E: 1961 Convention L: [see: Single Convention on narcotic drugs]

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dose of a drug or by the need to increase the dose in order to obtain

the same pharmacodynamic effect]
E: drug trafficker

F: trafiquant de drogues

S: traficante de drogas

R: sbytchik narkotikov

E: drug trafficking

F: trafic des drogues

S: tr fico de drogas

R: (nezakonnyj) oborot narkotikov

E: drug transactions

F: transactions relatives aux drogues

S: transacciones relacionadas con las drogas; transacciones

relacionadas con los estupefacientes

R: operacii s narkotikami; sdelki, svyazannye s narkotikami
E: drug-type cannabis

F: cannabis … drogue

S: cannabis para droga

R: kannabis narkoticheskogo tipa (raznovidnostj kannabisa,

otlichayushchayasya vysokoj koncentraciej aktivnyx komponentov)

L: [species of cannabis which, as opposed to fiber-type cannabis,

contains a concentration of active principles (in particular THC) of

around 5%]

E: drug under international control

F: drogue placée sous contrôle international

S: estupefaciente sometido a fiscalización internacional

R: narkotika, naxodyashchayasya pod mezhdunarodnym kontrolem

E: drug user

F: consommateur de drogues; usager de drogues

S: usuario de drogas; consumidor de drogas

R: lico, upotreblyayushchee narkotiki; narkoman

E: dummy corporation; shell corporation; nominee corporation

F: société prête-nom; société écran

S: sociedad ficticia

R: fiktivnaya korporaciya

L: [corporation whose real owners are shielded from scrutiny and which

subject bank employees, lawyers and other professionals to criminal or

civil liability for revealing information on the true ownership of

E: Duquenois-Levine test

F: test de Duquenois-Levine

S: ensayo de Duquenois-Levine

R: proba Dyukenua-Levena

L: [colour test used as a presumptive test to determine the presence of

a cannabis product]
E: dysphoria

F: dysphorie

S: disforia

R: disforiya

L: [state manifested by considerable anxiety, smoking compulsion,

sadness, apathy, melancholy, aggressiveness, sexual indifference,

anorexia and insomnia]
E: early warning

F: alerte rapide; alerte immédiate

S: alerta; alerta r pido

R: rannee preduprezhdenie (zablagovremennoe uvedomlenie)

L: [warning to other law enforcement agencies regarding any change in

the pattern of drug use, locally or nationally, or the appearance on

the market of a new compound or fashionable drug]

L: [see: Expert Committee on Drug Dependence]

E: "ecstacy"

F: pilule d'amour

S: "éxtasis"


L: [see also: methylenedioxymethamphetamine]
E: Ehrlich test

F: test d'Erhlich

S: ensayo de Ehrlich

R: proba EHrlixa (na obnaruzhenie LSD)

L: [colour test used as a presumptive test to determine the presence of

lysergide (LSD)]

E: electron capture detector

F: détecteur … capture d'électrons

S: detector por captura de electrones

R: ehlektronozaxvatnyj detektor

L: [uses low-energy electrons to ionize the carrier gas in an

ionization chamber at a potential just strong enough for the collection

of all the free electrons produced; used in drug detection and


E: eluent

F: éluant

S: eluyente

R: rastvoritelj dlya ehlyuirovaniya; ehlyuent

L: [the solvent used in elution]
E: elution

F: élution

S: elución

R: ehlyuirovanie; izvlechenie iz adsorbenta; proyavlenie


L: [the operation consisting in removing the adsorbed material from the

adsorbent by means of a solvent]
E: elution profile

F: profil d'élution

S: perfil de elución

R: profilj ehlyuirovaniya (graficheskoe predstavlenie rezuljtatov

proyavleniya xromatogrammy)

L: [graphic representation of elution]

E: enabling behaviour

F: comportement habilitant *; comportement incitatif *; comportement

légitimant *;

S: comportamiento facilitante; comportamiento habilitante

R: popustiteljstvo; snisxoditeljnoe otnoshenie

L: [any action by another person or institution that intentionally or

unintentionally has the effect of facilitating the continuation of

abuse or dependence]

L: [* propositions; "habilitant" a originellement (comme "enabling" en

anglais) un sens juridique (rendre capable d'accomplir certains actes;

autoriser); "incitatif" (ou incitateur), dérivé d'incitation, qui

s'emploie volontiers en psychologie sociale, implique une volonté

délibérée d'inciter, ce qui n'est pas nécessairement vrai pour

"enabling"; dans le cas de "légitimant" (permettant au toxicomane de

justifier sa conduite … ses propres yeux et … ceux des autres), la

justification est strictement subjective et ce terme est donc d'un

usage plus délicat; le mot "renfor‡ateur" (énoncé, geste, etc. con‡u

pour renforcer une réaction lors d'un conditionnement psychologique)

est … exclure car il évoque un effort conscient de rééducation

(connotations positives)]

E: enantiomer

F: énantiomère

S: enantiómero

R: zerkaljnyj izomer; ehnantiomer

L: [Note: often in reference to cocaine; configuration isomer showing

mirror symmetry with its homolog]

E: enforcement

L: [see: law enforcement]

E: enforcement agency

L: [see: law enforcement agency]

E: epadu

F: épadu

S: epadú

R: ehpadyu

L: [variety of coca plant in Amazonas, Brazil; sometimes spelled ipadu]
E: ephedrine

F: éphédrine

S: efedrina

R: ehfedrin

L: [Note: alkaloid found in the green flower-bearing branches of bushes

of the Ephedra genus, used as a neuro-stimulant resembling adrelaine in

its action but less intense and longer lasting]
E: epidemiological survey

F: enquête épidémiologique

S: investigación epidemiológica

R: ehpidemiologicheskoe obsledovanie

E: eradication

F: éradication; destruction

S: erradicación

R: unichtozhenie; likvidaciya (plantacij, posadok)

L: [crop destruction]
E: ergometrine; ergonovine; ergotocine

F: ergométrine

S: ergometrina

R: ehrgometrin

L: [Note: alkaloid obtained from ergot; used by clandestine

laboratories as a precursor for LSD]

E: ergonovine

L: [see: ergometrine]

E: ergot

F: ergot de seigle

S: cornezuelo

R: sporynjya

L: [Claviceps purpurea, microscopic fungus growing as a parasite on

rye, and containing alkaloids]

E: ergot alkaloid

F: alkaloïde de l'ergot de seigle

S: alcaloide de cornezuelo

R: alkaloid, izvlekaemyj iz sporynji

L: [ergotamine and ergometrine are the two main ergot alkaloids]
E: ergotamine

F: ergotamine

S: ergotamina

R: ehrgotamin

L: [ergot alkaloid used in the production of lysergic acid]
E: ergotamine tartrate

F: tartrate d'ergotamine

S: tartrato de ergotamina

R: tartrat ehrgotamina

L: [used as a starting material by clandestine labs to produce lysergic

E: ergotocine

L: [see: ergometrine]
E: Erythroxylum coca

F: Erythroxylum coca

S: Erythroxylum coca


L: [species of coca native to the Eastern Andes]
E: Erythroxylum novogranatense

F: Erythroxylum novogranatense

S: Erythroxylum novogranatense


L: [species of coca growing in Columbia and at one time cultivated in

E: escalation

L: [see: graduation]
E: essential chemical

L: [see: specific chemical]

E: essential drugs

F: drogues essentielles

S: estupefacientes esenciales

R: osnovnye lekarstvennye (vklyuchaya narkoticheskie) sredstva

L: [includes essential narcotic drugs and essential psychotropic

substances needed for legitimate drug therapy and medical treatment]

E: estimate

F: évaluation

S: evaluación

R: ocenka; (predvariteljnyj) raschet

L: [estimated requirements for narcotic drugs submitted annually to

E: estimated requirements

F: besoins estimatifs

S: evaluación de necesidades

R: raschetnye/smetnye potrebnosti

L: [for narcotic drugs for licit uses]

E: Estimated World Requirements of Narcotic Drugs in 19..

F: Evaluations des besoins du monde en stupéfiants pour 19..

S: Previsiones de las necesidades mundiales de estupefacientes para


R: Ischisleniya mirovyx potrebnostej v narkoticheskix sredstvax na 19..

E: ether

F: éther

S: éter

R: ehfir

L: [Note: (i) inhaled anesthetic used in general anesthesia; (ii)

colourless liquid used as a solvent]
E: ethyl ether

F: éther éthylique

S: éter etílico

R: ehtilovyj ehfir

E: ethylmorphine

F: éthylmorphine

S: etilmorfina

R: ehtilmorfin

L: [variante: codéthyline; dérivé de la morphine et analogue … la

E: etiology

L: [see: aetiology]
E: euphoria

F: euphorie

S: euforia

R: ehjforiya

L: [Note: unmotivated intense sensation of well-being, inner joy and

physical levity accompanying some psychic states and drug reactions]

E: euphoria-inducing drug

F: euphorisant

S: droga euforizante

R: narkotik, vyzyvayushchij ehjforiyu; psixodislepticheskoe sredstvo

L: [Lewin's Euphorica: opium and derivatives, coca and derivatives; in

modern classification, roughly corresponds to "psychodysleptic drug"]

E: Evaluation of Methods and Data Related to Public Health and Social

Problems Associated with the Use of Psycho-active Drugs

F: Evaluation de méthodes et de données concernant la santé publique et

les problèmes sociaux liés … l'utilisation des drogues psychoactives

S: Evaluación de métodos y datos de salud pública y problemas sociales

relacionados con el uso de drogas sicotrópicas

R: Ocenka metodov i dannyx v oblasti zdravooxraneniya i socialjnyx

problem, svyazannyx s primeneniem psixotropnyx sredstv

L: [WHO]
E: excesses in exports

F: excédents des exportations

S: exceso de exportaciones

R: chrezmernyj ob"em vyvoza; prevyshenie ob"ema ehksporta (nad

E: excesses in imports

F: excédents des importations

S: exceso de importaciones

R: chrezmernyj ob"em vvoza; prevyshenie ob"ema importa (nad ehksportom)

E: excise cake

F: pain de régie

S: pan reglamentario

R: licenzirovannyj briket opiya

L: [of opium]
E: excise opium

F: opium réglementaire

S: opio reglamentario

R: licenzirovannyj ob"em opiya; licenzirovannoe kolichestvo opiya (dlya

vvoza, vyvoza ili tranzita)
E: experimental use

F: usage experimental

S: uso experimental

R: upotreblenie (lekarstvennogo sredstva) v ramkax ehksperimenta / v

ehksperimentaljnom poryadke

L: [Note: drug consumption that is either part of a test or sporadic

and leads to no dependence]
E: Expert Committee on addiction producing drugs

F: Comité d'experts des drogues engendrant la toxicomanie

S: Comité de Expertos en Drogas que generan Adicción

R: Komitet ehkspertov po narkoticheskim sredstvam, vyzyvayushchim


L: [WHO]
E: Expert Committee on Drug Dependence; ECDD

F: Comité d'experts de la pharmacodépendance

S: Comité de Expertos en Farmacodependencia

R: Komitet ehkspertov po lekarstvennoj zavisimosti

L: [WHO]
E: Expert Group Meeting on the Forfeiture of the Profits and Proceeds

of Drug Crimes

F: Réunion du Groupe d'experts sur la confiscation des profits et du

produit des délits relatifs … la drogue

S: Reunión del Grupo de Expertos sobre el decomiso de ganancias y

bienes adquiridos merced a actos delictivos relacionados con las drogas

R: Soveshchanie gruppy ehkspertov po voprosam konfiskacii doxodov i

pribylej ot prestupnoj deyateljnosti, svyazannoj s narkotikami
E: Expert Group Meeting on the Reduction of Excessive Stocks of Licit

Opiate Raw Materials

F: Réunion d'experts sur la réduction des stocks excessifs de matières

premières opiacées licites

S: Reunión del Grupo de Expertos sobre existencias excesivas de

materias primas lícitas de opi ceos

R: Soveshchanie gruppy ehkspertov po sokrashcheniyu izlishnix zapasov

syrjya dlya zakonnogo proizvodstva opiatov

E: export authorization

F: autorisation d'exportation

S: autorización de exportación

R: razreshenie na ehksport

E: exporting country

F: pays exportateur

S: país exportador

R: strana-ehksporter

E: extraction

F: extraction

S: extracción

R: izvlechenie; ehkstragirovanie; ehkstrakciya

E: extradition

F: extradition

S: extradición

R: vydacha; ehkstradiciya

E: false negative

F: résultat faussement négatif; faux négatif

S: resultado negativo falso

R: lozhnootricateljnyj (rezuljtat diagnosticheskogo issledovaniya ili

proby na obnaruzhenie)

L: [diagnostic finding; identification test]

E: false positive

F: résultat faussement positif

S: resultado positivo falso

R: lozhnopolozhiteljnyj (rezuljtat)

L: [disgnostic finding; identification test]
E: false sides; false bottom

F: double paroi; double poche; double fond

S: doble fondo

R: dvojnye stenki; dvojnoe dno

L: [Note: hiding-places for illegal drugs (in suitcases, cars, etc.)]
E: fast blue B salt test

F: test au sel bleu solide B

S: ensayo r pido del sulfuro de níquel sólido B

R: cvetovaya proba s ispoljzovaniem kristallicheskogo sernokislogo


L: [colour test used as a presumptive test to determine the presence of

cannabis product]
E: fatal overdose

L: [see: death from overdose]

E: fenethylline

F: fénéthylline

S: fenetilina

R: fenetilin

L: [psychostimulant comparable in its effect to amphetamines]
E: fentanyl

F: fentanyl

S: fentanil

R: fentanil

L: [Note: powerful synthetic narcotic analgesic]
E: ferric sulfate test

F: test au sulfate ferrique

S: ensayo del sulfato férrico

R: proba sernokislym zhelezom (na obnaruzhenie opiya, morfina, geroina)

L: [used to detect opium, morphin, heroin]
E: fibre-type cannabis

F: cannabis … fibre

S: cannabis para fibra

R: kannabis voloknistogo tipa

L: [species of cannabis which, as opposed to drug-type cannabis,

contains a concentration of active principles (in particular THC) under


L: [see: flame ionization detector]

E: Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering; FATF

F: Groupe d'action financière international sur le blanchiment de

capitaux; GAFI

S: Grupo Especial de Expertos Financieros sobre blanqueo de capitales

R: Celevaya finansovaya gruppa po voprosam <">otmyvaniya<"> deneg

L: [USA, Japan, FRG, France, UK, Italy, Canada, EEC, Australia,

Austria, Belgium, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Sweden and Switzerland;

works to harmonize and close loopholes in banking and penal laws which

have a bearing on the laundering of drug profits and of other illegal


E: Fischer-Morris test

F: test de Fischer-Morris

S: ensayo de Fischer-Morris

R: proba Uishera-Morrisa

L: [colour test used as a presumptive test to determine the presence of


E: fix

F: injection; dose; "fixe"; "fix" *

S: inyección; dosis

R: in"ekciya; doza

L: [injection of a dose of a narcotic drug]

L: [*on dit "prendre un fix"]

E: fix [v.]

F: s'injecter *; "se fixer"; "se shooter"

S: inyectarse

R: in"ecirovatj; vpryskivatj

L: [*de la drogue]
E: flame ionization detector; FID

F: détecteur … ionisation de flamme; DIF

S: detector por ionización de llama

R: plamenno-ionizacionnyj detektor

L: [the most widely used of gas chromatography detectors (...) it is

based upon the increased current obtained as a result of burning the

column effluent gas with hydrogen and air at a small jet with an

applied potential between this and the collector electrode. The burning

of solutes in the flame leads to improved conductivity through the ion

created and the resulting increased current is used to actuate a chart

E: flash

F: boum; "flash"


R: vozbuzhdennoe sostoyanie; narkoticheskaya ehjforiya

(pervonachaljnaya burnaya reakciya na in"ecirovannyj narkotik)

L: [intense initial reaction to injected drugs]

E: flip-out [v.]; freak-out [v.]

F: paniquer; faire un mauvais voyage; divaguer; "perdre les pédales";



R: (zharg.) obaldetj; oduretj; spyatitj

L: [have a "bad trip"; a temporary or chronic psychotic reaction to a

E: flowering tops

F: sommité florifère; sommité fleurie

S: cúspide florescente

R: cvetushchie verxushki (kannabisa)

L: [portion of cannabis plant; also known as flower tops]
E: flunitrazepam

F: flunitrazépam

S: flunitrazepam

R: flunitrazepam

L: [Note: hypnotic derived from benzodiazepines]
E: fluorescence spectrometry; fluorometry

F: fluorimétrie

S: fluorimetría

R: fluorometriya

L: [Note: lab technique used to detect and measure opiate substances

and their diluents]

E: fly agaric

F: amanite tue-mouche; amanite muscarine

S: amanita

R: muxomor

L: [Amanita muscaria]
E: follow-up

F: suivi thérapeutique

S: seguimiento

R: posleduyushchee vrachebnoe nablyudenie

E: forensic analyst

F: analyste médico-légal

S: analista forense

R: sudebno-medicinskij ehkspert

E: forensic chemist

F: chimiste juriste; chimiste médico-légal

S: químico forense

R: sudebnyj ehkspert-ximik

E: forensic laboratory

F: laboratoire médico-légal

S: laboratorio forense

R: sudebno-medicinskaya laboratoriya

E: forensic science; forensic medecine

F: médecine légale

S: medicina legal; medicina forense

R: sudebnaya medicina

E: forfeiture

F: confiscation

S: decomiso

R: 1. lishenie (doxodov, imushchestva); 2. konfiskaciya

L: [something to which the right is lost by the commission of a crime

or fault or the losing of something by way of penalty; forfeiture of

proceeds means an order by a court of criminal or civil jurisdiction or

other competent authority for deprivation of proceeds derived from drug

E: form P

F: formulaire P

S: formulario P

R: blank P

E: foster family

F: famille d'accueil

S: familia de guarda

R: semjya, okazyvayushchaya pomoshchj byvshim narkomanam (vzyavshaya ix

pod svoyu opeku)

L: [provide help to ex-addicts who are unable to cope without support

or assistance]
E: freak out [v.]

L: [see: flip out [v.]]

E: free needles

L: [see: distribution of free needles ]

E: free port

F: port franc

S: puerto franco

R: svobodnaya gavanj; porto-franko

E: free zone

F: zone franche

S: zona franca

R: zona svobodnoj (besposhlinnoj) torgovli

E: freebase

F: cocaine épurée; base libre

S: cocaína base

R: ochishchennyj kokain; kokain-osnovanie

L: [smokable pure extract of cocaine]
E: freebase [v.]

F: inhaler de la cocaïne base

S: inhalar los vapores de cocaína

R: vdyxatj pary (chistogo) kokaina

L: [heat up alkaloidal cocaine or cocaine base and inhale the vapours,

its most potent essence]

E: freezing

F: gel; saisie; blocage

S: embargo preventivo; congelación

R: zamorazhivanie

L: [of assets, of proceeds; under art. 1 of the 1988 Convention,

"freezing" or "seizure" means temporarily prohibiting the transfer,

conversion, disposition or movement of property or temporarily assuming

custody or control of property on the basis of an order issued by a

court or a competent authority]
E: Frohde test

F: test de Frohde

S: ensayo de Frohde

R: proba Urode

L: [colour test used as a presumptive test to identify the presence of

E: fruiting top

F: sommité fructifère

S: cúspide frutal

R: sozrevshie verxushki (kannabisa)

L: [of cannabis plants]

E: fumes of heroin

F: fumée d'héroïne

S: vapores de heroína

R: pary geroina

E: ganja

F: ganja

S: ganja

R: <">gandzha<">

L: [Hindi word designating the flowering tops, twigs, leaves and stems

of the female hemp plant, Cannabis sativa; can be smoked or consumed in

teas and concoctions]
E: garawish

F: garaouich

S: garawish

R: <">garavish<">

L: [name for cannabis resin; also spelled: garawiche, garoarsch]
E: gas chromatography; GC

F: chromatographie en phase gazeuse

S: cromatografía gaseosa

R: gazovaya xromatografiya

L: [lab technique used to detect and measure opiate substances and

their diluents; in gas chromatography both the sample and the fixed

adsorbent phase are gaseous]
E: gas liquid chromatography; GLC

F: chromatographie gaz-liquide

S: cromatografía gaseosa y líquida

L: [chromatographic technique in which the fixed adsorbent phase is in

the liquid phase; used to identify drugs such as cocaine and heroin]
E: gateway drugs

F: drogues d'initiation

S: drogas de iniciación

R: otnositeljno slabye narkotiki, upotreblyaemye narkomanami-novichkami

L: [drugs, usually not very potent or addictive (such as cannabis),

that introduce the beginner to drug taking]

E: Global programme of action against illicit narcotic drugs

F: Programme d'action mondial contre les stupéfiants illicites

S: Programa mundial de acción contra los estupefacentes ilicitos

R: Vsemirnaya programma dejstvij po borjbe s nezakonnymi

narkoticheskimi sredstvami

L: [A/RES/44/141]

E: Global Programme of action on International cooperation against

illicit production, supply, demand, trafficking and distribution of

narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances

F: Programme d'action mondial sur la coopération internationale contre

la production, l'offre, la demande, le trafic et la distribution

illicites de stupéfiants et de substances psychotropes

S: Programa Mundial de Acción sobre la cooperación internacional contra

la producción, la oferta, la demanda, el tr fico y la distribución

ilícitos de estupefacientes y sustancias sicotrópicas

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