1. Write Combining Forms (CF), corresponding to the names of organs:
1. stomach 6. nerve
2. intestine 7. vessel
3. urinary bladder 8. vein
4. gallbladder 9. cartilage
5. uterus 10. kidney
2. Give English equivalents of the following Combining Forms:
1. -paedia 6. –ptosis
2. paedo- 7. –malacia
3. geronto- 8. –lysis
4. andro- 9. –sclerosis
5. gynaeco- 10. –ectasia
3. Write the correct word or word part on the line:
1. a) the Cf ______ means blood
b) the suffix ______ tumor or localized collection
c) the term ______ is localized collection of blood in the
2. a) the Cf ________ means urinary bladder
b) the Cf ________ means dilation
c) the term ________ is dilation of the urinary bladder
3. a) the Cf __________ means vessel
b) the Cf __________ means nerve
c) the suffix_________means chronic disease
d) the term __________ is chronic disease of vessel nerves
4. a) the Cf _________ means spinal cord
b) the Cf _________ means softening
c) the term __________ is softening of the matter of the spinal
5. a) the prefix _________ means serous coat
b) the C.f. _________ means uterus
c) the suffix _________ means inflammation
d) the term _________ means inflammation of the serous coat
of the uterus
Variant II.
1. Write Combining Forms(CF), corresponding to the names of organs:
1. intestine 6. vessel
2. gallbladder 7. the pelvis of the kidney
3. nerve 8. the breast
4. hernia 9. vein
5. stomach 10. lung
2. Give English equivalents of the following Combining Forms:
1. –aemia 6. andro-
2. –ectasia 7. gynaeco-
3. -ectomia 8. geri-; geronto-
4. –paedia 9. sclero; –sclerosis
5. -iatria 10. -sthenia
3. Write the correct word or word part on the line:
1. a) the Cf ________ means uterus
b) the Cf ________ means surgical fixation
c) the term _______ surgical fixation of the uterus
2. a) the Cf ________ means blood
b) the Cf ________ means joint
c) the Cf ________ means pathological condition in some
organ or tissue
d) the term________ presence of blood in the joint
3. a) the Cf ________ means lung
b) the Cf ________ means protrusion of the organ through the
tissue normally containing it
c) the term________ protrusion of a portion of the lung though
a defect in the chest wall
4. a) the Cf _________ means bile ducts
b) the suffix _________ means inflammation
c) the term _________ inflammation of the bile ducts
5. a) the prefix ________ means internal organs
b) the Cf ________ means a falling or downward
displacement of an organ
c) the term ________ downward displacement of the internal
Check up yourself:
The answers for the tasks
Variant I.
I. 1. gastro-; -gastria 6. neuro-
2. entero-; -enterium 7. angio-
3. cysto- 8. phlebo-
4. cholecysto- 9. chrondro-
5. metro-; -metra; -metrium; hystero- 10. nephro-
II. 1. methods of corrective treatment
2. child
3. old age
4. man
5. woman
6. a falling or downward displacement of an organ
7. softening or loss of consistency and contiguity in any of the organ or tissues
8. 1. destruction
2. an operation for breaking up the adhesions in an organ
9. hardness (in duration) relationship to the sclera
10. dilation or expansion
III. 1. a) haemato-
b) –oma
c) haematoma
2. a) cysto-
b) –ectasia
c) cystectasia
3. a) angio-
b) neuro-
c) –osis
d) angioneurosis
4. a) myelo-
b) –malacia
c) myelomalacia
5. a) peri-
b) –metro-
c) –itis
d) perimetritis
Variant 2
I. 1. entero-; -enterium 6. angio-
2. cholecysto- 7. pyelo-
3. neuro-; -neuri- 8. masto-
4. -cele 9. phlebo-
5. gastro-; -gastria 10. pneumo-; pneumono-
II. 1. in the blood
2. dilation or expansion of an organ
3. removal of any anatomical structure
4. methods of corrective treatment
5. treatment of the diseases
6. man
7. woman
8. old age
9. hardness (in duration) relationship to the sclera
10. condition of activity and apparent force
III. 1. a) hystero-
b) –pexia
c) hysteropexia
2. a) haemo-
b) –arthr-
d) haemarthrosis
3. a) pneumono-
b) cele-
c) pneumonocele
4. a) cholangio-
b) – itis
c) cholangiitis
5. a) splanchno-
b) –ptosis c) splanchnoptosis
Greek Latin English
1. dermo-, dermato-;
- dermia cutis is f skin; dermo-;
2. -chole, -cholia fel, fellis n, bilis, is f bile;-cholia
3. chylo-, -chylia lympha, ae f juice, chyle; -chylia
4. pyo- pus, puris n pus; pyo-
5. hidro- sudor, oris m sweat; hidro-
6. hydro- aqua ae f; water, hydrogen;
Hydrogenium, i n hydro-
7. litho-, -lithus calculus, i m stone; litho-
-lithiasis stone formation;-lithiasis
8. onco- tumor, oris m tumor; onco-
9. topo-; -topia locus, i m place; -topia
10. lipo- adeps, ipis m fat; lipo-
11. bio- vita, ae f life; bio-
12. sialo-;-sialia saliva, ae f saliva; sialo-
13. psycho-; psychia mens,mentis f soal; psychics;
mental abilities;
14. acro- 1) extremitas,atis f; 1) extremity;
2) apex,icis m; 2) tip, topmost;
3) acutus,a,um; 3) sharp; acro-
15. pharmaco- remedium i n remedy, drug;
1. -pnoë - C.f. denoting breathing; -pnea
2. aëro- - air or gas
3. crino-, -crinia - production of secretions by specific
Glands; -crinia
4. geno-, -genesis, - producing or forming; - genesis
-genesia produced or formed by;
development (in the embryo);
5. –penia - deficiency ( of blood cells); -penia
6. –rrhoea - discharge of any fluid form the organ;
7. –rrhagia - blood discharge, bleeding; - rrhagia;
8. –tono, -tonia - tension; firmness of the tissues; -tonia
9. –tensio - strain; the condition of being
strectched or tense; blood pressure (B. P.);
- tension
10. –plasia - formation ( of new cells and tissues);
11. tropho-, -trophia - food or nutrition; - trophy
12. tropo-, -tropia - a turning toward; -tropia
13. phago, -phagia - eating or devouring, swallowing; -phagy
14. philo-, -philia - affinity for or craving for; liking;
15. phobo-, -phobia - any objectively unfounded morbid dread
or fear; -phobia
16. –plegia - paralysis; stroke; -plegia
17. aetio- (etio-) - cause
18. morpho- - form, shape or structure;
19. ergo-, -ergia, - relating to work or reactivity;- ergy
20. dynamo-, -dynamia - force or energy; -dynamics
21. –kinesia, kinemato-,
kinemo-, kineto- - motion; -kinesia
22. –gnosis, -gnosia - (knowledge) The perceptive faculty
enabling one to recognize the form
and the nature of persons and things;
-gnosis; -gnosia
23. –poësis, -poët- - production; creation; -poiesis
24. –mnesia - memory; mneme (ability to
25. auto- - self, same
26. allo- - other or differing from the normal
or usual;
27. hetero- - other or different;
28. homo-, homeo- - the same or alike;
29. hemi-, semi- - one-half
30. tele-, telo-, teleo- - distance, end or other end;
31. pseudo- - prefix denoting a resemblance,
often deceptive;
32. ortho- - 1. straight,
- 2. correct, normal or in proper order;
33. cryo- - relating to cold
34. megalo-; - megalia - enlargment of an organ; -megaly
35. xero- - dry
36. oligo- - a few or a little
37. necro- - relating to death or necrosis
38. polio- - denoting gray or the gray matter
39. poly- - prefix denoting multiplicity
40. pan-, panto- - all, entire
41. brachy- - short
42. brady- - slow
43. tachy-, tacho- - rapid
44. chromo-, chromato, - colour
45. cyano- - blue; relating to cyanic group
46. melano- - black; or extreme darkness of hue
47. chloro- - green; association with chlorine
48. xantho- - yellow
49. erythro- - red; relating to erythrocytes
50. leuco- - white; relating to leucocytes
51. chloro- - green; relating to chlorine
1. Explain the meanings of the following terms:
- Haemorrhagia, odontorrhagia, cholaemia, empyema (-oma = -ema),
acrohidrosis, cytopenia, hydraemia, lymphocytopenia, anhidrosis,
herniorrhaphia, hidradenitis;
- mesoderma, periderma, dermographia, dermatostomatitis,
pyodermia, leucodermia, acrodermatitis, acrodermatosis, acrodynia,
- lithiasis, lithotomia, cholelithiasis, urolithiasis, broncholithus,
broncholithiasis, nephrolithiasis, odontolithus;
- chylothorax, chyluria, chylocele, pyaemia, pyorrhoea, pyothorax,
pyuria, pyometra, dyscrinia, endocrinologia;
- chondrogenesis, oncogenesis, aetiopathogenesis, chondrodysplasia,
oncogramma, aplasia, dysplasia, metaplasia, myelodysplasia,
- hydrophilia, hydrophobia, apnoё, hypopnoё, pneumocephalia,
aёrohaemotherapia, atrophia, dystrophia, hypertrophia, hypotrophia,
lipodystrophia, aërophagia, aërotherapia, hydrocephalus,
- anergia, allergia, synergia, asynergia, chirurgia, hyperdynamia,
amnesia, lipoma, dysmorphosis, morphologia heteromorphosis;
- aetiotropus, aetiologia,, haemopoësis, xerodermia, xerophilus,
telepathia, orthopaedia, pseudostenosis, orthopnoё;
- thermoplegia, cardioplegia, ophthalmoplegia, hemiparesis,
poliomyelitis, homogenus, heterogenus;
- brachycephalia, brachyspondylia, bradycardia, bradypnoё,
tachycardia, tachypnoё, polyangiitis, polyarteriitis, polyarthritis,
polyneuritis, poliomyelitis, polioencephalitis;
- homeostasis, acidophilus, tonometria, panophthalmitis, pancarditis, pharmacotherapia, teleroentgenotherapia, psychotherapia;
- chlorodontia, melanosis, cyanodermia, acrocyanosis, leucopenia, melanodermia, xanthochromia, erythrocytosis.
2. Construct Latin terms with the following meanings:
Inflammation of the skin;
(The clinical syndrome caused by) toxic substances in the blood;
The flow or discharge of chyle;
Septicemia due to pyogenic organisms (pus in the blood);
Hemorrhage from the stomach;
An increase in number of cells in a tissue or organ, whereby the
bulk of the part or organ may be increased;
Presence of air in a joint;
(An inherited disorder in blood coagulation characterized by) a
permanent tendency to hemorrhages;
The presence of an increased amount of blood in a part or organ;
10. A marked change in a subject’s reactivity (other work);
11. Extreme power of memory;
12. Paralysis of one side of the body;
13. The branch of medicine concerned with the medical problems
and care of the old people;
14. Excision of the breast;
15. Excessive swallowing of air;
16. Shortness of breath, a subjective difficulty or distress in
17. An abnormally small concentration of glucose in the circulating
18. Any deficiency in the amount of fluid (water) in the blood;
19. Deficiency in the number of red blood cells;
20. High blood pressure;
21. Scanty urination;
22. Abnormal smallness of the spleen;
23. Excessive excretion of urine resulting in a profuse micturition;
24. Enlargement of the liver;
25. Decrease below normal levels of oxygen in inspired gases;
26. Subnormal oxygenation of arterial blood.
27. Anesthesia (of one or more ) of the extremities.
Inflammation of the joints of hands and feet (extremities).
Movements of drugs (within biological systems).
Morbid fondness for taking drugs.
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