E: 1961 Convention L: [see: Single Convention on narcotic drugs]

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E: shooting gallery

F: piquerie *; "shooterie"


R: mesta, gde narkomany proizvodyat in"ekcii narkotikov

L: [streets, alleys, empty lots, parks or apartments where addicts

"shoot" drugs]]

L: [* proposition: "Piquerie" est le terme employé par Radio Canada et

la GRC]
E: side-effect

F: effet secondaire; effet latéral; effet connexe

S: efecto secundario

R: pobochnyj ehffekt; pobochnoe dejstvie
E: Simon test

F: test de Simon

S: ensayo de Simon

R: proba Simona

L: [colour test used as a presumptive test to determine the presence of

amphetamines or méthamphétamines]

E: Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs; 1961 Convention

F: Convention unique sur les stupéfiants; Convention de 1961

S: Convención Unica de 1961 sobre Estupefacientes, enmendada por el

Protocolo de 25 de marzo de 1972

R: Edinaya konvenciya o narkoticheskix sredstvax 1961 goda s

izmeneniyami, vnesennymi v sootvestvii s Protokolom ot 25 marta 1972


L: [signed 30 March 1961 at New York, as amended by the Protocol of 25

March 1972]
E: Sinsemilla

F: Sinsemilla

S: sinsemilla

R: sinsemiljya

L: [high quality cannabis product of the Americas obtained by removing

male cannabis plants from the environment of female plants before the

male plant has released its pollen so that the female plant never

becomes fertilized and produces no seeds, which leads to a higher level

of psychoactive chemicals]
E: situational user

F: usager de circonstance; usager occasionnel

S: usuario ocasional

R: lico, upotreblyayushchee narkotiki ehpizodicheski (v zavisimosti ot

obstoyateljstv); sluchajnyj potrebitelj
E: slab

L: [see: brick]

E: slow release preparation

F: préparation retard; préparation … libération lente

S: por liberación lenta

R: preparat zamedlennogo/dyurantnogo dejstviya

L: [i.e. morphine administration]
E: Smoking Heroin; Chinese No 3

F: héroïne … fumer *; Chinoise No 3 *

S: heroína para fumar

R: geroin dlya kureniya

L: [South East Asian Heroin; grey or dirty brown granular material]

L: [* traduction]

E: smoking opium

F: opium … fumer; chandoo

S: opio para funar

R: opij/opium dlya kureniya; chandu

L: [weak opium (less than 9 % morphine)]
E: smuggle (to)

F: transporter en contrebande; passer en fraude; introduire

clandestinement; passer

S: contrabandear

R: provozitj kontrabandoj
E: smuggling

F: trafic clandestin; contrebande

S: contrabando

R: kontrabanda

E: sniffing

F: inhalation; "sniffer"; renifler

S: inhalación

R: ingalyaciya; vdyxanie nosom; nyuxanje

L: [e.g. solvents, glues; cocaine]
E: sniffing dog; sniffer dog

F: chien renifleur *

S: perro sabueso

R: specialjno natrenirovannaya sobaka (v chastnosti, dlya obnaruzheniya


L: [* FBIS; renifleur s'applique aux animaux, appareils et dispositifs

de détection (explosifs, émanations de gaz ou polluants, stupéfiants,

etc.); on trouve aussi "flaireur"]

E: "snow"

F: "neige" *; "blanche" *

S: "nieve"

R: (razg.) <">snezhok<">; kokain

L: [refers mainly to cocaine and sometimes heroin]]

L: [* "neige" désigne plutôt la cocaine; "blanche" plus souvent

E: social reintegration

F: réinsertion sociale

S: reinserción en la sociedad; reinserción social

R: socialjnaya reintegraciya; vozvrashchenie v obshchestvo

E: social user

F: usager de convivialité

S: usuario social

R: upotreblyayushchij narkotiki v kompanii (priyatelej)

E: soft drugs

F: drogues douces; drogues légères; drogues mineures

S: drogas "blandas"; drogas "suaves"

R: slabye narkotiki

L: [usage is confused: can refer to non-addictive or non-narcotic drugs

such as marijuana and mescaline; amphetamines are sometimes classified

as soft, sometimes as hard drugs]
E: solubility test

F: test de solubilité

S: ensayo de solubilidad

R: proba na rastvorimostj

E: solvent

F: solvant

S: solvente

R: rastvoritelj

L: [liquid substance that dissolves another generally solid substance

without any change in chemical composition; organic solvents tend to be

volatile and therefore lend themselves to inhalation abuse]
E: source nation

F: pays d'origine

S: país de origen

R: gosudarstvo-postavshchik

E: South American Agreement on Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic

Substances; ASEP

F: Accord sud-américain relatif aux stupéfiants et aux substances

psychotropes; ASEP

S: Acuerdo Sudamericano sobre Estupefacientes y Psicotrópicos; ASEP

R: YUzhnoamerikanskoe soglashenie po narkoticheskim sredstvam i

psixotropnym veshchestvam

L: [UNTS vol.1039, I-15596]

E: special stock

F: stock spécial

S: existencia especial

R: specialjnye zapasy

E: specific chemical; essential chemical

F: 1. produit chimique spécifique * ; 2. produit chimique essentiel *

S: productos químicos específicos

R: specialjnyj ximicheskij produkt; osnovnoj ximicheskij produkt

L: [chemical substance required as a raw material, precursor, reagent

or solvent in a particular chemical procedure, e.g. the illegal

processing or manufacture of controlled substances; "specific" is used

here in the scientific sense of "characteristic of" and "exclusive to"

(a substance, a process); in UN documents, "essential chemical",

although less frequent, is used interchangeably with "specific


L: [ * 1. générique (tout élément entrant nécessairement dans la

fabrication d'une drogue donnée et la caractérisant); 2. ne doit pas

s'employer pour désigner les solvants ou réactifs (qui ne sont pas des

substances constitutives des essences et des principes actifs des


E: spectrophotometry

F: spectrophotométrie

S: espectrofotometría

R: spektrofotometriya

L: [lab technique used to detect and measure opiate substances and

their diluents]

E: "speed"

F: amphétamines; "speed"

S: anfetaminas; "speed"

R: (zharg.) amfetaminy

L: [slang for amphetamines and other stimulants]

L: ["to be on speed" = "se défoncer"]

E: "speedball"

F: "speedball"; mélange amphétamines-barbituriques *; mélange cocaine-

héroïne *;

S: "speedball"

R: smesj kokaina s geroinom (v kotoroj geroin ispoljzuetsya dlya

oslableniya vozbuzhdayushchego dejstviya kokaina); smesj amfetaminov s

barbituratami (v kotoroj barbituraty ispoljzuyutsya dlya analogichnyx


L: [mixture where heroin is used to compensate for the over-stimulating

effects of cocaine or where barbiturates are used to compensate that of


L: [* proposition]

E: spiked letter

F: lettre contenant de la drogue

S: carta que contiene drogas

R: pisjmo, v kotoroe vlozhen narkotik

L: [mail fraud; originally "spiked" is used to refer to drinks in which

drugs have been added]

E: spillover; spillover effect

F: retombée locale; effet résiduel

S: consecuencia indirecta; efecto residual

R: uvelichenie potrebleniya (na mestnom urovne kak kosvennoe sledstvie

tranzitnoj torgovli narkotikami)

L: [increased local drug use as a side effect of transit traffic]

E: spliff

F: cigarette de marijuana

S: cigarro de marihuana

R: <">splif<"> (sigara s marixuanoj)

L: [10 cm. cigar of ganja and tobacco in Jamaica]
E: spotting plate

F: plaquette … touches


R: plastinka dlya naneseniya prob

L: [plate with one or more depressions to hold samples and reagents for

colorimetric tests]

E: spottings

F: touches


R: nanesenie prob (na plastinku)

L: [applications of sample on plate for analysis in thin layer


E: standard solution

F: solution normalisée *

S: solución normalizada

R: standartnyj rastvor; titrovannyj rastvor

L: [solution of a standard or accurately known strength that is used as

a reagent in a chemical analysis]

L: [* l'expression "solution témoin", relevée dans de nombreux

documents de l'ONU n'a pas été trouvée dans d'autres sources; il

pourrait s'agir d'un faux sens]
E: Standing Committe on Estimates

F: Comité permanent des évaluations

S: Comité permanente de Previsiones

R: Postoyannyj komitet po ocenkam

E: stasher

F: "planqueur" *; "carreur" *

S: "depositario"

R: chlen gruppy sbytchikov, kotoryj derzhit pri sebe dnevnoj zapas


L: [part of a dealer's team on the street; in charge of keeping the

day's supply of drugs, so that the "pitcher", who is more visible and

exposed, does not, if caught, get charged with possesion; often a woman

with a baby carriage]]

L: [* proposition; le terme "carreur" ou "homme de carre", est attesté]

E: Statistics on Narcotic Drugs for 19..

F: Statistiques des stupéfiants pour 19..

S: Estadisticas de estupefacientes para 19..

R: Statisticheskie dannye o narkoticheskix sredstvaj za 19.. god

E: Statistics on Psychotropic Substances for 19..

F: Statistiques des substances psychotropes pour 19..

S: Estadisticas de sustancias sicotrópicas para 1984..

R: Statisticheskie dannye o psixotropnyx veshchestvax za 19.. god

E: steel vat

F: cuve en acier

S: cuba de acero

R: staljnaya kyuveta

L: [used for conversion of cocaine in the most modern labs]
E: steerer

F: aiguilleur *

S: "controlador"

R: chlen gruppy ulichnyx torgovcev narkotikami, podyskivayushchij

potencialjnyx pokupatelej i vyyasnyayushchij, ne yavlyayutsya li oni

tajnymi agentami policii

L: [part of a dealer's team on the street; in charge of frisking would-

be customers and questioning them closely to make sure they are not

undercover police, before pointing out the "pitcher" (dealer)]

L: [* proposition]

E: stereochemsitry

F: stéréochimie

S: estereoquímica

R: stereoximiya

E: stimulant; "upper"

F: excitant; stimulant

S: estimulante

R: stimulyator

L: [any substance that acts on the nervous system to reduce fatigue,

the need for sleep and, in some cases, the appetite; includes coffee,

tea, cola, maté, camphor, khat, tabacco, betel nut (Lewin's


E: sting operation

F: achat par un agent d'infiltration *; souricière *


R: operaciya po inscenirovaniyu kupli cherez tajnyx agentov policii,

vystupayushchix v roli klientov (provoditsya s celjyu poimki torgovcev


L: [operation against dealers in which undercover policemen pose as

clients; see also "reverse sting operation"]]

L: [* la GRC désigne ainsi une opération d'infiltration o— les

policiers se posent en clients désireux d'acheter de la marchandise;

dans la mesure o— cette opération vise plutôt les petits trafiquants

("petit gibier"), on peut parler de "souricière"]

E: stocks

F: stocks

S: existencias

R: zapasy


L: [see: Serenity, Tranquillity and Peace]

E: stramonium

F: 1. stramonium *; 2. stramoine *

S: estramonio

R: stramonij; durman

L: [an alkaloid mix (found in jimson weed) consisting of the alkaloids

atropine and hyoscyamine]

L: [ * 1. alcaloïde; 2. plante]
E: street drug

F: drogue du trottoir

S: droga de la calle

R: <">ulichnyj<"> narkotik (t.e. neochishchennyj ili soderzhashchij


L: [drugs as they are sold on the street, i.e. often impure or

adulterated in composition]
E: street level

F: 1. … la sauvette *; au détail; 2. du trottoir *; 3. dans la rue *

S: de venta en la calle; de venta callejera; (disponible) en la calle

R: <">ulichnyj<"> urovenj (cen, predlozheniya, kachestva)

L: [i.e. prices, availability, quality; also: street marijuana, i.e.

the marijuana for sale on the street]]

L: [* Note:1. prix du produit - ; 2. qualité des drogues - ; 3.

disponible -]

E: street runner; runner

F: messager; livreur; courrier

S: mensajero; correo

R: chlen gruppy ulichnyx torgovcev narkotikami, obespechivayushchij


L: [part of a dealer's team; in charge of making deliveries]

E: Sub-Commission on Illicit Drug Traffic and Related Matters in the

Near and Middle East

F: Sous-Commission du trafic illicite des drogues et des problèmes

apparentés pour le Proche et le Moyen-Orient

S: Subcomisión sobre Tr fico Ilícito de Drogas y Asuntos Conexos en el

Cercano Oriente y el Oriente Medio

R: Podkomissiya po nezakonnomu oborotu narkotikov na Blizhnem i Srednem

Vostoke i smezhnym voprosam

E: substance abuse

F: abus des substances psychoactives; abus des drogues; "défonce"

S: uso indebido de estupefacientes; uso indebido de drogas

R: zloupotreblenie psixotropnymi veshchestvami

L: [the use of a psychoactive substance in a manner detrimental to the

individual or society but not meeting the criteria for substance or

drug dependence]
E: substitution

L: [see: crop substitution; methadone substitution therapy]

E: substitution drug; substitute drug

F: médicament de sevrage

S: droga de sustitución

R: lekarstvennoe sredstvo-zamestitelj (prednaznachennoe dlya

zamestiteljnoj terapii)

L: [e.g. methadone]

E: sulfuric acid test

F: test … l'acide sulfurique

S: ensayo del  cido sulfúrico

R: proba sernoj kislotoj

L: [used to detect amphetamines/methamphetamines and methadone]
E: supply

F: offre

S: oferta; suministro

R: predlozhenie

E: synchronous excitation spectrofluorimetry

F: spectrofluorimétrie d'excitation synchrone

S: espectrofluorimetría de excitación sincrónica

R: spektrofluorometriya s sinxronnym vozbuzhdeniem

L: [drug identification technique that uses the characteristic

fluorescence of a substance and the fact that intensity of the

fluorescence emitted at a given wavelength is an almost linear function

of the concentration]

E: synthetics

F: substances synthétiques

S: sustancias sintéticas

R: sinteticheskie veshchestva

E: syringe

F: seringue

S: jeringa; jeringuilla

R: shpric

E: tablets

F: comprimés

S: tabletas

R: tabletki

E: tax heaven

F: paradis fiscal

S: paraíso fiscal

R: <">nalogovyj raj<">

E: tetrahydrocannabinol; THC

F: tétrahydrocannabinol; THC

S: tetrahidrocanabinol

R: tetragidrokannabinol

L: [active principle of Cannabis sativa with psychoactive proprerties]
E: "Thai" heroin

F: héroïne "thaïlandaise"

S: heroína "tailandesa"

R: <">tailandskij<"> geroin; belyj geroin

L: [white heroin]
E: Thai sticks

F: bƒtonnets thaïlandais *

S: bastoncillos tailandeses

R: <">tailandskie palochki<"> (kannabis s vysokim soderzhaniem


L: [cannabis with high content of tetrahydrocannabinol]

L: [*traduction]

L: [see: tetrahydrocannabinol]

E: thebaine

F: thébaïne; paramorphine

S: tebaína

R: tebain

L: [highly toxic alkaloid extracted from opium with narcotic and

convulsive action]

E: thebaine base

F: thébaïne base

S: tebaína base

R: tebainovaya osnova; tebain-osnovanie

E: therapeutic community

F: communauté thérapeutique

S: comunidad terapéutica

R: ozdoroviteljnaya sreda; terapevticheskaya obshchina (dlya socialjnoj

reintegracii byvshix narkomanov)

L: [graded resocialisation communities for addicts that encourage a

drug-free life-style, the elimination of socially destructive behaviour

and the acquisition of positive attitudes, responsibility,

trustworthiness and spiritual values.]
E: therapeutic dose

F: dose thérapeutique

S: dosis terapéutica

R: lechebnaya doza

E: thin layer chromatography; TLC

F: chromatographie sur couche(s) mince(s); chromatographie en couche


S: cromatografía de capa delgada; CCD

R: tonkoslojnaya xromatografiya

L: [chromatography carried out in a thin layer of adsorbent spread on

a support]
E: third party transfer

F: transmission … des tiers

S: transferecia a terceros

R: peredacha (doxodov ot nezakonnogo oborota) tretjej storone

L: [of proceeds of illicit trafficking]

L: [see: thin layer chromatography]


L: [see: trimethoxyamphetamine]

E: tolerance

F: tolérance

S: tolerancia

R: tolerantnostj; vynoslivostj

L: [the cumulative resistance to the pharmacological effects of a drug,

gradually increased as use continues and the system adapts to it]

E: tracing

F: recherche; dépistage; détection

S: localización; investigación

R: proslezhivanie; vyyavlenie

L: [of proceeds of illicit trafficking, i.e. determining the true

nature, source, disposition, movement or ownership of proceeds

connected with any offences referred to in article 36 of the Single

Convention 1961 or article 22 of the Convention of psychotropic

E: traditional supplier

F: fournisseur traditionel

S: proveedor tradicional

R: tradicionnyj postavshchik

E: trafficker

F: trafiquant

S: traficante

R: torgovec (narkotikami); sbytchik (narkotikov)

E: trafficking

F: trafic

S: tr fico

R: (nezakonnyj) oborot; nezakonnaya torgowlya

E: trafficking ring

F: réseau de trafiquants

S: red de traficantes

R: setj nezakonnogo oborota

E: trafficking routes

F: circuits de contrebande; filières du trafic

S: rutas del tr fico; rutas del contrabando

R: kontrabandnye puti; marshruty/puti/kanaly nezakonnogo oborota

E: Training Course on Substance Abuse

F: Cours de formation sur l'abus des drogues

S: Curso de capacitación sobre el uso indebido de drogas

R: uchebnye kursy po voprosam zloupotrebleniya psijotropnymi

E: tranquillizer

F: tranquillisant

S: tranquilizante

R: trankvilizator; antifobicheskoe sedativnoe (uspokaivayushchee)


L: [strictly speaking, refers to anxiolytic sedatives which have no

hypnotic, antipsychotic or antidepressant action]
E: transit country

F: pays de transit; plaque tournante

S: país de tr nsito

R: strana tranzita

E: transit State

F: Etat de transit

S: Estado de tr nsito

R: gosudarstvo tranzita

L: [under art 1 of 1988 Convention, a State through which illicit

narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances, etc. are being moved and which

is neither the place of origin nor the place of ultimate destination]
E: transit trafficking

F: trafic de transit

S: tr fico de tr nsito

R: tranzitnyj oborot

E: trans-shipment point

F: point de transbordement

S: punto de transbordo

R: perevalochnyj punkt

E: Travelling Seminar on Guidelines for Improving the Prescription,

Delivery and Utilization of Psychoactive Drugs

F: Cycle d'études itinérant sur les directives … suivre pour améliorer

la prescription, la délivrance et l'utilisation des drogues


S: Viaje de estudio sobre directrices para mejorar la prescripción,

entrega y utilización de drogas sicoactivas

R: mobiljnyj seminar po vyrabotke rukovodyashchix principov

usovershenstvovaniya procedur medicinskogo naznacheniya, otpuska i

upotrebleniya psixoaktivnyx sredstv

E: treatment

F: traitement

S: tratamiento

R: lechenie; terapiya

E: treatment centre

F: centre de traitement

S: centro de tratamiento

R: lechebnyj centr

E: trimethoxyamphetamine; TMA

F: triméthoxyamphétamine; TMA

S: trimetoxiamfetamina; TMA

R: trimetoksiamfetamin

L: [a ring-substituted amphetamine derivative; scheduled in 1986]
E: trip

F: voyage; "trip"

S: "viaje"

R: gallyucinirovanie pod vliyaniem narkotika; (zharg.) <">taska<">

L: [hallucinogenic experience, usually involves heightened

concentration and perceptiveness and a temporary loss of attention or

concern with other things]
E: trujillo coca

F: coca de Trujillo

S: coca de Trujillo

R: koka <">truxiljo<"> (vid rasteniya koka, vyrashchivaemyj v Kolumbii)

L: [variety of Erythroxylum novogranatense]
E: Trust Fund for the International Conference on Drug Abuse and

Illicit Trafficking

F: Fonds d'affectation spéciale pour la Conférence internationale sur

l'abus et le trafic illicite des drogues

S: Fondo Fiduciario para la Conferencia Internacional sobre el Uso

indebido y el Tr fico Ilícito de Droguas

R: Celevoj fond dlya Mezhdunarodnoj konferencii po borjbe so

zloupotrebleniem narkoticheskimi sredstvami i ix nezakonnym oborotom

L: [UN Budget 1990/91, table 20.1]
E: tryptamine

F: tryptamine

S: triptamina

R: triptamin

L: [nonhallucinogenic chemical from which DMT, bufotenin and psilocybin

can be derived]

E: ultraviolet spectrophotometry

F: spectrophotométrie dans l'ultraviolet

S: espectrofotometría ultravioleta

R: uljtrafioletovaya spektrofotometriya

L: [drug identification technique relying on ultraviolet absorption

spectra but not specific enough to identify single drugs conclusively]

E: undercover agent

F: agent infiltré *; agent d'infiltration *

S: agente secreto; agente infiltrado

R: tajnyj agent

L: [see also "informer"]

L: [* agent de police en civil participant … des opérations spéciales

(lutte anti-drogues, anti-espionnage)]
E: undercover techniques

F: techniques d'infiltration; techniques policières secrètes

S: técnicas de infiltración

R: metody tajnoj agentury

L: [law enforcement officers pose as drug buyers, dealers, smugglers,

etc. in order to investigate and ultimately stop drug trafficking]


L: [see: United Nations Fund for Drug Abuse Control]

E: United Nations Conference for the Adoption of a Convention against

Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances

F: Conférence des Nations Unies pour l'adoption d'une convention contre

le trafic illicite des stupéfiants et des substances psychotropes

S: Conferencia de las Naciones Unidas para la aprobación de una

convención contra el tr fico ilícito de estupefacientes y sustancias

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