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Growing Ads & repeated text: 1879, 1880, and 1881 issues

Last Updated January 2010
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

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$3.00 MADE FROM 25 Cents. 25 cents’ worth of Gilt-Edge Butter Maker will increase product and market value of butter produced $3.00. Gives butter a rich golden color the year round. Increases product 6 per cent [percent]. Increases quality 20 per cent [percent]. Prevents butter from becoming rancid. Makes July, August and Winter butter equal to best June product. Sold only in boxes, by druggists, grocers and general storekeepers. Send stamp for “? to Butter-Makers.” Address, Butter Improvement Co. [company], Buffalo, N. Y. [New York]
$5 OUTFIT SENT FREE to those who wish to engage in the most pleasant and profitable business known. Everything new. Capital not required. We will furnish you everything. $10 a day and upwards is easily made without staying away from home over night. No risk whatever. Many new workers wanted at once. Many are making fortunes at the business. Ladies make as much as men and young boys and girls make great pay. No one who is willing to work fails to make more money every day than can be made in a week at any ordinary employment. Those who engage at once will find a short road to fortune. Address H. Hallet & Co. Portland, Maine. 23-ly

$10 AUDIPHONES For Hearing through the Teeth. Write for circulars. H. E. Mathews, Agent, 606? Montgomery Street, San Francisco.

$10 OUTFIT FURNISHED FREE, with full instructions for conducting the most profitable business that anyone can engage in. The business is so easy to learn and our instructions are so simple and plain, that any one can make great profits from the very start. No one can fail who is willing to work. Women are as successful as men. Boys and girls can earn large sums. Many have made at the business over one hundred dollars in a single week. Nothing like it ever known before. All who engage are surprised at the ease and rapidity with which they are able to make money. You can engage in this business during your spare time at great profit. You do not have to invest capital in it. We take all the risk. Those who need ready money, should write to me at once. All furnished free. Address TRUE & CO. Augusta Maine. 23-ly

$13 WILL BUY 1000 fine cigars at J.W. Shaeffer & Cole, 323 Sacramento St., S.F. (No Drummers employed.)

$30 WILL BUY 1000 fine cigars at J.W. Shaeffer & Co.’s, 323 Sacramento St. [street], S.F. [San Francisco]. (No Drummers employed.)
$45 WILL BUY 1000 FINE cigars at J. W. Shaeffer & Co.’s [company’s], 323 Sacramento St. [street], S. F. [San Francisco] (No Drummers employed
100 DIFFERENT articles for 30 cents. (Stamps taken) Useful to All. A great deal for little money. Box 111, Lowell, Mass. [Massachusetts]
1880 Francatelli’s Great Cook Book. Best cook book in the world. Francatelli’s Modern Cook Book of French, English, German and Italian Cookery, is a practical guide to the culinary art in all its branches and is ?? the best and most complete cook book in the world. A new and enlarged edition of it for 1880 is just ready[?] Complete in 600 large octavo pages, with 64 illustratioins, 1500 recipes, bills of fare, etc. strongly bound. Price $5.00 a copy. Every cook should have it. Every family should have it. Every hotel should have it.

The above book is for sale by all Booksellers ?? copies will be sent to any one, prepaid upon [unreadable] T. B. Peterson & Brothers, No. 506 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. Pa. ??? wanted, send for circular [unreadable] send for Peterson’s Catalogue of [unreadable].

1880 THE NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE! The standard machine of to-day. Regarded so by the best informed people the world over. This machine is the one to-day that is opening the eyes of the public to the difference between a good sewing machine and a poor one. And people are demanding the best, because it is the cheapest. We invite the people to look at the NEW HOWE, and we take pleasure in recommending it as the best machine of the day. It is the lightest schuttle machine in the market; only one hole to thread in the schuttle. And is guaranteed to outlast any two other machines made. The company build no inferior grades of machines, but each one is finished with the greatest care. In fact they are so thoroughly constructed and finished so carefully, and are sold so reasonably that bogus inventors had no profit in starting a Howe factory at every cross road, therefore they seek other fields where margins are greater. Riggs & Young, Agents for Utah. R. Firgle, Logan, Agent for Cache County.
47,846 Packages Sold. Of what? Is the question asked. Nothing more or less than the celebrated Oregon Kidney Tea. The cures it has performed are its own recommendation, and no family should be without it in the house. For sale by all druggists.
A (top)
A. E. SALTER, ??? to the Kimball Manufacturing Company, Corner of Fourth and Bryant Streets. San Francisco Cal. [California] All descriptions of Carriages, Stage Coaches, street cars?, and other wagons ??? ???, and particular attention paid to repairing, under the superintendence of Mr. George P. Merrill. Orders promptly attended to by mail.
THE ABOVE CUT is a fine representation of Mccormick’s New Iron Mower in full operation. [Large illustration above) The McCormick reapers, mowers and self binders are the very best machines of the kind now being manufactured, and possess many points of superiority over all others. J. L. Case & Co’s threshers are very superior machines. Champion grain drills and steel beam ?? draft plows are specialties. Cooper Manufacturing Co’s engines and saw mills. Steel barb wire (both two and four lath.) Fish Brother’s celebrated farm, freight and spring wagons always in stock. I unhesitatingly warrant the quality of all the above goods, and give more satisfaction to purchasers. The following are agents for them; Goodwin Brothers, Logan; T. Richardson, Smithfield; A. C. Hobson, Richmond; Starker & Son, Franklin; Harkness & Phelan, Oxford; Marsh Valley Co-op, Oneida. John W. Lowell, General Agent for Utah
THE ABOVE MAP shows the “Abel Spearns Ranchos,” the center of Los Angeles Valley. 200? Farms already sold and improved, within the Artesian Well Belt, and having water near the surface. For sale in sections or ??? by Alfred Robinson, Trustee, 121 ??? Street, [unreadable line] or apply to WM. [William] R. Olden, Anaheim, Cal. [California] or concerning the Colony to Rev. Robert Strong, Westminster, Cal. Terms: one-tenth? cash, balance 1.8 and 8 years. Interest at 10 per cent payable at end of each year. The larger squares represent townships ??? miles square containing 58 sections. The smaller squares within the SPEARNS RANCHOS, represent 161 acres. Roads are proposed to be laid out on every section line forming blocks of one mile square, with roads on all sides and on many quarter section lines. Send for circulars.
AGENTS READ THIS. We will pay ???? of ?? per month ????????? We mean what we say. Sample free. Address Sherman & Co. [company], Marshall, Mich.
AGENTS WANTED FOR THE PEOPLE’S CYCLOPEDIA of Universal Knowledge. ??? Quarto $15.00. Address. A.L. BANCROFT & CO., San Francisco, Cal. [California]
AGENTS WANTED -- Live Agents in every county for the Encyclopedia Britannica, American Reprint. The leading encyclopedia of the world. An order a day will pay $100 a week. Some agents take as high as 9 orders in one day. This book offers ??? inducements to teachers and others out of employment. A.L. Bancroft & Co. [company], 711 Market Street, San Francisco.
ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE. Having been duly appointed administrator of the estate of Rodger ???., late deceased, by the Probate Court of Cache County, Utah Territory. Notice is hereby given to all the creditors of said deceased, and all persons having claim against said deceased or estate, that they are required to exhibit the same with ??? and vouchers to the undersigned, Robert Sweeten, at Mendon, in said county, within ten months after the first publication of this notice, or the same? will be forever barred. And all persons owing said estate are hereby requested to settle their indebtedness with the undersigned without delay. Robert Sweeten, Administrator of said Estate, Mendon, Oct., 29, 1879. oct80-41.
ALL KINDS OF WORK in stone and marble done to order. Grave Stones & Monuments Designed and executed in the most artistic manner. We refer with pride to specimens of our work, which cannot be excelled in the Territory, either in design or workmanship. We keep on hand a large stock of MARBLES and different kinds of STONES, from which patrons may select. PLASTER PARIS and CENTRE PIECES kept in stock. Prices reasonable!

ALL PHOTOGRAPHS made at the New York Gallery, No. 25 Third St., S. F. [San Francisco] are guaranteed to be first class. Prices to suit the times. J. H. Peters, Proprietor.

Among the valuable improvements in mining machinery is the late Mechanics Fair of San Francisco was “Russell’s Amalgamator,” manufactured by E.F. Russell & Co., 261 First Street, for which they have received their silver medal awarded on first premium for best amalgamator.
ANY ONE! Will Say that is Right. The verdict of the people is that the cheapest place to buy your TEAS, COFFEES and GOCERIES Of every description, WHOLESALE and RETAIL is at the Tea Warehouse. We make a specialty of FINE TEAS! We purchase our TEAS at the first of the season FOR CASH, which enables us to sell at LOW FIGURES, And it will be to the advantage of those ??? in conference to CALL ON US. Our Motto is “Small Profits and Quick Returns.” Goods Arriving Daily in Large Quantities—Call YOUNG & MARKS Opposite Z.C.M.I., SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. “Don’t You Forget It” oct-if ----
ANY SERIOUS EFFECTS FROM ICE AND SNOW Can be averted by imparting to residences and business houses, a proper degree of warmth. To do this it is only necessary to purchase Heating and Cooking Stoves and Ranges, at the establishment of M. H. Farnes, Logan, Utah. In addition to Stoves, there can be found a complete stock of Tinware, Brass Kettles, &c.; and also Doors, Sash, Locks, Hinges. Call and Inspect Goods and Prices. oct10-3m.
AT THE PEOPLE’S DRUG STORE, Logan City, Utah, Is the best place to buy all kinds of Drugs, Medicine, &c. D.B. Lamoreaux, Prop. [Proprietor] oct30-6m.
AT THE BOOK STORE You will find at very Low Prices any School Book you want. A good selection of Composition Books, Bookkeeping Blanks, all kinds of Writing Paper and Envelopes, Gold and Steel Pens, Penholders, Lead Pencils, Pencil Sharpeners, Common Slates, Noiseless Slates, all kinds of Copying and Writing Inks, Ink Stands, Book Stamps, Book Satchels, Book Straps, Students= Tablets, Memorandum and Pass Books, &c., &c., School Books School Supplies. Lm

ATTENTION ONE AND ALL! This is a dry season and you will want a Straw Cutter for hay is scarce. The U.O. Foundry Machine & Wagon Manufacturing Company will manufacture you one on the best and most improved pattern as cheap as you can purchase the same of eastern makers. Having Built Six Shingle Mills And Five Saw Mills, we have gained experience sufficient to say that we will put up machinery as cheaply and well as eastern manufacturers. 10,000 Carriage Bolts Just Received and for sale Cheap for cash. One Car Load of Wagon Stock Received a short time ago, which we offer for sale cheap. Wheelbarrow Wheels, Either Wrought or Cast Iron on hand. Brass and Iron Castings At the Lowest Market Price. Blacksmithing. We make a specialty of in all its branches. Address Ezra D. Carpenter. Superintendent. sept1-ly.

THE AUDINET, A new invention that enables the deaf to hear at church, concerts, theater and all ordinary conversation. Send for circular D. S. Hanes?, Pacific Coast Agent. ??, No. 120 Kearny street, San Francisco.
Caution! Different versions!!

AYER’S AGUE CURE is an infallible cure for Feber and Ague in al its forms. The proprietors warrant it, and their word is as good as a U. S. bond. Try it.

Caution! Different versions!!

AYER’S Ague Cure has saved thousands of lives in the malarial districts of this and other countries. It is warranted a certain and speedy remedy, and free from all harmful ingredients.

B (top)

THE BAIN WAGON! The Bain Wagon is now enjoying the Largest Sale of any Wagon in the West, and it is because they are honest, reliable, and very durable. Call and see them now as improved. Prices reduced to suit. Sulky Plows vs. Gang Plows. Make inquiry from us of the advantages of Sulky Plows, and then examine The Cassady – Oliver Chilled - Sulky Plows. By using The Triumph Grain Drill, you will get full crops, as the grain stands the winter and drouth [drought] well. The improved “S” Barb Steel Fence Wire Has the barbs fast on both wires, can neither turn or slip. It is the best now in use. We keep a general line of Agricultural Implements at our Depot in Ogden, corner Main and Fifth Streets. Sebree, Ferris & Holt, Ogden. Salt Lake City, Terminus N.R.R., Idaho, Kelton, Utah.

BAKERY have opened a Bakery in Ricks and Bitter’s store, third St., Logan, and will keep on hand fresh bread, pies, cakes, buns, &c. Cakes made to order. Ice Cream and Summer Drinks. Lunches put up to order. I invite the public to give me a call. John O’Brien. 43-lf
BASE BALLS AND BATS. I have a complete line of Base Balls and Bats for the sporting trade. Base Balls sell at from 10 cts. [cents] to $1.50 each. Bats from 10 cts. [cents] to 83 cts. [cents] each. J.T. Hammond, Bookseller and Stationer, Logan City, apr11-Im.
BEAUTIFIERS. Ladies, you cannot make fair skin, rosy cheeks and sparkling eyes with all the cosmetics of France, or beautifiers of the world, while in poor health, and nothing will give you such good health, strength, buoyant spirits and beauty as Hop Bitters. A trial is certain proof.
BEES, Hives, Honey, Extractors, pure Italian Queens, Books, etc. for sale. Send for circular. H. M. Cameron, 232 Sutter St., H. P.
Berlin wool, in beautiful colors, just received at Cardon’s. je11-tf.
THE BEST GALLERY in Northern Utah Is At T. B. Cardon’s Third Street, Logan. Photographs Taken and Pictures Enlarged in the best style of the art. Chromes and Steel Engravings Of Any Style And At Any Price. [Illustration] Watches, Clocks, And Jewelry, Of all Kinds. Buying only of responsible dealers I am prepared to warrant my goods. Repairing done by skilled workmen. sept11-ly.
THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST. Averill mixed paint. Manufactured by the California Paint Company. The best, most durable, most beautiful and cheapest paint in the world for buildings outside and inside on wood, brick, iron, or tin, and for all purposes for which paint is used. [illustration] It is without an equal. This paint is prepared in liquid form, ready for use, requiring no further addition of oil or spirits. It is of pure white, and of any shade or color. It is composed of pure linseed oil, strictly pure white lead and zinc which, by our process of manufacture, are so thoroughly united that they cannot separate. Hence, it will never chalk, crack, or peel off and for brilliancy of color, and beauty of finish, it has no rival. Buildings painted with this paint, five years ago, look bright and fresh as if newly painted. Of no other paint can this said. It is put up in convenient packages containing from one quart to ten gallons. Be sure and send for sample cards of colors and price lists, which are mailed free on application. O. S. Orrick, general agent, 403 Market Street, San Francisco, Cal.
BIG PAY with stencil cutouts. What costs 4 cts. sells rapidly for 50 cts. Catalogue free. M. Spencer, 112 Wabash St. [street], Boston, Mass.
BILLIARDS! (photo of billiard table) Buy only of P. LIESENFEED ? His tables are best! His cushions are superior to all others. His table have the best finish, and surpass anything made on this coast or in the world. And can be found in the best saloons, such as Professor Rudolphe’s, The Arion, Frank etc., and principal families on the coast. Nothing more suitable for XMAS PRESENTS than an elegant billiard table. Low prices, in accordance with the times. Billiard tables from $300 ? to ? Also pool tables, Jenny Lind, Pigeon Hole and Parlor [unreadable] at lowest rates. Send for price list to P. Liesenfeed, 545 to 540 Market St., San Francisco.
BIG PAY with stencil ??? What costs ??? sells rapidly for 50 cts. Catalogue free. M. Spencer, 112 Wabash St. [street], Boston, Mass.
BOOT AND SHOE making in all its branches. Good work, low prices at “Our Shoe Shop.”
BOOTS AND SHOES. John Sullivan, N. E. cor [corner] Battery and Jackson Sts. [streets], San Francisco, offers to make to order the best French Calf Leather Boots, at from $5 to $9?, California Leather Boots, ?, Gaiters? and Alexia Ties?, $5 to $6, French Calf Oxford Ties? of? California, $3.50; Boys’ and Childrens Boots and Shoes made to order. Persons in the country ordering Boots and Shoes to the amount of Twelve Dollars or more will be allowed a reduction of four per cent, so as to make the express charges light. I sell Boots and Shoes of My Own manufacture only. Boots and Shoes sent C. O. D. Positively one price.
BRANSON KNITTER! Improved is claimed as the simplest, most durable and profitable in the world. Price $25.00. Can teach you to knit in an hour. Will knit a sock in five minutes. Agency of Chicago Scale Company. “Little Detective” weighs ? oz. [ounces] to 25 lbs. [pounds] Send for circular. J. W. Snell, Idaho Store, Salt Lake. 52-3m
BURNHAM’S ABIETENE An extract of Fir Balsam. No compound but Nature’s remedy for croup, sore throat, colds, kidney troubles, inflamed eyes, etc. A specific for Croup. Every family should have it. Price 50 cts. [cents] and $1 per bottle.
Burnham’s Abietene. An extract of Fir Balsam. No compound but Nature’s remedy for Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Kidney Troubles, etc. Hundreds of testimonials of its virtues can be produced. Price 50cts. And $1 bottle.

BUTTER-MAKING IN JULY AND AUGUST. Butter-making can be carried on in hot weather as successfully as in June by using the Gilt-Edge Butter Maker. It reduces time of churning one-half. Increases production 6 to 10 per cent. Storekeepers pay 3 to 5 cents a pound extra for butter made with it. Sold by druggists, grocers and general store keepers. Send stamp for “Hints to Butter Makers.” Address, Butter Improvement Co., Buffalo, N.Y. OUAQUAGA DAIRY, SUSQUEHANNA VALLEY, N.Y., May 28th?, 1879. Butter Improvement Co., Buffalo, N.Y. Gentlemen – Please accept a sample of butter made from “hay-fed” cows and with the use of your Gilt-Edge Butter Maker, without its use the butter made was almost as white as lard, while with its use (as you will observe from the sample sent you) the butter is of a very beautiful, even golden color leaving nothing to be desired in that direction. Several of my neighbor dairy farmers have tried your powder and are loud in its praise. It passes in market as “creamery butter” and is worth from 3 to 5 cents per pound more than dairy butter. H.C. Bryant.

Buy Only the Genuine. Three quarters of all the sewing machines sold throughout the United States in 1879, were Singers. Beware of Bogus Agents and Counterfeit Machines, gilded and varnished to hide their defects. The genuine Singer still leads all other Sewing Machines, having taken the First Prize over all of its competitors more than Two Hundred Times. WHY? Because it is the Simplest, most easy to be understood; Light Running, and the most durable Machine in the World. The Genuine Singer has found its way into more households than all other sewing machines combimed. Why? Because its brilliant record of Twenty-Eight Years has established the fact that one of them will last as long as two machines of any other kind. Singer is the only Sewing Machine in the United States that is counterfeited. WHY? Gold is continually counterfeited. Brass and Tin are not worth it. Many references can be given of parties living in Logan and adjacent settlements who have SINGER MACHINES which have been in constant and hard service from FIVE TO EIGHTEEN YEARS and still they are not worn out, but do good and honest work. Ask any one who has a GENUINE SINGER and we warrant they will give it a splendid character. We defy any other machine to produce such a record. Why give up a certainty for an uncertainty. CALL AT OUR OFFICE, Next door East of Logan Leader, Logan, and examine the latest improved GENUINE SINGER. We are sure you will say it is a Daisy. Sales will be made on the Installment Plan --- Ten Dollars w[hen] Machine is received and $5 per month till paid. A full line of parts and accessories and Genuine Singer Oil kept in stock. Orders by mail promptly attended to. Machines cleaned and repaired. Old machines taken in exchange for new ones at a fair valuation. The Singer Manufacturing Company, Franklin Merrill, agent for Northern Utah! Jan1-tf ----
BUY THE BEST. The best photograph is always the cheapest, but at the Imperial Gallery, 724 ½ Market Street, San Francisco, you get not only the best but the lowest priced work in the city.
C (top)
C 4S 50 ? Agents wanted. Sells request ? particulars free. ? M. Spencer, 612 Washington St., Boston, Mass.
CACHE VALLEY HOUSE on Third Street, between Main and Washington Streets. Logan City – Utah. Best Hotel North of Ogden. Terms $1.50 per day, meals and Beds, 50 cents Each. Liberal Rates Given to Boarders by the Week or Month. Conveyances always ready to carry people to and from the depot and surrounding settlements. Paul Cardon, Proprietor. apr30-tt.
Calf Leather Boots, at from $5 to $9, California Leather Boots, $6, Gaiters and Alexia Ties?, $5 to $6, French Calf Oxford Ties? $4 California, BOOTS AND SHOES. John Sullivan, N. E. cor [corner] Battery and Jackson Sts. [streets], San Francisco, offers to make to order the best French $3.50. Boys’ and Children’s Boots and Shoes made to order. Persons in the country ordering Boots and Shoes to the amount of Twelve Dollars or more will be allowed a reduction of four per cent, so as to make the express charges light. I sell Boots and Shoes of MY OWN MANUFACTURE ONLY. Boots and Shoes sent C. O. D. Positively one price. ----
CALVERT’S Carbolic Sheep Wash $2 per gallon. T.W. Jackson, San Francisco, Sole Agent for the Pacific Coast. [Illustration]

CAMELLINE for the complexion and teeth, supersedes everything. Price, 50c [cents] and $1. Sold by Druggists and general dealers.

CAMELLINE for the complexion and teeth. The only safe and reliable article of its kind. Certificates of its purity from well known physicians accompany each bottle. Price, 50c [cents] and $1 per bottle. Sold by Druggists and general dealers.
Cancer and Tumor Cured. Read in another column of this paper the advertisement of W. Green, of Oakland, Cal. He cures Cancer and Tumors and requires no pay until cure is made. He cannot send medicine. Write him full description.
CANCER AND TUMOR CURED Without the use of the knife or loss of blood. [Pointing Finger Graphic] NO PAY REQUIRED TILL CURED. [Pointing Finger Graphic] Cancer in alcohol to show, Birthmarks and warts removed, Address W GREEN?, Oakland, Cal [California].
CANCERS A SPECIALTY without the knife or exciting pain. Mrs. Dr. [Doctor] Cook, 244 Post Street, San Francisco. ----
CANNERS’ AND SOAP MAKERS’ Presses, Dies &c., Jewelers’ Tools and Special Machine Work of all Kinds. F. A. Robbins, Manufacturer, 7 First St. [street], San Francisco
CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS carpets and oil cloths Stanford House! Wholesale and retail dealer in dry goods and clothing, boots, shoes, hats, carpets, etc. Groceries, glassware, queensware and hardware. Joseph Stanford, proprietor, Corner Main and Fourth Streets, Ogden, Utah. Orders along the line of the Utah & Northern Railroad promptly filled. Staple and Fancy Glassware. Staple and Fancy Glassware. 2d-ly
Carpets! Carpets! A nice line of Carpets at Z.C.M.I Hemp, Ingrain, Tapestry and Brussels. Call and see before going to conference. 4-tf.
CARRIAGES. H. M. Black & Co., carriage makers 74 and 76 New Montgomery St., one block from Palace Hotel, San Francisco. All kinds of Spring and Thorough Brace Wagons, Express Wagons, Stages, Soda and Butcher Wagons, Grocery, Livery and Surveyor’s Wagons, etc. Wagons and Carriages of every description made to order. Genuine imported Wagons constantly on hand and for sale. Orders from the country promptly attended to.
Carter’s Exhibition.

Mr. C.W. Carter, the well known Utah photographer and exhibitor of Utah’s Scenery, is now in Cache Valley, traveling to exhibit in Logan and adjacent cities and settlements, his [unreadable] views of Utah, and pictures connected with the early history of the Church, which have given universal satisfaction wherever exhibited. Each picture will be fifteen feet square, illumined by the One-Hydrogen Cadmium Light, which is equal to [unreadable] candles. Extra to his regular program, he will show the pioneer [unreadable] of the [unreadable] of July, 18[unreadable] that took place in Salt Lake City; the different sides of the Joseph Standing Monument, the Logan Temple and Tabernacle, and others. The first exhibition will be at Providence on Wednesday, Jan. 5th, and at Millville, Friday, Jan. 7th. Mr. Carter claims that he is the only man in the world that photographs scenery and exhibits the same in this manner.

CAUSTIC SODA and all Soap-Making Materials for sale by T. W. Jackson, 12 California Street, San Francisco.
C. J. HAWLEY & CO [company] This popular and reliable house will not only fill all country orders for every description of groceries, but will fill orders for any and all descriptions of goods needed in the household or the farm. Give particular description of goods needed and remit by Wells Fargo & Co. [company], or by P. O. order to 213 215 Sutter St. [street], San Francisco.
The Champion. Professor Rudolphe, the champion billiard player of the world has just established a Billiard Parlor on Hardie Place, between [unreadable] Kearny Street, San Francisco. As Professor Rudulphe is the best player in the world, it is fair to presume that he has no superior as a judge of good Billiard Tables. He has selected the celebrated [unreadable] Billiard Tables for his Parlor, and parties who wish to buy the best will always select tables from the warerooms of the same manufacturer.
CHAMPION SAFE of the world. Manufactured by Detroit Safe Company. A sure protection from fire and burglars. Sargent, Greenlief, and Yale Time Locks. Hart’s Patent Emery Wheels, Benicia Buck Skin Gloves, &c. SamL. [Samuel] B. Paige & Co. [company], Agents. New Montgomery Street, Palace Hotel, San Francisco.
CHARLES FRANK, Notary Public, bank and passage agent, Drafts sold on the United States and Europe. Prompt attention given to collections, LOGAN, UTAH.
CHEAP WHEAT LANDS—Four Sections, 1 ½ miles from P???burg Station, S.P.R.R. in Merced County, ready for cultivation, for sale at $3.50? per acre by McAlce? Brothers, 202? Sansome St. [street], S. F. [San Francisco]
Citizenship Papers. Having been appointed deputy clerk of the First District Court, I am prepared to issue First Citizenship papers to applicants. Chas. Frank Logan, Utah, Oct 20th, 1880
COMPOUND OXYGEN Drs. Starkey & Palen new [line unreadable] for consumption, asthma, bronchitis, catarrh, dyspepsia, headache, debility, neuralgia, rheumatism and all chronic an dnervous disorders. Prepared by Drs. Starkey & Palen, [unreadable] Use at home. All directions in package. Information and samples can be had of H. E. Mathews, ?? Montgomery street, San Francisco, Cal.
Compound Oxygen. Prepared by Drs. Starkey & Palen, Philadelphia, Pa., for consumption, asthma, _ dyspepsia, catarrah, headache, debility, rheumatism, neuralgia, etc. Send for [unreadable] free. K.E. Mathews, 606 Montgomery St., S.F.
CONCORD CARRIAGES. [illustration of a carriage] Removal. The Concord Carriage Repository has removed to No. 46 New Montgomery street, next to Palace Hotel, San Francisco, where a full stock of AConcord@ buggies and wagons, the genuine AConcord Harness@ and E. M. Miller & Co.=s (Quincy Ill) buggies and carriages will be constantly kept on hand. T. S. Eastman, Agent. 46 New Montgomery St. S. F. [San Francisco]
CONCORD CARRIAGES. [illustration of a buggy] Buggies and Express Wagons: E. M. Miller & Co.’s, (Quincy, Ill.) Buggies, Phaetons and Carriages, Hill’s genuine Concord Harness, Whips, Robes, and Blankets of every description for sale. Below Cost. T. S. Eastman, Agent, 46 New Montgomery St., next to Palace Hotel, San Francisco.
CONSUMPTION CURED. An old physician, retired from practice, having had placed in his hands by an East India missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure for Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma, and all Throat and lung Afflictions, also a positive and radical cure for General Debility and all Nervous Complaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases, has felt it his duty to make it known to his suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering, I will send free of charge to all who desire it, this recipe, in German, French, or English, with full directions for preparing and using. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, naming this paper, W. W. Shehan 140 Powers’ Block, Rochester, N.Y.
CONSUMPTION postively cured. All sufferers from this disease that are anxious to be cured should try Dr. Kissner’s Celebrated Consumptive Powders. These Powders are the only preparation known that will cure Consumption and all diseases of the throat and lungs–indeed, so strong is our faith in them, and also to convince you that they are no humbug; we will forward to every sufferer, by mail, post paid, a free trial box. We don’t want your money until you are perfectly satisfied of their curative powers. If your life is worth saving; don’t delay in giving these powders a trial, as they will surely cure you. Price, for large box, $3.00 sent to any part of the United States or Canada; by mail on receipt of price. Address, Ash & Robbins, 3rd Fulton St., Brooklyn, N. Y. 27-ly
CONTINENTAL HOTEL AND WALKER HOUSE, Salt Lake City, Utah. The only two first class houses in the city. G. S. Edd?, Proprietor. Continental Hotel and Walker House 52?-?y
Note: several versions!

CO-OPERATION! The Manufacturing And Building Company of Logan. Manufacturers of Doors, Sash, Mouldings, Rustic, Tapered Siding and Furniture. Planing and Turning done on Short Notice. Home-Made And Imported Furniture Etc., at Company’s store, Main Street, Logan. Also Dealers in General Merchandise, At Store, three blocks west of Z.C.M.I. A large quantity of Good Home-Made Cheese, Made at the Company’s Dairy, on hand and for sale at Wholesale or Retail. Henry Ballard, Prest., H. Hayball, supt. Address all correspondence to Chas. Nibley, Sec’y. sept1-ly.

Note: several versions!

CO-OPERATION. The Manufacturing And Building Company of Logan. Manufacturers of Doors, Sash, Mouldings, Rustic, Tapered Siding and Furniture. Special Inducements Offered on Building Contracts. Planing and Turning done on Short Notice. Prices of Planing: surfacing,--25 cts. [cents] per 100 ft. [feet]. Planing, Rustic, &c.,--60 cts. Per 100 ft. Planing, Tongue and Grooved and Beaded — 70 cts. Per 100 ft. Moulding reduced 25 percent. Home-Made And Imported Furniture Etc., at Company’s store, Main Street, Logan. Also Dealers in General Merchandise At Store three blocks west of Z.C.M.I. Henry Ballard, Prest.[President], Chas.[Charles] Nibley, Manager. sept11-ly.

A COUGH, COLD, catarrh or sore throat should not be neglected. ‘Brown’s Bronchial Troches” are a simple remedy, and will generally give immediate relief. Imitations are offered for sale, many of which are injurious. The genuine “Brown’s Bronchial Troches,” are sold only in boxes.
COUGHS -- “Brown’s Bronchial Troches” are used with advantage to alleviate Coughs, Sore Throat, Hoarseness, and Bronchial Affections. For thirty years these Troches have been in use, with annually increasing favor. They are not new and untried, but, having been tested by wide and constant use for nearly an entire generation, they have attained well-merited rank among the few staple remedies of the age.
Country Merchants. The best house in San Francisco for notions and stationery, toys and fancy goods, combs and brushes, etc. Sadler & Co., 605 Market St., S.F., Grand Hotel Building. Send for new catalogues and price list.
CRAWFORD & FISHER, Attorneys at Law, Oxford, Idaho. Special attention given to all matters before the U.S. Land Office. Nov20sm
CROQUETS. This interesting game is becoming more popular every year. I now have a full line of Croquets consisting of four, six and eight ball sets in five different styles, which sell at from $1 to $7 per set. J.D. Hammond, Bookseller and Stationer, Logan City.
CURE FOR CANCER. Red Clover cures Cancer, Salt Rheum, and all other blood diseases. For references and full particulars address W. C. Needham, sole agent for Pacific Coast, P. O. Box 424? 422?, San Jose, Cal [California]
D (top)

THE DAILY EXAMINER Of San Francisco will be sent to subscribers, posting or express charges prepaid, at $7.50 per Year. The Examiner, Established in 1865, is the leading Democratic organ on the Pacific Coast, and is the City and County official Organ. ---- The Weekly Examiner, a quarto of 56 pages of reading matter, will be sent per mail or express at $3 per Year. ---- The Market Reports of the Examiner are of the most reliable character and persons engaged in business should give it a trial. ---- Both papers are conducted so as to make them welcome visitors to the home circle. All advertisements of a certain character are rigidly excluded from their columns. ---- Families will find under its weekly columns devoted to matters affecting “The House and Farm” the most reliable information. The Daily receives the latest Telegraphic Dispatches and the Weekly contains the latest received until going to the press. ---- A great struggle is before the Democracy and it behooves the Democrats of the Pacific States to make a gallant fight in the next Presidential contest. Subscribe for the Daily or Weekly Examiner. Wm. [William] S. Moss, Philip A. Roach, Geo. [George] Pen. Johnson. Wm. [William] S. Moss & Co. [company], 833 (or 633?) and 835 (or 635?) Washington St. [street]

THE DAILY REPORT published by the stock report publishing company! W. M. Bunker, A. C. Hiester. The Daily Report delivered to subscribers in the city at ?? per month Mail subscribers, one year, $10, six months, $5, three months, $3. Weekly Stock Report, the great mining, financial and general newspaper of the Pacific Coast. Contains all the ?? and other stock transactions complete and the financial news for the week. Subscription: One year, $5, six months, $3, three months, $1.50. Publication Office: No. 222 Montgomery St., San Francisco, Cal.
DAILY STOCK REPORT published by the Stock Report Publishing Company W. M. Bunker, A. C. Hiester. Daily Stock Report Delivered to subscribers in the city at ? per month. Mail subscribers, one year, $10, six months $5, three months, $3. ---- Weekly Stock Report, The great mining, financial and general newspaper of the Pacific Coast. Contains all the mining and other stock transactions complete and the financial news for the week. Subscriptions: One year, $5; six months, $3; three months, $1.60. Publication Office: No. [number] 222 Montgomery St. [street], San Francisco, Cal. [California]
DAVID JAMES The well-known dealer in Pumps, Piping, Gas and Steam Fixtures Has established a Branch House at Logan. Competent workmen alone are employed. A good stock of material on hand. Cooking Ranges Supplied with Reservoirs and Fixtures for hot water. All kinds of work done at the Lowest Rates. Satisfaction Guaranteed. sept1-ly.
The Deaf Hear Through the Teeth Perfectly, all Ordinary Conversation, Lectures, Concerts, etc. by New Channels to the Nerves of Hearing by means of a recent wonderful scientific invention – the Dentaphone. For remarkable public tests on the Deaf also on the Deaf and Dumb, see the New York Herald, Sept. 28, the New York Christian Advocation Nov. 20 Etc. Every deaf person should send for free illustrated descriptive pamphlet to the American Dentophone Co., Cincinnati, Ohio
DENTISTRY. Go to Dr. Cochrane, 850 Market street, San Francisco, if you want first-class work at low rates. Cochrane stands at the head of his profession.
Careful! Similar ads!

DO NOT FAIL TO SEND For our New Price List. More complete than ever. Contains descriptions of everything required for personal or family use. With over 1000 Illustrations. Send nine cents for it, (Stamps will do.) We sell all goods at wholesale prices in quantities to suit the purchases. The only institution in America who make this their special business. Address Montgomery Ward & Co., 227 & 229 Wabash Ave., Chicago, Ills. [Illinois]

Caution! Similar ads!!

DO NOT FAIL TO SEND for our price list for 1880. Free to any address upon application. Contains descriptions of everything required for personal or family use with over 1,200 illustrations. We sell all goods at wholesale prices in quantities to suit the purchaser. The only institution in America who make this their special business. Address MONTGOMERY WARD & CO., 227 & 229 Wabash Ave., Chicago, Ills. [Illinois]

DOBYN’S SURE CURE [illustration] for catarrh, cold in the head, neuralgia, toothache, and all kindred complaints. Found at Last. H. Loomis, 320 Sansome St., S. F. 10c. per box

Just arrived, a choice lot of Drugs, Paints, Oils, &c. at Ormsbys Drug Store. Call and evaluate goods.

Dr. F. Hiller, Sr., Surgeon, 112 Mason St., San Francisco, offers superior advantages of treatment to patients suffering from deformities, especially Rickets, Curvature of the Spine, Hip-Joint Diseases and Diseases of Women. Patients from the country supplied with suitable accommodations.
DR. HILLER’S ORTHOPEDIC, SURGICAL AND MEDICAL INSTITUTE. No. 112 Mason Street. S. F. Having had an extended and successful practice of more than thirty years in all the departments of operative surgery and obstetrics, I have during my extended travels devoted the past few years especially to the study and treatment of a case? of diseases which is increasing yearly to an alarming extent. For this purpose I have visited the orthopedic institutes of London, Paris, and in Vienna and other cities of learning where I became acquainted with the masters of the profession and had the opportunity to witness the results of modern treatment and appliances for these forms of diseases. Armed with the experience of a long term of practice and a thorough knowledge of modern medicine and surgery, I feel justified to offer expert? superior advantages of treatment to patients suffering from deformities, especially from Rickets, Curvature of the Spine, Deformities of the Chest, hip joint disease, and diseases of women requiring surgical assistance. Patients from the country supplied with suitable accommodations. F. Hiller,Sr., M.D.
Dr. Mintie’s English Dandelion Liver Dyspepsia Pill. [Illustration] Cures dyspepsia. Cures biliousness. It clears the liver of bile. Cures foul breath, coated tongue, giddiness, pimples, sallow complexion, it is sugar-coated and [unreadable].
DR. SPEER, (Graduate of Harvard University) Special Diseases A Specialty. Call or address H.J. Speer, M.D. 11 Kearny St. [street], San Francisco, Cal. [California].
Caution! Different versions!!

DR. SPINNEY & CO. 11 Kearney St. [street], San Francisco. There are many men from thirty to sixty years of age suffering from general prostration and a weakening of the system which they can not [cannot] account for. Dr. Spinney will guarantee a perfect cure in all such cases and a complete restoration of the physical and nervous powers. Call or address as above. Send for Dr. Spinney & Co.’s [company’s] new pamphlet. See Adv’t [advertisement] in ? ? Chronicle.

Caution! Different versions!!

DR. SPINNEY & Co. 11 Kearny St. [street], San Francisco. There are many men from thirty to sixty years of age suffering from general prostration and weakening of the system which they can not [cannot] account for. Dr. Spinney will guarantee a perfect cure in all such cases and a complete restoration of the physical and nervous powers. P.S.—For special diseases of short standing a full course of medicines, sufficient to cure, with necessary instructions will be sent to any address on receipt of full.

DRUGGISTS’ GLASSWARE AND SUNDRIES. Chemical glassware and chemicals. Assayers’ materials. Mine and Mill supplies in full stock and of best quality, such as long experience enables us to select. John Taylor & Co. [company], 118 and 121 Market St. [street], and 15 and 17 California St. [street]. San Francisco.

E (top)

EAGLE EMPORIUM. New Goods New Goods. Staple and fancy dress goods! In all the new styles. Elegant line of embroideries. Maltese, Breton, Chiney, and other Laces in endless variety. Buttons of every shade & style. Silk fringes and ??? Dress silks from 50 cents up. Brocade cross grain and cord edge. Ribbons. Splendid line of curtains, nets, Marseilles and Terry quilts, toilet covers, mats, towels, table damasks, new designs in cretonnes. Custom made and wove corsets in all colors. Endless variety of hair ornaments. Braid pins, bows and ties, handkerchiefs, ruchings and linen sets. Gloves and hosiery to suit the most fastidious. A complete assortment of Ladies’ Misses’ and Childrens’ underwear. All the best and most desirable brands of bleached and unbleached domestics. An immense stock of clothing! Hats and caps, boots & shoes. The choicest stock of groceries! To be found in the city. Fruits, candies, nuts. Hardware! Crockery and glassware. Stoves and ranges. Agents for Dupont blasting, sporting, and Rifle powder. Wm. [William] Jennings & Sons. Nos. 82 to 88 East Temple, and 1202 to 1208, First South Street, Salt Lake City,
EAGLE EMPORIUM. Novelties in dry goods and notions, for presents. Cloaks and [unreadable]; Burt’s fine shoes. The largest and most available stock of clothing! Boots and shoes, hats and caps in the city. Stoves and ranges. Wm. Jennings & Sons. A Happy New Year! 1881
EAGLE HOUSE, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. S. P. Teasdel’s mammoth establishment, in the various departments of which may be found every description of family supplies and general merchandise. Wholesale and retail buyers will find it greatly to their advantage to inspect our stock and prices. Address all communications to S. P. Teasdel, P. O. Box 352, Salt Lake City. 32ly
Economy In Living. In these days of easy communications to the remotest part of the country, there is no reason why people should run up enormous grocery bills at country stores, paying in many instances double prices, when a few lines will secure a supply of any quantity, large or small, and any quality of provisions desired, from the Pioneer Grocery Establishment of Scarboro & Co., 531 Washington Street, San Francisco. See price list in another place, and send for sample order to satisfy yourself of what savings you can make.
EGGLESTON’S SENSIBLE TRUSS. The new Elastic Truss has a pad distributing forces all evenly in cup-shape, with self- adjusting [unreadable] adapted easily all parts of the body. While the [unreadable] just as a person would with the [unreadable]. [unreadable] is held securely [unreadable] Eggleston Truss Co., Chicago, Ill.
Caution! Different versions.

ELECTRIC BELTS. Bands and Appliances for the cure of nervous, chronic and special ??? can be procured? from the Pulvermacher Galvanic Co., 623? Montgomery St. San Francisco, Cal. [California]. Send for free pamphlet and the Electric Review, containing full particulars. Avoid bogus appliances of every description claiming electric qualities.

Caution! Different versions.

ELECTRIC BELTS. Bands and Appliances (the only genuine) can be procured from the Pulvermacher Galvanic Co., Cincinnati, O., New York, N. Y., or San Francisco, Cal. Send to the office nearest you for free pamphlet and The Electric Review, containing full particulars. Avoid bogus concerns, especially from those who Pretend to send so-called Electric belts, etc., on trial.


Now that we have long evenings every one will want something to read in order that evenings may be spend with pleasure and profit. I have recently received over 400 volumes of Choice Works. Call and see if you can’t find the very tools you want. J. T. HAMMOND, Bookseller and Stationer. Oct30-1m

ENAMEL PAINT! Mixed ready for use. THE BEST PAINT IN THE WORLD. No skill required in its application. Excels in Durability, Beauty, Brilliancy and Fire Proof Quality any other paint made. ITS COST is no more than pure lead and oil – which is unmixed and not ready for use – whereas the ENAMEL PAINT is all ready for use, will cover more surface than any other paint, giving no trouble or waste in mixing, possessing greater beauty, and outwearing any other – facts which warrant us in the assertion that for a period of ten years it will save the consumer fully FIFTY PER CENT. AS A HOUSE PAINT it is the most perfect substance known, possessing unsurpassed beauty, great brilliancy of color, adhering firmly to the wood, and giving the richest, most agreeable and uniform tints. Our Wagon and Machinery Paints From the finest vermillion to the cheaper colors, are especially fine. Every person owning a wagon, or any kind of machinery, should keep a can of it on hand, and occasionally give them a fresh coat of paint. It would take but a few hours alone?, while it would add to the durability and appearance of the articles a hundred times its cost. Its Convenience of Form is Readily Apparent. Being already mixed of the proper consistency to put on, requiring no thinner, and of any required shade or color, and in any quantity desired, aside from its other advantages, make it desirable for FARMERS and others who may not be skilled in the art of mixing and tinting, but who wish to do their own painting. The use of these paints obviates the necessity of procuring skilled labor, as any one can apply them. With this paint the consumer has to purchase no oil, pigments or dryers. He has no mistakes in shading to correct, and it is only necessary to ascertain the number of square yards to cover and the shade to apply, which can at once be purchased, so mixed that it will spread evenly, flow smoothly, and dry rapidly. These facts, together with there being No Waste, make it the most convenient paint ever made. Put up in ¼,1/2, 1, and 5 Gallon Packages, and in Barrels, Pure White, and any shade of color desired. Also EUREKA PAINT in 1 and 2 pound cans, same quality as Enamel. Send for sample card of colors and price list, which are mailed free on application, to G. F. Culmer, General Agent for Utah Territory, Salt Lake City, C. Traveller, agent for Richmond. Franklin Co-op, agent for Franklin. Smithfield Co-op, agent for Smithfield. sept11-tf.

F (top)

F. F. PETERSEN. House and Sign, Painter. Waterproof Canvas Signs a specialty. Logan, Utah. feb?-tf.

F. JACOBSON & SON, Main Street, Logan, About two blocks South of U.O. Foundry Are prepared to do all kinds of Blacksmithing & Horseshoeing. Having engaged a good Wagon Maker, who will commence work Nov. 13th, we can, after that date, do all kinds of Wagon Work at bottom prices. 7-tf
F. Petersen, House, Sign and Coach Painter, Logan, Utah feb6?
F. S. RICHARDS, Pros. Atty. [atorney] City Atty. [attorney], Weber Co. [county] Ogden City. R. K. WILLIAMS, Formerly Chief Justice Supreme Court, Ky. [Kentucky]. RICHARDS & WILLIAMS, LAWYERS. They practice in all the Courts of the Territory. Office in Peery Block, Fourth St, OGDEN, UTAH.
F. W. SPENCER Pianoforte Company. Owing to the increasing demand for our Matchless Spencer Pianos and Smith American Organs of Boston, we have greatly enlarged our place of business and now have one of the largest and finest stocks of instruments on the coast, including the Matchless “Spencer Pianos” square and upright; also Steinway’s, Knabe?, Chickering, Emerson, Miller’s, Bradbury’s and other makers, at all prices. Mason & Hamlin, George Woods and “Smith American Organs of Boston,” sold on installments if desired. Send for circulars. F. W. Spencer & Co., 26 and 25 Fifth St., San Francisco. N. B.–Pianos tuned, repaired and for rent.
A FAVORABLE NOTORIETY – The good reputation of “Brown’s Bronchial Troches” for the relief of Coughs, Colds and Throat Diseases has given them a favorable notoriety.
FEEBLE LADIES. Those languid, ??? sensations, causing you to feel scarcely able to be on your feet, that constant drain that is taking from your system all its elasticity, driving the bloom from your cheeks, that continual strain upon your vital forces, rendering you irritable and fretful, can easily be removed by the use of that marvelous remedy, Hop-Bitters. Irregularities and obstructions of your system are relieved at once while the ??? causes of periodical pain is permanently removed. Will you need this? ----
FIFTY CENTS in postage stamps will get the most brilliant and complete weekly newspaper to the world. The San Francisco Weekly Chronicle prints regularly 72 columns, or eight pages of news, literature and general information, also a magnificent Agricultural Department, and 50 cents will pay for it for three months, including postage, to any part of the United States.
THE FINEST PERCHERON NORMAN STALLION! In Utah. Of real Napoleonic Blood. Sired of Louis Napoleon II. Native bred in Illinois. Age ? years next June. Weight 1,500 lbs. Height 16 3/4 hands. Color, dark dapple grey. Time record, ???. Took diploma as best horse on ground at Cache Co. [county] Fair in 1879. Will be found during the season at Logan House, Logan, on Fridays and Saturdays of each week, and the rest of the time at his home in Hyrum. The owner is prepared to have charge of mares while breeding. For further particulars apply to S.L. Swensen, Hyrum. apr16-tf.
THE FINEST! Homebred Stallion in Cache Co. [county]. Daniel III. He is of “Royal George” of Oregon, on the side of his dam, and sired by a horse of French Norman and “Snap Dragon” descent. His color, a rich chestnut, of fine build, and has a good record for colts in Cache Valley. Will stand for the season every Monday and Tuesday at the Tithing Office Barn in Logan City. And during the remainder of the week at the residence of proprietor James Meikle, Smithfield. apr23-1m.
FIRST-CLASS BOARDING HOUSE 600 Bush St., San Francisco. Centrally located, commanding a magnificent view of the city and bay. Is especially designed as ??? portable baths? For ladies and gentlemen visiting the city [unreadable line] and running water in each room. Board first class in every respect. Mrs. Chamberlain.

FIRST PRIZE. [illustration] State fair and mechanics institute fair, awarded to the California Elastic Truss for the best Improved Trusses. Address or call at the California Elastic Truss Co. 702 Market St., S. F. Send for Catalogue. Hundreds of wonderful cures. California Elastic Truss.DOBYN’S SURE CURE [illustration] for catarrh, cold in the head, neuralgia, toothache, and all kindred complaints. Found at Last. H. Loomis, 320 Sansome St., S. F. 10c. per box

A FOOL ONCE MORE. For ten years my wife was confined to her bed with such a complication of ailments that no doctor could tell what was the matter or cure her, and I used up a small fortune in humbug stuff. Six months ago I saw a U. S. flag with Hop Bitters on it, and thought I would be a fool once more. I tried it, but my folly proved to be wisdom, two bottles cured her. She is now a well and strong as any man’s wife, and it cost me only two dollars. Such folly pays – H. W. Detroit, Mich.
FOR an irritated throat, cough or cold, “Brown’s Bronchial Troches” are offered with the fullest confidence in their efficacy. They maintain the good reputation they have justly acquired.
FOR 1880. SUBSCRIBE Now for the City Argus. It is the brightest, spiciest and most readable and interesting weekly paper on the coast. $4.00 per year or 35 cents per month. Sent post paid on receipt of price. Sample copies free. Published every Saturday by The Argus Company, 305 Kearny St., San Francisco. Established 1870.
FOR BRONCHIAL, ASTOMATIC, and Catarrahal Complaints, and Coughs and Colds, “Brown’s Bronchial Troches” manifest remarkable curative properties. Imitations are offered for sale, many of which are injurious. The genuine “Brown’s Bronchial Troches” are sold only in boxes. ---
FOR COLDS, COUGHS, BRONCHITIS and all affections [afflictions] of the Lungs, take Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral.
FOR DIARRHEA, DYSENTERY, bloody flux, cramps in stomach, and colic, whether affecting adults, children, or infants, Dr. Pierce’s Compound Extract of Smart-Weed is a sovereign remedy. It is compounded from the best brandy, Jamaica ginger, smart weed, or water-pepper, anodyne, soothing and healing gums. For colds, rheumatism, neuralgic affections [afflictions, infections], and to break up fevers and inflammatory attacks it is invaluable and should be kept in every household. Fifty cents by druggists.
FOR SCROFULA IN ALL ITS FORMS, whether Ulcerations of the Flesh or Bones, Enlargements of the Joints, Glands, Swellings, Eruptions, Tumors, &c., Dr. Jayne’s Alterative has been found pre-eminently successful. By its action on the blood, it destroys the virus or poisonous principle from which these diseases originate, and drives it from the system.
FOREWARNED FOREARMED. Physicians and Invalids use with confidence The Kaiser Celebrated German Elixir for Consumption and throat and lung diseases. It is rich in the medicinal properties of tar, wild cherry, etc. Is rendered perfectly harmless to the youngest child. This would have proved an Angel of mercy in the household of those unhappy parents at Vallejo, Mexico, Dixon, Beaver, Utah, and numerous other places, whose children were slaughtered by a quack medicine recommended by its owner to cure croup, possessing no properties calculated to cure it, but instead, a deadly drug which has slain its thousands. Be sure you get only German Elixir. The genuine bears the Prussian coat of arms and the fac-simile [facsimile] signature of Dr. Kaiser. Samples at all drug stores. Large size, 75 cents. Chas. [Charles] Langley & Co., Wholesale Druggists, Sole Agents.
FOUR POINTED BARB WIRE. [Illustration] The best in the market. Iowa Barb Steel Wire Company Manufacturers. S. Roskelley, agent, Smithfield, Cache Co., Utah.

FRANCIS Smith & Co. (Company). Manufacturers of Sheet Iron Pipe, No. (Number) 130 Beale Street, San Francisco. Iron cut, punched and formed, for making pipe on ground where required. All kinds of tools supplied for making pipe. Estimates given when required. Am prepared for coating all sizes of pipes with a composition of coal tar and ???.

FREDERICK PHISTER, IVORY & WOOD TURNER, Manufacturer of Spinning Wheels and Reels. Balusters, Newel Points, Columns and all kinds of Ornamental Turning or Building Purposes. Workshop one block east of President M. Thatcher's residence. Oct1 3md?
FRUIT TREES OF ALL kinds for sale at half price, wholesale or retail. Reliable agents wanted everywhere here in California. Send for price list and catalogue. Milton Thomas, Los Angeles, Cal. [California]
FURNISHING GOODS. Gents’ dress and over shirts, underwear, gloves, &c., in great variety, at Jones & Jenkins’ store on Third St. 14 tf
FURNITURE HOMEMADE AND IMPORTED. Family supplies and all kinds of General Merchandise. Co-Operation The Manufacturing and Building Company of Logan, Manufacture Doors, Sash, Mouldings, Rustic Tapered Siding and Furniture. This Company can offer Special Inducements on Building Contracts. Planing and Turning done on short notice. Prices of Planing: Surfacing 35 cts. per 100 ft.; Planing, 60 cts per 100 ft.; Planing, Tongue and Grooved and Beaded, 75 cts. per 100 ft.; moulding reduces 25 per cent. In our Store on Third St. 3 blocks west of Z.C.M.I. will always be found a complete stock comprising all lines of General Merchandise, and a large and varied stock of Home Made and Imported Furniture will always be found at our Furniture Store on Main Street, Logan. C.W. Nibley, Manager. Henry Ballard, President.
FURNITURE! Jenkinson Brothers Dealers in Household Goods, Bedsteads, Bureatus, Tables, Lounges, Mattresses, Picture Frames. Fixings for Singer Sewing Machines. Also agent for the Newton Wagon. Logan City; Utah jul1-ly

FURNITURE. New and second-hand at auction prices. H. Schellhass’, 11th St., Odd Fellow’s Building, Oakland, Cal. Country orders promptly attended to.

G (top)
GARDEN CITY COM’L [commercial?] COLLEGE. H>B> Worcester, Princl [Principal] San Jose, Cal. [California], Box 400?. First-Class. Centrally located. Well equipped. Full corps of Teachers. All branches belonging to modern Business College. Send for circular. ----
GARLAND’S VEGETABLE COUGH DROPS. The greatest known remedy for all Throat and Lung Complaints. For sale by all druggists.
GEM 13-14-15 Puzzle. 1,000,000 sold in two months. Fascinates old and young. ??? silver, stem winding ??? watch given for the quickest kind? Of solution conditions in box. Circular blocks. [Unreadable] Don’t waste time sending ??? or on cheap trash, but ??? direct and work for the price. 1 box ??? for ??, 12 for ??, post paid. Agents wanted. E. H. Uradner, [unreadable] Sacramento, Cal. A cheaper box 110, 12 for ??.


Cache County was organized on the 4th of April, 1857?, with the following boundaries: All that portion of Utah Territory bounded south by Morgan, Weber and Box Elder Counties, west by Box Elder County, north by latitude forty-two degrees north, and east by the summit of the Ridge mountains, between Cache and Bear Lake Valleys.
The government of the County is vested in the County Court, composed of the Probate Judge, who is ex officio the presiding officer, and three selectmen who hold office for three years, one being chosen every year. Regular terms begin on the first Monday in each season of the year.
The judiciary power is vested in the Probate Court, presided over by the Probate Judge, who is elected biennially and holds his office for two years. This court is always open. The Clerk of the Court is appointed by the Judge, and is ex oficio County Clerk.
Elections are held biannually, on the first Monday in August, in each even numbered year.
Present population of the county, about 18,000? County seat, Logan City.
CAUTION!!! Transcribers: Following are two different versions of “Cache County Officers” and “Precinct Officers.” Be sure to select the correct one, or to make changes as needed.
VERSION 1 (used 1880-09-10)

PROBATE JUDGE Milton D. Hammond.

SELECTMEN M. W. Merrill, Richmond; C. O. Card, Logan; Wm [William] H. Maughan, Wellsville.

CLERK James T. Hammond.

RECORDER James T. Hammond.

ASSESSOR and COLLECTOR Chas. [Charles] W. Nibley.



SHERIFF Alvin Crockett.

CORONER EZRA D. Carpenter.




JUSTICES OF THE PEACE Jas. [James] A. Leishman, Wm. [William] E.

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