E: 1961 Convention L: [see: Single Convention on narcotic drugs]

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el Tr fico de Drogas

R: Deklaraciya Mezhdunarodnoj konferencii po borjbe so zloupotrebleniem

narkoticheskimi sredstvami i ix nezakonnym oborotom

L: [adopted in Vienna, June 1987]
E: Declaration on the Control of Drug Trafficking and Drug Abuse

F: Déclaration concernant la lutte contre le trafic et l'abus des


S: Declaración sobre la lucha contra el narcotr fico y el uso indebido

de drogas

R: Deklaraciya o borjbe protiv nezakonnogo oborota narkotikov i

zloupotrebleniya narkoticheskimi sredstvami
E: decoction

F: décoction

S: extracto

R: otvar; dekokt

E: degassing

F: dégazage

S: desgasificación

R: udalenie gazov; degazaciya

L: [necessary removal of atmospheric gas present in the mobile phase

before the beginning of analysis in chromatography]

E: deleterious effect

L: [see: adverse effect]

E: delirient

F: substance délirogène

S: delirógeno

R: (toksicheskij) agent, vyzyvayushchij delirij

L: [Note: Any substance that can trigger delirium, i.e. a state of

mental confusion with perceptual disturbances and psychomotoric

E: Demand and Supply of Opiates for Medical and Scientific Needs

F: Demande et offre des opiacés pour les besoins médicaux et


S: Demanda y oferta de opi ceos para las necesidades médicas y


R: Spros i predlozhenie opiatov dlya medicinskix i nauchnyx celej

E: demand reduction

F: réduction de la demande

S: reducción de la demanda

R: snizhenie/sokrashchenie sprosa

E: den

F: repaire de drogués; clandé; fumerie d'opium; fumerie de crack

S: fumadero

R: priton

L: [crack den, heroin den, opium den]
E: dependence

L: [see: drug dependence]

E: dependence-producing substance

F: substance toxicomanogène; substance engendrant une dépendence

S: droga toxicomanígena

R: veshchestvo, vyzyvayushchee (fizicheskuyu i/ili psixicheskuyu)


L: [a narcotic drug, a psychotropic substance or a psychoactive

substance liable to induce repeated use as a result of a psychological

or physiological state of want or need]

E: depressant; "downer"

F: dépresseur

S: depresor

R: depressant; boljshoj trankvilizator

L: [acts on the medulla oblongata and diminishes mental activity]
E: depression

F: dépression

S: depresión

R: depressiya; depressivnyj sindrom

L: [Note: Mental state characterized by weakening of neuropsychic

tonus, lassitude, fatigue, discouragement, pessimism, sometimes even

E: derivative

F: dérivé

S: derivado

R: proizvodnoe

L: [A substance derived from another by some specific modification of

its molecule, usually by substitution or addition reactions]

E: designer

L: [see: drug designer]

E: designer drug

F: analogue de substance illicite *; drogue de formule modifiée;

"drogue de confection"; "drogue sur mesure"

S: drogas de fórmula manipulada; drogas de fórmula alterada

R: narkotiki-analogi; <">skonstruirovannye<"> narkotiki

L: [analogues of substances controlled by national law or treaties ...

that are obtained when the chemical structures of controlled "parent"

substances are altered so as to produce compounds which have properties

similar to those of the parent substances, but which themselves, by

virtue of their slightly different chemical make-ups, do not fall

within the legal controls. These analogues can be many times more

potent than their parent substances, are highly toxic, contain

by-products and impurities, and therefore entail a substantial threat

to health and even a risk of death]

L: [* proposition; analogue d'une substance placée sous contrôle]
E: detection

F: 1. dépistage *; 2. constatation *

S: detección

R: obnaruzhenie; vyyavlenie

L: [of the presence of drugs in the body]

L: [* 1. recherche systématique; 2. résultat de la recherche]

E: detection

L: [see: tracing]

E: detoxication; detoxification

F: détoxication

S: detoxificación

R: obezvrezhivanie yada; detoksikaciya

L: [for the body, the process of neutralizing the toxic properties of

a substance by enzymatic action]

E: detoxification; disintoxication

F: désintoxication

S: desintoxicación

R: dezintoksikaciya

L: [a process of withdrawing a person from an addictive substance in a

safe and effective manner]

E: dexamphetamine

F: dexamphétamine

S: dexanfetamina

R: deksamfetamin

L: [psychotropic substance which is a central nervous system stimulant,

also known under the trade name Dexedrine]

E: dextromoramide

F: dextromoramide

S: dextromoramida

R: dekstromoramid

L: [synthetic narcotic, abused in Oceania]
E: dextropropoxyphene

F: dextropropoxyphène

S: dextropropoxifeno

R: dekstropropoksifen

L: [synthetic narcotic]
E: diamorphine

F: diamorphine

S: diamorfina

R: diamorfin

E: diazepam

F: diazépam

S: diazepam

R: diazepam

L: [Note: benzodiazepine derivative with anxiolytic and hypnotic

E: dihydrocodeine

F: dihydrocodéine

S: dihidrocodeína

R: digidrokodein
E: Dille-Koppanyi test

F: test de Dille-Koppanyi

S: ensayo de Dille-Koppanyi

R: proba Dille-Koppanji (na obnaruzhenie barbituratov)

L: [colour test used as a presumptive test to determine the presence of


E: diluent

F: diluant

S: diluente; diluyente

R: razbavitelj; rastvoritelj

L: [Note: pharmacologically inactive substances added to a final

product to increase bulk]

E: dimethoxyamphetamine; DMA

F: diméthoxyamphétamine; DMA

S: dimetoxianfetamina; DMA

R: dimetoksiamfetamin

L: [Note : scheduled in 1986 under 1971 Convention]
E: dimethoxybromoamphetamine; bromo-dimethoxyamphetamine; DOB

F: diméthoxybromoamphétamine; DOB

S: dimetoxibromoanfetamina; DOB

R: dimetoksibromoamfetamin

L: [ring-substituted amphetamine derivative, scheduled in 1985, under

1971 Convention]

E: dimethoxyethylamphetamine; DOET

F: diméthoxyéthylamphétamine; DOET

S: dimetoxietilanfetamina; DOET

R: dimetoksiehtilamfetamin

L: [a ring-substituted amphetamine derivative, scheduled in 1986, under

1971 Convention]

E: dimethoxymethylamphetamine; DOM

F: diméthoxyméthylamphétamine; DOM

S: dimetoximetilanfetamina; DOM

R: dimetoksimetilamfetamin

L: [scheduled under 1971 Convention]
E: dimethyltryptamine

F: diméthyltryptamine

S: dimetiltriptamina

R: dimetiltriptamin

L: [hallucinogenic substance, similar to psilocin; active ingredient of

Piptadenia et Banisteriopsis caapi; used in psychotropic snuffing

mixtures in South America such as cohoba, parica, yopo; Schedule I of

1971 Convention]

L: [synonymes: Téréphtalate de di-méthyle; Paraphtalate de diméthyle]
E: dipipanone

F: dipipanone

S: dipipanona

R: dipipanon

E: dispensing practices

F: pratiques de distribution

S: prácticas de despacho de medicamentos

R: praktika otpuska lekarstvennyx sredstv

E: disposable needle; needle for single use

F: seringue jetable; aiguille hypodermique non réutilisable [ISO]

S: aguja hipodérmica descartable

R: igla odnokratnogo ispoljzovaniya (odnorazovogo upotrebleniya)

E: disposable syringe

F: seringue jetable

S: jeringa descartable; jeringuilla descartable

R: shpric odnorazovogo upotrebleniya

E: disposition of property

F: liquidation des biens

S: disposición de bienes

R: rasporyazhenie imushchestvom; otchuzhdenie imushchestva (rasprodazha

imushchestva, konfiskovannogo po resheniyu suda)

L: [e.g. by sale, of property ordered forfeited by a court]

E: distribution hub

F: plaque tournante

S: centro de distribución

R: raspredeliteljnyj centr; punkt vydachi/otpuska

E: distribution of free needles

F: distribution gratuite de seringues

S: distribución gratuita de agujas hipodérmicas

R: besplatnoe rasprostranenie igl (sredi narkomanov); besplatnyj otpusk


L: [to addicts, in an effort to stop the spread of AIDS]

E: diversion

F: détournement

S: desviación

R: utechka

L: [of licit drugs and chemicals to illicit trade]
E: Division of Drug Management and Policies; DMP

F: Division de la gestion et des politiques pharmaceutiques

S: División de Gestión y Políticas Farmacéuticas: DMP

R: Otdel po voprosam racionaljnogo ispoljzovaniya i politiki v oblasti

lekarstvennyx sredstv

L: [WHO]
E: Division of Narcotic Drugs; DND

F: Division des stupéfiants

S: División de Estupefacientes

R: Otdel po narkoticheskim sredstvam

L: [UN ECOSOC Vienna]

E: djamba

F: yamba

S: djamba

R: <">yamba<">

L: [Note: name for marijuana in Wolof and Mandingue, used in Africa and

Latin America (esp. Brazil)]


L: [see: dimethoxyamphetamine]


L: [see: Division of Drug Management and Policies]


L: [see: dimethyltryptamine ]


L: [see: Division of Narcotic Drugs]


L: [see: dimethoxybromoamphetamine]


L: [see: dimethoxyethylamphetamine]


L: [see: dimethoxymethylamphetamine]

E: dome

L: [see: microdot]

E: domestic requirements

F: besoins internes

S: necesidades internas

R: vnutrennie potrebnosti

E: "dope"

F: "came" *

S: droga

R: (razg.) doping; narkotik

L: [* argot pour drogue, en particulier cocaïne, et marijuana et par

extension tout stupéfiant ou hallucinogène utilisé … des fins non

E: dosage unit

F: (i) dose *; unité de dosage; (ii) prise; unité de prise

S: dosis unitaria; unidad de dosificación

R: doza

L: [(i) Unité de mesure de certains produits, notamment les

barbituriques, les hallucinogènes et les pseudodrogues; (ii) Quantité

de drogue prise en une seule fois]
E: double blind method

F: méthode du double insu

S: método del doble anonimato

R: metod dvojnogo ispytaniya <">vslepuyu<">

L: [method used mainly in testing new drugs wherein neither the

participants nor the administrators of the doses know whether a given

participant is receiving the drug under test or a placebo]
E: "downer"

L: [see: depressant]

E: drop-in center

F: centre d'accueil "portes ouvertes"

S: centro de consulta

R: (lechebnyj) punkt konsuljtirovaniya (v kotorom predostavlyayutsya

besplatnye uslugi lyubomu sluchajnomu posetitelyu)

L: [Note: provide an informal and relaxed means of seeking counselling

and casual contact and offer recreational facilities]
E: drop-out

F: 1. marginal; 2. décrocheur scolaire

S: desertor escolar

R: 1. chelovek bez opredelennyj zanyatij; deklassirovannaya lichnostj;

2. uchashchijsya, vybyvshij iz shkoly
E: dross

F: résidu d'opium; "dross" (n.m.)

S: residuo de opio

R: nagar, obrazuyushchijsya v trubke pri kurenii opiya

L: [residue remaining in an opium pipe which has been smoked; contains

50% of the morphine present in the original drug; used by impoverished

drug addicts]
E: drug

F: 1. médicament *; 2. drogue *

S: 1. medicamento; 2. droga

R: 1. lekarstvennoe sredstvo; lekarstvennyj preparat; lekarstvo; 2.

narkotik; narkoticheskoe sredstvo

L: [* 1. substance présentant des propriétés curatives ou préventives

… l'égard des maladies; 2. on réserve le terme "drogue" aux substances,

médicamenteuses ou non, qui engendrent une dépendance; au sens des

Nations Unies, les drogues comprennent les stupéfiants et les


E: drug abuse

F: abus des drogues; "défonce"

S: uso indebido de drogas; uso indebido de estupefacientes

R: zloupotreblenie narkotikami (narkoticheskimi/lekarstvennymi


L: [any persistant or sporadic use of drugs that causes physical,

psychological, economic, legal, or social harm to the individual user

or to others affected by his behaviour]

E: drug abuse control

F: lutte contre l'abus des drogues

S: lucha contra el uso indebido de drogas

R: borjba so zloupotrebleniem narkotikami

L: [suppression of drug addiction and treatment of abusers]
E: drug abuser

F: usager habituel; toxicomane *; drogué *

S: toxicómano; drogadicto

R: lico, zloupotreblyayushchee narkotikami; narkoman

L: [strictly speaking, there is a distinction between "abuser" (who

abuses dangerous drugs) and "addict" (who is physically dependent on


L: [* en fran‡ais, selon le contexte, on parlera aussi de fa‡on plus

spécifique de: héroïnomane, opiomane, cocaïnomane, morphinomane,

éthéromane, pharmacomane, alcoolique. Il faut toutefois souligner que,

ce faisant, le fran‡ais ne permet pas de distinction entre "abuser"

(qui fait un usage excessif et dangereux des drogues) et "addict" (qui

en est dépendant), ce dernier terme étant également, et plus justement,

rendu par "toxicomane"]

E: drug addict

F: toxicomane; pharmacodépendant; narcomane *; drogué; "toxico";


S: toxicómano; drogadicto

R: chelovek s razvivshimsya (patologicheskim) privykaniem k narkotiku

(lekarstvennomu sredstvu); chelovek s razvivshejsya (fizicheskoj i/ili

psixicheskoj) zavisimostjyu ot narkotika; narkoman

L: [a person who is physically dependent on one or more psychoactive

substances, whose long-term use has produced tolerance, who has lost

control over his intake, and who would manifest withdrawal phenomena if

discontinuance were to occur]

L: [* ce terme est rare]

E: drug addiction

F: toxicomanie; assuétude

S: toxicomanía; adicción

R: 1. privykanie (povyshennaya vynoslivostj, tolerantnostj) k

narkoticheskomu (lekarstvennomu) sredstvu; 2. pristrastie k narkotikam;

3. razvitie lekarstvennoj zavisimosti; 4. narkomaniya

L: [Note: periodic or chronic intoxication induced by repeated

consumption of a drug, characterized by a compulsive need on the part

of the user, a tendency to increase the doses, and psychological and

physiological dependence; WHO recommends replacing this term by "drug

dependence of the (name of the drug) type"]
E: drug baron

L: [see: drug kingpin]

E: drug boss

L: [see: drug kingpin]

E: drug cartel

F: cartel de trafiquants

S: cartel de traficantes

R: narkokartelj

E: drug charge

F: inculpation en vertu de la loi sur les stupéfiants

S: acusación relacionada con las drogas

R: obvinenie v pravonarushenii, svyazannom s narkotikami

E: drug connection

F: filière de trafiquants; réseau de trafiquants

S: red de traficantes

R: setj nezakonnogo oborota narkotikov

L: [e.g. mafia connection; Columbian connection, Jamaican connection]
E: drug control

F: contrôle des drogues

S: control de drogas; fiscalización de estupefacientes; lucha contra

las drogas

R: kontrolj nad narkotikami

L: [national or international agreements and regulations governing and

restricting production, distribution and use of drugs to medical and

scientific needs in the interest of public health and for the

prevention of drug abuse]
E: drug control administration

F: administration chargée du contrôle des drogues

S: servicio de control de drogas; servicio de fiscalización de drogas;

servicio de lucha contra las drogas

R: organy kontrolya nad narkoticheskimi sredstvami
E: drug control administrator

F: administrateur chargé du contrôle des drogues

S: funcionario de control de drogas; funcionario de fiscalización de

estupefacientes; funcionario de lucha contra las drogas

R: sotrudnik po kontrolyu nad narkotikami
E: drug control treaty

F: traité relatif au contrôle des drogues

S: tratado de control de drogas; tratado de fiscalización de

estupefacientes; tratado de lucha contra las drogas

R: dogovor o kontrole nad narkotikami
E: drug dependence

F: pharmacodépendance; dépendance *

S: farmacodependencia

R: (fizicheskaya i psixicheskaya) zavisimostj ot narkoticheskogo/

lekarstvennogo sredstva; lekarstvennaya/narkoticheskaya zavisimostj

L: [Physiologic and psychological dependence upon a pharmacologic

agent, as evidenced by tolerance of the drug by the body, the need for

markedly increased amounts of the substance in order to achieve the

desired effect, and by withdrawal symptoms when the substance is

discontinued or reduced in amount; WHO recommends use of this term

instead of "addiction" and "habituation", which are too vague and


L: [* selon le cas on parlera de dépendance morphinique, cocaïnique,

cannabique, tabagique, barbiturique, etc.; L'OMS recommande de ne plus

employer les termes "toxicomanie" (drug addiction) et "accoutumance"

(drug habituation) pour rendre cette idée]

E: drug designer

F: "combinard"

S: manipulador de drogas

R: <">konstruktor<"> narkotikov

E: drug-free life style

F: mode de vie exempt de drogues

S: estilo de vida sin drogas

R: obraz zhizni, svobodnyj ot narkotikov; obraz zhizni,

isklyuchayushchij upotreblenie narkotikov
E: drug identification kit

F: trousse d'identification; trousse d'analyse; trousse de dépistage

(des drogues)

S: cartilla de identificación de drogas; equipo de identificación de


R: komplekt dlya narkoanaliza

E: drug interdiction

F: interception du trafic; interception des envois de drogues

S: intercepción del tr fico de drogas

R: zapreshchenie (nezakonnoj) torgovli narkotikami; blokirovanie

(presechenie) nezakonnogo oborota narkotikov
E: drug kingpin; drug lord; drug baron; drug boss

F: seigneur de la drogue; baron de la drogue

S: se¤or de la droga; barón de la droga

R: <">korolj<"> narkobiznesa; <">baron<"> narkobiznesa; <">boss<">

E: drug law enforcement

F: détection et répression des infractions en matière de drogues

S: cumplimiento de las leyes en matera de drogas; represión de las

infracciones a la legislación en materia de drogas

R: obespechenie soblyudeniya zakonov o narkotikax
E: drug law violation

F: infraction … la législation sur les drogues

S: violación de la legislación en materia de drogas

R: narushenie zakonov o narkotikax

L: ["drug offence" is ambiguous since it can be synonymous to "drug law

violation" or to "drug related offence"]

E: drug law violator

F: contrevenant … la législation sur les drogues

S: infractor de la legislación en materia de drogas

R: narushitelj zakonov o narkotikax; lico, sovershivshee

pravonarushenie, svyazannoe s narkotikami
E: drug lord

L: [see: drug kingpin]

E: drug misuse

F: usage impropre des drogues

S: abuso de drogas; uso indebido de drogas

R: nepraviljnoe upotreblenie narkoticheskix/lekarstvennyx sredstv

L: [any use of a drug that varies from a socially or medically accepted

E: drug monitoring

F: pharmacovigilance

S: control de los efectos de los medicamentos

R: registraciya, uchet i ocenka pobochnyx dejstvij lekarstvennyx


L: [Note: gathering and analysis of the side effects of medication,

especially undesirable effects; such reports are furnished by

prescribing physicians to some central body]
E: drug of abuse

F: drogue donnant lieu … un abus

S: droga que es objeto de uso indebido

R: narkotik, yavlyayushchijsya predmetom zloupotrebleniya

E: drug of choice

F: drogue de prédilection

S: droga preferida

R: narkotik, kotoromu otdaetsya predpochtenie (narkomanom)

E: drug offence

L: [see: drug-related offence; drug law violation]

E: drug paraphernalia; drug works

F: attirail de drogué

S: accesorios [para el uso indebido de drogas]

R: prinadlezhnosti dlya prigotovleniya i upotrebleniya narkotikov

L: [instruments used by the addict for preparing (heating, etc.) and

using drugs]

E: drug prevention centre

F: centre de prévention de la toxicomanie

S: centro de prevención de la toxicomanía

R: centr profilaktiki narkomanii

E: drug-related diseases

F: maladies liées … la drogue

S: enfermedades relacionadas con las drogas

R: zabolevaniya, svyazannye s upotrebleniem narkotikov; lekarstvennye

E: drug-related offence

F: délit lié … la drogue *

S: delitos relacionados con las drogas; delitos de drogas

R: pravonarusheniya, svyazannye s narkotikami

L: [Note: "drug offence" is ambiguous since it can be synonymous with

"drug law violation" or with "drug-related offence"]

L: [* Note: le délit lié … la drogue n'est pas nécessairement une

infraction … la législation sur les drogues ("drug law violation")

(assassinat ou cambriolage par un drogué en manque, par exemple)]
E: drug-seeking behaviour

F: toxicophilie; comportement toxicotrope

S: atracción a las drogas

R: povedenie, obuslovlennoe (boleznennym) vlecheniem/pristrastiem k


L: [attirance pour les substances toxiques]

E: drugs of abuse

F: drogues donnant lieu … des abus; - dont il est fait abus; - qui font

l'objet d'un abus

S: drogas que son objeto de uso indebido

R: narkotiki, yavlyayushchiesya predmetom zloupotrebleniya
E: drug squad

F: brigade anti-drogues

S: patrulla de lucha contra las drogas

R: gruppa po borjbe s narkomaniej

E: drug syndicate

F: association de trafiquants

S: mafia de traficantes

R: narkosindikat

E: drug-taking method

F: mode d'absorption d'une drogue *; modalité de consommation

S: método de consumo de la droga

R: sposob priema narkotika

L: [e.g. inhalation, injection, ingestion]
E: drug therapy

F: pharmacothérapie; traitement pharmaceutique

S: farmacoterapia

R: farmakoterapiya; lechenie lekarstvennymi sredstvami

L: [Note: therapeutic use of drugs and the study of their action in

various diseases]

E: drug tolerance

F: tolérance

S: tolerancia

R: tolerantnostj/vynoslivostj k lekarstvennomu/narkoticheskomu sredstvu

L: [Note: adaptation characterized by diminished reaction to the same

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