E: 1961 Convention L: [see: Single Convention on narcotic drugs]

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L: [generic term relating to psychological or physical dependency, or

both, on an exogenous substance]
E: chemotherapeutic

F: chimiothérapeutique

S: quimioterapia; quimioterapéutico (tratamiento)

R: ximioterapevticheskij

L: [said of treatment]
E: chemovars

F: variétés chimiques

S: variedades químicas

R: raznovidnosti ximicheskix veshchestv

E: cheroot

F: cigare de marijuana *

S: cigarro de marihuana

R: sigareta (zakrutka) s marixuanoj

L: [a large marijuana cigarette]

L: [* proposition]

E: chew [v.]

F: mastiquer; chiquer

S: mascar

R: zhevatj (narkoticheskoe veshchestvo)

E: chillum

F: chilom

S: chillum

R: chilem

L: [a large ganja pipe shared by several people in Jamaica to smoke

opium or haschisch]

E: China white; Chinese white

F: héroïne blanche

S: heroína blanca

R: belyj geroin (siljnodejstvuyushchaya raznovidnostj geroina)

L: [a very potent form of heroin]
E: Chinese No 3

L: [see: smoking heroin]

E: Chinese No 4

L: [see: injecting heroin]

E: "Chinese rocks"

F: héroïne granulée

S: heroína granulada

R: <">kitajskie ledency<"> - neochishchennyj granulirovannyj geroin

L: [crude granular heroin from Asia]
E: Chinese white

L: [see: China white]

E: chlorpromazine

F: chlorpromazine

S: clorpromazina

R: xlorpromazin

E: choke point

F: goulet d'étranglement

S: punto de estrangulamiento

R: punkt perexvata

L: [narrow passages that link the Caribbean with the Gulf of Mexico or

the Atlantic Ocean, where drug smuggling ships have the most chance of

being detected by interdicting forces]
E: cholinergic drugs

F: cholinergique [n. et adj.]

S: colinérgico

R: xolinergicheskie sredstva

E: chromatography

F: chromatographie

S: cromatografía

R: xromatografiya

L: [any of a diverse group of techniques used to separate mixtures of

chemical compounds into individual components based on differences in

their relative affinities for two different media; one is the mobile

phase (a moving fluid such as a solvent, or a moving gas) and the other

a stationary phase (a porous solid, gel, or liquid bound to a porous

inert solid support)]

E: chronic user

F: usager invétéré

S: usuario crónico

R: xronicheskij potrebitelj (narkotika); lico, postoyanno

upotreblyayushchee narkotiki
E: circular dichroism spectropolarimetry

F: spectropolarimétrie … dichroïsme circulaire *

S: espectropolarimetría de dicroísmo circular

R: spektropolyarimetriya s ispoljzovaniem yavleniya krugovogo dixroizma

L: [one of the lab techniques used to detect and measure opiate

substances and their diluents]

L: [* dichroïsme circulaire: propriété de certaines substances

d'absorber différemment les vibrations circulaires droite et gauche, la

résultante de celles-ci après traversée d'une telle substance devenant

une vibration polarisée elliptiquement]

E: clandestine laboratory

F: laboratoire clandestin

S: laboratorio clandestino

R: podpoljnaya laboratoriya

E: clandestine manufacture

F: fabrication clandestine

S: fabricación clandestina; producción clandestina

R: podpoljnoe (tajnoe/nelegaljnoe) proizvodstvo

E: Claviceps purpurea

F: Claviceps purpurea

S: Claviceps purpurea


L: [a parasitic fungus of rye and of a number of wild graminaceous

plants, whose active principles can be altered by organic synthesis for

the production of LSD]
E: clinical trial

F: étude clinique; essai clinique

S: estudio clínico; ensayo clínico

R: klinicheskoe ispytanie/issledovanie; klinicheskaya proverka

L: [Note: systematic evaluation of the effects of a natural or

synthetic substance on humans]

E: clorazepate

F: chlorazépate

S: clorazepato

R: xlorazepat

L: [tranquillizer]

L: [see: Commission on Narcotic Drugs]

E: coast guard

F: services de surveillance côtière

S: guardacostas

R: beregovaya oxrana

E: cobalt thiocyanate test

F: test au thiocyanate de cobalt

S: ensayo del tiocianato de cobalto

R: proba tiocianatom kobaljta (na obnaruzhenie kokaina, metakvalona ili


L: [colour test used as a presumptive test to determine the presence of

cocaine, methaqualone, or phencyclidine]
E: coca bush

F: cocaïer

S: arbusto de coca

R: kokainovyj kust

L: [Erythroxylon coca grown in Bolivia Peru and java, contains the

alkaloid cocaine; UN Convention 1988, art. 1 (c); in Convention refers

to the plant of any species of the genus Erythroxylon]
E: coca leaf

F: feuille de coca

S: hoja de coca

R: list koki

L: [leaf of the coca bush from which not all the ecgonine, cocaine and

any other ecgonine alkaloids have been removed]

E: coca paste

F: pƒte de coca

S: pasta de coca

R: pasta koki

L: [coca paste is an intermediary product in the chemical extraction of

cocaine from coca leaves (obtained by cruching the leaves and treating

them with kerosene and sulfuric acid); abusers smoke coca paste in a

dried form, which contains 40 to 91 per cent cocaine, mixed with

tobacco or cannabis; it causes four distinct successive phases of

mental disorders: euphoria, dysphoria, hallucinosis and paranoid

psychosis; abused by low-income populations in Latin America]
E: coca plant

F: plante de coca

S: planta de coca

R: rastenie koka

E: cocaine

F: cocaïne; coque; "coke"

S: cocaína

R: kokain

L: [active principle of the coca plant (benzoylmethyl ecgonine) with a

stimulative effect on the central nervous system; in its pure form a

white crystalline powder]
E: cocaine base

F: cocaïne base

S: cocaína base

R: kokainovaya osnova

L: [Note: lightly processed cocaine paste]
E: cocaine-conversion laboratory

F: laboratoire de transformation de la cocaïne

S: laboratorio de refinación de cocaína

R: laboratoriya po pererabotke v kokain

E: cocaine factory

F: fabrique de cocaïne

S: f brica de cocaína

R: predpriyatie po izgotovleniyu kokaina

E: cocaine hydrochloride

F: chlorhydrate de cocaïne

S: clorhidrato de cocaína

R: gidroxlorid/xlorgidrat kokaina

L: [used in intraveinous injection]
E: cocaine paste

F: pƒte de cocaïne

S: pasta de cocaína

R: kokainovaya pasta

E: codeine

F: codéine

S: codeína

R: kodein

L: [alkaloid of opium, occurring in the juices of the unripe pod of the

white poppy, papaver somniferum; in its pharmacological action

resembles morphine but the effects are much milder; it is used by

heroin addicts to reduce withdrawal symptoms in times of scarcity]

E: codeine base

F: codéïne base

S: codeína base

R: kodeinovaya osnova; kodein-osnovanie

E: "cold turkey"; cold turkey cure; cold turkey treatment

F: sevrage brusque; sevrage brutal; retrait brusque de la drogue

S: carencia súbita; privación súbita

R: <">gusinaya kozha<"> (abstinentnyj sindrom, voznikayushchij v

rezuljtate rezkogo prekrashcheniya priema narkotikov i

soprovozhdayushchijsya oznobom)

L: [abrupt withdrawal from narcotics, when physical dependence is

present (expression similar in origin to "goose flesh")]

E: color test

F: test colorimétrique

S: ensayo del color

R: cvetovaya proba; cvetovoj test

L: [one of the presumptive tests for the identification of drugs such

as cocaine and heroin; the most common form of preliminary drug

screening; they do not identify a drug but serve to narrow down the

list of drugs possibly present in a sample and only give presumptive

E: colorimetry

F: colorimétrie

S: colorimetría

R: kolorimetriya

L: [one of the lab techniques used to detect and measure opiate

substances and their diluents]

E: Commission on Narcotic Drugs; CND

F: Commission des stupéfiants

S: Comisión de Estupefacientes

R: Komissiya po narkoticheskim sredstvam

E: Comparative Statement of Estimates and Statistics on Narcotic Drugs

F: Etat comparatif des évaluations et des statistiques sur les


S: Estado comparativo de las previsiones y las estadísticas de

estupefacientes para 1984

R: Sravniteljnaya xarakteristika ischislenij i statisticheskix dannyx

o narkoticheskix sredstvax v 1984 g.

L: [... "for 19.. furnished by governments in accordance with

international treaties"]
E: Comprehensive Multidisciplinary Outline of Future Activities in Drug

Abuse Control

F: Schéma multidisciplinaire complet pour les activités futures de

lutte contre l'abus des drogues; SMC

S: Plan Amplio y Multidisciplinario de actividades futuras en materia

de fiscalización del uso indebido de drogas

R: Vseob"emlyushchij mezhdisciplinarnyj plan budushchej deyateljnosti

po borjbe so zloupotrebleniem narkoticheskimi sredstvami

E: compulsive consumption

F: consommation compulsive

S: consumo compulsivo

R: potreblenie (narkotika), vyzvannoe nepreodolimym

zhelaniem/impuljsivnym stremleniem (prodolzhatj priem narkotika)
E: concentrate of poppy straw

F: concentré de paille de pavot

S: concentrado de paja de adormidera

R: koncentrat makovoj solomki

E: Conference of Representatives of Customs Investigation Services

F: Réunion des chefs des services douaniers de recherche

S: Conferencia de Representantes de Servicios de Investigación Aduanera

R: Konferenciya predstavitelej tamozhennyx sluzhb rassledovaniya

L: [Customs Co-operation Council]
E: Conference of Source Nations on the Diversion of Controlled Drugs,

Precursors and Essential Chemicals from International Commerce

F: Conférence des pays d'origine sur le détournement du commerce

international des drogues placées sous contrôle, des précurseurs et des

produits chimiques essentiels

S: Conferencia de los países de origen sobre la desviación de drogas,

precursores y sustancias químicas esenciales controlados del comercio


R: Konferenciya gosudarstv-postavshchikov po probleme utechki

naxodyashchixsya pod kontrolem narkoticheskix sredstv, isxodnyx

ximicheskix veshchestv i osnovnyx ximikatov iz sfery mezhdunarodnoj


L: [Rome, May 1984]
E: Conference of States Party to the South American Agreement on

Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances; ((ASEP))

F: Conférence des Etats parties a l'Accord sud-américain relatif aux

stupéfiants et aux substances psychotropes

S: Conferencia de los Estados Parte del Acuerdo Sudamericano sobre

Estupefacientes y Psicotrópicos; ((ASEP))

R: Konferenciya gosudarstv-uchastnikov YUzhnoamerikanskogo soglasheniya

po narkoticheskim sredstvam i psixotropnym veshchestvam

E: confiscation

F: confiscation

S: decomiso

R: konfiskaciya

L: [the seizure of private property by the government without

compensation to the owner, often as a consequence of conviction for

crime, or because possession or use of the property was contraary to

law; includes forfeiture where applicable, means the permanent

deprivation of property by order of a court or other competent

authority; UN Convention 1988, art.1(f)]

E: coning-and-quartering

F: quartage

S: división en cuartos

R: metod otbora prob putem posledovateljnogo deleniya isxodnogo obrazca

na chetyre ravnyx konusa

L: [Note: a sampling method aimed at obtaining a small but

representative sample of a larger amount of some substance to be

tested, by dividing the initial amount into 4 equal cones, keeping 2

opposite quarters, setting aside the rest, repeating the quartering

process with the parts retained and so forth, until the sample is small

enough to be tested]
E: connection

L: [see: drug connection]

E: consuming country

F: pays consommateur

S: país consumidor

R: strana-potrebitelj

E: contact boat

F: bateau relais *

S: lancha de contacto

R: <">lodka svyazi<">

L: [in drug smuggling operations, small boats making the final run

between the mothership and the coast]

L: [* proposition]
E: control

L: [see: international control]

E: control regulations

F: réglements de contrôle

S: normas de fiscalización; normas de control

R: pravila/procedury kontrolya

E: controlled delivery

F: livraison surveillée; livraison controllée

S: entrega fiscalizada; entrega controlada

R: kontroliruemaya postavka

L: [the law enforcement technique of allowing illicit or suspect

consignments of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances, substances in

Table I and Table II annexed to the 1988 Convention, or substances

substituted for them to pass out of, through or into the territory of

one or more countries, with the knowledge and under the supervision of

their competent authorities, with a view to identifying persons

involved in the commission of offences established in accordance with

articles 3, para 1 of the Convention; UN Convention 1988, art. 1(k)

(incl. def.)]
E: controlled drugs

F: drogues placées sous contrôle

S: drogas fiscalizadas; drogas sujetas a control

R: narkoticheskie (lekarstvennye) sredstva, naxodyashchiesya pod

E: controlled substance

F: substance placée sous contrôle

S: sustancia fiscalizada; sustancia sujeta a control

R: veshchestvo, naxodyashcheesya pod kontrolem

E: Convention against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and

Psychotropic Substances

L: [see: United Nations Convention against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic

Drugs and Psychotropic Substances]

E: Convention for limiting the manufacture and regulating the

distribution of narcotic drugs

F: Convention pour limiter la fabrication et réglementer la

distribution des stupéfiants

S: Convención para limitar la fabricación y reglamentar la distribución

de estupefacientes

R: Konvenciya ob ogranichenii proizvodstva i o reglamentacii

raspredeleniya narkoticheskix sredstv

L: [signed 13 July 1931 at Geneva, amended by 1946 Protocol; LONTS,

vol. CLVI, No 3219; UNTS, vol 12, No 186 has title: International

Convention for...]
E: Convention for the suppression of illicit traffic in dangerous drugs

F: Convention de 1936 pour la répression du trafic illicite des drogues


S: Convención para la supresión del tr fico ilícito en drogas nocivas

R: Konvenciya po borjbe s nezakonnym oborotom vrednyx lekarstvennyx


L: [signed 26 June 1936 at Geneva, amended by 1946 Protocol; LONTS vol.

CXCVIII, No 4648; UNTS, vol 12, No 186 has title: International

Convention for...]
E: Convention on Psychotropic Substances; 1971 Convention

F: Convention sur les substances psychotropes; Convention de 1971

S: Convenio sobre Sustancias Sicotrópicas de 1971

R: Konvenciya o psixotropnyx veshchestvax 1971 goda

L: [signed 21 February 1971 at Vienna; UNTS vol 1019, No 14956]
E: conversion lab

F: laboratoire de transformation

S: laboratorio de transformación

R: laboratoriya po pererabotke

L: [processing of raw materials into a sellable drug]
E: convulsive seizures

F: crises convulsives; attaques convulsives; convulsions

S: ataques convulsivos

R: sudorozhnye pripadki

E: Council of Europe Co-operation Group to Combat Drug Abuse and

Illicit Trafficking in Drugs; Pompidou Group

F: Groupe de coopération en matière de lutte contre l'abus et le trafic

illicite des stupéfiants du Conseil de l'Europe; Groupe Pompidou

S: Grupo de Cooperación del Consejo de Europa en materia de lucha

contra el abuso y el el tr fico ilícito de drogas; Grupo Pompidou

R: Gruppa Soveta Evropy po sotrudnichestvu v oblasti borjby so

zloupotrebleniem narkotikami i s nezakonnym oborotom narkotikov; Gruppa


L: [established informally in 1971, part of CE 1980]

E: courier; runner

F: convoyeur; courrier; passeur *

S: correo; mensajero; enlace; intermediario

R: perevozchik; kurjer

L: [person who smuggles drug from one country to another; the smuggler

is rarely the owner of the heroin seized; he is instead a very well

paid courier (sometimes a sailor, sometimes a minor diplomat)]

L: [* on dit: "Intercepter un -"; "un - de cocaïne"; "un - d'héroïne"]

E: coverman

F: agent de couverture

S: agente de protección

R: agent, vypolnyayushchij funkciyu prikrytiya; agent-posrednik

L: [in undercover operations, the agent who protects the undercover

agent and who serves as an intermediary between the latter and the

police and confirms his testimony in court]
E: crack

F: crack

S: crack

R: <">krehk<">

L: [cocaine in smokable crystalline form; processed without ether; when

heated gives off intoxicating smoke]

E: crack den; crack house

F: fumerie de crack

S: fumadero de crack

R: priton, gde kuryat <">krehk<">

E: crackdown

F: opération de répression; mesure de - ; campagne de - ; descente de


S: campa¤a de represión; operación de represión

R: prinyatie zhestkix mer (po borjbe s kontrabandoj, nezakonnym

oborotom narkotikov, po likvidacii pritonov i t.p.); operaciya po

presecheniyu (nezakonnoj torgovli)
E: crank

F: crank

S: crank

E: crash

F: dépression

S: depresión

R: sostoyanie glubokoj depressii (posle okonchaniya dejstviya


L: [severe anxiety after a drug-induced experience]
E: craving

F: état de manque; besoin irrésistible

S: ansia

R: nepreodolimoe (boleznennoe) vlechenie (k narkotiku); pristrastie

E: criminal forfeiture

F: confiscation pénale

S: decomiso penal

R: konfiskaciya v ugolovnom poryadke

E: criminal syndicate

F: association de malfaiteurs; association de criminels

S: delicuencia organizada; mafia

R: prestupnyj sindikat

E: crop eradication

F: destruction de cultures; suppression de - ; éradication de -

S: erradicación de cultivos

R: unichtozhenie/likvidaciya posadok

E: crop replacement

F: remplacement des cultures

S: sustitución de cultivos

R: zamena kuljtur (zameshchenie posadok narkoticheskix rastenij

obychnymi seljskoxozyajstvennymi kuljturami
E: Crop Replacement and Community Development Project (UNFDAC)

F: projet de remplacement des cultures et de développement


S: Proyecto de Sustitución de Cultivos y Desarrollo Comunitario

R: proekt po zamene kuljtur i razvitiyu obshchin
E: crop substitution

F: substitution de cultures

S: sustitución de cultivos

R: zamena kuljtur

E: cross-dependence

F: dépendance croisée

S: dependencia cruzada

R: perekrestnaya zavisimostj

L: [the ability of one drug to suppress the manifestations of physical

dependence produced by another drug, while still maintaining the

physically dependent state]
E: cross tolerance

F: tolérance croisée

S: tolerancia cruzada

R: perekrestnaya tolerantnostj

L: [Note: tolerance of a particular drug or poison acquired by repeated

use of another substance that is usually similar in its chemical or

pharmacological properties]
E: crude morphine

F: morphine brute

S: morfina cruda

R: morfin-syrec

E: crystallography

F: cristallographie

S: cristalografía

R: kristallografiya

L: [lab techniques used to detect and measure opiate substances and

their diluents]

E: cultivar

F: cultivar *

S: variedad de cultivo

R: kuljtivar; sort (kuljturnogo rasteniya)

L: [Note: plant variety resulting from selection, mutation or

hybridization and cultivated for its agricultural value]

E: customs offence

F: délit douanier; infraction … la législation douanière

S: infracción aduanera; delito aduanero

R: narushenie tamozhennyx pravil

E: Customs Co-operation Council; CCC

F: Conseil de coopération douanière; CCD

S: Consejo de Cooperación Aduanera; CCA

R: Sovet tamozhennogo sotrudnichestva

E: cutting agent

F: agent de coupage

S: agente de corte

R: veiestvo, podmeshivaemoe k narkotiku; primesj/dobavka k narkotiku,

oslablyayushchaya ego dejstvie

L: [mixed with other agents in street drugs]

E: cyclazocine

F: cyclazocine

S: ciclazocina

R: ciklazocin

L: [an antagonist of opiates, chemically related to morphine, which

reduces the psychological and physiological of a corresponding amount

of any morphine-like drug; used in addicts' rehabilitation]
E: cyclobarbital

F: cyclobarbital

S: ciclobarbital

R: ciklobarbital

L: [barbiturique … effet hypnotique ou sédatif selon la dose]
E: dagga; dacha; dakka

F: "dagga"

S: "dagga"

R: <">dagga<">

L: [cannabis of South African origin; name used in Zambia]
E: datura

F: datura

S: datura

R: durman

L: [Datura stramonium (a plant of the potato family (Solanaceae)

containing poisonous alkaloids with narcotic and hallucinogenic

properties), D. meteloides(Mexico and USA), D. inoxia, D. candida, D.

sanguinea(Andean countries), Datura arborea, infusions of which are

used in Argentina by drug abusers]
E: dealer

F: pourvoyeur; "fourgueur"; "dealer"

S: traficante; distribuidor

R: torgovec; posrednik; perekupshchik

L: [Note: a dealer often serves as the intermediary between the

wholesalers or big importers and the retailers or pushers; usually not

himself an addict; often runs a team including: lookouts, steerers,

stashers, street runners, hawkers, etc.]

E: death from overdose

F: mort par surdose

S: muerte por sobredosis

R: smertj ot chrezmernoj dozy (narkotika); letaljnyj isxod v rezuljtate

priema chrezmernoj dozy
E: deck

F: sachet

S: saquito; sobrecito

R: paketik (geroinovogo poroshka)

L: [Note: packet of heroin powder]
E: Declaration of the International Conference on Drug Abuse and

Illicit Trafficking

F: Déclaration de la Conférence internationale sur l'abus et le traffic

illicite des drogues

S: Declaración de la Conferencia Internacional sobre el Uso Indebido y

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