E: 1961 Convention L: [see: Single Convention on narcotic drugs]

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sredstvami i ix nezakonnym oborotom

L: [Note: 26 June]

E: International drug abuse assesssment system; IDASS

F: système international d'évaluation de l'abus des drogues

S: sistema internacional de evaluación del uso indebido de drogas

R: mezhdunarodnaya sistema ocenki zloupotrebleniya narkoticheskimi

E: International Drug Abuse Control Strategy

F: Stratégie internationale de lutte contre l'abus des drogues

S: Estrategia Internacional para la Fiscalización del Uso Indebido de


R: Mezhdunarodnaya stategiya v oblasti borjby so zloupotrebleniem

narkoticheskimi sredstvami

E: international drug control system

F: système international de contrôle des drogues

S: sistema de fiscalización internacional de los estupefacientes

R: mezhdunarodnaya sistema kontrolya nad narkotikami

E: international drug law enforcement training strategy

F: stratégie internationale de formation aux techniques de détection et

de répression des infractions en matière de drogues

S: estrategia internacional de capacitación para la represión de las

infracciones a la legislación en materia de drogas

R: mezhdunarodnaya strategiya podgotovki sotrudnikov pravooxraniteljnyx

organov po borjbe s narkotikami
E: International Institute on the Prevention and Treatment of Drug


F: Institut international sur la prévention et le traitement de la


S: Instituto Internacional sobre la prevención y el tratamiento de la


R: Mezhdunarodnyj institut po preduprezhdeniyu i lecheniyu

lekarstvennoj zavisimosti

E: International Narcotics Control Board; INCB

F: Organe international de contrôle des stupéfiants; OICS

S: Junta Internacional de Fiscalización de Estupefacientes; JIFE

R: Mezhdunarodnyj komitet po kontrolyu nad narkotikami; MKKN

E: international non-proprietary name; INN

F: dénomination commune internationale; DCI

S: denominación común internacional; DCI

R: mezhdunarodnoe nepatentovannoe naimenovanie; MNN

E: International Opium Convention

F: Convention internationale de l'opium

S: Convención Internacional del Opio

R: Mezhdunarodnaya konvenciya po opiumu

L: [Note: signed 23 January 1912 at the Hague and 19 February 1925 at

Geneva, amended by 1946 Protocol; LONTS, vol VIII, No 222]

E: international regime

F: régime international

S: régimen internacional

R: mezhdunarodnyj rezhim

L: [drug control]
E: International Register of Potentially Toxic Chemicals; IRPTC

F: Registre international des substances chimiques potentiellement

toxiques; RISCPT

S: Registro Internacional de Productos Químicos Potencialmente Tóxicos;


R: Mezhdunarodnyj reestr potencialjno toksichnyx ximikatov; MRPTX

E: Inter-regional Adviser on Alcohol and Drug-related Matters

F: conseiller interrégional pour les questions liées … l'alcoolisme et

… la toxicomanie

S: Asesor Interregional sobre Asuntos Relacionados con el Alcohol y las


R: mezhregionaljnyj sovetnik po voprosam, svyazannym s alkogolizmom i


L: [ILO]
E: Interregional HONLEA

L: [see: Meeting of Heads of National Narcotics Law Enforcement

Agencies (HONLEA)]

E: intoxicant; deliriant

F: enivrants

S: intoxicante; embriagante

R: toksicheskoe veshchestvo; toksicheskij agent, vyzyvayushchij delirij

L: [volatile substances whose fumes are inhaled; include: vaporous

anesthetics (nitrous oxide, chloroform and ether; producing giddiness,

hilarity, euphoria and sleep) and organic solvents (gasoline, carbon

tetrachloride, benzene etc); correspond to Lewin's Inebrianta]

E: intravenous drug abuse

F: prise de drogues par voie intraveneuse; injection de drogues par

voie intraveneuse; consommation de drogues par voie intraveneuse

S: uso indebido de drogas por vía intravenosa

R: zloupotreblenie narkoticheskimi sredstvami putem vnutrivennogo

vpryskivaniya; vnutrivennoe vpryskivanie narkotikov

L: [in practice, refers essentially to "hard drug" use]
E: intravenous drug user; IV drug user

F: toxicomane recourant aux injections intraveineuses

S: usuario de drogas por vía intravenosa; consumidor de drogas por vía


R: lico, zloupotreblyayushchee narkotikami putem vnutrivennogo

vpryskivaniya; narkoman, pribegayushchij k vnutrivennomu vpryskivaniyu

E: intravenous injection

F: injection intraveneuse

S: inyección intravenosa

R: vnutrivennoe vpryskivanie (in"ekciya)

E: ion-mobility spectrometry; IMS

F: spectrométrie … mobilité ionique

S: espectrometría por mobilidad iónica

R: spektrometriya na osnove ispoljzovaniya podvizhnosti ionov

L: [analytical technique that distinguishes ionic species on the basis

of differences in the drift velocity through a gas under an applied

electrostatic field]
E: ipadú

F: ipadú; feuille de coca

S: ipadú

R: <">ipadyu<">

L: [name of the coca leaf; also spelt epadu]
E: "Iranian" heroin

F: héroïne "iranienne"

S: heroína "iraní"

R: <">iranskij<"> geroin

L: [a pasty or moist heroin powder with a colour ranging from light

grey to dark brown, originating from Iran]


L: [see: International Register on Potentially Toxic Chemicals]

E: isocratic technique

F: technique isocratique

S: técnica isocr tica

R: izokraticheskij metod

L: [one of two techniques of high performance liquid chromatography

used for the identification of heroin]

E: IV drug user

L: [see: intravenous drug user]

E: jimson weed

F: datura; stramoine

S: datura; estramonio

R: durman obyknovennyj

L: [Datura stramonium, plant of the Solanacea family whose leaves have

hypnotic effect owing to the presence of various alkaloids, including

hyoscyamine and scopolamine]
E: joint

F: joint *

S: cigarro de marihuana

R: sigareta/samokrutka (s marixuanoj ili drugim narkotikom)

L: [originally the name of a small bar of dubious status, often

offering various illegal activities (alcohol where prohibited, drugs,

gambling, prostitution); now the term for a hand-rolled cigarette

containing marijuana or hashish, often mixed with tobacco]

E: "junkie"

F: "camé"; "défoncé"; "junky"

S: heroinómano; toxicómano; drogadicto

R: (zharg.) narkoman

L: [refers essentially to hard-drug users, in particular to heroin


L: [* en fran‡ais on parle souvent de toxicomane "lourd"]
E: khat; qat; kat

F: khat; cat; kat

S: khat

R: kat

L: [stimulant leaf of plant Catha edulis, chewed or brewed, in East

Africa (Abyssinia and Yemen); phenylethylamine hallucinogen whose

chemical structure and effects are similar to that of amphetamines]
E: kif; keef

F: kif; kief

S: kif

R: <">kif<">

L: [name used in North West Africa for the flowering and fruiting tops

or leaves of cannabis (pressed into slabs, after the fibrous parts of

plant have been sieved out); may also refer to a smokable mixture of

dried indian hemp and tobacco]

E: kola nut

F: noix de cola *

S: nuez de kola

R: kola (kola zaostrennaya i kola blestyashchaya)

L: [fruit of the kola bush (Cola acuminata and Cola nitida) containing

a mild stimulant, used in Nigeria]

L: [* s'écrit aussi "kola"]
E: lanced poppy head; lanced poppy capsule

F: capsule de pavot incisée

S: cápsula de adormidera incisonada

R: izmeljchennaya golovka maka

E: lanced poppy straw

F: paille de pavot incisée

S: paja de adormidera incisonada

R: izmeljchennaya makovaya solomka

E: latex; poppy juice

F: latex de pavot

S: l tex

R: mlechnyj sok; lateks

L: [obtained from poppy capsules for traditional medicine]
E: launder (to)

F: blanchir *

S: blanquear

R: <">otmyvatj<"> (nezakonnye doxody)

L: [Note: to conceal the origin of illegal profits and payments by

routing them through various legal and quasi-legal businesses and banks

in succession]
E: laundering

L: [see: money laudering]

E: law enforcement

F: répression

S: represión; acción represiva; cumplimiento de la ley

R: obespechenie soblyudeniya zakonov; oxrana pravoporyadka

E: law enforcement agency

F: services de répression *

S: servicios de represión; servicios encargados de hacer cumplir la ley

R: pravooxraniteljnyj organ (uchrezhdenie)

L: [* parfois, dans le contexte des drogues: services de détection et

de répression (des infractions en matière de drogues); en droit pénal

on parle plutôt de "services chargés de l'application des lois"]
E: law enforcement official; law enforcement officer

F: agent des services de répression

S: funcionario encargado de hacer cumplir la ley; funcionario de los

servicios de represión

R: sotrudnik pravooxraniteljnogo organa; sotrudnik po oxrane



L: [see: liquid chromatography]

E: lefetamine

F: léfétamine

S: lefetamina

R: lefetamin

E: legalization

F: légalisation

S: legalización

R: legalizaciya

E: legitimate

F: légitime; licite

S: legítimo; lícito

R: zakonnyj

E: legitimate third party

F: tierce partie légitime

S: tercero de buena fe

R: zakonnaya tretjya storona

L: [a person, corporation or other legal entity, who, acting bona fide

and without knowledge or notice of incriminatory circumstances, has

lawfully acquired the right to own, use, control or possess property

(linked to drug trafficking)]

E: legitimate trade

F: commerce licite

S: comercio lícito

R: zakonnaya torgovlya

E: leniency

F: laxisme; indulgence

S: lenidad

R: snisxoditeljnostj; myagkostj

E: licensed growing area

F: zone de culture autorisée

S: zona de cultivo autorizada

R: rajon, v kotorom oficialjno razresheno vyrashchivanie (opijnogo maka

i t.p.); rajon vyrashchivaniya po licenzii
E: licensing system

F: système de licences

S: sistema de licencias

R: sistema licenzij

E: licit

F: licite

S: lícito

R: zakonnyj

E: licit movement

F: mouvement licite

S: movimiento lícito

R: zakonnyj oborot

E: licit requirements

F: besoins licites

S: necesidades lícitas

R: zakonnye potrebnosti

E: licit trade

F: commerce licite

S: comercio lícito

R: zakonnaya torgovlya

E: liquid cannabis

L: [see: cannabis oil]

E: liquid chromatography; LC

F: chromatographie en phase liquide

S: cromatografía líquida

R: zhidkostnaya (zhidkofaznaya) xromatografiya

L: [one of the lab techniques used to detect and measure opiate

substances and their diluents; see: chromatography]

E: liquid hashish

L: [see: cannabis oil]

E: Lists A and B

F: listes A et B

S: Listas A y B

R: Spiski A i B

E: load

F: charge

S: dosis

R: (minimaljnaya) doza narkotika, sposobnaya vyzvatj gallyucinacii

L: [dose of drugs necessary for a trip]
E: load; hand; bundle

F: paquet de drogue; stock illégal de drogues

S: paquete

R: perevyazannaya pachka paketov (s narkotikom); pakety (narkotika) v

svyazke/v upakovke; svertok

L: [a "load" is 25 to 30 decks (packages or bags) of heroin wrapped

together with a rubber band and purchased by the pusher from the

wholesaler for resale to addicts (a half-load is fifteen packages); a

"hand" is a small tied bundle, especially of tobacco leaves; used by

extension to refer to drug bundles; a "bundle" is 25 capsules of

E: local demand

F: demande locale

S: demanda local

R: mestnyj spros

E: lookout

F: guetteur *

S: centinela

R: chlen gruppy sbytchikov, vedushchij nablyudenie/preduprezhdayushchij

ob opasnosti/(zharg.) stoyachij <">na streme<">

L: [part of a dealer's team on the street; in charge of jotting down

the description of unmarked police cars at the police station and of

standing guard on the street where drugs are being sold]

L: [* proposition]
E: loophole

F: lacune législative; échappatoire

S: laguna; resquicio legal; subterfugio

R: probel (v zakonodateljstve); lazejka (v zakone); vozmozhnostj obojti

zakon/izbezhatj sudebnogo presledovaniya

L: [gap in legislation allowing drug traffickers to escape legal

E: low-dose dependency

F: dépendance de faible dose *

S: dependencia de dosis terapéutica

R: zavisimostj, razvivshayasya ot malyx doz (lekarstvennogo sredstva v

rezuljtate dliteljnogo lecheniya)

L: [type of dependence resulting from long-term treatment with

therapeutic doses]

L: [* traduction]


L: [see: lysergic acid diethylamide]

E: lysergamide

F: lysergamide

S: lisergamida

R: lizergamid

L: [extracted from morning glory or Hawaiian Baby Woodrose seed to to

produce lysergic acid]

E: lysergic acid diethylamide; lysergic acid; LSD

F: diéthylamide de l'acide lysergique; acide lysergique; LSD;

S: dietilamida de  cido lisérgico;  cido lisérgico; LSD

R: diehtilamid lizerginovoj kisloty; lizerginovaya kislota; LSD

L: [Note: hallucinogenic substance derived from alkaloids found in

ergot; listed in Table I of the 1971 Convention]

E: mainlining

F: injection intraveineuse d'héroïne

S: inyección intravenosa de heroína

R: vnutrivennoe vvedenie narkotika (geroina)

L: [injecting heroin into the main vein of the arm or other large vein]

E: maintenance programme

L: [see: methadone maintenance programme]
E: manicured

F: trituré … la main

S: triturado

R: preparat iz vysushennyx listjev koki (dlya analiza)

L: [preparation of dried coca leaves for testing]
E: Manual for use by national narcotics laboratories

F: Manuel … l'usage des laboratoires nationaux de stupéfiants


R: Rukovodstvo dlya ispoljzovaniya nacionaljnymi laboratoriyami po

narkoticheskim sredstvam

L: [series of manuals on recommended testing methods; ST/NAR/-]

E: Manual on drug abuse assessment

F: Manuel d'évaluation de l'abus de drogues

S: Manual de evaluación del uso indebido de drogas

R: Rukovodstvo po ocenke zloupotrebleniya narkoticheskimi sredstvami

E: manufacturing country

F: pays fabriquant

S: país productor

R: strana-proizvoditelj

E: marijuana

F: marijuana; "marie-jeanne"

S: marihuana

R: marixuana

L: [the flowering tops, stems and leaves of the female Indian hemp

plant, Cannabis sativa, usually smoked; refers in particular to the

mild variety grown in the western hemisphere; a synonym of herbal


E: marijuana oil

L: [see: cannabis oil]

E: Marquis test

F: test de Marquis

S: ensayo de Marquis

R: proba Marki

L: [colour test used as a presumptive test to identify the presence of

heroin, as well as the presence of methadone or amphetamine]

E: mass spectrometry; MS

F: spectrométrie de masse

S: espectrometría de masa

R: mass-spektrometriya

L: [lab technique used to detect and measure opiate substances and

their diluents]

E: master plan

F: plan directeur

S: plan b sico

R: generaljnyj plan

L: [UNFDAC approach to national and regional planning]
E: Maxiton Forte

F: Maxiton Forte

S: Maxiton Forte

R: <">Maksiton Uorte<">

L: [liquid dexamphetamine stimulant]

L: [see: methylenedioxyamphetamine]


L: [see: methylenedioxymethamphetamine]

E: means of drug-taking

L: [see: method of drug-taking]

E: Mecke test

F: test de Mecke

S: ensayo de Mecke

R: proba Mekke

L: [colour test used as a presumptive test to identify the presence of

heroin or morphine]

E: medical needs

F: besoins médicaux; fins médicales

S: necesidades médicas; fines médicos

R: medicinskie potrebnosti; medicinskie celi

E: medicinal opium

F: opium médicinal

S: opio medicinal

R: lekarstvennyj opij

L: [under the 1961 Convention, opium which has undergone the processes

necessary to adapt it for medicinal use]

E: Meeting for Heads of National Drug Services

F: Réunion des chefs des services nationaux spécialisés dans la lutte

contre le trafic illicite des stupéfiants

S: Reunión de jefes de servicios nacionales especializados en la lucha

contra el tr fico ilícito de drogas

R: Soveshchanie rukovoditelej nacionaljnyx sluzhb po borjbe s

nezakonnym oborotom narkotikov

L: [ICPO/Interpol]

E: Meeting for Review of Exempted Preparations under Article 3 of the

1971 Convention

F: Réunion en vue d'examiner les préparations exemptées des mesures de

contrôle en vertu des dispositions de l'article 3 de la Convention de


S: Reunión para analizar los preparados exentos en virtud del artículo

3 del Convenio de 1971

R: Soveshchanie po obzoru preparatov, iz"yatyx iz-pod dejstviya

nekotoryx mer kontrolya v sootvetstvii so statjej 3 Konvencii 1971 goda

L: [WHO]
E: Meeting of Heads of National Drug Law Enforcement Agencies; HONLEA

F: Réunion des chefs des services nationaux de répression compétents en

matière de drogues; réunion HONLEA; réunion des chefs des services

chargés au plan national de la lutte contre le trafic des drogues

(gloss de Vienne)

S: Reunión de jefes de organismos nacionales de represión del uso

indebido de drogas

R: Soveshchanie rukovoditelej nacionaljnyx organov po obespecheniyu

soblyudeniya zakonov o narkotikax

L: [this title has been officially finalized in E/RES/1988/15, para. 1;

there are also regional and interregional HONLEAs (the above title is

then followed by an indication of the region: ", ... region")]

L: [* le titre des réunions régionales sont suivies de ", pour la

région de ..."]
E: Meeting on the Assessment of the Therapeutic Usefulness of

Psychotropic Drugs

F: Réunion concernant l'évaluation de l'utilité thérapeutique des

drogues psychotropes

S: Reunión sobre la evaluación de la utilidad terapéutica de las drogas


R: Soveshchanie po ocenke ispoljzovaniya psixotropnyx veshchestv v

lechebnyx celyax

E: melting point technique

F: détermination des points de fusion

S: determinación del punto de fusión

R: (laboratornyj) metod, osnovannyj na opredelenii tochek plavleniya

L: [in law enforcement, one of the lab techniques used to distinguish

between cocaine enantiomers]

E: meperidine

F: mépéridine

S: meperidina

R: meperidin

L: [synonym of pethidine, a synthetic narcotic analgesic with

pharmacological effects similar to morphine; some of its analogues are

known under the names MPPP and PEPAP]
E: mescal button

F: bouton de peyotl

S: botón de peyote

R: (vysushennyj) buton kaktusa pejote

L: [small dried nodule of peyote cactus]
E: mescaline

F: mescaline

S: mescalina

R: meskalin

L: [alkaloid hallucinogen derived from the cactus Lophorophora

Williamsii (peyote)]

E: metabolite

F: métabolite

S: metabolito

R: metabolit

L: [intermediate material produced and used in the processes of a

living cell or organism]

E: methadone

F: méthadone

S: metadona

R: metadon

L: [synthetic opiate analgesic, dissimilar in chemical structure to

morphine but having similar actions; used in maintainance therapy to

reduce withdrawal symptoms]
E: methadone maintenance programme

F: programme d'entretien … base de méthadone; programme

d'administration continue de méthadone

S: programa de suministro de metadona

R: programma lecheniya s pomoshchjyu metadona

L: [maintenance is a form of therapeutic intervention applied to opiate

addicts and consisting of oral administration of a substitute opiate

drug to minimize the reinforcement of drug taking and prevent a

withdrawal reaction, while permitting rehabilitation to be achieved]
E: methadone substitution therapy

F: thérapie de substitution par la méthadone; cure de substitution … la


S: tratamiento de sustitución con metadona

R: zamestiteljnaya terapiya s ispoljzovaniem metadona
E: methamphetamine; methyl amphetamine

F: méthamphétamine

S: metanfetamina

R: metamfetamin

L: [amphetamine derivative, a powerful stimulant of the CNS]
E: methaqualone

F: méthaqualone

S: metacualona

R: metakvalon

L: [a hypnotic-sedative derived from quinazolone]
E: methaqualone hydrochloride

F: chlorhydrate de méthaqualone

S: clorhidrato de metacualona

R: xlorgidrat/gidroxlorid metakvalona

E: method of drug taking; means of drug taking

F: modalité de prise; mode de consommation

S: método de consumo de drogas

R: sposob priema narkotikov

L: [e.g. ingestion, inhalation, injection]
E: methoxyamphetamine; PMA

F: méthoxyamphétamine; PMA

S: metoxianfetamina; PMA

R: metoksiamfetamin

L: [the acronym seems to be derived from p-methoxyamphetamine, one of

the chemical formulas for this substance]

E: methoxymethylenedioxyamphetamine; MMDA

F: méthoxyméthylènedioxyamphétamine; MMDA

S: metoximetilenodioxianfetamina; MMDA

R: metoksimetilen-dioksiamfetamin

E: methyl amphetamine

L: [see: methamphetamine]

E: methylenedioxyamphetamine; MDA

F: méthylène-dioxyamphétamine; MDA

S: metilenodioxianfetamina; MDA

R: metilen-dioksiamfetamin

L: [an amination product of safrol, a psychoactive oil found in nutmeg

and related to the amphetamines]

E: methylenedioxymethamphetamine; MDMA

F: méthylènedioxyméthamphétamine; MDMA

S: metilenodioximetanfetamina; MDMA

R: metilen-dioksimetamfetamin

L: [street names are XCT, Adam and "Ecstasy"; a hallucinogenic

amphetamine analogue that is a cross between the hallucinogen,

mescaline, and the stimulant, amphetamine]
E: microcrystal test

F: réaction microcristalline

S: ensayo de microcristales

R: proba na obrazovanie mikrokristallov (dlya identifikacii narkotikov,

v chastnosti kokaina)

L: [one of the presumptive tests for the identification of drugs such

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