Road Weather Information Systems (RWIS)
Scope of Work
Project Description
After the crippling snow and ice event of January 2014, it became evident that the Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) needed more Road Weather data available to them to help manage the treatment and clearing of the roadways. This procurement is for the purpose of initially purchasing, installing and commissioning twenty-seven (27) weather stations at key locations in metropolitan Atlanta, Macon, and northern Georgia to supply needed atmospheric and pavement condition data to personnel at the Transportation Management Center (TMC). All of the Remote Weather Information System (RWIS) sites in this procurement are located at existing ITS and RWIS sites, negating the need to provide all-new power modes to each site; as well as providing the opportunity to use existing poles on which to mount the equipment.
General Description
This work shall initially consist of furnishing, installing, testing and making fully operational twenty-seven (27) Road Weather Information System (RWIS). The RWIS shall be specifically designed for monitoring, recording and displaying pavement surface temperature, rate and type of precipitation, atmospheric temperature, wind speed, wind direction, relative humidity, visibility, subsurface conditions and other conditions. The information from the RWIS sites shall be transmitted via wireless 4G communications connections utilizing the Department’s current cellular Verizon telecommunication provider to software hosted by the supplier for a period of no less than one year. After one year, the Department may seek to renew the hosting contract on an annual basis for up to four additional years, while arrangements are made to have the data transmitted to the Department’s NaviGAtor Advanced Transportation Management System (ATMS), or other operating software.
The successful supplier shall install the weather stations in accordance with all applicable federal, state, or local regulations. The installed weather stations shall fully meet the specifications contained in this document. All equipment to be furnished for this project shall be new, state of the art and of current manufacture at the time of purchase.
All of the new RWIS software and field devices shall provide full compliance with the latest National Transportation Communications for ITS Protocol (NTCIP-ESS) Standards.
The successful supplier shall provide all equipment, materials, and work in accordance with all manufacturers’ recommendations, including but not limited to all mounting, wiring and cabling, power supply, surge suppression, and communications equipment and materials.
The successful supplier will assist GDOT in making the data from the twenty-seven (27) weather stations available to outside parties, such as the National Weather Service for use by the Meteorological Assimilation Data Ingest System (MADIS). The preferred method for doing this is “pushing” the data at regular intervals from the host server out to a known site, such as a hosted FTP server. The data will be formatted in a common manner (example: .csv or .xml) for ease of exporting into other systems. All data previously collected by the RWIS equipment shall be available to GDOT once the Department has taken over hosting responsibilities.
The RWIS equipment and software supplied will meet or exceed the specifications outlined in this document. The initial twenty-seven (27) assemblies will be ready for installation along the roadway within 30 calendar days of issuance of the Purchase Order.
Upon completion of each RWIS installation, the successful supplier will ensure the proper setup and configuration of each system (“Commissioning”) in accordance with all of the manufacturer’s requirements and recommendations. Commissioning will include verification that the installed equipment is powered up, “online” and communicating with the host server. Commissioning will also include verification that the unit is fully calibrated, properly and safely mounted/installed, and ready for use. The successful supplier shall submit a signed affidavit for each site certifying the accuracy of the information prior to final acceptance.
The successful supplier shall conform to all guidance outlined in the Georgia Department of Transportation’s most current Standard Specification Book and Construction Standards and Details, which can be found at the following hyperlink:
The successful supplier shall conform to all guidance outlined in the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), which can be found at the following hyperlink:
For Closed Circuit Televisions (CCTV), cabinets, and poles use only equipment and components that meet the requirements of the minimum specifications outlined in this document and the Department’s Qualified Products Lists outlined below:
5: Electrical Conduit
15: Epoxy Resin Adhesives
34: Work Zone Traffic Control Devices
48-1: CCTV-Closed Circuit Television
48-3: Optical Cables & Cordages
48-6: Equipment Cabinets & Accessories
48-7: Network Electronics
48-8: Pull/Communication Box & Hub Bldg
48-9: Conduit & Accessories
52: Overhead Signs supports, Strain Poles and Lighting Standards
75: Sealant for Inductive Loops
78: Junction Boxes
78-1: Traffic Signal Communication, Cabinets, & Accessories
78-3: Battery Backup Systems & Batteries
78-4: Signal Cabling, Wiring, & Accessories
82: Portable Changeable Message Signs
These lists can be found at the following link:
Provide submittal data for all equipment, materials, test procedures, sensor calibration, and routine maintenance procedures required for these items as required in these Specifications.
For training, submit to the State ITS Engineer for consideration and approval a training schedule and all training materials within thirty (30) calendar days from the issuance of the Purchase Order.
For each applicable RWIS, submit to the State ITS Engineer for approval, two (2) hard copies and one (1) electronic copy of the manufacturer’s descriptive literature (catalog cuts), technical data, operational documentation, service and maintenance documentation and all other materials required within these specifications. Electronic documents shall be placed on a CD as Adobe® pdf documents and delivered to the State ITS Engineer.
Provide as-built documentation of all RWIS installations after the completion of acceptance testing.
Provide a list of all RWIS components, including part number, description, and cost, used for each RWIS installation.
Establish an installation schedule in cooperation with the GDOT State ITS Engineer within seven (7) calendar days from the issuance of the Purchase Order. The schedule must be approved in writing by the Department, and modifications will only be considered due to inclement weather. All 16 Metro Atlanta and Macon sites must be completed by December 31, 2014. All 11 northern Georgia sites must be completed by January 31, 2015.
RWIS types are as specified in the project documents, and may vary by location within project limits. Ensure that the individual components and assemblies of the RWIS conform to the following technical and functional requirements as following sections. Ensure that all equipment, materials, components and assemblies of the RWIS conform to the RWIS manufacturer’s current requirements and recommendations.
Provide software and ensure access and updates to the software for 5 years from date of installation. The software shall utilize visualization and data collection software for all NTCIP compliant Remote Processing Units (RPU) in the field. The RWIS software used for operations shall be accessed through a commonly used Internet Browser with the ability to monitor unlimited RWIS stations across the entire state by an unlimited amount of users. The software shall collect data from unlimited sources simultaneously. The software shall provide import and export capabilities in .csv or .xml formats. The successful supplier shall provide the .csv or .xml format to GDOT and/or the National Weather Service throughout the life of the contract. The software shall provide alerts to users by electronic mail or text message. GDOT will supply a list of less than fifty (50) recipients. The software integration into the existing TMC software is not part of this contract and will be done by others; however, the necessary Application Programming Interface (API) documentation must be made available to GDOT. Communications to the weather stations shall be established in a manner that prevents unauthorized persons or computers from accessing the RWIS sites. All data shall be transmitted from the local sites to the central server in a secure manner. There shall be no connections to the GDOT “Navigator” network that runs alongside the roadways in metropolitan Atlanta and Macon. Additionally, all persons using the supplier website to access or view the weather station data shall be required to have an account with a unique User ID and password.
The software shall provide for customer configuration of the display information. This information may be configured by end user personnel, or optionally will be configured at the time of installation and setup. The Software shall have the following functions:
Administrative Abilities
Add and remove RWIS stations
Add or remove users
Alter user capabilities and groups
Alter and observe website configuration
Alter and observe station configuration
Import and Export
Automatic and manual importing and exporting functions
Customization of important and exporting parameters
Importing and exporting of .csv file type
Importing and exporting of .xml file type
Data mapping for importing and exporting
Data Visualizing
Static Map
Locations of all RWIS stations
Status of each station
Display window showing current weather values from all atmospheric and pavement sensors when hovering mouse over station
RWIS Station Page
Status of station
Current weather values from all atmospheric and pavement sensors
Graphically represented
Snapshot or live video stream from camera
Selectable time interval for data to display current/historical data
Automatic and manually scalable graphs
Automatic and manually adjustable units for graphs and tables
Graphs and tables provide sums and/or averages of weather values
Overview Data Page
Status of each station
Current weather values from all RWIS Stations in table format
Selectable time interval for data to display historical data from multiple RWIS stations
Automatic and manually scalable graphs
Automatic and manually adjustable units for graphs and tables
Graphs and tables provide sums and/or averages of weather values
Sent via electronic mail and text message
Capable of being sent from multiple RWIS stations
Repeatable at set time(s)
Adjustable time period in which to send alerts
Adjustable minimum time between alerts
Alert for determined weather condition
Alert for extreme weather values
Alert for unsuccessful communication with RWIS station
Transmit data from an unlimited number of RWIS stations
Data Archiving and Backup
Backup of full database at determined intervals
Backup restore
Removal of old data in database at determined intervals
Direct (RS232)
TCP/IP (Station with COM Server or CDMA/GPRS)
Modem with fixed IP address or DynDNS support
RWIS Remote Processing Unit (RPU)
Furnish and install a controller mounted RPU at locations as shown in the contract documents.
Primary power should be installed to the RPU and fused for 15 amps, with voltage surge protection. The RPU will operate in a range of 100-130 VAC at 50-60 Hz and will use not more than approximately 50 Watts of continuous power (excluding options).
The RPU will have the capability of being modified to utilize solar power or other power sources in place of conventional commercial electric power. Solar powered RPU sites will operate a minimum of 72 hours without sunlight or solar charging of the batteries.
The RPU shall be a personal computer utilizing a Windows based operating system. The unit shall operate over the temperature range of -40°F to 140°F and a relative humidity < 90 % RH. The RPU shall have a minimum of a 6” monitor screen and display resolution 800 x 480 pixel. The RPU shall be fully NTCIP compliant. The RPU shall have a USB 2.0B, CDMA Modem, GPRS modem, Ethernet connectivity and UMB bus interfaces. The RPU will incorporate “watch-dog” circuitry and monitor its own operation and reset itself if the RPU software enters an indeterminate state and be password protected The RPU shall be resettable via remote software command and be resettable in the field.
Atmospheric and Pavement sensors shall be integrated into the RPU by plugging into a DIN rail. This shall provide:
Surge protection
Color light indication of operation status
Communication and sensor power supply isolation
Power supply
Data transfer capabilities
Atmospheric and Pavement Sensors
Furnish and install atmospheric and pavement sensor(s) at locations provided in the contract documents. It is the Department’s desire to utilize nonintrusive sensors where possible. Exact sensor placement will be determined by the State ITS Engineer with guidance from the equipment supplier.
The sensor(s) shall support remote firmware upgrades without the need for personnel to be on-site.
The sensor(s) shall provide stable operation over a temperature range from -40°F to 140°F a relative humidity from 0% to 100%. The sensor(s) will be able to determine the following:
Surface Temperature
Measuring range: –40 to 140 ° F
Freeze point
Accuracy: ±0.5 ° F (–5 ° F to +120 ° F)
Surface Condition
Dry – Absence of moisture on the surface sensor.
Damp – Trace Pavement Moisture above freezing (no precipitation).
Wet – Precipitation has occurred and there is a continuous film of moisture on the pavement.
Ice – Detection of ice formation on the pavement.
Snow – Detection of snow accumulation on the pavement.
Friction Measurement (critical to dry)
Sub-Surface Temperature
Measuring range: –40 to 140 ° F
Accuracy: ±0.5° F (–5 ° F to +120 ° F)
Shall be placed under the first full depth travel lane
Shall be placed 18” under the surface of the pavement
Air Temperature
Measuring range –40 to 140 ° F
Accuracy ±0.5° F (–5 ° F to +120 ° F)
Relative Humidity
Measuring range 0 to 100 % RH
Accuracy ±2 % RH
Air Pressure
Measuring range: 300 to 1200 hPa
Accuracy: ±1.5 hPa
Wind Speed
Measuring range: 0 to 125 mph
Resolution: 0.25 mph
Accuracy: ±1 mph or 3 % (0 to 125 mph) of reading, whichever is greater
Start-up Threshold: 2.0 mph
Measuring rate 60 partial measurements/15 measurements per second
Measurement output rate 1-10 seconds adjustable – default 10 s
Wind Gust Speed
Average Wind Speed
Wind Direction
Measuring range: 0 to 359.9 °
Resolution: 0.1 °
Accuracy: < 3 ° RMSE from 1.0 m/s
Start-up Threshold: 2.0 mph
Measuring rate 60 partial measurements/ 15 measurements per second
Wind Gust Direction
Average Wind Direction
Precipitation type
Precipitation Intensity and Rate
Measuring range: 0.01 in/hr to 5 in/hr
Accuracy: ±0.1 in
Dew Point Temperature
Accumulation/Layer thickness
Measurement range: 0 to 0.1 in
Accuracy: 0.005 in + 20% of measurement
Measuring range 0 to 1.2 mi
Accuracy ±10 % RMSE
Site Specifics -
Metro Atlanta and Macon
All Metro Atlanta and Macon RWIS shall be installed by December 31, 2014. The entire installation will be performed by the successful supplier or their designee.
In Metro Atlanta and Macon, power for the proposed sixteen (16) RWIS sites will come from the existing Navigator ITS cabinet located on the same pole. Communications connections will be made to through wireless 4G communications utilizing the Department’s current cellular telecommunication provider, where possible. Where possible, all equipment will be housed in the existing Navigator cabinet. The supplier may elect to supply and utilize an additional cabinet. The supplier will not be required to provide camera-picture on “station-page” if a proposed RWIS location is not on an existing CCTV pole.
Northern Georgia
All northern Georgia RWIS shall be installed by January 31, 2015. The entire installation will be performed by the successful supplier or their designee.
In northern Georgia, power for the eleven (11) RWIS sites will come from the existing RWIS cabinet located on the same pole. Type C CCTVs, as specified in Section 936 of the Standard Specifications Book, shall be installed at all eleven (11) northern Georgia locations and must follow current GDOT Specifications. If the required height for the CCTV cannot be met, the supplier will notify the State ITS Engineer and place the CCTV as high as possible on the pole. The Type C CCTVs will be integrated into the NaviGAtor network and will not be required to be hosted by a third party. Communications connections will be made through wireless 4G communications utilizing the Department’s current cellular provider. Existing cabinets and poles will be used, where possible, at the existing sites. The supplier may supply a new cabinet and/or pole if needed. Due to the location of the existing poles, the supplier may use in-ground sensors to determine the road conditions required by the Specification.
Construction/Installation Requirements
This section shall include typical construction requirements for installing and configuring the RWIS. This specification only gives general requirements of installations. It is the Supplier’s responsibility to be trained in the technology application and the required installation of such devices by the manufacturer. All cable connections shall be manufacturer-rated and secured from outside elements. The Supplier shall be experienced in proper cable/connector crimping and manufacturer sealing methods so as to ensure a water-tight and corrosion resistant installation. Wrap all other exposed cable connections with self-sealing tape for weatherproofing and moisture seal.
Refer to Subsection 107.07 of the current GDOT Specifications regarding proper conduct of this work.
Use machinery such as trucks, derricks, bucket vehicles, saws, trenchers, and other equipment necessary for the work and approved by the State ITS Engineer prior to installation operations.
Utility Permits (if applicable)
Apply for, obtain, and pay for utility services, and pole attachment permits required in the contract documents.
Maintain these utility services until Final Acceptance of each installation. After Final Acceptance, transfer these services and permits to the Department, local government or jurisdiction responsible for maintenance and operation. Ensure that the transfer does not interrupt service.
Utility Location
When installing aerial cable of any type, ensure that overhead clearance and separation requirements conform to local utility company standards, OSHA, the NEC and the NESC.
General Installation Requirements
Install all sensors, system processors, output expansion modules, and associated enclosures and equipment at the locations specified in the contract documents and per manufacturer recommendations. Make all necessary adjustments and modifications to the RWIS prior to obtaining recommendation for system acceptance testing. For freeway applications install all rack-mounted equipment with one rack unit space between adjacent equipment in the freeway ITS cabinet.
Installation, surge protection and all cabling shall comply with manufacturer’s recommendation, at a minimum, or as specified in these contract documents. All equipment, cables, and hardware must be part of an engineered system that is designed by the manufacturer to fully interoperate with all other system components and be fully protected from all surge potential. Connectors installed outside the cabinets and enclosures shall be manufacturer terminated and be corrosion resistant, weather proof, and watertight. Use Underwriter Laboratories (UL) listed cable that is ozone and UV resistant and weather resistant. Label cables with permanent cable labels at each end.
For in-pavement sensors, wiring and cables must be continuous (without splices), except for surge protection connections between sensor and cabinet, so that RWIS is appropriately protected. Coil a minimum of thirty (30) feet of slack in the bottom of the freeway cabinet. Tape ends of unused and spare conductors to prevent accidental contact to other circuits. Label all conductors inside the cabinet.
Furnish an as-built cabinet wiring diagram, identified by location, for each RWIS cabinet. Include all wiring, cabling, connections, and detector mounting height. Place all documentation in a weatherproof holder in the cabinet.
Install RWIS power supply or transformer on a standard DIN rail using standard mounting hardware and power conductors wired to terminal blocks in the cabinet.
Mounting Bracket Assembly: Mount any devices on a mounting bracket such that its height and position provide a clear view of the lanes. Mount the device(s) securely such that it is stable and steady. The mounting bracket assembly includes a sensor mounting bracket, nipple pipe, cable-mount nipple clamp, and all associated hardware and materials. Mount the video camera sensor on a mounting bracket assembly which meets the following requirements unless otherwise specified in the plans or contract documents:
Use stainless steel fastening hardware with lock washers on threaded fasteners
Use a sensor enclosure mounting bracket that is non-rusting and is made from die cast aluminum, extruded aluminum, powder-coated galvanized steel or hot dipped galvanized steel. Provide a mounting bracket that permits vertical and horizontal adjustment of the sensor. Provide a mounting bracket that securely fastens to the sensor enclosure and mounts to the nipple pipe by threading onto the pipe or as a slip-fit, using a set-screw fastener in either above method.
Use a 1 ½” (38 mm) aluminum nipple pipe that is threaded on both ends.
Fasten the nipple pipe to the mast arm using a cable mount nipple clamp with minimum 2 5/16” (58 mm) U bolts. Use aircraft grade galvanized steel cables with stainless steel fastening hardware and that make at least two wraps around the mast arm.
Removal of Existing Requirements
Cabinets, cameras, controllers, and other electronic devices that are removed as part of this project shall be returned to GDOT
The supplier shall contact the GDOT State ITS Engineer at least three business days in advance to arrange delivery of the components.
Lane Closures
Single lane closures are allowed between the hours of 9:00 am and 3:00 pm and between the hours of 9:00 pm and 5:00 am.
Shoulder closures are allowed.
Single lane closures are allowed between the hours of 9:00 pm Friday evening and 5:00 am Monday morning.
Shoulder closures are allowed.
Liquidated Damages
Lane Closures
Failure to re-open shoulders or travel lanes will result in the assessment of Liquidated Damages in the amount of $2,000 per hour or portion thereof.
Installation and Implementation
Failure to install and implement the RWIS by the December 31, 2014 deadline for the 16 units in the Metro Atlanta and Macon areas and the 11 units in the North Georgia area by January 31, 2015 will result in the assessment of Liquidated Damages based on the SAMPLE unit price of the following components:
RWIS components
RWIS Installation - Metro Atlanta & Macon (December 31, 2014)
RWIS Installation - Northern Georgia
(January 31, 2015)
CCTV, Type C
$ 500
Prestressed Concrete Strain Pole, Type IV (if applicable based upon poles needed)
Electrical Power Service Assembly*
$ 900
4G Cellular Router
$ 100
RWIS Hosting Per Station Per Year
$ 50
Software Licensing (unlimited registered users) (Total price / 27 units)
SAMPLE calculation of liquidated damages:
RWIS Component
$ 27,000.00
RWIS Installation – Metro Atlanta
$ 24,000.00
RWIS Installation – North Georgia
$ 17,600.00
CCTV, Type C
$ 13,500.00
Prestressed Concrete Strain Pole, Type IV (only 20 poles needed)
$ 20,000.00
Electrical Power Service Assembly
$ 24,300.00
4G Router
$ 2,700.00
$ 5,000.00
RWIS Hosting Per Station per Year
$ 1,350.00
Software Licensing
$ 2,000.00
$134,450.00 / 27 units =
$ 4,979.63
Liquidated damages for the 27 units not fully installed and implemented by the deadlines, as directed, will results in deduction amount of $4,979.63 per unit.
Quality Acceptance/Testing
The acceptance testing of the remote weather information system shall consist of two phases: 1) post installation system site testing; and 2) burn-in period. Perform acceptance testing for all equipment, hardware and work as provided under this Contract. Perform all testing in the presence of the State ITS Engineer. Submit all testing plans and documents to the State ITS Engineer during the submittal phase.
A. Burn-in Period
1. General Requirements
a. Provide a 30-day burn-in period for all work and equipment included in the Contract and associated with the RWIS equipment. The burn-in period shall consist of the field operation of the specific RWIS in a manner that is in full accordance with the requirements of the Plans, Specifications, and/or contract documents.
b. Conduct two (2) burn-in periods on the Contract for the RWIS. The first burn-in period shall be conducted for the Metro Atlanta and Macon locations. The second burn-in period shall be conducted for the northern Georgia locations. Commence with the burn-in period only after meeting all of the following requirements:
1. All RWIS installation work required in the Contract documents has been completed and inspected by the State ITS Engineer.
2. Successfully complete the Post-Installation RWIS Site Testing.
c. Commence with the burn-in period upon written authorization by the Department. Terminate the burn-in period 30 consecutive days thereafter unless an equipment malfunction occurs. Stop the burn-in period for the length of time any equipment is defective. After repairing the equipment so that it functions properly, resume the burn-in period at the point it was stopped
d. Successful completion and acceptance of the burn-in period will be granted on the 31st day unless any equipment has malfunctioned. If any equipment has failed during the burn-in period, final acceptance will be withheld until all the equipment is functioning properly
e. When one specific piece of equipment has malfunctioned more than three times during the 30 day burn-in period, replace that unit with a new unit at no cost to the Department.
f. Multiple failures of weather information devices in different locations shall be determined as a failure of the 30 day burn-in period. The Contractor shall investigate the detection system failure and shall give a full report to the State ITS Engineer. The Contractor shall replace the failed devices and shall restart the burn-in period at Day 1, once those devices have been replaced and retested.
2. Contractor Responsibilities
During the burn-in period, maintain all work under this Contract in accordance with the Specifications. Restore any work or equipment to proper operating condition within 24 hours after written notification.
3. Department Responsibilities
Department responsibilities during the burn-in period will be as follows:
Expeditious notification of Contractor upon failure or malfunction of equipment will be given within one (1) business day.
In the event that the Contractor does not provide the services enumerated within his Contract responsibilities, the Department or its authorized agents may in the interest of public safety take emergency action to repair equipment. The supplier shall pay actual costs incurred as a result of these emergency actions. Such action by the Department will not void any guaranties or warranties or other obligations set forth in the Contract.
4. Final Acceptance
The Department will make final acceptance after satisfactory completion of the required burn-in period and on the basis of a comprehensive field inspection of the complete RWIS in accordance with the contract.
Supplier Warranty and Maintenance
Provide all manufacturers’ warranties and guarantees for all equipment purchased and turned over to the Department as part of this procurement. Ensure equipment provided under this specification shall be warranted by the manufacturer to be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of a minimum of three (3) years from Final Acceptance.
Ensure that manufacturer’s and supplier’s warranties and guarantees are transferable to the agency or user that is responsible for maintenance, are continuous throughout their duration and state that they are subject to such transfer.
Ensure the manufacturer will repair any faulty equipment during this period at no charge to the Department for parts, labor or shipping to and from the factory.
During the warranty period, supply any firmware or software upgrades associated with the weather system to the Department at no charge. In addition, provide phone consultation to the Department or user that is responsible for maintenance as needed at no cost during the warranty period for operating questions or problems that arise.
If the Department desires, it may enter into a separate agreement with the suppliers for technical support and software upgrades.
The supplier must provide a minimum of at least eight (8) hours of instruction to ten (10) designated personnel in the operation and maintenance procedures of equipment and systems installed. The supplier must provide the training during installation, testing, and integration. The supplier must provide the training through practical demonstrations, seminars, and other related technical procedures.
The supplier must furnish a training session agenda, a complete set of training material (manuals and schematics), and the names and qualifications of proposed instructors for approval thirty (30) days before the training. The supplier must provide a location for holding the courses and pay all costs associated with travel and accommodation of the trainees if training is conducted away from the GDOT TMC. The supplier must provide a training notebook and one (1) hands-on unit to each trainee and an electronic copy of the training notebook to the State ITS Engineer. The supplier must provide training in the following areas of interest and as shown on the plans or contract documents:
Software usage and functions
The “Hands-on” operation for each type of equipment.
Explanation of all system commands, their function and usage.
Required preventative maintenance procedures.
All equipment servicing procedures.
System “troubleshooting”/problem identification procedures.
Notify the State ITS Engineer 20 days before training and agree on a time to conduct the training at the Georgia DOT TMC.
Measurement for Payment -
Remote Weather Information System
Unless otherwise specified in the contract documents furnish the following minimum items for a RWIS:
Pole-mounting hardware.
Cabinet equipment, including but not limited to the cabinet interface assembly and all associated wiring, conductors, terminal blocks, and surge suppression.
All weather heads, vertical conduit risers and conduit hardware on the RWIS support pole for power service, grounding, communications and control.
All cables, connectors, hardware, interfaces, supplies, and any other items necessary for the proper operation and function of any RWIS component with any other RWIS component.
Remote Weather Information System Installation (Metro Atlanta and Macon)
Remote Weather Information System Installation in Metro Atlanta and Macon is measured for payment by the number of actually installed, complete, functional, and accepted. Installation shall be paid for separately for each device.
Remote Weather Information System Installation (northern Georgia)
Remote Weather Information System Installation in northern Georgia is measured for payment by the number of actually installed, complete, functional, and accepted. Installation shall be paid for separately for each device.
CCTV systems are measured for payment by the number actually installed, complete, functional, and accepted. Unless otherwise specified in the Plans, furnish and install the following minimum items for a CCTV system:
Camera system assembly including the camera, lens, pan/tilt drive control electronics and environmental enclosure.
Pole-mounting hardware.
Cabinet equipment, including but not limited to the cabinet interface assembly and all associated wiring, conductors, terminal blocks, and surge suppression.
All weather heads, vertical conduit risers and conduit hardware on the CCTV support pole for power service, grounding, communications and control.
All cables, connectors, hardware, interfaces, supplies, and any other items necessary for the proper operation and function of any CCTV system component with any other CCTV system component.
Prestressed Concrete Strain Poles
Prestressed concrete strain poles type IV, complete in place and accepted, including backfill, erection, and necessary regrassing will be paid for at the Contract Unit Price bid for each pole.
Electrical Power Service Assembly
Electrical power service assemblies are measured for payment by the number actually installed per each, complete, functional, and accepted. For each assembly installed, furnish all required items, including but not limited to conduit; riser; wiring; hardware; disconnect; meter base; meter and Class 3, 30 ft. (9 m) timber pole at no separate cost to the Department. Exceptions to the previous sentence include horizontal conduit, wiring, Type 2 pull boxes, electrical junction boxes, and directional bores between the electrical service pole to the equipment cabinet requiring power service which will be measured for payment as conduit, nonmetal, type 2 – power service.
4G Cellular Router
The price bid shall include furnishing, installing, system integration and testing of a wireless communications system, including all radio chassis, antennas, antenna cables, modules, power cables, power supplies, manufacturer software, licenses. Outdoor rated Cat 5e patch cords, programming interface cables, media and power converters (if needed), surge protection devices, attachment hardware, repeater cabinets (if needed) testing and training requirements, and all work, equipment and appurtenances as required to provide a fully functional wireless communications system. The price bid shall also include all configuration software, programming device cabling, and system documentation to be turned over to the Engineer, including: shop drawings, operations and maintenance manuals, wiring diagrams, block diagrams, and other material necessary to document the operation of the applicable wireless radio system. This price shall be full compensation for all labor, tools, materials, equipment, and incidentals necessary to complete the work.
Testing as described in the Quality Acceptance/Testing Section is considered incidental to the cost of the RWIS installation and shall not be paid for separately.
Training is measured as a lump sum for all supplies, equipment, materials, handouts, travel, and subsistence necessary to conduct the training. All expenses shall be reimbursed at the State of Georgia’s prevailing rate.
RWIS Hosting
RWIS hosting shall be measured as annual expense per device.
Fully populated software shall be measured as a lump sum.
Proposed Weather Locations for Metro Atlanta and Macon
I-85 @ SR 74/ Senoia Rd
I-75 @ Hudson Bridge Rd
I-285 @ Washington Rd
I-285 @ Moreland Ave.
I-20 @ Panola Rd
I-285 @ SR8/ D.L. Hollowell Pkwy
I-85 @ Marta Overpass
US 78 @ Mountain Industrial Blvd
I-75 @ SR 120 / South Marietta Pkwy
GA 400 @ Abernathy Rd
SR 85 @ Indian Trail Rd
I-75 @ SR 92
GA 400 @ SR 140/ Holcomb Bridge Rd
I-85 @ Old Peachtree Rd
GA 400 @ SR 20
I-475 @ Zebulon Rd
Proposed Weather Locations – Metro Atlanta (15 Locations)
Proposed Weather Locations – Macon (1 Location)
Proposed Weather Locations – Northern Georgia (11 Locations)
I-59 @ SR 136
I-75 @ SR 2
SR 515/ US76 @ SR5/ Blue Ridge Dr/ W. 1st St
US 76 @ SR 11/ US 19
US 76 @ U S23/ US 441
SR 515/ US76 @ SR5/ 1st Ave
SR 20 @ East of SR 100 S
I-75 @ SR 140
I-575 @ SR 100
US 19/ GA 400 @ SR 60
US 441/ SR 15 @ Level Grove Rd.
Suppliers desiring to submit a Bid for this Procurement shall submit costs on the Cost Proposal Sheet that is a part of the solicitation.
RWIS components
RWIS Installation - Metro Atlanta & Macon (December 31, 2014)
RWIS Installation - Northern Georgia
(January 31, 2015)
RWIS Installation – District 1*
RWIS Installation – District 2*
RWIS Installation – District 3*
RWIS Installation – District 4*
RWIS Installation – District 5*
RWIS Installation – District 6*
RWIS Installation – District 7*
CCTV, Type C
Prestressed Concrete Strain Pole, Type IV*
Electrical Power Service Assembly*
4G Cellular Router
RWIS Hosting Per Station Per Year
Software Licensing (unlimited registered users)
*this is for pricing purposes only and is not anticipated for the initial 27 RWIS locations.
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