E: 1961 Convention L: [see: Single Convention on narcotic drugs]

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R: Vsemirnaya programma dejstvij po mezhdunarodnomu sotrudnichestvu v

borjbe protiv nezakonnogo proizvodstva, predlozheniya, sprosa, oborota

i rasprostraneniya narkoticheskix sredstv i psixotropnyx veshchestv

L: [A/RES/S-17/2]
E: glue sniffing

F: inhalation de vapeurs de colle

S: inhalación de vapores de pegamento

R: vdyxanie parov kleya

E: glutethimide

F: glutéthimide

S: glutetimida

R: glutetimid

L: [hypnotic sedative, similar in effect to barbiturates]
E: Golden Crescent

F: Croissant d'or

S: Media Luna de Oro

R: <">zolotoj polumesyac<">

L: [Note: drug-producing region in South-West Asia, includes contiguous

parts of Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iran]

E: Golden Triangle

F: Triangle d'or

S: Tri ngulo de Oro

R: <">zolotoj treugoljnik<">

L: [mountainous opium-producing region in South-East Asia, includes

contiguous parts of Myanmar, Laos and Thailand]

E: gradient technique

F: technique du gradient

S: técnica de gradiente

R: gradientnyj metod

L: [gas-liquid chromatography technique in which the eluting solvent is

gradually changed; used in the identification of heroin]

E: graduation

F: escalade

S: escalada

R: postepennyj perexod (narkomana ot slabyx narkotikov k


L: [switch by drug consumer from soft to hard drugs]

E: "grass"

F: herbe

S: yerba

R: <">travka<">

L: [Note: slang for cannabis leaves, marijuana]
E: "Green List"

F: "Liste verte"

S: "Lista verde"

R: <">Zelenyj spisok<">

L: [INCB list of countries that have notified other countries of import

prohibitions and the substances concerned]

E: green poppies

F: graines vertes de pavot

S: semillas verdes de adormidera

R: nesozrevshie golovki maka

E: grefa; grifa; "grief"

F: griffa

S: grifa

R: <">grefa<">

L: [name for marijuana, from Spanish]
E: Guidelines for the control of narcotic and psychotropic substances

in the context of the international treaties

F: Directives pour le contrôle des stupéfiants et des substances

psychotropes dans le contexte des traités

S: Normas para la fiscalización de estupefacientes y sustancias

sicotrópicas en el marco de los tratados internacionales

R: Rukovodyashchie principy kontrolya nad narkoticheskimi i

psixotropnymi veshchestvami v kontekste mezhdunarodnyx dogovorov

L: [WHO]
E: Guidelines for the establishment of national testing programmes and

laboratories for drugs of abuse in body fluids

F: Directives en vue de l'établissement de laboratoires et de

programmes nationaux de dépistage dans les liquides organiques des

drogues qui font l'objet d'abus

S: Directrices para el establecimiento de programas y laboratorios

nacionales de pruebas para la detección en los humores orgánicos de

drogas que son objeto de uso indebido

R: Rukovodyashchie principy uchrezhdeniya nacionaljnyx programm i

laboratorij dlya analiza zhidkostej organizma na nalichie narkotikov,

yavlyayushchixsya predmetom zloupotrebleniya
E: habitual use

F: usage habituel

S: uso habitual

R: privychnoe potreblenie

L: [stage where user is already physiologically dependent but shows no

withdrawal syndrome yet]

E: habituation

F: assuétude *

S: acostumbramiento

R: razvitie (vyrabotka, formirovanie) privychki

L: [process of forming an habit, referring generally to emotional or

psychological dependence (as distinct from "addiction") on the

continued use of a drug to maintain a sense of well-being, which can

result in drug addiction; WHO recommends replacing "habituation" and

"addiction" with the single term "drug dependence of the (name of the

drug) type"]

L: [* éviter le terme "accoutumance" qui est vieilli et ambigu]
E: half-way house

F: foyer de transition

S: establecimiento de transición

R: medicinskoe uchrezhdenie dlya reabilitacii byvshix narkomanov

L: [provide a means of gradual reentry of former drug addicts into

society and the possibility of giving support on a prolonged basis]

E: halide disc

F: disque d'haloïde

S: disco de haluro

R: galoidnyj disk

L: [used in infrared spectroscopy of cocaine]
E: hallucinations

F: hallucinations

S: alucinaciones

R: gallyucinacii

L: [sensory perceptions that may seem quite vivid and convincing but

have no objective basis in external reality]

E: hallucinogen

F: hallucinogène; onirogène

S: alucinógeno

R: gallyucinogen

L: [natural hallucinogens include peyote, hemp and its derivatives,

muscarine (amanita), alkaloid-rich solanaceous plants (belladona,

datura, henbane)]
E: hand

L: [see: load]

E: hard-core addict; hard drug user

F: toxicomane invétéré; toxicomane endurci; toxicomane lourd; grand


S: drogadicto empedernido; toxicómano empedernido

R: zakorenelyj narkoman

L: [refers most commonly to heroin addict]

E: hard drug user

L: [see: hard-core addict]

E: hard drugs

F: drogues dures; drogues majeures

S: drogas "duras"

R: <">siljnye<"> narkotiki; siljnodejstvuyushchie narkotiki

L: [any drug, such as heroin or cocaine, that is addictive and

potentially very damaging to the body and mind]

E: harmaline

F: harmaline

S: harmalina

R: xarmalin

L: [alkaloid, found in the seeds of Peganum Harmala (in the

Mediterranean area) and active principle of the jungle liana

Banisteriopsis caapi, which is used as an hallucinogen by South

American Indians under the names of Yage, Ayahuasca, Natéma, or Caapi;

harmine is another substance found in the same plants but is less

E: hashish

F: haschisch; hachisch; "shit"

S: hachís

R: gashish

L: [Arabic word meaning "grass" and refering to the pure resinous

exudate of the female hemp plant Cannabis sativa, known as charas in

E: hashish oil

L: [see: cannabis oil ]
E: hawker

F: racoleur *

S: gancho

R: <">lovec<">

L: [part of a dealer's team on the street; in charge of sidewalk

advertising by approaching potential customers with his sales pitch

and, if he succeeds, he hands the buyer off to the "steerer"]

L: [* proposition]

E: Heads of National Narcotics Law Enforcement Agencies; HONLEA

L: [see: Meeting of Heads of National Narcotics Law Enforcement

E: hepatitis

F: hépatite

S: hepatitis

R: gepatit

E: herbal cannabis

F: feuille de cannabis

S: hierba de cannabis

R: rastenie kannabis

L: [synonym of marijuana; composed of the fruiting and flowering tops

and leaves of the cannabis plant, which can be compressed into blocks

or slabs (West Africa and Caribbean), or left as a loose herbal

material (Central and Southern Africa and South West and South East

E: herbicide

F: herbicide

S: herbicida

R: gerbicid

L: [chemical used to control, suppress, or kill plants or severely

interrupt their normal growth processes]

E: heroin

F: héroïne *

S: heroína

R: geroin

L: [semisynthetic derivative of morphine obtained by the action of

acetic anhydride or acetylchloride on morphine, in the form of a white,

odorless crystalline powder with a bitter taste (some types from Mexico

and South East Asia are brown); synonyms: Diamorphine, Morphacétine,

Diacétylmorphine, Acétomorphine]

L: [* le nom familier de l'héroïne est la "blanche"]

E: heroin abuser

F: héroïnomane

S: heroinómano

R: lico, zloupotreblyayushchee geroinom; geroinoman; narkoman-geroinist

E: heroin base

F: héroïne base

S: heroína base

R: geroinovaya osnova; geroin-osnovanie

E: heroin fumes

F: fumée d'héroïne

S: vapores de heroína

R: pary geroina

E: high

F: euphorie; "défonce"; "planète" *

S: euforia

R: vozbuzhdenie; ehjforiya; sostoyanie narkoticheskogo opjyaneniya;

(zharg.) <">kajf<">

L: [a condition of euphoria induced as by drugs]

L: [* ce dernier terme utilisé plus spécifiquement pour décrire la

sensation de bien-être et de rêverie qui suit le "flash" après

l'injection d'héroïne]
E: high (to be)

F: planer

S: estar eufórico

R: naxoditjsya v sostoyanii narkoticheskogo opjyaneniya; (zharg.)

<">zabaldetj<">; <">bytj pod kajfom<">; <">pojmatj kajf<">
E: high performance liquid chromatography; high pressure liquid

chromatography; HPLC

F: chromatographie en phase liquide haute pression; CLHP

S: cromatografía líquida de gran rendimiento; CLGR

R: zhidkostnaya xromatografiya vysokogo davleniya

L: [one of the techniques of identification of drugs such as cocaine

and heroin]
E: high performance thin layer chromatography; HPTLC

F: chromatographie sur couches minces … haut rendement

S: cromatografía de capa delgada de gran rendimiento

R: vysokoehffektivnaya tonkoslojnaya xromatografiya

E: high-resolution gas chromatography; HRGC

F: chromatographie en phase gazeuse haute résolution

S: cromatografía gaseosa de alta resolución

R: gazovaya xromatografiya s vysokoj razreshayushchej sposobnostjyu

E: high risk group

F: groupe très vulnérable; groupe … haut risque

S: grupo de alto riesgo

R: gruppa povyshennogo riska


L: [see: human immunodeficiency virus]


L: [see: Meeting of Heads of National Narcotics Law Enforcement

E: "horse"

F: "blanche"; "cheval"; "horse"; "héro"


R: (zharg.) geroin

L: [slang for heroin]
E: house search

F: visite domiciliaire

S: inspección domiciliaria

R: domashnij obysk

E: human immunodeficiency virus; HIV

F: virus de l'immunodéficience humaine; VIH

S: virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana; VIH

R: virus immunodeficita cheloveka; VICH

E: hydrochloric acid

F: acide chlorhydrique

S:  cido clorhídrico

R: xloristovodorodnaya (solyanaya) kislota

L: [aqueous solution of hydrogen chloride gas; one of the strongest

E: hydrochloric acid test

F: test … l'acide chlorhydrique

S: ensayo del  cido clorhídrico

R: proba solyanoj kislotoj

L: [used to detect diazepam and other benzodiazepam derivatives]

E: hydrochloride

F: chlorhydrate

S: clorhidrato

R: gidroxlorid; xlorgidrat; xloristovodorodnaya solj

L: [compound formed by reaction of hydrochloric acid and an organic

E: hyoscine

L: [see: scopolamine]
E: hyoscine butyl bromide

F: bromobutane d'hyoscine

S: bromobutano de hioscina

R: bromistobutilovyj skopolamin

E: hyper-excitability

F: hyperexcitabilité; surexcitabilité

S: hiperexitabilidad

R: povyshennaya vozbudimostj

L: [predisposition to nervous excitability]
E: hypersensitivity; hypersusceptibility

F: hypersensibilité

S: hipersensibilidad

R: povyshennaya chuvstviteljnostj

L: [excessive sensitivity to some agent or substance]
E: hypnotic-sedative

L: [see: sedative-hypnotic]

E: hypnotics

F: hypnotiques

S: narcolépticos

R: snotvornye sredstva

L: [include barbiturates, chloral, veronal, sulfonal, kawa-kawa; any

medicinal substance with narcoleptic action that induces sleep]

E: hypodermic needle

F: seringue hypodermique; aiguille hypodermique

S: aguja hipodérmica

R: igla dlya podkozhnyx in"ekcij

L: [hollow needle similar to, but smaller than an aspirating needle,

attached to a syringe; used for injecting liquids beneath the skin or

for withdrawing fluid for examination from an abscess or cyst]
E: ibogaine

F: ibogaïne

S: ibogaína

R: ibogain

L: [alkaloid found in the root of the plant Tabernanthe iboga, which

grows in West Africa and is used and stimulant and antifatiguant]


L: [see: International Council on Alcohol and Addictions]

E: ice

F: "ice" *

S: "ice"

R: <">ajs<"> (novyj <">skonstruirovannyj<"> narkotik - proizvodnoe


L: [Note: new designer's drug, an amphetamine derivative, found on the

streets in Hawai and on the West coast of the US]

L: [* Note: en l'absence d'un terme établi dans l'usage en fran‡ais, la

GRC recommande de ne pas traduire les noms argotiques de drogues]

L: [see: International Criminal Police Organization]


L: [see: International drug abuse assesssment system]

E: illicit channels

F: circuits illicites

S: canales ilícitos

R: nezakonnye kanaly

E: illicit crop

F: culture illicite

S: cultivo ilícito

R: nezakonno kuljtiviruemaya kuljtura

E: illicit cultivation

F: culture illicite

S: cultivo ilícito

R: nezakonnoe vyrashchivanie/kuljtivirovanie

E: illicit demand

F: demande illicite

S: demanda ilícita

R: nezakonnyj spros

E: illicit laboratory

F: laboratoire illicite

S: laboratorio ilícito

R: nezakonnaya laboratoriya

E: illicit manufacture

F: fabrication illicite

S: fabricación ilícita

R: nezakonnoe izgotovlenie

E: illicit market

F: marché illicite

S: mercado ilícito

R: nezakonnyj/zapreshchennyj rynok (sbyt, torgovlya)

E: illicit plantings

F: plantations illicites

S: plantaciones ilícitas

R: nezakonnye posadki

E: illicit supply

F: offre illicite

S: oferta ilícita

R: nezakonnoe predlozhenie

E: illicit traffic in drugs

F: trafic illicit des stupéfiants

S: tr fico ilícito de drogas; tr fico ilícito de estupefacientes

R: nezakonnyj oborot narkotikov

E: Impact of Scheduling Psycho-active Substances on the Practice of

Medicine and Pharmacy

F: Incidence du classement des substances psychoactives sur l'exercise

de la médecine et de la pharmacie

S: Repercusiones de la inclusión en las listas de las sustancias

sicoactivas para la pr ctica de la medicina y de la farmacia

R: Vliyanie reglamentacii ispoljzovaniya psixoaktivnyx veshchestv v

medicinskoj i farmacevticheskoj praktike

L: [WHO]
E: impairment

F: troubles; détérioration

S: deficiencia; menoscabo

R: defekt; uxudshenie; rasstrojstvo (zdorovjya)

E: import authorization

F: autorisation d'importation

S: autorización de importación

R: razreshenie na import

E: import certificate

F: certificat d'importation

S: certificado de importación

R: dokument, udostoveryayushchij pravo na import

E: import prohibition

F: interdiction d'importation

S: prohibición de importación

R: zapreshchenie importa

L: [see art.13, 1971 Conv.]
E: import quota

F: contingent d'importation

S: cuota de importación

R: importnaya kvota

E: import request

F: demande d'importation

S: solicitud de importación

R: zayavka na import

E: importing country

F: pays importateur

S: país importador

R: strana-importer


L: [see: ion-mobility spectrometry]


L: [see: International Narcotics Control Board]

E: indian hemp

F: chanvre indien

S: c ¤amo indio

R: indijskaya konoplya; kendyrj

L: [strictly speaking refers to Apocynum cannabinum, a variety of hemp

put by North American indians to various uses, but now commonly used to

refer to Cannabis sativa, or true hemp (marijuana)]
E: inebriant

F: enivrant

S: embriagante

R: opjyanyayushchee sredstvo

E: informer

F: indicateur *; "indic"

S: informante

R: osvedomitelj

L: [Note: person, usually already part of a criminal group, who has

been recruited by the police to provide information about group members

and their activities]
E: infrared spectrophotometry

F: spectrophotométrie infrarouge

S: espectrofotometría infrarroja

R: infrakrasnaya spektrofotometriya

L: [Note: drug identification technique relying on the characteristic

infrared absorption spectra of the various organic molecules being

E: infrared spectroscopy

F: spectroscopie infrarouge

S: espectroscopía infrarroja

R: infrakrasnaya spektroskopiya

L: [Note: a laboratory analysis technique based on the study of the

spectra produced by the interaction of materials, usually organic, with

infrared radiation]
E: inhalant

F: inhalant

S: inhalante

R: ingalyacionnyj/vdyxaemyj preparat

E: injecting heroin; Chinese No 4

F: héroïne d'injection *; Chinoise No 4 *

S: heroína inyectable

R: in"eciruemyj/vpryskivaemyj geroin; geroin dlya vpryskivaniya

L: [South East Asian heroin in fine white powder form]

L: [* traduction]

E: injection

L: [see: intravenous injection]


L: [see: international non-proprietary name]

E: in-patient treatment

F: traitement en établissement

S: tratamiento en instituciones

R: stacionarnoe lechenie

E: intake

F: prise en charge

S: recepción

R: priem (narkomanov na lechenie)

L: [reception of drug-addicts for treatment; may be centralized (all

clients go to a central location where they are screened and then

referred to an appropriate facility) or decentralized (clients go

directly to the facility of their own choice]

E: integrated rural development; IRD

F: développement rural integré

S: desarrollo rural integrado

R: kompleksnoe razvitie seljskix rajonov

L: [linked with crop substitution programmes]
E: Inter-agency Meeting on Co-ordination in Matters of International

Drug Control

F: Réunion interorganisations sur la coordination de contrôle

international des drogues

S: Reunión entre organismos sobre coordinación en materia de

fiscalización internacional de drogas

R: Mezhuchrezhdencheskoe soveshchanie po koordinacii v oblasti

mezhdunarodnogo kontrolya nad narkotikami

E: Inter-American Programme of Action against the Illicit Use and

Production of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances

F: Programme d'action interaméricain contre l'usage, la production et

le trafic illicites des stupéfiants et des substances psychotropes

S: Plan de Acción Interamericano contra el Uso Indebido, la Producción

y el Tr fico Ilícitos de Estupefacientes y Sustancias Psicotrópicas

R: Mezhamerikanskaya programma dejstvij po borjbe s nezakonnym

ispoljzovaniem i proizvodstvom narkoticheskix sredstv i psixotropnyx


L: [adopted by Inter-American Specialized Conference, April 1986]

E: Inter-American Specialized Conference on the Traffic in Narcotic


F: Conférence spéciale interaméricaine sur le trafic des stupéfiants

S: Conferencia Interamericana Especializada sobre el Tr fico de


R: Mezhamerikanskaya specialjnaya konferenciya po oborotu

narkoticheskix sredstv

L: [Rio de Janeiro, April 1986]

E: interdiction operation

F: opération d'interception; opération d'interdiction *

S: actividad de represión; operación de intercepción

R: operaciya po presecheniyu/blokirovaniyu/preduprezhdeniyu

(nezakonnogo oborota narkotikov)

L: [interdiction is the effort to intercept or deter the shipment of

illegal drugs from foreign countries to the US]

L: [* terme emprunté au vocabulaire militaire; opération visant …

limiter la liberté de mouvement de l'ennemi et rompre ses lignes de

communication; inclut une idée d'intimidation ou d'intervention allant

au del… de la simple interception d'une livraison]
E: International Campaign against Traffic in Drugs

F: Campagne internationale contre le trafic des drogues

S: Campa¤a Internacional contra el tr fico de drogas

R: Mezhdunarodnaya kampaniya po borjbe protiv nezakonnogo oborota

E: international control

F: contrôle international

S: fiscalización internacional; control internacional

R: mezhdunarodnyj kontrolj

L: [the various control measures applicable to substances scheduled

under the international drug control conventions]

E: International Conference on Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking

F: Conférence internationale sur l'abus et le trafic illicite de


S: Conferencia Internacional sobre el Uso Indebido y el Tr fico Ilícito

de Drogas

R: Mezhdunarodnaya konferenciya po borjbe so zloupotrebleniem

narkoticheskimi sredstvami i ix nezakonnym oborotom

L: [Note: Vienna, 1987]

E: International Conference on the Involvement of Non-governmental

Organisations in Prevention and Reduction of the Demand for Drugs

F: Conférence internationale sur le rôle des organisations non

gouvernementales dans la prévention et la réduction de la demande de


S: Conferencia Interregional sobre la Participación de las

Organizaciones No Gubernamentales en la Prevención y Reducción de la

Demanda de Drogas

R: Mezhdunarodnaya konferenciya po voprosu o roli nepraviteljstvennyx

organizacij v preduprezhdenii i sokrashchenii sprosa na narkoticheskie


L: [Note: Stockholm 1985]

E: International Congress on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence

F: Congrès international sur l'alcoolisme et la pharmacodépendance

S: Congreso Internacional sobre el Alcoholismo y la Farmacodependencia

R: Mezhdunarodnyj kongress po alkogolizmu i lekarstvennoj zavisimosti

L: [Note: annual meeting of ICAA]
E: International Council on Alcohol and Addictions; ICAA

F: Conseil international sur les problèmes de l'alcoolisme et des

toxicomanies; CIPAT

S: Consejo Internacional sobre el Problema del Alcoholismo y las


R: Mezhdunarodnyj sovet po problemam alkogolizma i narkomanii

E: International Criminal Police Organization; ICPO/INTERPOL

F: Organisation internationale de police criminelle; OIPC/INTERPOL

S: Organización Internacional de Policía Criminal; OIPC/INTERPOL

R: Mezhdunarodnaya organizaciya ugolovnoj policii; MOUP/INTERPOL

E: International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking

F: Journée internationale contre l'abus et le trafic illicite des


S: Día Internacional de la lucha contra el uso indebido y el tr fico

ilícito de drogas

R: Mezhdunarodnyj denj borjby so zloupotrebleniem narkoticheskimi

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