E: 1961 Convention L: [see: Single Convention on narcotic drugs]

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R: potencirovanie

L: [the phenomenon in which the effect obtained from the combined

action of two distinct chemical substances is greater than that

obtained from their independent action added together]

L: [* Action concomitante de deux médicaments non antagonistes. Il

existe deux types principaux de synergie: l'addition dans laquelle

l'effet combiné des médicaments est égal … la somme de leurs effets

séparés; la multiplication ou potentialisation, dans laquelle l'effet

combiné est supérieur … la somme des effets séparés]

E: powder cocaine

F: cocaïne poudre

S: polvo de cocaína; cocaína en polvo

R: poroshkoobraznyj kokain; kokainovyj poroshok

L: [usual form of cocaine, as opposed to rock cocaine]
E: precipitate

F: précipité

S: precipitado

R: osadok

E: precipitation test

F: test de précipitation

S: ensayo de precipitación

R: opredelenie chisla osadka

E: precursor

F: précurseur

S: precursor

R: isxodnoe veshchestvo; prekursor

L: [chemical substance which in the manufacturing process becomes

incorporated in full or in part into the final molecule of a substance

under international control; a raw material which is a requisite for

the manufacture of a substance under international control; complex

substance that can be built up into drugs or modified to produce drugs]
E: preparation

F: préparation

S: preparado

R: preparat

L: [(i) Mixture (solid or liquid) containing a drug or a psychotropic

substance; (ii) One or more psychotropic substances in dosage form]

E: prescription drugs

F: médicaments vendus sur ordonnance

S: medicamentos de venta con receta

R: lekarstvennye sredstva, otpuskaemye po receptu

E: prescription practices

F: pratiques relatives … la prescription

S: prácticas en materia de receta de medicamentos

R: praktika otpuska lekarstv po receptu

L: [of medical drugs]
E: presumptive identification

F: identification présomptive; identification préliminaire

S: identificación probable

R: predvariteljnaya identifikaciya

E: presumptive test

F: test d'identification présomptive*

S: ensayo preliminar

R: predvariteljnaya proba

L: [usually a colour or odor test, the results of which have to be

confirmed by other, more specific tests]

L: [* de l'héroïne, de la cocaïne etc]
E: prevention

F: prévention

S: prevención

R: preduprezhdenie; profilaktika

L: [social, economic, legal, or individual psychological measures aimed

at minimizing the use of potentially addiciting substances, or lowering

the dependence risk in susceptible individuals]
E: prevention campaign

F: campagne de prévention

S: campa¤a de prevención

R: profilakticheskaya kampaniya

E: preventive education

F: éducation préventive

S: educación preventiva

R: profilakticheskoe prosveshchenie

E: proceeds

F: produit

S: producto

R: doxody (ot prestupnoj deyateljnosti)

L: [any property derived from or obtained, directly or indirectly,

through the commission of an offence established in accordance with

article 3, para 1 of the 1988 UN Convention against illicit


E: producing country

F: pays producteur

S: país productor

R: strana-proizvoditelj

E: Programme Planning Working Group for the Review of Psychoactive

Dependence Producing Drugs

F: Groupe de travail pour la planification du programme d'examen des

drogues psychoactives engendrant la dépendence

S: Grupo de Trabajo sobre planificación para el an lisis de las drogas

sicoactivas toxicomanígenas

R: Rabochaya gruppa po planirovaniyu programmy obzora vyzyvayushchix

zavisimostj psixotropnyx sredstv

L: [WHO]
E: propoxyphene

L: [see: dextropropoxyphène]

E: protective orders

F: mesures conservatoires

S: medidas cautelares

R: predoxraniteljnye/zashchititeljnye mery

L: [restraining order or injunction by a court to preserve the

availability of property that may be subject to forfeiture]

E: Protocol amending the Agreements, Conventions and Protocols on

Narcotic Drugs concluded at the Hague on 23 January 1912, at Geneva on

11 February 1925 and 19 February 1925 and 13 July 1931, at Bangkok on

27 November 1931 and at Geneva on 26 June 1936

F: Protocole amendant les Accords, Conventions et Protocoles sur les

stupéfiants conclus … La Haye le 23 janvier 1912, … Genève le 11

février 1925, le 19 février 1925 et le 13 juillet 1931, … Bangkok le 27

novembre 1931 et … Genève le 26 juin 1936

S: Protocolo que modifica los Acuerdos, Convenciones y Protocolos sobre

estupefacientes concertados en La Haya el 23 de enero de 1912, en

Ginebra el 11 de febrero de 1925, el 19 de febrero de 1925 y el 13 de

julio de 1931, en Bangkok el 27 de noviembre de 1931 y en Ginebra el 26

de junio de 1936

R: Protokol o vnesenii izmenenij v soglasheniya, konvencii i protokoly

o narkoticheskix sredstvax, zaklyuchennye v Gaage 23 yanvarya 1912

goda, v ZHeneve - 11 fevralya 1925 goda, 19 fevralya 1925 goda i 13

iyulya 1931 goda, v Bangkoke 27 noyabrya 1931 goda i v ZHeneve - 26

iyunya 1936 goda

L: [signed 11 December 1946 at Lake Success, NY; UNTS, vol 12, No 186]
E: Protocol amending the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, 1961

F: Protocole portant amendement de la Convention unique sur stupéfiants

de 1961

S: Protocolo de modificación de la Convención Unica de 1961 sobre


R: Protokol o vnesenii izmenenij v Edinuyu konvenciyu o narkoticheskix

sredstvax 1961 goda

L: [signed 25 March 1972 at Geneva; UNTS, vol 976, No 14151]

E: Protocol bringing under international control drugs outside the

scope of the Convention of 13 July 1931 for limiting the manufacture

and regulating the distribution of narcotic drugs, as amended by the

Protocol signed at Lake Success, New York, on 11 December 1946

F: Protocole pla‡ant sous contrôle international certaines drogues non

visées par la Convention du 13 juillet 1931 pour limiter la fabrication

et réglementer la distribution des stupéfiants, amendée par le

Protocole signé … Lake Success, New York, le 11 décembre 1946

S: Protocolo que somete a fiscalización internacional ciertas drogas no

comprendidas en la Convención del 13 de julio de 1931 para limitar la

fabricación y raglementar la distribución de estupefacientes, y

modificada por el Protocolo firmado en Lake Success, Nueva York, el 11

de diciembre de 1946

R: Protokol, rasprostranyayushchij mezhdunarodnyj kontrolj na

lekarstvennye veshchestva, ne podpadayushchie pod dejstvie Konvencii ot

13 iyulya 1931 goda ob ogranichenii proizvodstva i o reglamentacii

raspredeleniya narkoticheskix sredstv, s izmeneniyami, vnesennymi v nee

v sootvetstvii s Protokolom, podpisannym v Lejk-Sakses, Njyu-Jork, 11

dekabrya 1946 goda

L: [signed 19 November 1948 at Paris; UNTS vol 44, No 688]

E: Protocol for limiting and regulating the cultivation of the poppy

plant, the production of, international and wholesale trade in, and use

of opium

F: Protocole visant … limiter et … réglementer la culture du pavot

ainsi que la production, le commerce international, le commerce de gros

et l'emplois de l'opium

S: Protocolo para limitar y reglamentar el cultivo de la adormidera y

la producción, el comercio internacional, el comercio al por mayor y el

uso del opio

R: Protokol ob ogranichenii i reglamentacii kuljtivirovaniya rasteniya

maka, proizvodstva opiuma, mezhdunarodnoj i optowoj torgovli im i ego


L: [signed 23 Jnue 1953 in New York; UNTS vol 456, No 6555]
E: pseudoephedrine

F: pseudo-éphédrine

S: seudoefedrina

R: psevdoehfedrin

L: [isomère de l'éphédrine dont il partage les actions]
E: Psilocybe cubensis

F: Psilocybe cubensis

S: Psilocybe cubensis

L : [fungus which grows on the dung of the zebu

and and which contains psilocybin; infusions are obtained from the

E: psilocybin

F: psilocybine

S: psilocibina

R: psilocibin

L: [hallucinogen derived from mushroom Psilocybe Mexicana

E: psychic dependence; psychological dependence

F: dépendance psychique; dépendance psychologique; psychodépendance

S: dependencia síquica; dependencia sicológica

R: psixicheskaya zavisimostj; psixologicheskaya zavisimostj

L: [craving for the pleasurable mental effects produced by a drug, such

as euphoria, elation, stimulation, hypnosis, hallucinations, sensory

acuity, and a longing for such a state in preference to the normal

state, withdrawal produces no specific physical symptoms but may result

in a mild to serious depression]
E: psychoactive substance

F: substance psychoactive; psychotrope

S: sustancia sicoactiva

R: psixoaktivnoe/psixotropnoe veshchestvo

L: [Note: any substance that affects the psyche]
E: psychodysleptic drug

F: psychodysleptique; psychotomimétique; psychotogénique


R: psixodislepticheskoe sredstvo

L: [Mind-altering agents which cause aberrations in psychic


E: psycholeptic drug

F: psycholeptique

S: sicoléptico

R: psixolepticheskoe sredstvo

L: [drug that affects mental rather than psychomotoric functions;

includes tranquilizers, sedatives, anti-depressants]

E: psychotherapeutic treatment

F: traitement psychothérapeutique; psychothérapie

S: tratamiento sicoterapéutico

R: psixoterapevticheskoe lechenie

E: psychotomimetic agent

F: psychodysleptique; psychotomimétique; psychotogénique


R: psixotomimeticheskoe sredstvo/veshchestvo

L: [agent affecting psychic functions; can cause hallucinations or

dream-like states]

E: psychotonic; psychic energizer

F: psychoanaleptique; psychotonique; psychoénergisant;

psychodynamisant; psychostimulant

S: sicotónico

R: antidepressant; timolepticheskoe sredstvo

L: [any substance that increases spontaneous psychic activity, reducing

fatigue and provoking euphoria (e.g. amphetamines, stimulants,

antidepressants); they may increase alertness or intellectual activity

(nooanaleptics) or raise emotional tension (antidepressants,


E: psychotropic substance

F: substance psychotrope

S: sustancia sicotrópica

R: psixotropnoe veshchestvo

L: [any natural or synthetic substance that alters sensory perceptions,

mood, consciousness, psychological functions, behaviour]

E: pulp

F: pulpe

S: pulpa

R: puljpa

L: [alkaline product obtained by mixing coca leaves with water and

E: pusher; peddler

F: colporteur; revendeur

S: vendedor; revendedor

R: ulichnyj torgovec narkotikami

L: [low-level peddler of narcotics, who sells directly to the addict in

the street and is often himself an addict]
E: quantitation

F: analyse quantitative

S: an lisis cuantitativo

R: kolichestvennyj analiz

E: quinalbarbitone

F: quinalbarbitone

S: quinalbarbitona

R: kvinobarbital

L: [another name for secobarbital; also known as quinobarbital]
E: Quito Declaration against Traffic in Narcotic Drugs

F: Déclaration de Quito contre le trafic des stupéfiants

S: Declaración de Quito contra el Narcotr fico

R: Deklaraciya Kito protiv nezakonnogo oborota narkotikov

L: [1984]
E: raw materials

F: matières premières

S: materias primas

R: syrjevye materialy; syrje

E: raw opium

F: opium brut

S: opio crudo

R: opium-syrec

L: [coagulated capsules of poppy latex in crude form processed only to

the extent needed for packaging and transport; may vary in morphine

E: reagent

F: réactif

S: reactivo

R: reagent; reaktiv

L: [a chemical substance that participates in a reaction or may serve

in the analysis of other substances]

E: rebuttable presumption

F: présomption réfutable

S: presunción juris tantum

R; oproverzhimaya prezumpciya

L: [law of evidence]
E: recidivist

F: récidiviste

S: reincidente

R: lico s povtornym proyavleniem (recidivom) narkomanii posle remissii

(lico, povtorno pristrastivsheesya k upotrebleniyu narkotikov posle

kazhushchegosya vyzdorovleniya)

E: recreational drugs

F: drogues de loisirs; drogues de société

S: drogas sociales

R: rekreativnye (snimayushchie ustalostj, vosstanavlivayushchie sily)

lekarstvennye sredstva
E: redevelopment

F: reconversion

S: conversión

R: pereustrojstvo/pereprofilirovanie (zemelj)

L: [of areas formerly under illicit drug crop cultivation]
E: referral

F: aiguillage; orientation

S: asignación; remisión

R: napravlenie (k vrachu-specialistu)

L: [of drug-addicts to the appropriate treatment programme or center]

E: refinery

F: raffinerie

S: refinería

R: laboratoriya (predpriyatie) po ochistke (geroina, kokaina i t.p.)

L: [producing heroin, cocaine, etc.]

E: refining

F: raffinage

S: refinación

R: ochistka

E: registered addict

F: toxicomane immatriculé; narcomane immatriculé

S: drogadicto inscrito; toxicómano inscrito

R: zaregistrirovannyj narkoman

E: rehabilitation

F: réadaptation; réinsertion

S: rehabilitación

R: reabilitaciya; vosstanovlenie trudosposbnosti

L: [the restoration of an optimum state of health by medical,

psychological, social, and peer group support for a chemically

dependent person and his significant others]
E: Rehabilitation Approaches to Drug and Alcohol Dependence

F: Méthodes de réadaptation des toxicomanes et alcooliques

S: Métodos para la Rehabilitación de Personas Alcohólicas y Drogadictas

R: (<">Metody reabilitacii narkomanov i alkogolikov<">)

L: [ILO publication]
E: relapse rate

F: taux de rechute

S: tasa de recaídas

R: chastota recidivov

E: rescheduling

F: transfert *

S: transferencia

R: perenos (kakogo-libo veshchestva iz odnogo spiska v drugoj)

L: [transfer of a substance from one table or schedule to another]
E: reserpine

F: réserpine

S: reserpina

R: rezerpin

L: [one of the alkaloids found in Rauwolfia serpentina]
E: reserve stock

F: stock de réserve

S: existencias de reserva

R: rezervnye zapasy

E: residential programme

F: programme en institution

S: programa de internación

R: programma lecheniya v medicinskom uchrezhdenii

L: [treatment programme]
E: resin

L: [see: cannabis resin]

E: Resource Book on Measures to Reduce Illicit Demand for Drugs

F: Inventaire des mesures propres … reduire la demande illicite de


S: Libro b sico sobre medidas para reducir la demanda ilícita de drogas

R: Spravochnik po meram sokrashcheniya nezakonnogo sprosa na narkotiki
E: reverse sting operation

F: vente par un agent d'infiltration *; ratière *


R: operaciya po inscenirovaniyu prodazhi cherez tajnyx agentov policii

(s celjyu poimki optovyx torgovcev narkotikami)

L: [police undercover operation in which police agents pose as drug

dealers seeking to buy stocks from drug wholesalers and importers; see

also "sting operation"]

L: [* la GRC désigne ainsi une opération d'infiltration o— les

policiers se posent en vendeurs pour capturer les grossistes; dans la

mesure o— cette opération vise les gros trafiquants ("gros gibier") on

peut parler de "ratière"]

E: Review of the Process for Exempting Preparations Under the

Convention on Psychotropic Substances, 1971

F: Réunion en vue d'examiner les préparations exemptées des mesures de

contrôle en vertu des dispositions de la Convention de 1971

S: Examen del proceso de exención de preparados conforme al Convenio

sobre Sustancias Sicotrópicas de 1971

R: Obzor processa iz"yatiya preparatov v sootvetsvii s Konvenciej o

psixotropnyx veshchestvax 1971 goda

L: [WHO]
E: review procedure

F: procédure d'examen

S: procedimiento de examen

R: procedura obzora

L: [procedure for the WHO review of dependence producing psychoactive

substances for international control]

E: ring

L: [see: trafficking ring]

E: ring-substituted amphetamine derivatives

F: dérivés amphétaminiques par substitution au niveau du noyau

benzénique; dérivés amphétaminiques substitués du noyau benzénique

S: derivados anfetamínicos por sustituciones en el anillo de benceno

R: proizvodnye amfetamina s zameshchennym koljcom
E: risk group

L: [see: high-risk group]

E: rock cocaine

F: cocaïne roche

S: cocaína cristalizada

R: kristallicheskij kokain

L: [cocaine containing large, sometimes colourless crystals, which can

be quite hard]

E: Rodrigo Lara Bonilla Agreement; Rodrigo Lara Bonilla Treaty

F: Traité Rodrigo Lara Bonilla

S: Convenio "Rodrigo Lara Bonilla"

R: soglashenie <">Rodrigo Lara Boniljya<">

L: [Cartagena group drug agreement; Lima, April 1986]
E: routes

L: [see: trafficking routes]

E: runner

L: [see: courrier; street runner]

E: Schedule I

F: Tableau I

S: Lista I

R: Spisok

L: [the use of substances listed in Schedule I of Convention on

psychotropic substances (hallucinogens and central nervous system

stimulants) is prohibited except for scientific and very limited

medical purposes; 22 substances listed as of 1986, including LSD,

mescaline, psilicine, psilocybine, STP, tetrahydrocannabinols, DOM,


E: Schedule I substance

F: substance inscrite au tableau I

S: sustancia de la Lista I

R: veshchestvo, vklyuchennoe v Spisok

E: Schedule II

F: Tableau II

S: Lista II

R: Spisok

L: [includes amphetamine-type stimulants, methylphenidate,

phenmetrazine, methaqualone, phencyclidine]

E: Schedule III

F: Tableau III

S: Lista III

R: Spisok

L: [includes some sedative hypnotics (amobarbital, pentobarbital and

secobarbital), glutethimide and analgesics (pentazocine)]

E: Schedule IV

F: Tableau IV

S: Lista IV

R: Spisok

L: [includes some sedative hypnotics (barbital, methylphenobarbital and

phenobarbital) tranquilizers (benzodiazepines), anti-epileptics and

central nervous system stimulants]
E: scheduled substance

F: substance inscrite (aux tableaux des conventions)

S: sustancia de la Lista

R: veshchestvo, vklyuchennoe v spisok

E: school drop-out

F: décrocheur scolaire

S: desertor escolar

R: brosivshij uchebu, vybyvshij iz shkoly/uchebnogo zavedeniya

E: scientific needs

F: besoins scientifiques; fins scientifiques

S: necesidades científicas; fines científicos

R: nauchnye celi/potrebnosti

E: scopolamine; hyoscine

F: scopolamine *

S: escopolamina

R: skopolamin

L: [a hypnotic-sedative alkaloid present in henbane (Hyoscyamus niger),

pituri (a shrublike plant, Duboisia hopwoodii, whose leaves are chewed

by Autralian aborigines used for its stimulating effect), and in all

the potato family, whose members include belladonna and datura]

L: [* synonymes: Hyoscine, Atroscine, Atroquine, Tropate de scopine,

Tropate d'époxytropine]

E: Scott test

F: test de Scott

S: ensayo de Scott

R: proba Skotta

L: [colour test used as a presumptive test for cocaine]
E: secobarbital

F: sécobarbital

S: secobarbital

R: sekobarbital

L: [quick-acting barbiturate with hypnotic-sedative effect]
E: sedative

F: sédatif

S: sedante

R: sedativnoe (uspokaivayushchee) sredstvo

L: [substance with a mild depressive effect on the central nervous

E: sedative action

F: effet sédatif

S: efecto sedante

R: sedativnoe (uspokaivayushchee) dejstvie

L: [calming effect, especially with reference to tranquilizers and

anxiety-reducing drugs, with some effect on psychomotoric agitation,

excitation, psychic tension, aggressiveness, etc.]

E: sedative-hypnotic

F: sédatif hypnotique; hypnosédatif; nooleptique

S: sedante hipnótico

R: sedativno-gipnoticheskie sredstva; sedativno-snotvornye sredstva

L: [can include barbiturates and non-barbiturates]
E: seeds

F: graines

S: semillas

R: semena

E: seizing of proceeds

F: saisie du produit

S: decomiso del producto [del delito]

R: nalozhenie aresta na doxody; konfiskaciya doxodov

L: [procedure requiring a court order or a decision by some competent

authority ordering the seizure of the proceeds of some activity and the

placement of such proceeds under the control of some designated

authority, usually in order to prevent the movement of the proceeds]

E: seizure

F: saisie

S: decomiso

R: nalozhenie aresta; konfiskaciya

L: [of goods or profits]
E: self-help group

F: groupe d'auto-assistance

S: grupo de autoayuda

R: gruppa samopomoshchi

L: [such as Narcotics Anonymous]
E: Seminar on the Rational Use of Psychotropic Substances

F: Séminaire sur l'utilisation rationnelle des substances psychotropes

S: Seminario sobre la utilización racional de sustancias sicotrópicas

R: Seminar po racionaljnomu ispoljzovaniyu psixotropnyx veshchestv

L: [WHO]
E: sensing equipment

F: matériel de détection

S: equipo de detección

R: apparatura zondirovaniya

E: Serenity, Tranquillity and Peace; STP

F: Serenity, Tranquillity and Peace; STP

S: Serenidad, Tranquilidad y Paz; STP

R: sinteticheskij gallyucinogen <">Bezmyatezhnostj, spokojstvie i

umirotvorennostj<">; STP

L: [synthetic hallucinogenic drug chemically related to amphetamines

and mescaline, provoking psychotic reactions]
E: "shakes"

F: "trilles"

S: escalofrío

R: (razg.) lixoradka; oznob (odin iz simptomov abstinencii)

L: [symptoms of withdrawal]
E: shell corporation

L: [see: dummy corporation]

E: shoot

F: "shoot"

S: inyección

R: narkotiki dlya vpryskivaniya

L: [refers both to an injection and its effect]
E: shoot drugs [v.]

F: se piquer …

S: inyectarse

R: (zharg.) <">kolotjsya<">; in"ecirovatj; vpryskivatj (narkotiki)

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