At Dundee 27th day of October 1953
At a Meeting of the Committee of the Bonnetmaker Craft of Dundee held within the Office of the Clerk at 148 Nethergate at 3 p.m.
Deacon George F Brown J.P., Boxmaster John M Robb, Messers James A Bruce, W A Findlay, George Muir, Ralph Pride, Matthew M Waddell
Also attending Mr Frank Hay the Clerk
Apologies for absence were Intimated Messers W L Jackson and Robert Simpson
Minute of Meeting of the Committee held on 18th September 1953 was read and approved.
Arrangements for Annual Dinner the draft toast list was submitted and approved.
In connection with the guests to be invited it was decided that no invitation should be sent except to the speakers, The Revd T R S Campbell and Mr Hinchcliffe.
It was decided that the type of circular submitted b the Clerk should be sent out but that there should be annexed the Toast List.
After a full discussion it was decided that the price of the tickets should be £1. 5/- each.
In regard to the artists it was decided we should have a Musical trio with Mr Arthur Patterson as violinist and the Clerk was instructed accordingly. The Deacon also stated he would invite Mr J M Graham to be present to render a song. In regard to Mr Hinchcliffe the Clerk was instructed to invite him to be accompanist as usual for he musical honours.
In regard to the hospitality to be given to Lord William Scott, lieutenant General Barber and Colonel Gomme Duncan it was left to Mr May and the Deacon to arrange this.
George F Brown Deacon
At Dundee the Seventeenth day of October 1953
At a Special General Meeting of the Bonnetmaker Craft of Dundee held within Gray’s Rooms Dundee at 6.30 p.m.
Deacon J A Davidson, Boxmaster George F Brown
Also attending
Fifty Members of the Craft and Frank Hay Clerk
Apologies for absence were intimated by the Clerk
Deacon J A Davidson nominated and Boxmaster George F Brown seconded the following gentlemen for admission to the Craft namely:
David Scott Anderson Jute Spinner and Manufacturer Coigach 21 Navarre Street Barnhill Dundee.
John Douglas Anderson –do- 2 Ure Street Dundee.
Ian Henry Buist Carmichael Solicitor 127 Arbroath Road Dundee.
Charles Scott Flesher 136 Kingsway Dundee.
These gentlemen having severalty emitted the customary defalcation were accordingly admitted Members with all the rights, privileges and immunities appertaining to Membership conform to Minute of Admission in the Lockit Book. The Clerk was instructed to have Certificates of Membership issued on payment of the entry money and dues.
J A Davidson Deacon
At Dundee the Twentieth day of October 1953
At the Annual General Meeting of the Bonnetmaker Craft of Dundee held within Gray’s rooms Dundee at 7 p.m.
Deacon J A Davidson, Boxmaster George F Brown, Mr Frank Hay Clerk
fifty Members of the Craft
Apologies for absence were intimated by the Clerk from Messers J D Collins, Hubert Carlton, H J Carlton D W Gray, John Mackie, Arthur J Millar, W J Ross and E J Neilson
I. Minutes.
The following Minutes were read and approved:
(a) Annual General Meeting 29th October 1952
(b) Special General Meeting 12th December 1952
The Clerk reported that Committee Meetings were held on 17th November 1952, 21st November 1952, 18th February 1953, 13th March 1953, 9th July 1953 and 18th September 1953.
II Accounts
The Boxmasters Cash Account for the year ended 15th September 1953 was submitted along with the relative vouchers and these were approved on the motion of Mr W R Falconer seconded by ex-convener A S Drummond.
III. Election of Office Bearers.
(a). Deacon.
On the motion of Deacon A J Davidson Boxmaster George F Brown was unanimously elected Deacon for the ensuing year. The presentation of an Ex-Deacons Badge to Mr Davidson was made by the new Deacon.
(b). Boxmaster.
On the motion of the Deacon Mr John M Robb was unanimously elected Boxmaster for the ensign year.
(c). Committee
It was intimated that Messers R S May, W R Falconer and Alfred G Whitton were due to retire and were not eligible for re-election. The following Members were elected to Committee to fill the vacancies and to hold office for two years namely: Messers William L Jackson, James A Bruce and George Muir.
IV. Annual Dinner
The Deacon intimated that the Annual dinner is to be held in Kidd’s Rooms Lindsay Street on 8th December 1953 and requested that all the Members should support this function as we were to be favoured with outstanding Speakers on that occasion.
J A Davidson. Deacon
At Dundee the seventh day of January 1954
At a Meeting of the Committee of the Bonnetmaker Craft of Dundee held within the Office of the Clerk 148 Nethergate at 3 p.m.
deacon George F Brown, Boxmaster John M Robb, Ex-Deacon J a Davidson, w A Findlay, James A Bruce, George Muir, Ralph Pride, W r Jackson
also attending Frank Hay Clerk
Apologies for absence were intimated from Messers Robert Simpson and Mathew M Waddell
Minute of Meeting of the Committee held on 29th October 1953 was read and approved. A Statement of Receipts and payments in respect of the Annual Dinner was submitted and approved.
Applications for Membership
The Clerk intimated that he had received the following Applications for Membership namely:
1. William Sinclair Gauldie Architect Waterside Invergowrie by Dundee.
2. Lovat Grant Director 5 Argyle Street Dundee.
3. Ian P Murray Property Agent 20 Union Street Dundee
4. Alexander Gordon McAra Coppersmith and Sheet Metal Worker Inglemere 28 Duntrune Terrace Broughty Ferry.
5. Charles Ernest Spalding Property Agent 22 Bell Street Dundee.
The Committee having fully considered these Applications unanimously recommended the admission of the Applicants for consideration at a Special meeting to be held pm 24th February next. It was decided that any further Applications be held over until a further Making.
After discussion it was arranged to hold the Making in the Royal Hotel and the Committee considered the toast List and the Clerk was instructed to make the necessary arrangements. It was agreed to fix the price of the tickets at 15/- and the Royal Hotel’s Charge was to be 11/6 per head.
George F Brown Deacon
At Dundee the Twenty fourth day of February 1954
At a Special General Meeting of the Bonnetmaker Craft of Dundee held within the Royal Hotel Union Street Dundee at 6.30 p.m.
Deacon George F Brown, Boxmaster John M Robb
Also attending fifty two Members of the Craft and Mr frank Hay Clerk
Apologies for absence were intimated by the Clerk
Deacon George F Brown nominated and Boxmaster John M Robb seconded the following Gentlemen for admission to the Craft namely:
1. William Sinclair Gauldie Architect Waterside Invergowrie by Dundee.
2. Lovat Grant Director 5 Argyle Street Dundee.
3. Ian P Murray Property Agent 20 Union Street Dundee
4. Alexander Gordon McAra Coppersmith and Sheet Metal Worker Inglemere 28 Duntrune Terrace Broughty Ferry.
5. Charles Ernest Spalding Property Agent 22 Bell Street Dundee.
These gentlemen having severally emitted the customary declaration were accordingly admitted Members with all the rights, privileges and immunities appertaining to Membership conform to Minute of Admission in the Lockit Book. The Clerk was instructed to have Certificates of Membership issued on payment of the entry money and dues.
George F Brown Deacon
At Dundee the Thirty first day of August 1954
At a Meeting of the Committee of the Bonnetmaker Craft of Dundee held within the office of the Clerk 148 Nethergate at 5.15 p.m.
George F Brown Deacon, Ex- Deacon J A Davidson, Messers J A Bruce, Ralph Pride, George Muir, Robert Simpson.
Apologies for absence were intimated from W A Findlay, and J M Robb The Deacon occupied the Chair
I. The Minute of Meeting held on 7th January were read and approved. The arrangements regarding the Annual General Meeting and Initiation and Supper to be held in October were then discussed. It was decided that if possible the Queens Hotel should be engaged and the Clerk during the Meeting telephoned Mr Gault who stated that the Rooms were definitely free on 19th October and that there was a possibility that they might be available on 22nd October. The inclusive price was to be 10/6d per head. It was left to the Clerk to fix whatever date was available and if possible Friday 22nd October was considered to be the more suitable date.
A full discussion also took place regarding the Annual Dinner and if Kidd’s Rooms were available it was decided to hold it sometime during the first week in December. It was left to the Clerk and the Deacon to fix the actual date. Certain suggested names for the principal guests were discussed and the Clerk stated that a further Meeting of the Committee would require to be held at the end of the month. It was left to this further Meeting to definitely decide on the principal guests.
In connection with the Annual General Meeting the Clerk stated that he had provisionally fixed October 15th in Gray’s Rooms but he was instructed to cancel this provisional booking.
J M Robb Deacon.
At Dundee the Twenty Four day of September 1954
At a Meeting of the Committee of the Bonnetmaker Craft of Dundee held at 148 Nethergate at 5.15. p.m.
Apologies for absence were intimated from Matthew M Waddell and Mr J A Bruce
The Deacon occupied the Chair.
I. Minutes
The Minute of Meeting held on 31st August 1954 was read and approved
II. Arrangements for Initiation Meeting and Annual General Meeting
Arrangements for the Initiation Meeting and Annual General Meeting to be held in the Queen’s Hotel on 19th October were then discussed. A full discussion followed regarding the Toast List and it was left to the Clerk in consultation with the Deacon to make the necessary arrangements. Certain suggestions were made as to who would propose the respective Toasts it was decided that the Toasts would be “The City and Trade of Dundee”, The Nine Incorporated Trades” and “The New Members”. In regard to the price of the Tickets it was agreed that this should be fixed at 12/6d.
III. Accounts
The Box master’s Cash Account for the year ended 15th September 1954 was submitted along with the relative Vouchers and Securities and the same being examined and approved the Cash Book was docqueted as correct.
IV. Clerk’s Salary
The Committee fixed the clerk’s Salary for the year ended 15th September 1954 at £31.10/-.
V. Applications for Membership
The Clerk produced an Application from John Arnot Motor Engineer 9 Binsted Avenue Dundee
Norman Kirkaldy Works Manager 29 Baldovan Terrace Dundee
and the Deacon stated that he had received Applications from
Robert Cuthbert Lamont Master Sheet Metal Worker Shielding Lyndhurst Terrace Dundee Allan Stewart Watson Master Plumber 11 Lawside Terrace Dundee
John Strachan Meekie Director 6 Argyle Street Dundee
Norman Benet Representative Millers & Grain Merchants 87 Magdalen Yard Road Dundee.
The Committee having fully considered these Applications unanimously recommended the admission of the Applicants at the Special Meeting to be held on 19h October immediately before the Annual General Meeting.
V Annual Dinner
It was intimated that Kidd’s Rooms had been reserved for 30th November for the Annual Dinner and it was left to the Deacon, the Boxmaster and the Clerk to arrange for suitable Guest speakers.
George F Brown Deacon
Abstract of the Account of Charge and Discharge referred to in the foregoing Minute.
Funds as at 15th September 1953
643. 9. 9
Income collected
1 From General Fund
156. 0. 0
2 From Trades Fund
12. 2. 0
3 Entrance Fees
47. 0. 0
4 Proceeds of Sale of Tickets
238. 8. 0
454.10. 9
Bank Transactions
North of Scotland Bank Ltd
Drawn from Current Account
Dundee Savings Bank
Drawn from Ordinary Account
25. 0. 0
Drawn from Special Investment Account
15. 17. 6
Benevolent Fund
Dundee Savings Bank Interest
1.13. 6
11098. 0. 6
Pensions paid
150. 0. 0
Over Feuduty
11. 3
Entrance Fees paid to Nine Incorporated Trades
31.10. 0
Income Tax
2. 5. 0
Administration and Sundries
Bank Transactions
North of Scotland Bank Ltd
Paid in to Ordinary Account
417. 6. 4
Dundee Savings Bank
Paid in to Ordinary Account
-do- Special Investment Account
1. 0.11
Funds at Close of account
606.14. 5
1098. 0. 6
Revenue Account
Income from Trades Funds
13. 5. 6
Sum received from Nine Trades
156. 0. 0
Pnsions paid
156. 0. 0
Proceeds from Sale of Tickets
238. 8. 0
Hotel Accounts &c incurred during year
2. 2.10
Entrance Fees
67. 0. 0
Paid to Nine Trades
31.10 .0
15.10. 0
Over feuduty
11. 3
Income Tax
2. 5. 0
Clerk’s Salary
31.10. 0
Gift to retiring Boxmaster
15.17. 6
13. 1. 6
60. 9. 0
65. 8. 1
28.12. 8
28.12. 8
Balance of Expenditure over Income
36.15. 4
Benevolent Fund
Balance in Dundee Savings Bank at 15th September 1953
67. 6. 8
Interst received on Savings Bank Account
1.13. 6
Balance in Dundee Savings Bank at 15th September 1953
68.19. 7
68.19. 7
68319. 7
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