Front Line cards.

Next you must capture 8 City Defense cards.

Next you must capture the Zitadelle (Inner Defense Zone: Force = 5).

Next you must capture the Reichstag (Hitler’s Bunker: Force = 4).

To capture a card, you must discard Russian cards from your hand with a

Force greater than the Force of the target German card.

You may pass your turn if you cannot or do not want to capture.


Card Name: Force:

Berlin Suburbs 2

Supply Lines Endangered 5

Bypassed Enemy Forces 6

Flank Threatened 4

Rebuilt Positions 4

Counter Attacks 5

Halted Outside the Gates 7

General Heinrici 7

Successive Defensive Belts 8

Deep Defensive Positions 6

Minefields 5

Anti-Tank Obstacles 3

Strong Points 6

Mobile Reserves 8

Ninth Army 9

Third Panzer Army 9

Fourth Panzer Army 9

Army Group Mitte 9

A Few Hundred Aircraft 2

700,000 Men 7

9,000 Artillery Pieces 7

1,500 Tanks & SPG 7

Second Defense Line 5

Fighting Withdrawals 4

Heavy Artillery Fire 8

Maze of Canals & Ditches 2

Heavy Soviet Casualties 7

Soviet Confusion 5

Soviet Attack Falters 8

Strong Resistance 8

Suicide Aircraft 1

Reinforcements 4

Heavy Fighting 8

Armored Engagement 9

Panzer Corps 8

Mountain Corps 4


Card Name: Force:

Fortified City 9

Protracted Urban Battle 9

Hitler Refuses to Surrender 8

Savage, Bloody Battle 9

Defense Sectors 2

Obstacle Zones 2

Defense Positions 3

Garrison 3

SS Personnel 5

Old Men & Boys 1

Volkssturm 2

Home Guard 2

Hitler Youth 2

Fanaticism 4

Defenders of Berlin 3

City Fighting 6

Soviet Infantry Loses 7

Panzerfausts 8

Roads Blocked 4

Debris & Rubble 4

Nazi Propaganda 4

Concrete Flak Towers 7

Anti-Aircraft Guns 8

Hand-to-Hand Fighting 9

Breakout Attempts 6


Card Name: Force: Notes:

Breach Enemy Defenses 10

Defeat Enemy on Open Field 7 vs Front Line Cards only

Hitler commits Suicide 10 only if you have captured 7+ City cards

Secure Bridgehead 8 only if you have captured 4 or less Front cards

Spearheads 5 vs Front Line Cards only

Set Piece Offensive - Draw 2 cards

Expand Bridgehead 6 only if you have captured 6 or less Front cards

Deploy for Attacks 3

Advance 2

Launch Attacks 4

Clear the Germans 6

Begin Offensive 6 vs Front Line Cards only

Powerful Mobile Forces 5 vs Front Line Cards only

Fixing Attacks 2 vs Front Line Cards only

Encircle Berlin 9 vs Front Line Cards only

Soviet Vengeance 10

Soviet Momentum 9

Breakthrough 8

Axis of Attack 3

Highway 2 vs Front Line Cards only

7,500 Aircraft 7

2.5 Million Soldiers 9

41,000 Guns & Mortars 8

6,250 Tanks & SPG 9

Devastating Bombardment 8

Seize Initiative 6

Release Armored Reserve 7

Guards Tank Army 5

Sheer Weight of Numbers 6

Push Forward 4

Shatter German Divisions 10 vs Front Line Cards only

Bleed the Germans 4

Pour Tanks through Gaps 7 vs Front Line Cards only

Numerical Superiority 6

Air Support 3

Improving Weather 2

Push Germans Back 5

Bypass Resistance Pockets 4

Costly Frontal Assaults 4

Armored Formations 5

Thrust Deep 5

Artillery Bombardment 3

German Panic 5

German Armies Retreat 7 only if you have captured 7+ Front cards

Red Army 8

Tighten the Noose 6 vs City Defender Cards only

Heavy Firepower 5

Infiltration 4

Railway Tunnels 4 vs City Defender Cards only

May Day 10 only if you have captured 7+ City cards

Surrender Negotiations 7 only if you have captured 7+ City cards

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