Introduction to Warpspawn Games

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During Maintenance phase each player may pick one or more cities that they have landing rights at.

These cities generate no income this turn.


Insert this optional phase in between the Flying and Revenue Phases.

Players secretly write down how much money they are spending on

advertising for each of the cities they have landing rights at.

If you spent more than an opponent you get to take 10% of his revenue from that city.

If you spent twice as much as an opponent you get to take 1D10 X 10% of his revenue from that city.

Unlike lost bids, all money spent on advertising is gone.


4 players (A,B,C,D) have rights at the same city.

Player A spends $0 on advertising and promotions.

B spends $3. C spends $5. D spends $10.

B rolls 1D10 X 10 and gets 50. B gets 50% of A's revenue.

C gets 10% of B's income and 1D10 X 10% of A's remaining income.

D gets 1D10 X 10% of the remaining profits of A, B, and C.


For a quicker game remove 10-40 nonevent cards from the deck.

Or, remove all the Boeing 757s, McDonnell Douglas MD-80s, Atlanta rights and

Washington DC rights.



Takes place sometime after the disappearance of King Oberon.

The Nine Princes fight to control Amber.

Card game for 2-5 players.


Control Amber and kill or capture all Princes controlled by

Opposing players or control Amber for 5 consecutive turns.


This deck has 9 cards, one for each prince.

Prince: Hits Fight Wit Will Lead

Corwin 12 9 10 11 8

Eric 8 8 9 9 9

Benedict 9 11 7 7 11

Bleys 8 10 7 7 10

Julian 9 7 7 8 7

Gerard 10 12 6 7 7

Random 7 7 8 7 6

Caine 7 7 7 7 8

Brand 7 7 11 10 7


Each player begins with 9 influence tokens of a unique color.

Non-player Princes without a token are neutral.

Place one of your tokens on Non-player Princes you control.

Influence tokens are also used to show ownership of stacks of Armies.


Use blank tokens to represent armies.


Each player starts with 5 cards.


Each player begins with control of one Prince of Amber.

Take one random card from the prince deck.

These are known as Player Princes.

A Player may have only one Player Prince.

Each Player Prince starts in exile in Shadow.

If a Player Prince is killed, another Prince controlled by the

Player becomes his new Player Prince. If he has

None, a neutral Prince becomes his new Player Prince. If there

Are no neutral Princes left, he is out of the game.


Draw another Prince card.

This Prince currently controls Amber and is referred to as the King.

Draw 3 more Princes who have regency.

The 3 Regencies are:

1. Guardian of Arden

2. Admiral of the North Sea Fleet

3. Admiral of the South Sea Fleet

The King and regents are referred to as Lords.

All other Princes not controlled by Players start in Exile in Shadow.

Exile princes start out neutral.

You can never gain control of a Lord, but you can make regents neutral.

If Amber is attacked the Lords will defend it.


A player can gain control of Amber by conquering it or causing the current

King to be killed, captured or driven into Shadow exile.

When a player takes control of Amber his Player Prince becomes King.

Any other Princes he controls become regents.

He may offer Regent posts to other players.


Each Prince has 5 Attributes or Skills:

Toughness: Hit points

Fighting: Ability in hand-to-hand combat

Leadership: Skill in strategy and tactics

Will: Mental Strength in contests of Wills

Wit: Intelligence


Use given stats or roll 2D6 separately for each attribute.

Determine Attributes for each Prince before Play begins.


Players take turns.

Each turn has 2 phases:

Fate Phase

Action Phase


Draw 1 card from the Fate deck.

If the deck runs out, shuffle the discard and draw from it.

Max hand size = Wit Attribute of your Player Prince.

Discard excess cards.


Each Prince you control may perform one action per turn.

An action includes playing any Action, Contest, or Save card or

performing a Non-card action.


These do not require a card to do:

* Bide your time: Draw one card.

* Recuperate: Regain 1D6 lost Hit points.

* Fortune telling with Trump Deck: Look at next 5 cards in deck.

* Intrigue: Roll 1D6: on a roll of 5-6 cause a Non-Player prince to become

neutral or take control of a neutral Prince.

* Raise Army: Gain 1D6 army tokens.

* Escape Imprisonment. The only action you may attempt if you

have been captured. Roll 1D6. On a roll of 5-6 you escape.


Some cards indicate that a Contest will occur.

The opposing princes roll 2D6 and add their level in the indicated attribute.

The player with the highest score is the winner. (Reroll ties)

All cards causing a Fight contest are also attack cards.

The Loser of a Fight Contest takes 1D6 Hits of damage and the contest ends.

The Loser of Leadership Contest loses 1D6 of his Armies.

Unlike all other contests, Leadership contests are repeated until one

side has no Armies left. The side with remaining Armies controls Amber.

The loser of a Will contest suffers the fate described in the card text.

Princes (you control and freely offered by other players) may work

together and combine their attribute levels in Fighting

Saves (Fighting Attribute) and Leadership contests (Leadership Attribute).

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